H3C Access Controllers and Access Points Configuration Examples(V7)-6W101

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29-H3C Access Controllers Comware 7 MAC-based Quick Portal Authenticaiton (IPv6) Configuration Example


H3C Access Controllers

Comware 7 MAC-based Quick IPv6 Portal

Authentication Configuration Examples

































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The following information provides examples for configuring MAC-based quick portal authentication (transparent portal authentication) on an IPv4/IPv6 dual stack network.


The following information applies to Comware 7-based access controllers and access points. Procedures and information in the examples might be slightly different depending on the software or hardware version of the access controllers and access points.

The configuration examples were created and verified in a lab environment, and all the devices were started with the factory default configuration. When you are working on a live network, make sure you understand the potential impact of every command on your network.

The following information is provided based on the assumption that you have basic knowledge of AAA, portal, and WLAN.

Example: Configuring MAC-based quick IPv6 portal authentication

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 1, the AP and the client obtain IP addresses and IPv6 addresses from the DHCP server and the DHCPv6 server, respectively. The IMC server acts a portal authentication server, a portal Web server, a MAC binding server, and a RADIUS server.

Configure direct portal authentication and MAC-based quick portal authentication to meet the following requirements:

·     The client can access only the portal Web servers before passing portal authentication and can access other network resources after passing portal authentication.

·     The client can access the network without portal authentication before the network traffic reaches 1024000 bytes. Once the threshold is reached, MAC-based quick portal authentication is performed.

·     The client can access the network resources through any Layer 2 ports in its access VLAN without re-authentication.

·     The RADIUS server can dynamically change the user authorization information or forcibly disconnect users.

Figure 1 Network diagram



To implement MAC-based quick IPv6 portal authentication, assign both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to the AC, the client, and the IMC server. Make sure both IPv4 and IPv6 routes between them are reachable.

For the client to access network resources through any Layer 2 ports in its access VLAN without re-authentication, enable portal roaming.

For the RADIUS server to dynamically change the user authorization information or forcibly disconnect users, enable the RADIUS session-control feature.

To use GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 on the AP to forward client traffic, edit a .txt configuration file and upload the file to the AC.

To ensure that dynamic user authorization information can be correctly assigned to users after they come online, enable the RADIUS DAS feature.

To allow portal users to access both IPv4 and IPv6 networks after passing one type (IPv4 or IPv6) of portal authentication, enable portal to support IPv4/IPv6 dual stack.

To view the IPv6 address of the client on the AC, enable ND snooping and DHCPv6 snooping.

Configure DNS if necessary. In this example, DNS is not required.

Restrictions and guidelines

When you configure MAC-based quick IPv6 portal authentication, follow these restrictions and guidelines:

·     Use the serial ID labeled on the AP's rear panel to specify an AP.

·     Make sure the types of the portal authentication servers, portal Web servers, and MAC binding server specified on the AC are the same as those actually used.

·     By default, the URL of the portal Web server to which the AC redirects portal users does not carry any parameters. You can add parameters to be carried in the URL as needed.

·     If portal authentication is enabled on a VLAN interface, only the AC can forward client traffic. If portal authentication is enabled on a service template, both the AC and the AP can forward client traffic. (In this example, portal authentication is enabled on a service template.)

·     If you have set the free-traffic threshold, portal clients cannot automatically push portal authentication pages and portal users need to manually open a browser to open the pages. Do not set the free-traffic threshold if you want portal clients to automatically push portal authentication pages.


Configuring IMC

This example uses the IMC server to describe the RADIUS server, portal server, and MAC binding server configuration. The IMC server runs on IMC PLAT 7.1 (E0303), IMC EIA 7.1 (E0304), and IMC EIP 7.1 (E0304).

Configuring the RADIUS server

Add the AC to IMC as an IPv4 access device and an IPv6 access device:

1.     Log in to IMC and click the User tab.

2.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Access Device Management > Access Device.

