H3C Fixed Port Campus Switches Configuration Examples-6W103

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06-Ethernet Link Aggregation Configuration Examples


This document provides Ethernet link aggregation configuration examples.


The configuration examples in this document were created and verified in a lab environment, and all the devices were started with the factory default configuration. When you are working on a live network, make sure you understand the potential impact of every command on your network.

This document assumes that you have basic knowledge of Ethernet link aggregation.

Example: Configuring Layer 2 link aggregation

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 1, both Device A and Device B forward traffic from VLAN 10 and VLAN 20.

Configure link aggregation on Device A and Device B to meet the following requirements:

·     VLAN 10 on Device A can communicate with VLAN 10 on Device B.

·     VLAN 20 on Device A can communicate with VLAN 20 on Device B.

Figure 1 Network diagram



To enable traffic from VLAN 10 and VLAN 20 to pass through Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-aggregation 1, perform the following tasks:

·     Configure Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-aggregation 1 as a trunk port.

·     Assign the aggregate interface to VLAN 10 and VLAN 20.

Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Release 66xx

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Release 8005 and later

S5570S-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S5560X-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5560X-HI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5500V2-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-30F switch

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-28S switch

MS4520V2-24TP switch

Release 63xx

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5000-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4600 switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

ES5500 switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Release 63xx

S5500V3-24P-SI switch

S5500V3-48P-SI switch

Release 63xx

S5500V3-SI switch series (except S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Release 11xx

S5170-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Release 63xx

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Release 63xx

S5120V3-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S5120V3-36F-SI switch

S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI switch

S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI switch

Release 11xx

S5120V3-SI switch series (except S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Release 63xx

S5120V3-LI switch series

Release 63xx

S3600V3-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S3600V3-SI switch series

Release 11xx

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Release 63xx

S5110V2 switch series

Release 63xx

S5110V2-SI switch series

Release 63xx

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Release 63xx

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Release 63xx

E128C switch

E152C switch

E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Release 63xx

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Release 63xx

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Release 63xx

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Release 63xx

WAS6000 switch series

Release 63xx

IE4300-12P-AC switch

IE4300-12P-PWR switch

IE4300-M switch series

IE4320 switch series

Release 63xx


Restrictions and guidelines

When you configure Layer 2 link aggregation, follow these restrictions and guidelines:

·     When you assign a port to an aggregation group, the recommended configuration procedure is as follows:

a.     Use the display this command in interface view to check the following attribute configurations of the port:

-     Port isolation.

-     QinQ.

-     VLAN.

-     VLAN mapping.

b.     If any of the above configurations exist, use the undo forms of the corresponding commands to remove these configurations. This enables the port to use the default attribute configurations.

c.     Assign the port to the aggregation group.

·     In a static aggregation group, the Selected state of a port is not affected by whether the peer port is added to an aggregation group and is Selected. As a result, the Selected state of a port might be different from the Selected state of the peer port. When both ends support static aggregation and dynamic aggregation, use dynamic aggregation.

·     You cannot assign a port to a Layer 2 aggregation group when MAC authentication, port security mode, or 802.1X is configured or enabled on the port.


1.     Configure Device A:

# Create VLAN 10, and assign port GigabitEthernet 1/0/4 to VLAN 10.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] vlan 10

[DeviceA-vlan10] port gigabitethernet 1/0/4

[DeviceA-vlan10] quit

# Create VLAN 20, and assign port GigabitEthernet 1/0/5 to VLAN 20.

[DeviceA] vlan 20

[DeviceA-vlan20] port gigabitethernet 1/0/5

[DeviceA-vlan20] quit

# Create Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-aggregation 1. Use one of the following methods as needed.

¡     Use the static aggregation mode to create Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-aggregation 1.

[DeviceA] interface bridge-aggregation 1

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] quit

¡     Use the dynamic aggregation mode to create Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-aggregation 1.

[DeviceA] interface bridge-aggregation 1

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] link-aggregation mode dynamic

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] quit

# Assign ports GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 through GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 to aggregation group 1.

[DeviceA] interface range gigabitethernet 1/0/1 to gigabitethernet 1/0/3

[DeviceA-if-range] port link-aggregation group 1

[DeviceA-if-range] quit

# Configure Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-aggregation 1 as a trunk port.

[DeviceA] interface bridge-aggregation 1

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] port link-type trunk

 Configuring GigabitEthernet1/0/1 done.

