H3C Fixed Port Campus Switches Configuration Examples-6W103

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Introduction· 1

Prerequisites· 1

Example: Configuring Layer 2 IEEE 1588v2 PTP·· 1

Network configuration· 1

Applicable hardware and software versions· 1

Procedures· 3

Configuring Device A· 3

Configuring Device B· 4

Configuring Device C· 4

Verifying the configuration· 5

Configuration files· 6

Example: Configuring Layer 3 IEEE 1588v2 PTP in multicast mode· 7

Network configuration· 7

Applicable hardware and software versions· 8

Procedures· 10

Configuring Device A· 10

Configuring Device B· 10

Configuring Device C· 11

Verifying the configuration· 11

Configuration files· 13

Example: Configuring Layer 3 IEEE 1588v2 PTP in unicast mode· 14

Network configuration· 14

Applicable hardware and software versions· 15

Procedures· 17

Configuring Device A· 17

Configuring Device B· 17

Configuring Device C· 18

Configuring the base station· 19

Verifying the configuration· 19

Configuration files· 21

Example: Configuring IEEE 802.1AS PTP·· 22

Network configuration· 22

Applicable hardware and software versions· 22

Procedures· 24

Configuring Device A· 24

Configuring Device B· 25

Configuring Device C· 25

Verifying the configuration· 26

Configuration files· 27

Example: Configuring SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP in multicast mode· 28

Network configuration· 28

Applicable hardware and software versions· 29

Procedures· 31

Configuring Device A· 31

Configuring Device B· 31

Configuring Device C· 32

Verifying the configuration· 32

Configuration files· 34

Example: Configuring PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2, IPv4 UDP transport, unicast transmission) 35

Applicable hardware and software versions· 36

Procedures· 37

Configuring Device A· 38

Configuring Device B· 38

Configuring Device C· 39

Configuring the base station· 39

Verifying the configuration· 40

Configuration files· 42



This document provides PTP configuration examples.


This document is not restricted to specific software or hardware versions.

The configuration examples in this document were created and verified in a lab environment, and all the devices were started with the factory default configuration. When you are working on a live network, make sure you understand the potential impact of every command on your network.

This document assumes that you have basic knowledge of PTP.

Example: Configuring Layer 2 IEEE 1588v2 PTP

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 1, a PTP domain contains Device A, Device B, and Device C. Configure Layer 2 IEEE 1588v2 PTP as follows for time synchronization:

·     Specify the IEEE 1588v2 PTP profile for the devices.

·     Specify the OC clock node type for Device A and Device C, and E2ETC clock node type for Device B. These clock nodes elect a GM through BMC based on their respective default GM attributes.

·     Use the default Request-Response delay measurement mechanism for Device A and Device C.

Figure 1 Network diagram


Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Release 66xx

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Not supported

S5570S-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-HI switch series

Release 66xx

S5500V2-EI switch series

Not supported

MS4520V2-30F switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-28S switch

MS4520V2-24TP switch

Not supported

ES5500 switch series

Not supported

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Release 66xx

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Release 66xx

S5000-EI switch series

Release 66xx

MS4600 switch series

Release 66xx

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Not supported



Not supported

S5500V3-SI switch series (except the S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Not supported

S5170-EI switch series

Not supported

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-EI switch series

Not supported




Not supported

S5120V3-SI switch series (except the S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Not supported

S5120V3-LI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S5110V2 switch series

Not supported

S5110V2-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Not supported

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Not supported

E128C switch

E152C switch

E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Not supported

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Not supported

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WAS6000 switch series

Not supported

IE4300-12P-AC switch

IE4300-12P-PWR switch

IE4300-M switch series (except the IE4300-28P-M)

IE4320 switch series (except the IE4320-28P)

Not supported

IE4300-28P-M switch

IE4320-28P switch

Release 63xx



Configuring Device A

# Specify the IEEE 1588v2 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode oc

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Configuring Device B

# Specify the IEEE 1588v2 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the E2ETC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode e2etc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Enable PTP on GigabitEthernet 1/0/2.