3.     Click Add to open the page as shown in Figure 2.

4.     In the Access Configuration area, set the shared key to radius, which must be the same as that on the AC.

5.     In the Device List area, perform the following operations:

a.     Click Add Manually to open the Add Access Device Manually page. Enter the start IPv4 address and then click OK.

b.     Click Add IPv6 Dev to open the Add Access Device Manually page. Enter the start IPv6 address 2001::1 and then click OK.

6.     Use the default values for other parameters.

7.     Click OK.

Figure 2 Adding the AC as an IPv4 access device


Figure 3 Adding the AC as an IPv6 access device


Configuring the portal server

1.     Configure the portal authentication service:

a.     Click the User tab.

b.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Portal Service > Server to open the portal server configuration page, as shown in Figure 4.

c.     Configure the portal server parameters as needed.

This example uses the default values.

d.     Click OK.

Figure 4 Portal authentication server configuration


2.     Configure an IPv4 group and an IPv6 group:

a.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Portal Service > IP Group.

b.     Click Add.

The Add IP Group page opens.

c.     Enter an IP group name.

d.     To add an IPv4 group, select No from the IPv6 field.

e.     To add an IPv6 group, select Yes from the IPv6 field.

f.     Enter the start IP address and end IP address of the IP group.

Make sure the client IP address is in the IP group.

g.     Select a service group.

This example uses the default value Ungrouped.

h.     Select Normal from the Action field.

This step is required only when you add an IPv4 address group.

i.     Click OK.

Figure 5 Adding an IPv4 group


Figure 6 Adding an IPv6 group


3.     Add the portal device:

a.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Portal Service > Device.

b.     Click Add.

The Add Device page opens.

c.     Enter the device name.

d.     Select a portal version.

For an IPv4 portal device, select Portal 2.0. For an IPv6 portal device, select Portal 3.0.

e.     Enter the IP address of the AC's interface connected to the client.

f.     Set whether to support the portal server heartbeat and user heartbeat functions.

In this example, select No for both Support Server Heartbeat and Support User Heartbeat.

g.     Enter the key, which must be the same as that configured on the AC.

h.     Select Directly Connected for Access Method.

i.     Use the default settings for other parameters.

j.     Click OK.

Figure 7 Adding an IPv4 portal device


Figure 8 Adding an IPv6 portal device


4.     Associate a portal device with an IP group:

a.     In the device list page, click the Port Group icon  in the Operation field for a portal device to open the port group configuration page.

Figure 9 IPv4 device list


Figure 10 IPv6 device list

b.     Click Add to open the Add Port Group page.

-     Enter the port group name.

-     Select the configured IP group.

-     The IP address used by the user to access the network must be within this IP group.

-     Select Supported for Transparent Authentication.

-     Use the default settings for other parameters.

c.     Click OK.

Figure 11 Adding an IPv4 port group


Figure 12 Adding an IPv6 port group


5.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Service Parameters > Validate System Configuration to commit the configuration changes.

Configuring the MAC binding server

1.     Add an access policy:

a.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Access Policy.

b.     Click Add to open the page as shown in Figure 13.

c.     Enter the access policy name.

d.     Select a service group.

This example uses the default value Ungrouped.

e.     Use the default settings for other parameters.

f.     Click OK.

Figure 13 Adding an access policy


2.     Add an access service:

a.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Access Service.

b.     Click Add to open the page as shown in Figure 14.

c.     Enter the service name.

d.     Select a default access policy.

e.     Select the Transparent Authentication on Portal Endpoints option.

f.     Use the default settings for other parameters.

g.     Click OK.

Figure 14 Adding an access service


3.     Add an access user:

a.     From the navigation tree, select Access User > All Access Users.

b.     Click Add to open the page as shown in Figure 15.

c.     Click Select to select an existing access user or click Add User to add a new access user.

d.     Enter the account name.

e.     Set the password.

f.     Select a value from the Max. Transparent Portal Bindings list.

g.     Use the default settings for other parameters.

h.     Click OK.

