H3C Fixed Port Campus Switches Configuration Examples-6W103

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65-ISATAP Tunnel and 6to4 Tunnel Configuration Examples


This document provides examples for configuring an ISATAP tunnel and a 6to4 tunnel.


The configuration examples in this document were created and verified in a lab environment, and all the devices were started with the factory default configuration. When you are working on a live network, make sure you understand the potential impact of every command on your network.

This document assumes that you have basic knowledge of ISATAP tunneling and 6to4 tunneling.

Example: Configuring an ISATAP tunnel and a 6to4 tunnel

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 1, configure a 6to4 tunnel between Device A and Device B to allow communications between the headquarters and the branches over the IPv4 network.

Configure an ISATAP tunnel between Device A and the ISATAP host to allow the host in the IPv4 network to access the headquarters.

Figure 1 Network diagram


Table 1 Interface and IP address assignment



IP address



IP address

Device A


Device B















Tunnel 1



Tunnel 1



Tunnel 2






Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Release 63xx

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Release 8005 and later

S5570S-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx

S5560X-HI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx

S5500V2-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx

ES5500 switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx

MS4520V2-30F switch

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Release 63xx, Release 65xx

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx

S5000-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx

MS4600 switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx

S5500V3-SI switch series (except S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI switches)

Not supported

S5170-EI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-36F-SI switch

S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI switch

S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI switch

Not supported

S3600V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-SI switch series

Not supported


Restrictions and guidelines

When you configure an ISATAP tunnel and a 6to4 tunnel, follow these restrictions and guidelines:

·     You do not need to configure a destination address for a 6to4 tunnel, because the destination IPv4 address is embedded in the 6to4 IPv6 address whose format is 2002:IPv4-destination-address::/64.

·     You do not need to configure a destination address for an ISATAP tunnel, because the destination IPv4 address is embedded in the ISATAP address whose format is Prefix:0:5EFE:IPv4-destination-address.

·     Disable RA suppression on Device A and Device B to allow hosts to acquire address prefixes automatically. This configuration ensures that hosts in the same network use the same address prefix.

After RA suppression is disabled, the ISATAP host and hosts in the headquarters acquire address prefixes from RA messages advertised by Device A. Hosts in the branches acquire address prefixes from RA messages advertised by Device B.


Make sure Device A and Device B can reach each other through IPv4.

Configuring Device A

# Configure an IP address for VLAN-interface 10.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] vlan 10

[DeviceA-vlan10] port GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

[DeviceA-vlan10] quit

[DeviceA] interface vlan-interface 10

[DeviceA-Vlan-interface10] ip address 24

[DeviceA-Vlan-interface10] quit

# Configure IP addresses for other interfaces as shown in Table 1. (Details not shown.)

# Create service loopback group 1 and specify tunnel services for the group, and then add GigabitEthernet 1/0/4 to the group. (This step is required for the S6550XE-HI, S6525XE-HI, and S5850 switch series to receive and send tunnel packets.)

[DeviceA] service-loopback group 1 type tunnel

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/4

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] port service-loopback group 1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] quit

# Create a 6to4 tunnel interface Tunnel 1.

[DeviceA] interface tunnel 1 mode ipv6-ipv4 6to4

# Specify an IPv6 address for the tunnel interface.

[DeviceA-Tunnel1] ipv6 address 3001::1/64

# Specify the source interface as VLAN-interface 10 for the tunnel interface.

[DeviceA-Tunnel1] source vlan-interface 10

[DeviceA-Tunnel1] quit

# Configure a static route destined for 2002:0301:0101::/48 through the tunnel interface.

[DeviceA] ipv6 route-static 2002:0301:0101:: 48 tunnel 1

# Create an ISATAP tunnel interface Tunnel 2.

[DeviceA] interface tunnel 2 mode ipv6-ipv4 isatap

# Specify an IPv6 address for the tunnel interface.

[DeviceA-Tunnel2] ipv6 address 2001::5EFE:0201:0101 64

# Specify the source interface as VLAN-interface 10 for the tunnel interface.

[DeviceA-Tunnel2] source  vlan-interface 10

[DeviceA-Tunnel2] quit

# Configure a static route destined for 2001::/16 through the tunnel interface.

[DeviceA] ipv6 route-static 2001:: 16 tunnel 2

# Disable RA suppression.

[DeviceA] interface Tunnel 2

[DeviceA-Tunnel2] undo ipv6 nd ra halt

[DeviceA-Tunnel2] quit

[DeviceA] interface vlan-interface 20

[DeviceA-Vlan-interface20] undo ipv6 nd ra halt

[DeviceA-Vlan-interface20] quit

[DeviceA] interface  vlan-interface 30

[DeviceA-Vlan-interface30] undo ipv6 nd ra halt

[DeviceA-Vlan-interface30] quit

Configuring Device B

# Configure an IP address for VLAN-interface 10.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] vlan 10

[DeviceB-vlan10] port GigabitEthernet 1/0/1

[DeviceB-vlan10] quit

[DeviceB] interface  vlan-interface 10

[DeviceB-Vlan-interface10] ip address 24

[DeviceB-Vlan-interface10] quit

# Configure IP addresses for other interfaces as shown in Table 1. (Details not shown.)

# Create service loopback group 1 and specify tunnel services for the group, and then add GigabitEthernet 1/0/4 to the group. (This step is required for the S6550XE-HI, S6525XE-HI, and S5850 switch series to receive and send tunnel packets.)