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

Configuring Device C

# Specify the IEEE 1588v2 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode oc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

[DeviceC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Verifying the configuration



·     The Lock status field in the output from the display ptp clock command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.

·     The InstID field in the output from the display ptp interface brief command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.


When the network topology is stable, perform the following tasks to verify the PTP configuration:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief information about PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1    0         Master        E2E              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : E2ETC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : N/A

Mean path delay    : N/A

Steps removed      : N/A

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name     InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1  0         N/A           E2E              Two         0

GE1/0/2  0         N/A           E2E              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Locked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0002

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 25

Mean path delay    : 323

Steps removed      : 2

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp interface brief

Name     InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1  0         Slave         E2E              Two         0

The command outputs show that Device A is elected as the GM and GigabitEthernet1/0/1 on Device A is the master port.

Configuration files

·     Device A and Device C:


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile 1588v2

 ptp mode oc


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp enable


·     Device B:


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile 1588v2

 ptp mode e2etc


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp enable


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/2

 ptp enable


Example: Configuring Layer 3 IEEE 1588v2 PTP in multicast mode

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 2, a PTP domain contains Device A, Device B, and Device C. Configure Layer 3 IEEE 1588v2 PTP in multicast mode as follows for time synchronization:

·     Specify the IEEE 1588v2 PTP profile for the devices.

·     Specify the OC clock node type for Device A and Device C, and the P2PTC clock node type for Device B. These clock nodes elect a GM through BMC based on their respective default GM attributes.

·     Configure the multicast PTP transport mode and UDP (IPv4) transport protocol for the devices.

·     Configure the peer delay measurement mechanism (p2p) for Device A and Device C.

Figure 2 Network diagram


Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Release 66xx

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Not supported

S5560X-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-HI switch series

Release 66xx

S5570S-EI switch series

Not supported

S5500V2-EI switch series

Not supported

MS4520V2-30F switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-28S switch

MS4520V2-24TP switch

Not supported

ES5500 switch series

Not supported

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Release 66xx

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Release 66xx

S5000-EI switch series

Release 66xx

MS4600 switch series

Release 66xx

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Not supported



Not supported

S5500V3-SI switch series (except the S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Not supported

S5170-EI switch series

Not supported

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-EI switch series

Not supported




Not supported

S5120V3-SI switch series (except the S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Not supported

S5120V3-LI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S5110V2 switch series

Not supported

S5110V2-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Not supported

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Not supported

E128C switch

E152C switch

E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Not supported

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Not supported

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WAS6000 switch series

Not supported

IE4300-12P-AC switch

IE4300-12P-PWR switch

IE4300-M switch series (except the IE4300-28P-M)

IE4320 switch series (except the IE4320-28P)

Not supported

IE4300-28P-M switch

IE4320-28P switch

Release 63xx



Configuring Device A

# Specify the IEEE 1588v2 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode oc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP transport.

[DeviceA] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, specify the UDP (IPv4) transport protocol and the peer delay measurement mechanism (p2p) and enable PTP.

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp transport-protocol udp [DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Configuring Device B

# Specify the IEEE 1588v2 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the P2PTC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode p2ptc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP transport.

[DeviceB] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, specify the UDP (IPv4) transport protocol and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/2, specify the UDP transport protocol and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

Configuring Device C

# Specify the IEEE 1588v2 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode oc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP transport.

[DeviceC] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, specify the UDP (IPv4) transport protocol and the peer delay measurement mechanism (p2p) and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp transport-protocol udp [DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Verifying the configuration



·     The Lock status field in the output from the display ptp clock command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.

·     The InstID field in the output from the display ptp interface brief command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.