Figure 15 Adding an access user


4.     Configure system parameters:

a.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Service Parameters > System Settings.

b.     Click the Configure icon 说明: 2013-07-29_144255.png for User Endpoint Settings to open the page as shown in Figure 16.

c.     Select whether to enable transparent portal authentication on non-smart devices.

In this example, select Enable for Non-Terminal Authentication.

d.     Click OK.

Figure 16 Configuring user endpoint settings


e.     Click the Configure icon 说明: 2013-07-29_144255.png for Endpoint Aging Time to open the page as shown in Figure 17.

f.     Set the endpoint aging time as needed.

This example uses the default value.

g.     Click OK.

Figure 17 Setting the endpoint aging time


5.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Service Parameters > Validate System Configuration to commit the configuration changes.

Editing a configuration file for the AP

# Create a .txt configuration file named map.txt.

# Enter the following content in the file.


vlan 200

interface gigabitethernet1/0/1

port link-type trunk

port trunk permit vlan 200

# Upload the file to the AC.

Configuring the AC

1.     Configure interfaces on the AC:

# Create VLAN 100 and VLAN-interface 100, and assign an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address to the VLAN interface. The AC will establish a CAPWAP tunnel with the AP in this VLAN.

<AC> system-view

[AC] vlan 100

[AC-vlan100] quit

[AC] interface vlan-interface 100

[AC-Vlan-interface100] ip address 24

[AC-Vlan-interface100] ipv6 address 2001::1 64

# Configure VLAN-interface 100 not to suppress RA message advertisement.

[AC-Vlan-interface100] undo ipv6 nd ra halt

# Set the managed address configuration flag (M) to 1 in RA advertisements to be sent on VLAN-interface 100.

[AC-Vlan-interface100] ipv6 nd autoconfig managed-address-flag

# Set the O flag to 1 in RA advertisements to be sent on VLAN-interface 100.

[AC-Vlan-interface100] ipv6 nd autoconfig other-flag

[AC-Vlan-interface100] quit

# Create VLAN 200 and VLAN-interface 200, and assign an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address to the VLAN interface. The AC will use VLAN 200 for client access.

[AC] vlan 200

[AC-vlan200] quit

[AC] interface vlan-interface 200

[AC-Vlan-interface200] ip address 24

[AC-Vlan-interface200] ipv6 address 2004::1 64

# Configure VLAN-interface 200 not to suppress RA message advertisement.

[AC-Vlan-interface200] undo ipv6 nd ra halt

# Set the managed address configuration flag (M) to 1 in RA advertisements to be sent on VLAN-interface 200.

[AC-Vlan-interface200] ipv6 nd autoconfig managed-address-flag

# Set the O flag to 1 in RA advertisements to be sent on VLAN-interface 200.

[AC-Vlan-interface200] ipv6 nd autoconfig other-flag

[AC-Vlan-interface200] quit

2.     Configure a static IPv4 route and a static IPv6 route to the IMC server.

[AC] ip route-static

[AC] ipv6 route-static 2003:: 64 2002::2

3.     Configure a WLAN service:

# Create a service template named st1 and enter its view.

[AC] wlan service-template st1

# Set the SSID of service template st1 to service.

[AC-wlan-st-st1] ssid service

# Assign clients coming online through service template st1 to VLAN 200.

[AC-wlan-st-st1] vlan 200

# Configure APs to forward client data traffic from all VLANs.

[AC–wlan-st-st1] client forwarding-location ap

[AC-wlan-st-st1] quit

# Create an AP named office with model WA4320i-CAN and set its serial ID to 219801A0CNC138011454.

[AC] wlan ap office model WA4320i-ACN

[AC-wlan-ap-office] serial-id 219801A0CNC138011454

# Deploy configuration file map.txt to the AP.

[AC-wlan-ap-office] map-configuration map.txt

# Enter the view of radio 2.

[AC-wlan-ap-office] radio 2

# Bind service template st1 to radio 2 in AP office.

[AC-wlan-ap-office-radio-2] service-template st1

# Enable radio 2.

[AC-wlan-ap-office-radio-2] radio enable

[AC-wlan-ap-office-radio-2] quit

[AC-wlan-ap-office] quit

4.     Configure an IPv4 RADIUS scheme:

# Create a RADIUS scheme named rs1 and enter its view.

[AC] radius scheme rs1

# Specify the primary authentication server and primary accounting server, and configure the keys for communication with the servers.