 Configuring GigabitEthernet1/0/2 done.

 Configuring GigabitEthernet1/0/3 done.

# Assign the aggregate interface to VLANs 10 and 20.

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] port trunk permit vlan 10 20

 Configuring GigabitEthernet1/0/1 done.

 Configuring GigabitEthernet1/0/2 done.

 Configuring GigabitEthernet1/0/3 done.

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] quit

2.     Configure Device B in the same way Device A is configured. (Details not shown.)

Verifying the configuration

# Display detailed information about the link aggregation groups on Device A.

·     Link aggregation configuration information when the static aggregation mode is used:

[DeviceA] display link-aggregation verbose

Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing

Port Status: S -- Selected, U -- Unselected, I -- Individual

Port: A -- Auto port, M -- Management port, R -- Reference port

Flags:  A -- LACP_Activity, B -- LACP_Timeout, C -- Aggregation,

        D -- Synchronization, E -- Collecting, F -- Distributing,

        G -- Defaulted, H -- Expired


Aggregation Interface: Bridge-Aggregation1

Aggregation Mode: Static

Loadsharing Type: Shar

Management VLANs: None

  Port             Status  Priority  Oper-Key

  GE1/0/1(R)       S       32768     1

  GE1/0/2          S       32768     1

  GE1/0/3          S       32768     1

The output shows that all member ports in the local aggregation group are in the Selected state. The Selected states of the local member ports are not affected by the Selected states of the peer member ports.

·     Link aggregation configuration information when the dynamic aggregation mode is used:

[DeviceA] display link-aggregation verbose

Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing

Port Status: S -- Selected, U -- Unselected, I -- Individual

Port: A -- Auto port, M -- Management port, R -- Reference port

Flags:  A -- LACP_Activity, B -- LACP_Timeout, C -- Aggregation,

        D -- Synchronization, E -- Collecting, F -- Distributing,

        G -- Defaulted, H -- Expired


Aggregation Interface: Bridge-Aggregation1

Creation Mode: Manual

Aggregation Mode: Dynamic

Loadsharing Type: Shar

Management VLANs: None

System ID: 0x8000, 000f-e234-5678


  Port                Status   Priority Index    Oper-Key               Flag

  GE1/0/1             S        32768    2        1                      {ACDEF}

  GE1/0/2             S        32768    3        1                      {ACDEF}

  GE1/0/3             S        32768    4        1                      {ACDEF}


  Actor               Priority Index    Oper-Key SystemID               Flag

  GE1/0/1(R)          32768    2        1        0x8000, a4e5-c316-0100 {ACDEF}

  GE1/0/2             32768    3        1        0x8000, a4e5-c316-0100 {ACDEF}

  GE1/0/3             32768    4        1        0x8000, a4e5-c316-0100 {ACDEF}

The output shows that the local member ports and the corresponding peer member ports are all Selected. In the dynamic link aggregation mode, each local member port and its peer member port have the same Selected state through exchanging LACPDUs. The user data traffic can be forwarded correctly.

Configuration files



Support for the port link-mode bridge command depends on the device model.


·     Device A:


vlan 10


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 10


vlan 20


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 20

¡     In the static aggregation mode:


interface Bridge-Aggregation1

port link-type trunk

port trunk permit vlan 10 20

¡     In the dynamic aggregation mode:


interface Bridge-Aggregation1

port link-type trunk

port trunk permit vlan 10 20

link-aggregation mode dynamic


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

port link-mode bridge

port link-type trunk

port trunk permit vlan 10 20

port link-aggregation group 1


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

port link-mode bridge

port link-type trunk

port trunk permit vlan 10 20

port link-aggregation group 1


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

port link-mode bridge

port link-type trunk

port trunk permit vlan 10 20

port link-aggregation group 1


·     Device B:

The configuration file on Device B is the same as the configuration file on Device A.

Example: Configuring Layer 2 aggregation load sharing

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 2, both Device A and Device B forward traffic for VLAN 10 and VLAN 20.

Configure link aggregation on Device A and Device B to meet the following requirements:

·     Configure Layer 2 static aggregation groups 1 and 2 on both Device A and Device B.

·     Configure link aggregation group 1 to forward traffic for VLAN 10.