When the network topology is stable, perform the following tasks to verify the PTP configuration:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief information about PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1    0         Master        P2P              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : P2PTC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : N/A

Mean path delay    : N/A

Steps removed      : N/A

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name     InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1  0         N/A           P2P              Two         0

GE1/0/2  0         N/A           P2P              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0002

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp interface brief

Name     InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1  0         Slave         P2P              Two         0

The command outputs show that Device A is elected as the GM and GigabitEthernet1/0/1 on Device A is the master port.

Configuration files

·     Device A:


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile 1588v2

 ptp mode oc

 ptp source


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp delay-mechanism p2p

 ptp transport-protocol udp

 ptp enable


·     Device B:


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile 1588v2

 ptp mode p2ptc

 ptp source


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp transport-protocol udp

 ptp enable


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/2

 ptp transport-protocol udp

 ptp enable


·     Device C:


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile 1588v2

 ptp mode oc

 ptp source


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp delay-mechanism p2p

 ptp transport-protocol udp

 ptp enable


Example: Configuring Layer 3 IEEE 1588v2 PTP in unicast mode

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 3, configure PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2, IPv4 UDP transport, unicast transmission) to enable Device A, Device B, Device C, and the base station to synchronize the time with the ToD clock source.

·     Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile and unicast IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Assign Device A, Device B, Device C, and the base station to PTP domain 0. Specify the BC clock node type for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Connect Device A to the ToD clock source and Device C to the base station.

·     Use the default Request_Response delay measurement mechanism on all clock nodes in the PTP domain.

Figure 3 Network diagram

Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Release 66xx

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Not supported

S5570S-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-HI switch series

Release 66xx

S5500V2-EI switch series

Not supported


Not supported



Not supported



Not supported

ES5500 switch series

Not supported

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Release 66xx

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Release 66xx

S5000-EI switch series

Release 66xx

MS4600 switch series

Release 66xx

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Not supported



Not supported

S5500V3-SI switch series (except the S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Not supported

S5170-EI switch series

Not supported

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-EI switch series

Not supported




Not supported

S5120V3-SI switch series (except the S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Not supported

S5120V3-LI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S5110V2 switch series

Not supported

S5110V2-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Not supported

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Not supported



E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Not supported

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Not supported

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WAS6000 switch series

Not supported

IE4300-12P-AC & IE4300-12P-PWR

IE4300-M switch series (except the IE4300-28P-M)

IE4320 switch series (except the IE4320-28P)

Not supported



Not supported





The device does not provide ToD interfaces. It can be deployed as Device B or Device C but not Device A.

Before configuration, assign IP addresses to the interfaces, and make sure the devices can reach each other. (Details not shown.)

Configuring Device A

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Configure the device to use ToD 0 to receive clock signals and set the receive delay correction to 1000 nanoseconds.

[DeviceA] ptp tod0 input delay 1000

# Set priority 1 to 0 for the ToD 0 clock.

[DeviceA] ptp priority clock-source tod0 priority1 0

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages, and enable PTP.

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Configuring Device B

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages, and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/2, specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages, and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

Configuring Device C

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages, and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# On GigabitEthernet1/0/2, specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages, and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp enable

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

Configuring the base station

# Specify PTP domain 0.

# Specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages.

# Set the destination IP address of unicast PTP messages to

# Specify the Request_Response delay measurement mechanism.

For more information, see the configuration guide for the base station.

Verifying the configuration



·     The Lock status field in the output from the display ptp clock command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.

·     The InstID field in the output from the display ptp interface brief command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.


When the network is stable, perform the following tasks:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : BC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : ToD0

 ToD direction  : In

 ToD delay time : 1000 (ns)

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 0

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 6

 Accuracy              : 32

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1    0         Master        E2E              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : BC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Locked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : ToD0

 ToD direction  : In

 ToD delay time : 1000 (ns)

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 0

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 6

 Accuracy              : 32

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 12 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 323 (ns)

Steps removed      : 1

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name     InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1  0         Slave           E2E              Two         0

GE1/0/2  0         Master          E2E              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : BC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Locked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master  : 25 (ns)

Mean path delay     : 2791000 (ns)

Steps removed       : 2

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1    0         Slave         E2E              Two         0