[DeviceB] service-loopback group 1 type tunnel

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/4

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] port service-loopback group 1

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] quit

# Create a 6to4 tunnel interface Tunnel 1.

[DeviceB] interface tunnel 1 mode ipv6-ipv4 6to4

# Specify an IPv6 address for the tunnel interface.

[DeviceB-Tunnel1] ipv6 address 3001::2/64

# Specify the source interface as VLAN-interface 10 for the tunnel interface.

[DeviceB-Tunnel1] source  vlan-interface 10

[DeviceB-Tunnel1] quit

# Configure a static route destined for 2002:0201:0101::/48 through the tunnel interface.

[DeviceB] ipv6 route-static 2002:0201:0101:: 48 tunnel 1

# Disable RA suppression.

[DeviceB] interface vlan-interface 20

[DeviceB-Vlan-interface20] undo ipv6 nd ra halt

[DeviceB-Vlan-interface20] quit

[DeviceB] interface vlan-interface 30

[DeviceB-Vlan-interface30] undo ipv6 nd ra halt

[DeviceB-Vlan-interface30] quit

Configuring the ISATAP host

Configurations on the ISATAP host vary by operating system. The following example is performed on Windows XP.

# Install IPv6.

C:\>ipv6 install

# Configure an ISATAP tunnel.

C:\>netsh interface ipv6 isatap set router

# Display information about the ISATAP tunnel interface.

C:\>ipv6 if 2

Interface 2: Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface

  Guid {48FCE3FC-EC30-E50E-F1A7-71172AEEE3AE}

  does not use Neighbor Discovery

  uses Router Discovery

  routing preference 1

  EUI-64 embedded IPv4 address:

  router link-layer address:

    preferred global 2001::5efe:, life 29d23h59m46s/6d23h59m46s (public)

    preferred link-local fe80::5efe:, life infinite

  link MTU 1500 (true link MTU 65515)

  current hop limit 255

  reachable time 42500ms (base 30000ms)

  retransmission interval 1000ms

  DAD transmits 0

  default site prefix length 48

The host has acquired the prefix 2001::/64 and has automatically generated the global unicast address 2001::5efe: The message "uses Router Discovery" indicates that the router discovery function is enabled on the host.

# Display information about IPv6 routes on the host.

C:\>ipv6 rt

2001::/64 -> 2 pref 1if+8=9 life 29d23h59m43s (autoconf)

::/0 -> 2/fe80::5efe: pref 1if+256=257 life 29m43s (autoconf)

Verifying the configuration

# Verify that Host A and Host B can ping each other.

D:\>ping6 -s 2002:0201:0101:1::2 2002:0301:0101:1::2


Pinging 2002:0301:0101:1::2

from 2002:0201:0101:1::2 with 32 bytes of data:


Reply from 2002:0301:0101:1::2: bytes=32 time=13ms

Reply from 2002:0301:0101:1::2: bytes=32 time=1ms

Reply from 2002:0301:0101:1::2: bytes=32 time=1ms

Reply from 2002:0301:0101:1::2: bytes=32 time<1ms


Ping statistics for 2002:0301:0101:1::2:

    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 13ms, Average = 3ms

# Verify that the ISATAP host can ping Host A.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>pingv6 2002:0201:0101:1::2


Pinging 2002:0201:0101:1::2 with 32 bytes of data:


Reply from 2002:0201:0101:1::2: time=33ms

Reply from 2002:0201:0101:1::2: time=32ms

Reply from 2002:0201:0101:1::2: time=32ms

Reply from 2002:0201:0101:1::2: time=33ms


Ping statistics for 2002:0201:0101:1::2:

 Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

 Minimum = 32ms, Maximum = 33ms, Average = 32ms

Configuration files

·     Device A:


 service-loopback group 1 type tunnel


vlan 10


vlan 20


vlan 30


interface Vlan-interface10

 ip address


interface Vlan-interface20

 ipv6 address 2002:201:101:1::1/64

 undo ipv6 nd ra halt


interface Vlan-interface30

 ipv6 address 2002:201:101:2::1/64

 undo ipv6 nd ra halt


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 10


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 20


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 30


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4                                                  

 port link-mode bridge                                                          

 port service-loopback group 1                                                 


interface Tunnel1 mode ipv6-ipv4 6to4

 source Vlan-interface10

 ipv6 address 3001::1/64


interface Tunnel2 mode ipv6-ipv4 isatap

 source Vlan-interface10

 ipv6 address 2001::5EFE:201:101/64

 undo ipv6 nd ra halt


 ipv6 route-static 2001:: 16 Tunnel2

 ipv6 route-static 2002:301:101:: 48 Tunnel1


·     Device B:


 service-loopback group 1 type tunnel  


vlan 10


vlan 20


vlan 30


interface Vlan-interface10

 ip address


interface Vlan-interface20

 ipv6 address 2002:301:101:1::1/64

 undo ipv6 nd ra halt


interface Vlan-interface30

 ipv6 address 2002:301:101:2::1/64

 undo ipv6 nd ra halt


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 10


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 20


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 30


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4                                                  

 port link-mode bridge                                                         

 port service-loopback group 1                                                 


interface Tunnel1 mode ipv6-ipv4 6to4

 source Vlan-interface10

 ipv6 address 3001::2/64


 ipv6 route-static 2002:201:101:: 48 Tunnel1



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