H3C Fixed Port Campus Switches Configuration Examples-6W103

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This document provides MVRP configuration examples.


The configuration examples in this document were created and verified in a lab environment, and all the devices were started with the factory default configuration. When you are working on a live network, make sure you understand the potential impact of every command on your network.

This document assumes that you have basic knowledge of MVRP.

Example: Configuring MVRP

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 1:

·     Device A and Device B are core layer devices. Device C and Device D are aggregation layer devices.

·     Ports on all devices allow packets from VLANs 11 through 30 to pass through.

·     MSTP implements load balancing and link backup for traffic of VLANs 11 through 30 between the core layer devices and the aggregation layer devices.

Configure MVRP on all devices to synchronize and update VLAN information. When the network is stable, set the registration mode to fixed on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 of Device B to maintain dynamic VLAN information.

Figure 1 Network diagram



To meet the network requirements, you must perform the following tasks:

·     To assign all devices to the same MST region, configure the same settings for the following parameters on all the devices:

¡     Spanning tree mode. (This example uses the default mode MSTP.)

¡     MST region name. (This example uses the region name test.)

¡     MST region revision level. (This example uses the default setting 0.)

¡     VLAN-to-instance mappings. (This example maps VLANs 11 through 20 to MSTI 1, and maps VLANs 21 through 30 to MSTI 2.)

·     For MSTIs 1 and 2 to use different uplinks for backup, set Device A and Device B as the root bridges of MSTIs 1 and 2, respectively.

·     Make sure each MSTI is mapped to an existing VLAN on each device in the network.

·     MVRP takes effect only on trunk ports. You must set the port link type to trunk for MVRP participants.

Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Release 66xx

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Release 8005 and later

S5570S-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S5560X-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5560X-HI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5500V2-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-30F switch

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-28S switch

MS4520V2-24TP switch

Release 63xx

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5000-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4600 switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

ES5500 switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Release 63xx

S5500V3-24P-SI switch

S5500V3-48P-SI switch

Release 63xx

S5500V3-SI switch series (except S5500V3-24P-SI switch and S5500V3-48P-SI switch)

Release 11xx

S5170-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Release 63xx

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Release 63xx

S5120V3-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S5120V3-36F-SI switch

S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI switch

S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI switch

Release 11xx

S5120V3-SI switch series (except S5120V3-36F-SI switch, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI switch, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI switch)

Release 63xx

S5120V3-LI switch series

Release 63xx

S3600V3-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S3600V3-SI switch series

Release 11xx

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Release 63xx

S5110V2 switch series

Release 63xx

S5110V2-SI switch series

Release 63xx

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Release 63xx

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI  switch series

Release 63xx

E128C switch

E152C switch

E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Release 63xx

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Release 63xx

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Release 63xx

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Release 63xx

WAS6000 switch series

Release 63xx

IE4300-12P-AC switch

IE4300-12P-PWR switch

IE4300-M switch series

IE4320 switch series

Release 63xx


Restrictions and guidelines

When you configure MVRP, follow these restrictions and guidelines:

·     MVRP can work with STP, RSTP, or MSTP. Ports blocked by STP, RSTP, or MSTP can receive and send MVRP frames. MVRP cannot work with other link layer topology protocols, including service loopback, PVST, RRPP, and Smart Link.

·     On a Layer 2 aggregate interface, MVRP takes effect on both the aggregate interface and all Selected member ports in the link aggregation group.

·     MVRP configuration made on an aggregation group member port takes effect only after the port is removed from the aggregation group.


Configuring Device A

# Create VLANs 11 through 30.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] vlan 11 to 30

# Enter MST region view.

[DeviceA] stp region-configuration

# Set the MST region name to test.

[DeviceA-mst-region] region-name test

# Map VLANs 11 through 20 to MSTI 1.

[DeviceA-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 11 to 20

# Map VLANs 21 through 30 to MSTI 2.

[DeviceA-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 21 to 30

# Activate the MST region configuration.

[DeviceA-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceA-mst-region] quit

# Configure Device A as the root bridge of MSTI 1.

[DeviceA] stp instance 1 root primary

# Enable the spanning tree feature globally.

[DeviceA] stp global enable

# Enable MVRP globally.

[DeviceA] mvrp global enable

# Configure the ports GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 through GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 as trunk ports, assign the ports to VLANs 11 through 30, and enable MVRP on these ports.