[AC-radius-rs1] primary authentication

[AC-radius-rs1] primary accounting

[AC-radius-rs1] key authentication simple radius

[AC-radius-rs1] key accounting simple radius

# Configure the AC to remove the domain name from the usernames sent to the RADIUS servers.

[AC-radius-rs1] user-name-format without-domain

# Specify IP address as the source IP address for outgoing RADIUS packets.

[AC-radius-rs1] nas-ip

[AC-radius-rs1] quit

# Enable RADIUS session-control.

[AC] radius session-control enable

# Enable the RADIUS DAS feature and enter RADIUS DAS view.

[AC] radius dynamic-author server

# Specify a session-control client with IP address and shared key radius in plaintext form.

[AC-radius-da-server] client ip key simple radius

[AC-radius-da-server] quit

5.     Configure an IPv6 RADIUS scheme:

# Create a RADIUS scheme named rs2 and enter its view.

[AC] radius scheme rs2

# Specify the primary authentication server and primary accounting server, and configure the keys for communication with the servers.

[AC-radius-rs2] primary authentication ipv6 2003::2

[AC-radius-rs2] primary accounting ipv6 2003::2

[AC-radius-rs2] key authentication simple radius

[AC-radius-rs2] key accounting simple radius

# Configure the AC to remove the domain name from the usernames sent to the RADIUS servers.

[AC-radius-rs2] user-name-format without-domain

# Specify IPv6 address 2004::1 as the source IPv6 address for outgoing RADIUS packets.

[AC-radius-rs1] nas-ip ipv6 2004::1

[AC-radius-rs2] quit

# Enter RADIUS DAS view.

[AC] radius dynamic-author server

# Specify a session-control client with IPv6 address 2003::2 and shared key radius in plaintext form.

[AC-radius-da-server] client ipv6 2003::2 key simple radius

[AC-radius-da-server] quit

6.     Configure an IPv4 authentication domain:

# Create an ISP domain named dm1 and enter its view.

[AC] domain dm1

# Configure the authentication and authorization methods as RADIUS and the accounting method as none in the ISP domain.

[AC-isp-dm1] authentication portal radius-scheme rs1

[AC-isp-dm1] authorization portal radius-scheme rs1

[AC-isp-dm1] accounting portal none

# Configure the idle cut feature for users in the ISP domain. Log out a user if the user's traffic is less than 1024 bytes in 15 minutes.

[AC-isp-dm1] authorization-attribute idle-cut 15 1024

[AC-isp-dm1] quit

7.     Configure an IPv6 authentication domain:

# Create an ISP domain named dm2 and enter its view.

[AC] domain dm2

# Configure the authentication and authorization methods as RADIUS and the accounting method as none in the ISP domain.

[AC-isp-dm2] authentication portal radius-scheme rs2

[AC-isp-dm2] authorization portal radius-scheme rs2

[AC-isp-dm2] accounting portal none

# Configure the idle cut feature for users in the ISP domain. Log out a user if the user's traffic is less than 1024 bytes in 15 minutes.

[AC-isp-dm2] authorization-attribute idle-cut 15 1024

[AC-isp-dm2] quit

8.     Configure portal authentication:

# Create an IPv4 portal authentication server named newptv4, and specify IPv4 address for the authentication server.

[AC] portal server newptv4

[AC-portal-server-newptv4] ip key simple 123456

[AC-portal-server-newptv4] quit

# Create an IPv6 portal authentication server named newptv6, and specify IPv6 address 2003::2 for the authentication server.