·     Configure link aggregation group 2 to forward traffic for VLAN 20.

·     Configure link aggregation groups 1 and 2 to load share traffic across aggregation group member ports.

¡     Configure link aggregation group 1 to load share packets based on source MAC addresses.

¡     Configure link aggregation group 2 to load share packets based on destination MAC addresses.

Figure 2 Network diagram



To enable the aggregate interfaces to forward traffic for VLAN 10 and VLAN 20, perform the following tasks:

·     Assign Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-aggregation 1 to VLAN 10.

·     Assign Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-aggregation 2 to VLAN 20.

For Bridge-aggregation 1 and Bridge-aggregation 2 to load share traffic across their Selected ports, set the load sharing mode in aggregate interface view.

Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Not supported

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Release 8005 and later

S5570S-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-HI switch series

Not supported

S5500V2-EI switch series

Not supported

MS4520V2-30F switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-28S switch

MS4520V2-24TP switch

Not supported

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Not supported

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000-EI switch series

Not supported

MS4600 switch series

Not supported

ES5500 switch series

Not supported

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Not supported

S5500V3-24P-SI switch

S5500V3-48P-SI switch

Not supported

S5500V3-SI switch series (except S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Not supported

S5170-EI switch series

Not supported

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-36F-SI switch

S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI switch

S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI switch

Not supported

S5120V3-SI switch series (except S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Not supported

S5120V3-LI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S5110V2 switch series

Not supported

S5110V2-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Not supported

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Not supported

E128C switch

E152C switch

E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Not supported

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Not supported

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WAS6000 switch series

Not supported

IE4300-12P-AC switch

IE4300-12P-PWR switch

IE4300-M switch series

IE4320 switch series

Not supported


Restrictions and guidelines

When you assign a port to an aggregation group, the recommended configuration procedure is as follows:

1.     Use the display this command in interface view to check the following attribute configurations of the port:

¡     Port isolation.

¡     QinQ.

¡     VLAN.

¡     VLAN mapping.

2.     If any of the above configurations exist, use the undo forms of the corresponding commands to remove these configurations. This enables the port to use the default attribute configurations.

3.     Assign the port to the aggregation group.

You cannot assign a port to a Layer 2 aggregation group when MAC authentication, port security mode, or 802.1X is configured or enabled on the port.


Configuring Device A

# Create VLAN 10, and assign GigabitEthernet 1/0/5 to VLAN 10.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] vlan 10

[DeviceA-vlan10] port gigabitethernet 1/0/5

[DeviceA-vlan10] quit

# Create VLAN 20, and assign GigabitEthernet 1/0/6 to VLAN 20.

[DeviceA] vlan 20

[DeviceA-vlan20] port gigabitethernet 1/0/6

[DeviceA-vlan20] quit

# Create Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-Aggregation 1. Configure Layer 2 aggregation group 1 to load share packets based on source MAC addresses.

[DeviceA] interface bridge-aggregation 1

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] link-aggregation load-sharing mode source-mac

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] quit

# Assign GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 and GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 to link aggregation group 1.

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-aggregation group 1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port link-aggregation group 1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Configure Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-Aggregation 1 as an access port and assign it to VLAN 10.

[DeviceA] interface bridge-aggregation 1

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] port access vlan 10

Configuring GigabitEthernet1/0/1 done.

Configuring GigabitEthernet1/0/2 done.

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] quit

# Create Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-Aggregation 2. Configure Layer 2 aggregation group 2 to load share packets based on destination MAC addresses.

[DeviceA] interface bridge-aggregation 2

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation2] link-aggregation load-sharing mode destination-mac

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation2] quit

# Assign GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 and GigabitEthernet 1/0/4 to link aggregation group 2.

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port link-aggregation group 2

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/4

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] port link-aggregation group 2

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] quit

# Configure Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-Aggregation 2 as an access port and assign it to VLAN 20.

[DeviceA] interface bridge-aggregation 2

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation2] port access vlan 20

Configuring GigabitEthernet1/0/3 done.

Configuring GigabitEthernet1/0/4 done.

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation2] quit

Configuring Device B

Configure Device B in the same way Device A is configured. (Details not shown.)