GE1/0/2    0         Master        E2E              Two         0

Configuration files

·     Device A


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile IEEE 1588 Version 2

 ptp mode bc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable

 ptp tod0 input delay 1000

 ptp priority clock-source tod0 priority1 0


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp transport-protocol

 ptp unicast-destination

 ptp enable


·     Device B


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile IEEE 1588 Version 2

 ptp mode bc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp transport-protocol

 ptp unicast-destination

 ptp enable


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/2

 ptp enable


·     Device C


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile IEEE 1588 Version 2

 ptp mode bc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable


 interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp transport-protocol

 ptp unicast-destination

 ptp enable


 interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/2

 ptp transport-protocol

 ptp unicast-destination

 ptp enable


Example: Configuring IEEE 802.1AS PTP

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 1, a PTP domain contains Device A, Device B, and Device C. Configure IEEE 802.1AS PTP as follows for time synchronization:

·     Specify the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Specify the OC clock node type for Device A and Device C, and P2PTC clock node type for Device B. These clock nodes elect a GM through BMC based on their respective default GM attributes.

·     Use the default peer delay measurement mechanism on all clock nodes in the PTP domain.

Figure 4 Network diagram

Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Not supported

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Not supported

S5560X-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-HI switch series

Not supported

S5570S-EI switch series

Not supported

S5500V2-EI switch series

Not supported

MS4520V2-30F switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-28S switch

MS4520V2-24TP switch

Not supported

ES5500 switch series

Not supported

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Not supported

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000-EI switch series

Not supported

MS4600 switch series

Not supported

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Not supported



Not supported

S5500V3-SI switch series (except the S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Not supported

S5170-EI switch series

Not supported

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-EI switch series

Not supported




Not supported

S5120V3-SI switch series (except the S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Not supported

S5120V3-LI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S5110V2 switch series

Not supported

S5110V2-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Not supported

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Not supported

E128C switch

E152C switch

E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Not supported

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Not supported

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WAS6000 switch series

Not supported

IE4300-12P-AC & IE4300-12P-PWR switches

IE4300-M switch series (except the IE4300-28P-M)

IE4320 switch series (except the IE4320-28P)

Not supported

IE4300-28P-M switch

IE4320-28P switch

Not supported



Configuring Device A

# Specify the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile 8021as

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode oc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1.

[DeviceA] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/1

[DeviceA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] quit

Configuring Device B

# Specify the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile 8021as

# Specify the P2PTC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode p2ptc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1.

[DeviceB] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/1

[DeviceB-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] quit

# Enable PTP on Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/2.

[DeviceB] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/2

[DeviceB-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/2] quit

Configuring Device C

# Specify the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile 8021as

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode oc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1.

[DeviceC] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/1

[DeviceC-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] quit

Verifying the configuration



·     The Lock status field in the output from the display ptp clock command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.

·     The InstID field in the output from the display ptp interface brief command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.


When the network topology is stable, perform the following tasks to verify the PTP configuration:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief information about PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 802.1AS

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 246

Priority2     : 248

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 16640

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2011

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name      InstID   State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

WGE1/0/1  0        Master        P2P              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 802.1AS

PTP mode            : P2PTC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 246

Priority2     : 248

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 16640

Offset from master : N/A

Mean path delay    : N/A

Steps removed      : N/A

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2011

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

WGE1/0/1   0          N/A           P2P              Two         0

WGE1/0/2   0          N/A           P2P              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 802.1AS

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Locked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0002

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 25 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 2

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

WGE1/0/1   0         Slave         P2P              Two         0

The command outputs show that Device A is elected as the GM and Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1 on Device A is the master port.

Configuration files

·     Device A and Device C:


 ptp profile 8021as

 ptp mode oc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable


interface Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1

 ptp enable


·     Device B


 ptp profile 8021as

 ptp mode p2ptc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable


interface Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1

 ptp enable


interface Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/2

 ptp enable


Example: Configuring SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP in multicast mode

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 3, Device A, Device B, and Device C are in a PTP domain. Configure SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP in multicast mode as follows for time synchronization:

·     Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile for the devices.