[AC] portal server newptv6

[AC-portal-server-newptv6] ipv6 2003::2 key simple 123456

[AC-portal-server-newptv6] quit

# Specify as the URL of IPv4 portal Web server newptv4.

[AC] portal web-server newptv4

[AC-portal-websvr-newptv4] url

# Configure the portal redirection URL to carry the ssid, wlanuserip, and wlanacname parameters, and their values are the AP's SSID, the user's IP address, and the AC's name.

[AC-portal-websvr-newptv4] url-parameter ssid ssid

[AC-portal-websvr-newptv4] url-parameter wlanuserip source-address

[AC-portal-websvr-newptv4] url-parameter wlanacname value AC

[AC-portal-websvr-newptv4] quit

# Specify http://[2003::2]:8080/portal as the URL of IPv6 portal Web server newptv6.

[AC] portal web-server newptv6

[AC-portal-websvr-newptv6] url http://[2003::2]:8080/portal

# Configure the portal redirection URL to carry the ssid, wlanuserip, and wlanacname parameters, and their values are the AP's SSID, the user's IP address, and the AC's name.

[AC-portal-websvr-newptv6] url-parameter ssid ssid

[AC-portal-websvr-newptv6] url-parameter wlanuserip source-address

[AC-portal-websvr-newptv6] url-parameter wlanacname value AC

[AC-portal-websvr-newptv6] quit

# Enable portal roaming.

[AC] portal roaming enable

# Enable direct IPv4 portal authentication and direct IPv6 portal authentication on service template st1.

[AC] wlan service-template st1

[AC-wlan-st-st1] portal enable method direct

[AC-wlan-st-st1] portal ipv6 enable method direct

# Enable snooping ND packets and snooping DHCPv6 packets on service template st1.

[AC-wlan-st-st1] client ipv6-snooping nd-learning enable

[AC-wlan-st-st1] client ipv6-snooping dhcpv6-learning enable

# Specify ISP domain dm1 as the portal authentication domain for IPv4 portal users.

[AC-wlan-st-st1] portal domain dm1

# Specify ISP domain dm2 as the portal authentication domain for IPv6 portal users.

[AC-wlan-st-st1] portal domain dm2

# Specify IPv4 portal Web server newptv4 and IPv6 portal Web server newptv6 on service template st1 for portal authentication.

[AC-wlan-st-st1] portal apply web-server newptv4

[AC-wlan-st-st1] portal ipv6 apply web-server newptv6

# Enable portal to support IPv4/IPv6 dual stack on service template st1.

[AC-wlan-st-st1] portal dual-stack enable

# Configure the BAS-IP attribute as and the BAS-IPv6 attribute as 2004::1.

[AC-wlan-st-st1] portal bas-ip

[AC-wlan-st-st1] portal bas-ipv6 2004::1

[AC-wlan-st-st1] quit

# Configure a source-based portal-free rule. Set the rule number to 3 and the source interface to aggregate interface 1. This rule allows the portal user on the aggregate interface to access network resources without authentication.

[AC] portal free-rule 3 source interface Bridge-Aggregation1

9.     Configure MAC-based quick portal authentication:

# Create a MAC binding server named mts and enter its view.

[AC] portal mac-trigger-server mts

# Set the free-traffic threshold for portal users to 1024000 bytes.

[AC-portal-mac-trigger-server-mts] free-traffic threshold 1024000

# Specify as the IP address of MAC binding server mts.

[AC-portal-mac-trigger-server-mts] ip

[AC-portal-mac-trigger-server-mts] quit

# Specify MAC binding server mts on service template st1.

[AC] wlan service-template st1

[AC-wlan-st-st1] portal apply mac-trigger-server mts

# Enable service template st1.

[AC-wlan-st-service1] service-template enable

[AC-wlan-st-st1] quit

Configuring the switch

# Create VLAN 100. The switch will use this VLAN to forward traffic on the CAPWAP tunnel between the AC and the AP.

<Switch> system-view

[Switch] vlan 100

[Switch-vlan100] quit

# Create VLAN 200. The switch will use this VLAN to forward client traffic.

[Switch] vlan 200

[Switch-vlan200] quit

# Create VLAN 2.

[Switch] vlan 2

[Switch-vlan2] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 as a trunk port and assign the port to VLAN 100 and VLAN 200.