Verifying the configuration

# Display detailed information about all aggregation groups on Device A.

[DeviceA] display link-aggregation verbose

Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing

Port Status: S -- Selected, U -- Unselected , I -- Individual

Port: A -- Auto port, M -- Management port, R -- Reference port

Flags:  A -- LACP_Activity, B -- LACP_Timeout, C -- Aggregation,

        D -- Synchronization, E -- Collecting, F -- Distributing,

        G -- Defaulted, H -- Expired


Aggregation Interface: Bridge-Aggregation1

Aggregation Mode: Static

Loadsharing Type: Shar

Management VLANs: None

  Port             Status  Priority  Oper-Key

  GE1/0/1(R)       S       32768     1

  GE1/0/2          S       32768     1


Aggregation Interface: Bridge-Aggregation2

Aggregation Mode: Static

Loadsharing Type: Shar

Management VLANs: None

  Port             Status  Priority  Oper-Key

  GE1/0/3(R)       S       32768     2

  GE1/0/4          S       32768     2

The output shows that:

·     Both link aggregation groups 1 and 2 load share traffic.

·     Each aggregation group contains two Selected ports.

# Display all the group-specific load sharing modes on Device A.

[DeviceA]display link-aggregation load-sharing mode interface Bridge-Aggregation 1

Bridge-Aggregation1 load-sharing mode:

source-mac address

[DeviceA]display link-aggregation load-sharing mode interface Bridge-Aggregation 2

Bridge-Aggregation2 load-sharing mode:

destination-mac address

The output shows that:

·     Link aggregation group 1 distributes packets based on source MAC addresses.

·     Link aggregation group 2 distributes packets based on destination MAC addresses.

Configuration files



Support for the port link-mode bridge command depends on the device model.


·     Device A:


vlan 10


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 10


vlan 20


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 10


interface Bridge-Aggregation1

 port access vlan 10

 link-aggregation load-sharing mode source-mac


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 10

 port link-aggregation group 1


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 10

 port link-aggregation group 1


interface Bridge-Aggregation2

 port access vlan 20

 link-aggregation load-sharing mode destination-mac


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 20

 port link-aggregation group 2


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 20

 port link-aggregation group 2

·     Device B:

The configuration file on Device B is the same as the configuration file on Device A.

Example: Configuring Layer 2 link aggregation in an IRF fabric

Network configuration

On the network as shown in Figure 3, perform the following tasks:

·     Set up a two-chassis IRF fabric at the access layer and a two-chassis IRF fabric at the distribution layer of the enterprise network.

·     Configure link aggregation to improve the reliability of the links between the access-layer and distribution-layer IRF fabrics and implement load sharing.

·     Run LACP MAD on the two IRF fabrics to detect IRF split.

Figure 3 Network diagram


Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Release 66xx

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Release 8005 and later

S5570S-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S5560X-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5560X-HI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5500V2-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-30F switch

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-28S switch

MS4520V2-24TP switch

Release 63xx

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5000-EI switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4600 switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

ES5500 switch series

Release 63xx, Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Release 63xx

S5500V3-24P-SI switch

S5500V3-48P-SI switch

Release 63xx

S5500V3-SI switch series (except S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Release 11xx

S5170-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Release 63xx

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Release 63xx

S5120V3-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S5120V3-36F-SI switch

S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI switch

S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI switch

Release 11xx

S5120V3-SI switch series (except S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Release 63xx

S5120V3-LI switch series

Release 63xx

S3600V3-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S3600V3-SI switch series

Release 11xx

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Release 63xx

S5110V2 switch series

Release 63xx

S5110V2-SI switch series

Release 63xx

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Release 63xx

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Release 63xx

E128C switch

E152C switch

E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Release 63xx

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Release 63xx

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Release 63xx

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Release 63xx

WAS6000 switch series

Release 63xx

IE4300-12P-AC switch

IE4300-12P-PWR switch

IE4300-M switch series

IE4320 switch series

Release 63xx


Restrictions and guidelines

When you configure Layer 2 link aggregation in an IRF fabric, follow these restrictions and guidelines:

·     IRF physical ports must be set to the bridge mode.

·     When you bind physical ports to an IRF port, you must set all the physical ports to operate in either normal or enhanced mode.

·     The physical ports of two connected IRF ports must operate in the same mode: normal or enhanced. For more information about the binding mode of the IRF physical ports, see IRF Configuration Guide.