·     Configure the multicast PTP transport mode for the devices.

·     Specify the OC clock node type for Device A and Device C, and the P2PTC clock node type for Device B. All clock nodes elect a GM through BMC based on their respective default GM attributes.

·     Configure the peer delay measurement mechanism (p2p) for Device A and Device C.

Figure 5 Network diagram


Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Release 66xx

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Not supported

S5560X-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-HI switch series

Release 66xx

S5570S-EI switch series

Not supported

S5500V2-EI switch series

Not supported

MS4520V2-30F switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-28S switch

MS4520V2-24TP switch

Not supported

ES5500 switch series

Not supported

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Release 66xx

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Release 66xx

S5000-EI switch series

Release 66xx

MS4600 switch series

Release 66xx

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Not supported



Not supported

S5500V3-SI switch series (except the S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Not supported

S5170-EI switch series

Not supported

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-EI switch series

Not supported




Not supported

S5120V3-SI switch series (except the S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Not supported

S5120V3-LI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S5110V2 switch series

Not supported

S5110V2-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Not supported

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Not supported

E128C switch

E152C switch

E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Not supported

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Not supported

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WAS6000 switch series

Not supported

IE4300-12P-AC switch

IE4300-12P-PWR switch

IE4300-M switch series (except the IE4300-28P-M)

IE4320 switch series (except the IE4320-28P)

Not supported

IE4300-28P-M switch

IE4320-28P switch

Release 63xx



Configuring Device A

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode oc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP transport.

[DeviceA] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, specify the peer delay measurement mechanism (p2p) and enable PTP.

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Configuring Device B

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the P2PTC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode p2ptc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP transport.

[DeviceB] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Enable PTP on GigabitEthernet 1/0/2.

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

Configuring Device C

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode oc

# Specify a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP transport.

[DeviceC] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, specify the peer delay measurement mechanism (p2p) and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Verifying the configuration



·     The Lock status field in the output from the display ptp clock command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.

·     The InstID field in the output from the display ptp interface brief command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.


When the network topology is stable, perform the following tasks to verify the PTP configuration:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief information about PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : SMPTE ST 2059-2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name     InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1  0         Master        P2P              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : SMPTE ST 2059-2

PTP mode            : P2PTC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : N/A

Mean path delay    : N/A

Steps removed      : N/A

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name     InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1  0         N/A           P2P              Two         0

GE1/0/2  0         N/A           P2P              Two         0

#  Display PTP clock information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : SMPTE ST 2059-2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Locked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0002

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 25 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 2

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief information about PTP interfaces on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp interface brief

Name     InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1  0         Slave         P2P              Two         0

The output shows that Device A is elected as the GM and GigabitEthernet1/0/1 on Device A is the master port.

Configuration files

·     Device A:


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile st2059-2

 ptp mode oc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable

 ptp source


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp delay-mechanism p2p

 ptp enable


·     Device B:


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile st2059-2

 ptp mode p2ptc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable

 ptp source


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp enable


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/2

 ptp enable


·     Device C:


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile st2059-2

 ptp mode oc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable

 ptp source


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp delay-mechanism p2p

 ptp enable


Example: Configuring PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2, IPv4 UDP transport, unicast transmission)

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 10, configure PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2, IPv4 UDP transport, unicast transmission) to enable Device A, Device B, Device C, and the base station to synchronize time with the ToD clock source.

·     Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile and unicast IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Assign Device A, Device B, Device C, and the base station to PTP domain 0. Specify the BC clock node type for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Connect Device A to the ToD clock source and Device C to the base station.

·     Use the default Request_Response delay measurement mechanism on all clock nodes in the PTP domain.