[DeviceA] interface range gigabitethernet 1/0/1 to gigabitethernet 1/0/3

[DeviceA-if-range] port link-mode bridge

[DeviceA-if-range] port link-type trunk

[DeviceA-if-range] port trunk permit vlan 11 to 30

[DeviceA-if-range] mvrp enable

[DeviceA-if-range] undo shutdown

[DeviceA-if-range] quit

Configuring Device B

# Create VLANs 11 and 21.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] vlan 11

[DeviceB-vlan11] quit

[DeviceB] vlan 21

[DeviceB-vlan21] quit

# Enter MST region view.

[DeviceB] stp region-configuration

# Set the MST region name to test.

[DeviceB-mst-region] region-name test

# Map VLANs 11 through 20 to MSTI 1.

[DeviceB-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 11 to 20

# Map VLANs 21 through 30 to MSTI 2.

[DeviceB-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 21 to 30

# Activate the MST region configuration.

[DeviceB-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceB-mst-region] quit

# Configure Device B as the root bridge of MSTI 2.

[DeviceB] stp instance 2 root primary

# Enable the spanning tree feature globally.

[DeviceB] stp global enable

# Enable MVRP globally.

[DeviceB] mvrp global enable

# Configure the ports GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 through GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 as trunk ports, assign the ports to VLANs 11 through 30, and enable MVRP on these ports.

[DeviceB] interface range gigabitethernet 1/0/1 to gigabitethernet 1/0/3

[DeviceB-if-range] port link-mode bridge

[DeviceB-if-range] port link-type trunk

[DeviceB-if-range] port trunk permit vlan 11 to 30

[DeviceB-if-range] mvrp enable

[DeviceB-if-range] undo shutdown

[DeviceB-if-range] quit

Configuring Device C

# Create VLANs 11 and 21.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] vlan 11

[DeviceC-vlan11] quit

[DeviceC] vlan 21

[DeviceC-vlan21] quit

# Enter MST region view.

[DeviceC] stp region-configuration

# Set the MST region name to test.

[DeviceC-mst-region] region-name test

# Map VLANs 11 through 20 to MSTI 1.

[DeviceC-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 11 to 20

# Map VLANs 21 through 30 to MSTI 2.

[DeviceC-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 21 to 30

# Activate the MST region configuration.

[DeviceC-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceC-mst-region] quit

# Enable the spanning tree feature globally.

[DeviceC] stp global enable

# Enable MVRP globally.

[DeviceC] mvrp global enable

# Configure the ports GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 and GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as trunk ports, assign the ports to VLANs 11 through 30, and enable MVRP on these ports.

[DeviceC] interface range gigabitethernet 1/0/1 to gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceC-if-range] port link-mode bridge

[DeviceC-if-range] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-if-range] port trunk permit vlan 11 to 30

[DeviceC-if-range] mvrp enable

[DeviceC-if-range] undo shutdown

[DeviceC-if-range] quit

Configuring Device D

Configure Device D in the same way Device C is configured. (Details not shown.)