·     When you assign a port to an aggregation group, the recommended configuration procedure is as follows:

a.     Use the display this command in interface view to check the following attribute configurations of the port:

-     Port isolation.

-     QinQ.

-     VLAN.

-     VLAN mapping.

b.     If any of the above configurations exist, use the undo forms of the corresponding commands to remove these configurations. This enables the port to use the default attribute configurations.

c.     Assign the port to the aggregation group.

·     In a static aggregation group, the Selected state of a port is not affected by whether the peer port is added to an aggregation group and is Selected. As a result, the Selected state of a port might be different from the Selected state of the peer port. When both ends support static aggregation and dynamic aggregation, use dynamic aggregation.

·     You cannot assign a port to a Layer 2 aggregation group when MAC authentication, port security mode, or 802.1X is configured or enabled on the port.


1.     Configure IRF on Device A:

# Shut down GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] shutdown

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Bind GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 to IRF port 1/1.

[DeviceA] irf-port 1/1

[DeviceA-irf-port1/1] port group interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

You must perform the following tasks for a successful IRF setup:

Save the configuration after completing IRF configuration.

Execute the "irf-port-configuration active" command to activate the IRF ports.

[DeviceA-irf-port1/1] quit

# Bring up GigabitEthernet1/0/1, and save the configuration.

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] undo shutdown

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

[DeviceA] save

# Activate the IRF port configuration.

[DeviceA] irf-port-configuration active

2.     Configure IRF on Device B:

# Change the member ID of Device B to 2, and reboot the device to validate the change.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] irf member 1 renumber 2

Renumbering the member ID may result in configuration change or loss. Continue? [Y/N]:y

[DeviceB] quit

<DeviceB> reboot

# Shut down Gigabitethernet 2/0/1.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 2/0/1

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet2/0/1] shutdown

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet2/0/1] quit

# Bind GigabitEthernet 2/0/1 to IRF port 2/2.

[DeviceB] irf-port 2/2

[DeviceB-irf-port2/2] port group interface gigabitethernet 2/0/1

You must perform the following tasks for a successful IRF setup:

Save the configuration after completing IRF configuration.

Execute the "irf-port-configuration active" command to activate the IRF ports.

[DeviceB-irf-port2/2] quit

# Bring up GigabitEthernet 2/0/1, and save the configuration.

[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 2/0/1

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet2/0/1] undo shutdown

[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet2/0/1] quit

[DeviceB] save

# Activate the IRF port configuration.

[DeviceB] irf-port-configuration active

Device A and Device B perform master election, and the one that has lost the election reboots to form an IRF fabric with the master. In this example, Device B reboots.

# Use the display irf command to verify that Device A has become the Master device.

[DeviceA] display irf

MemberID    Role    Priority  CPU-Mac         Description

 *+1        Master   1        00a0-fc00-5801  ---

   2        Standby  1        00e0-fc58-1235  ---


 * indicates the device is the master.

 + indicates the device through which the user logs in.


 The bridge MAC of the IRF is: 00a0-fc00-5800

 Auto upgrade                : yes

 Mac persistent              : 6 min

 Domain ID                   : 0

 Auto merge                  : yes

3.     Configure a Layer 2 aggregation group on Device A:

# Create Layer 2 aggregate interface Bridge-Aggregation 1, and configure the link aggregation mode as dynamic.

[DeviceA] interface bridge-aggregation 1

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] link-aggregation mode dynamic

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] quit

# Assign ports GigabitEthernet 1/0/9, GigabitEthernet1/0/10, GigabitEthernet 2/0/9, and GigabitEthernet 2/0/10 to link aggregation group 1.

[DeviceA] interface range gigabitethernet 1/0/9 to gigabitethernet 1/0/10

gigabitethernet 2/0/9 to gigabitethernet 2/0/10

[DeviceA-if-range] port link-aggregation group 1

[DeviceA-if-range] quit


Configure LACP MAD on the IRF fabric:

# Set the domain ID of the IRF fabric to 1.

[DeviceA] irf domain 1

# Enable LACP MAD on Bridge-Aggregation 1.

[DeviceA] interface Bridge-Aggregation 1

[DeviceA-Bridge-Aggregation1] mad enable

You need to assign a domain ID (range: 0-4294967295)

[Current domain is: 1]:

The assigned domain ID is: 1

MAD LACP only enable on dynamic aggregation interface.