[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 200

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as an access port and assign it to VLAN 100.

[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port link-type access

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port access vlan 100

# Enable PoE on GigabitEthernet 1/0/2.

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] poe enable

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Assign an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address to VLAN-interface 200.

[Switch] interface vlan-interface 200

[Switch-Vlan-interface200] ip address

[Switch-Vlan-interface200] ipv6 address 2002::2 64

[Switch-Vlan-interface200] quit

# Assign an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address to VLAN-interface 2.

[Switch] interface vlan-interface 2

[Switch-Vlan-interface2] ip address

[Switch-Vlan-interface2] ipv6 address 2003::1 64

[Switch-Vlan-interface2] quit

Verifying the configuration

# Display information about MAC binding server mts.

[AC] display portal mac-trigger-server name mts

Portal mac trigger server name: mts

  Version                    : 1.0

  Server type                : IMC

  IP                         :

  Port                       : 50100

  VPN instance               : Not configured

  Aging time                 : 300 seconds

  Free-traffic threshold     : 1024000 bytes

  NAS-Port-Type              : Not configured

  Binding retry times        : 3

  Binding retry interval     : 1 seconds

  Authentication timeout     : 3 minutes

  Local-binding              : Disabled

  Local-binding aging-time   : 720 minutes

  aaa-fail nobinding         : Disabled

  Excluded attribute list    : Not configured

  Cloud-binding              : Disabled

  Cloud-server URL           : Not configured

# A user uses the configured username and password to perform portal authentication through a Web browser on the client. Before passing authentication, all Web accesses are redirected to the portal authentication page ( After passing authentication, the user can access other network resources. (Details not shown.)

# The user goes offline and then accesses the network again, the user does not need to enter the authentication username and password. (Details not shown.)

# Display information about all portal users.

[AC] display portal user all verbose

Total portal users: 1


  AP name: office

  Radio ID: 1

  SSID: service

  Current IP address:

  Original IP address:

  Username: 4C:49:E3:F8:CC:9D

  User ID: 0x1000002d

  Access interface: WLAN-BSS1/0/17

  Service-VLAN/Customer-VLAN: 200/-

  MAC address: 4c49-e3f8-cc9d

  Authentication type: MAC-trigger

  Domain name: dm

  VPN instance: N/A

  Status: Online

  Portal server: newpt

  Vendor: Xiaomi

  Portal authentication method: Direct


  Realtime accounting interval: 720s, retry times: 5

  Idle cut: N/A

  Session duration: 86400 sec, remaining: 86385 sec

  Remaining traffic: N/A

  Login time: 2018-08-10 17:13:58 Beijing

  Online time(hh:mm:ss): 00:00:15

  DHCP IP pool: N/A


  Inbound CAR: N/A

  Outbound CAR: N/A

  ACL number: N/A

  User profile: N/A

  Session group profile: N/A

  Max multicast addresses: 4

Flow statistic:

  Uplink   packets/bytes: 18/5595

  Downlink packets/bytes: 18/1971

Dual stack flow statistic:

  Ipv4 address:

          uplink   packets/bytes: 18/5595

          downlink packets/bytes: 18/1971

  Ipv6 address: 2002::2

          uplink   packets/bytes: 0/0

          downlink packets/bytes: 0/0

The output shows that the user is online.