Figure 6 Network diagram

Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Release 66xx

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Not supported

S5570S-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-HI switch series

Release 66xx

S5500V2-EI switch series

Not supported


Not supported



Not supported



Not supported

ES5500 switch series

Not supported

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Release 66xx

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Release 66xx

S5000-EI switch series

Release 66xx

MS4600 switch series

Release 66xx

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Not supported



Not supported

S5500V3-SI switch series (except the S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Not supported

S5170-EI switch series

Not supported

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-EI switch series

Not supported




Not supported

S5120V3-SI switch series (except the S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Not supported

S5120V3-LI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S5110V2 switch series

Not supported

S5110V2-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Not supported

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Not supported



E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Not supported

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Not supported

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WAS6000 switch series

Not supported

IE4300-12P-AC & IE4300-12P-PWR

IE4300-M switch series (except the IE4300-28P-M)

IE4320 switch series (except the IE4320-28P)

Not supported



Not supported





The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile supports IPv4 UDP transport rather than IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport of PTP messages. It supports both multicast and unicast transmission of PTP messages.




The device does not provide ToD interfaces. It can be deployed as Device B or Device C but not Device A.

Before configuration, assign IP addresses to the interfaces, and make sure the devices can reach each other. (Details not shown.)

Configuring Device A

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Configure the device to use ToD 0 to receive clock signals and set the receive delay correction to 1000 nanoseconds

[DeviceA] ptp tod0 input delay 1000

# Set priority 1 to 0 for the ToD 0 clock.

[DeviceA] ptp priority clock-source tod0 priority1 0

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages and enable PTP. (The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile transports PTP messages over IPv4 UDP by default.)

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

Configuring Device B

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages and enable PTP. (The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile transports PTP messages over IPv4 UDP by default.)

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/2, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages and enable PTP. (The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile transports PTP messages over IPv4 UDP by default.)

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

Configuring Device C

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# On GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# On GigabitEthernet1/0/2, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages and enable PTP. (The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile transports PTP messages over IPv4 UDP by default.)

[DeviceC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ptp enable

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

Configuring the base station

# Specify PTP domain 0.

# Specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages.

# Set the destination IP address of unicast PTP messages to

# Specify the Request_Response delay measurement mechanism.

For more information, see the configuration guide for the base station.

Verifying the configuration



·     The Lock status field in the output from the display ptp clock command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.

·     The InstID field in the output from the display ptp interface brief command is available only for the S6550XE-HI switch series and S6525XE-HI switch series.


When the network is stable, perform the following tasks to verify the PTP configuration:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : SMPTE ST 2059-2

PTP mode            : BC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : ToD0

 ToD direction  : In

 ToD delay time : 1000 (ns)

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 0

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 6

 Accuracy              : 32

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name        InstID          State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1    0               Master       E2E              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : SMPTE ST 2059-2

PTP mode            : BC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Locked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : ToD0

 ToD direction  : In

 ToD delay time : 1000 (ns)

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 0

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 6

 Accuracy              : 32

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 12 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 323 (ns)

Steps removed      : 1

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name     InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1  0         Slave         E2E              Two         0

GE1/0/2  0         Master        E2E              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : SMPTE ST 2059-2

PTP mode            : BC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Locked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0002

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master  : 25 (ns)

Mean path delay     : 323 (ns)

Steps removed       : 2

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp interface brief

Name        InstID      State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

GE1/0/1     0           Slave          E2E              Two         0

GE1/0/2     0           Master         E2E              Two         0

Configuration files

·     Device A


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile st2059-2

 ptp mode bc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable

 ptp tod0 input delay 1000

 ptp priority clock-source tod0 priority1 0


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp unicast-destination

 ptp enable


·     Device B


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile st2059-2

 ptp mode bc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp unicast-destination

 ptp enable


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/2

 ptp enable


·     Device C


 clock protocol ptp


 ptp profile st2059-2

 ptp mode bc

 ptp domain 0

 ptp global enable


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

 ptp unicast-destination

 ptp enable


 interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/2

 ptp unicast-destination

 ptp enable



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