Verifying the configuration

Verifying MSTI topologies

# Display brief spanning tree information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display stp brief

 MST ID   Port                                Role  STP State   Protection


 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                DESI  FORWARDING  NONE

 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                DESI  FORWARDING  NONE

 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/3                DESI  FORWARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                DESI  FORWARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/3                DESI  FORWARDING  NONE

# Display brief spanning tree information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display stp brief

 MST ID   Port                                Role  STP State   Protection


 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                DESI  FORWARDING  NONE

 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/3                DESI  FORWARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                DESI  FORWARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                DESI  FORWARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/3                DESI  FORWARDING  NONE

# Display brief spanning tree information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display stp brief

 MST ID   Port                                Role  STP State   Protection


 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ALTE  DISCARDING  NONE

 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                ALTE  DISCARDING  NONE

# Display brief spanning tree information on Device D.

[DeviceD] display stp brief

 MST ID   Port                                Role  STP State   Protection


 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                ALTE  DISCARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ALTE  DISCARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

Based on the output, you can get MSTI topologies, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 MSTI topologies


Verifying local VLAN information on all devices

# Display local VLAN information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display mvrp running-status

 -------[MVRP Global Info] -------

 Global Status     : Enabled

 Compliance-GVRP   : False


 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ----

 Config  Status                 : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Normal

 Registered VLANs :

  1(default), 11, 21

 Declared VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30

 Propagated VLANs :

  1(default), 11, 21


 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ----

 Config  Status                 : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Normal

 Registered VLANs :

  1(default), 11

 Declared VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30

 Propagated VLANs :

  1(default), 11


 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/3] ----

 Config  Status                 : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Normal

 Registered VLANs :

  1(default), 11

 Declared VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30

 Propagated VLANs :

  1(default), 11

The output shows that all ports of Device A have declared VLANs 11 through 30.

# Display local VLAN information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display mvrp running-status

 -------[MVRP Global Info] -------

 Global Status     : Enabled

 Compliance-GVRP   : False


 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ----

 Config  Status                 : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Normal

 Registered VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30

 Declared VLANs :

  1(default), 11, 21

 Propagated VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30


 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ----

 Config  Status                 : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Normal

 Registered VLANs :


 Declared VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30

 Propagated VLANs :



 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/3] ----

 Config  Status                 : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Normal

 Registered VLANs :


 Declared VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30

 Propagated VLANs :


The output shows that:

·     GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 has registered and propagated VLANs 11 through 30.

·     GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 and GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 have declared VLANs 11 through 30.

# Display local VLAN information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display mvrp running-status

 -------[MVRP Global Info] -------

 Global Status     : Enabled

 Compliance-GVRP   : False


 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ----

 Config  Status                 : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Normal

 Registered VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30

 Declared VLANs :


 Propagated VLANs :



 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ----

 Config  Status                 : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Normal

 Registered VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30

 Declared VLANs :

  1(default), 11

 Propagated VLANs :

  1(default), 11-20

The output shows that:

·     GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 has registered VLANs 11 through 30. Because GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 is a blocked port in MSTI 1, the port propagated only VLANs 21 through 30.

·     GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 has registered VLANs 11 through 30. Because GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 is a blocked port in MSTI 2, the port propagated only VLANs 11 through 20.

# Display local VLAN information on Device D.

[DeviceD] display mvrp running-status

 -------[MVRP Global Info] -------

 Global Status     : Enabled

 Compliance-GVRP   : False


 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ----

 Config  Status                 : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Normal

 Registered VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30

 Declared VLANs :

  1(default), 11

 Propagated VLANs :

  1(default), 11-20


 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ----

 Config  Status                 : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Normal

 Registered VLANs :

  1(default), 11-30

 Declared VLANs :


 Propagated VLANs :


The output shows that:

·     GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 has registered VLANs 11 through 30. Because GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 is a blocked port in MSTI 2, the port propagated only VLANs 11 through 20.

·     GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 has registered VLANs 11 through 30. Because GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 is a blocked port in MSTI 1, the port propagated only VLANs 21 through 30.

Verifying VLAN information after changing the registration mode

When the network is stable, set the MVRP registration mode to fixed on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 of Device B. Then, verify that dynamic VLANs on the port will not be deregistered.

# Set the MVRP registration mode to fixed on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 of Device B.

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] mvrp registration fixed

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Remove VLAN 30 from Device A.