4.     Configure IRF on Device C in the same way IRF is configured on Device A. (Details not shown.)

5.     Configure IRF on Device D in the same way IRF is configured on Device B. (Details not shown.)

Device C and Device D perform master election, and the one that has lost the election reboots to form an IRF fabric with the master. In this example, Device C reboots.

6.     Configure a Layer 2 dynamic aggregation group Bridge-Aggregation 1 on Device C in the same way Bridge-Aggregation 1 is configured on Device A. (Details not shown.)

7.     Configure LACP MAD on the IRF fabric:

# Set the domain ID of the IRF fabric to 2.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] irf domain 2

# Enable LACP MAD on Bridge-Aggregation 1.

[DeviceC] interface Bridge-Aggregation 1

[DeviceC-Bridge-Aggregation1] mad enable

You need to assign a domain ID (range: 0-4294967295)

[Current domain is: 2]:

The assigned domain ID is: 2

MAD LACP only enable on dynamic aggregation interface.

Verifying the configuration

# Display the information about the link aggregation groups on Device A.

[DeviceA] display link-aggregation verbose

Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing

Port Status: S -- Selected, U -- Unselected, I -- Individual

Port: A -- Auto port, M -- Management port, R -- Reference port

Flags:  A -- LACP_Activity, B -- LACP_Timeout, C -- Aggregation,

        D -- Synchronization, E -- Collecting, F -- Distributing,

        G -- Defaulted, H -- Expired


Aggregate Interface: Bridge-Aggregation1

Creation Mode: Manual

Aggregation Mode: Dynamic

Loadsharing Type: Shar

Management VLANs: None

System ID: 0x8000, 00a0-fc00-5800


  Port                Status   Priority Index    Oper-Key               Flag

  GE1/0/9(R)          S        32768    10       1                      {ACG}

  GE1/0/10            S        32768    11       1                      {ACG}

  GE2/0/9             S        32768    138      1                      {ACG}

  GE2/0/10            S        32768    139      1                      {ACG}


  Actor               Priority Index    Oper-Key SystemID               Flag

  GE1/0/9             32768    0        0        0x8000, 0000-0000-0000 {EF}

  GE1/0/10            32768    0        0        0x8000, 0000-0000-0000 {EF}

  GE2/0/9             32768    0        0        0x8000, 0000-0000-0000 {EF}

  GE2/0/10            32768    0        0        0x8000, 0000-0000-0000 {EF}

The output shows that the local member ports and the corresponding peer member ports are all Selected. In the dynamic link aggregation mode, each local member port and its peer member port have the same Selected state through exchanging LACPDUs. The user data traffic can be forwarded correctly.

# Shut down physical IRF port GigabitEthernet 2/0/1 on Device B.

A log message appears on Device A.

[DeviceA]%Jul  9 16:52:41:734 2016 DeviceA STM/3/STM_LINK_DOWN: IRF port 1 went down.

%Jul  9 16:52:41:800 2016 DeviceA IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 changed to down.

%Jul  9 16:52:41:854 2016 DeviceA IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 changed to down.

%Jul  9 16:52:41:867 2016 DeviceA DEV/3/BOARD_REMOVED: Board was removed from slot 2, type is Simware.

The output shows that IRF split occurs on the distribution layer because GigabitEthernet 2/0/1 that is bound to IRF port 2/2 is physically down.

Configuration files



Support for the port link-mode bridge command depends on the device model.


·     Device A:


 irf domain 1

 irf mac-address persistent timer

 irf auto-update enable

 irf auto-merge enable

 undo irf link-delay

 irf member 1 priority 1

 irf member 2 priority 1


irf-port 1/1

 port group interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1


irf-port 2/2

 port group interface GigabitEthernet2/0/1



interface Bridge-Aggregation1

 link-aggregation mode dynamic


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-aggregation group 1


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-aggregation group 1


interface GigabitEthernet2/0/9

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-aggregation group 1


interface GigabitEthernet2/0/10

 port link-mode bridge

 port link-aggregation group 1


·     Device C:

The configuration file on Device C is similar as the configuration file on Device A.

Example: Configuring Layer 3 link aggregation

Network configuration

On the network as shown in Figure 4, perform the following tasks:

·     Configure a Layer 3 dynamic aggregation group on both Device A and Device B.