Configuration files

·     AC:


vlan 100


vlan 200


wlan service-template st1

 ssid service

 vlan 200

 client forwarding-location ap

 client ipv6-snooping nd-learning enable

 client ipv6-snooping dhcpv6-learning enable

 portal enable method direct

 portal domain dm1

 portal bas-ip

 portal apply web-server newptv4

 portal apply mac-trigger-server mts

 portal ipv6 enable method direct

 portal ipv6 domain dm2

 portal bas-ipv6 2004::1

 portal ipv6 apply web-server newptv6

 portal dual-stack enable

 service-template enable


interface Vlan-interface100

 ip address

 ipv6 address 2001::1/64

 ipv6 nd autoconfig managed-address-flag

 ipv6 nd autoconfig other-flag

 undo ipv6 nd ra halt


interface Vlan-interface200

 ip address

 ipv6 address 2004::1/64

 ipv6 nd autoconfig managed-address-flag

 ipv6 nd autoconfig other-flag

 undo ipv6 nd ra halt


 ip route-static 16

 ipv6 route-static 2003:: 64 2002::2


 radius session-control enable


radius scheme rs1

 primary authentication

 primary accounting

 key authentication cipher $c$3$Sqgqz7lDs4XPnethmAgyAKVlke7qwEkYbQ==

 key accounting cipher $c$3$4J/JBRGwqB4F213furJMkB6JWYXBFjWE6g==

 user-name-format without-domain



radius scheme rs2

 primary authentication ipv6 2003::2

 primary accounting ipv6 2003::2

 key authentication cipher $c$3$ZqzlvbN5k1p/VDqt/prrN97yy0J4G2j8IQ==

 key accounting cipher $c$3$Q6Noroq7nFDkIBYIvpIZu3qQpAZzaDUYJQ==

 user-name-format without-domain

 nas-ip ipv6 2004::1


radius dynamic-author server

 client ip key cipher $c$3$AkTEB7OgMYnCqsfDeplhoAgXUek/rVrLZw==

 client ipv6 2003::2 key cipher $c$3$NMxmVitbKeKG6ATH6LPUIxyHrSY5fDCvzQ==

 attribute convert Hw-Server-String to Connect-Info received


domain dm1

 authorization-attribute idle-cut 15 1024

 authentication portal radius-scheme rs1

 authorization portal radius-scheme rs1

 accounting portal none


domain dm2

 authorization-attribute idle-cut 15 1024

 authentication portal radius-scheme rs2

 authorization portal radius-scheme rs2

 accounting portal none


 portal free-rule 3 source interface Bridge-Aggregation1


 portal web-server newptv4


 url-parameter ssid ssid

 url-parameter wlanacname value AC

 url-parameter wlanuserip source-address


portal web-server newptv6

 url http://[2003::2]:8080/portal

 url-parameter ssid ssid

 url-parameter wlanacname value AC

 url-parameter wlanuserip source-address


portal server newptv4

 ip key cipher $c$3$om5UnnnYF0jtLWRFaw+l+1V+47E6/lCzRg==


portal server newptv6                                                          

 ipv6 2003::2 key cipher $c$3$wu1Cg6I4PTcPTgPeKRF/7w9jIqIEq2xlTw==             


portal mac-trigger-server mts


 free-traffic threshold 1024000


wlan ap office model WA4320i-ACN

 serial-id 219801A0CNC138011454

 radio 1

 radio 2

  radio enable

  service-template st1


·     Switch:


vlan 2


vlan 100


vlan 200


interface Vlan-interface2

 ip address

 ipv6 address 2003::1 64


interface Vlan-interface200

 ip address

 ipv6 address 2002::2 64


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 100 200


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-type access

 port access vlan 100

 poe enable

Related documentation

·     Security Command Reference in H3C Access Controllers Command References

·     Security Configuration Guide in H3C Access Controllers Configuration Guides

·     WLAN Command Reference in H3C Access Controllers Command References

·     WLAN Configuration Guide in H3C Access Controllers Configuration Guides

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