[DeviceA] undo vlan 30

# Display local VLAN information on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 of Device B.

[DeviceB] display mvrp running-status interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

 -------[MVRP Global Info] -------

 Global Status     : Enabled

 Compliance-GVRP   : False


 ----[GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ----

 Config Status                  : Enabled

 Running Status                 : Enabled

 Join Timer                     : 20 (centiseconds)

 Leave Timer                    : 60 (centiseconds)

 Periodic Timer                 : 100 (centiseconds)

 LeaveAll Timer                 : 1000 (centiseconds)

 Registration Type              : Fixed

 Registered VLANs :

  1(default), 21-30

 Declared VLANs :

  1(default), 21

 Propagated VLANs :

  1(default), 21-30

The output shows that VLAN information on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 does not change after you set its MVRP registration mode to fixed.

# Create VLAN 30 on Device A.

[DeviceA] vlan 30

Verifying VLAN information after changing the network topology

Shut down GigabitEthernet1/0/2 of Device C to change the network topology, and then verify the VLAN information on this port.

# Display VLAN information on GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 of Device C.

[DeviceC] display interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2


Current state: UP

Line protocol state: UP


Port link-type: Trunk

 VLAN Passing:   1(default vlan), 11-30

 VLAN permitted: 1(default vlan), 11-30

 Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q


The output shows that VLAN 1 and VLANs 11 through 30 can pass through GigabitEthernet 1/0/2.

# Shut down GigabitEthernet 1/0/2.

[DeviceC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] shutdown

[DeviceC-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Display brief spanning tree information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display stp brief

 MST ID   Port                                Role  STP State   Protection

 0        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

# Display brief spanning tree information on Device D.

[DeviceD] display stp brief

 MST ID   Port                                Role  STP State   Protection

 0        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

 0        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                ALTE  DISCARDING  NONE

 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

 1        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                ALTE  DISCARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/1                ALTE  DISCARDING  NONE

 2        GigabitEthernet1/0/2                ROOT  FORWARDING  NONE

Based on the output, you can get the topology of MSTI 1, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Topology of MSTI 1


# Display dynamic VLANs on Device C.

[DeviceC] display vlan dynamic

 Dynamic VLANs: 18

 The dynamic VLANs include:

 12-20, 22-30

# Display VLAN information on GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 of Device C.

[DeviceC] display interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2


Port link-type: Trunk

 VLAN Passing:   1(default vlan), 11, 21

 VLAN permitted: 1(default vlan), 11-30

 Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q


The output shows that:

·     VLANs 1, 11, and 21 can pass through GigabitEthernet 1/0/2.

·     GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 failed to learn dynamic VLANs.

Configuration files



Support for the port link-mode bridge command depends on the device model.


·     Device A:


 sysname DeviceA


 mvrp global enable


vlan 1


vlan 11 to 30


stp region-configuration

 region-name test

 instance 1 vlan 11 to 20

 instance 2 vlan 21 to 30

 active region-configuration


 stp instance 0 to 1 root primary

 stp global enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 11 to 30

 mvrp enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 11 to 30

 mvrp enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 11 to 30

 mvrp enable


·     Device B:


 sysname DeviceB


 mvrp global enable


vlan 1


vlan 11


vlan 21


stp region-configuration

 region-name test

 instance 1 vlan 11 to 20

 instance 2 vlan 21 to 30

 active region-configuration


 stp instance 2 root primary

 stp global enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 11 to 30

 mvrp enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 11 to 30

 mvrp enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 11 to 30

 mvrp enable


·     Device C:


 sysname DeviceC


 mvrp global enable


vlan 1


vlan 11


vlan 21


stp region-configuration

 region-name test

 instance 1 vlan 11 to 20

 instance 2 vlan 21 to 30

 active region-configuration


 stp global enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 11 to 30

 mvrp enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 11 to 30

 mvrp enable


·     Device D:


 sysname DeviceD


 mvrp global enable


vlan 1


vlan 11


vlan 21


stp region-configuration

 region-name test

 instance 1 vlan 11 to 20

 instance 2 vlan 21 to 30

 active region-configuration


 stp global enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 11 to 30

 mvrp enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 11 to 30

 mvrp enable



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