·     Configure IP addresses and subnet masks for the corresponding Layer 3 aggregate interfaces.

Figure 4 Network diagram


Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Release 66xx

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Release 8005 and later

S5570S-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S5560X-EI switch series

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5560X-HI switch series

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5500V2-EI switch series

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-30F switch

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Release 65xx, Release 66xx



Release 63xx

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5000-EI switch series

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

MS4600 switch series

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

ES5500 switch series

Release 65xx, Release 66xx

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Release 63xx

S5500V3-24P-SI switch

S5500V3-48P-SI switch

Release 63xx

S5500V3-SI switch series (except S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Release 11xx

S5170-EI switch series

Not supported

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-36F-SI switch

S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI switch

S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI switch

Not supported

S5120V3-SI switch series (except S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Not supported

S5120V3-LI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-EI switch series

Release 11xx

S3600V3-SI switch series

Release 11xx

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S5110V2 switch series

Not supported

S5110V2-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Release 63xx

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Not supported

E128C switch

E152C switch

E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Not supported

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Not supported

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Release 63xx

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WAS6000 switch series

Not supported

IE4300-12P-AC switch

IE4300-12P-PWR switch

IE4300-M switch series

IE4320 switch series

Not supported


Restrictions and guidelines

In a static aggregation group, the Selected state of a port is not affected by whether the peer port is added to an aggregation group and is Selected. As a result, the Selected state of a port might be different from the Selected state of the peer port. When both ends support static aggregation and dynamic aggregation, use dynamic aggregation.

If you use the S5570S-EI, S5500V3-SI, S3600V3-EI, or S3600V3-SI switch series, reserve local VLAN interface resources by using the reserve-vlan-interface command before you switch Layer 2 Ethernet interfaces to Layer 3 Ethernet interfaces or create Layer 3 aggregate interfaces. For more information about VLAN interface resource reservation, see the VLAN configuration and commands for the products.


1.     Configure Device A:

# Create Layer 3 aggregate interface Route-Aggregation 1. Use one of the following methods as needed.

¡     Use the static aggregation mode to create Layer 3 aggregate interface Route-Aggregation 1.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] interface route-aggregation 1

¡     Use the dynamic aggregation mode to create Layer 3 aggregate interface Route-Aggregation 1.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] interface route-aggregation 1

[DeviceA-Route-Aggregation1] link-aggregation mode dynamic

# Configure an IP address and subnet mask for Layer 3 aggregate interface Route-Aggregation 1.

[DeviceA-Route-Aggregation1] ip address 24

[DeviceA-Route-Aggregation1] undo shutdown

[DeviceA-Route-Aggregation1] quit

# Assign ports GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 through GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 to aggregation group 1.

[DeviceA] interface range gigabitethernet 1/0/1 to gigabitethernet 1/0/3

[DeviceA-if-range] port link-mode route

[DeviceA-if-range] undo shutdown

[DeviceA-if-range] port link-aggregation group 1

[DeviceA-if-range] quit

Configure Device B in the same way Device A is configured. (Details not shown.)

Verifying the configuration

# Display detailed information about the link aggregation groups on Device A.

·     Link aggregation configuration information when the static aggregation mode is used:

[DeviceA] display link-aggregation verbose

Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing

Port Status: S -- Selected, U -- Unselected, I -- Individual

Port: A -- Auto port, M -- Management port, R -- Reference port

Flags:  A -- LACP_Activity, B -- LACP_Timeout, C -- Aggregation,

        D -- Synchronization, E -- Collecting, F -- Distributing,

        G -- Defaulted, H -- Expired


Aggregate Interface: Route-Aggregation1

Aggregation Mode: Static

Loadsharing Type: Shar

Management VLANs: None

  Port             Status  Priority Oper-Key

  GE1/0/1          S       32768    1

  GE1/0/2          S       32768    1

  GE1/0/3          S       32768    1

The output shows that all member ports in the local aggregation group are in Selected state. The Selected states of the local member ports are not affected by the Selected states of the peer member ports.

·     Link aggregation configuration information when the dynamic aggregation mode is used:

[DeviceA] display link-aggregation verbose

Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing

Port Status: S -- Selected, U -- Unselected, I -- Individual

Port: A -- Auto port, M -- Management port, R -- Reference port

Flags:  A -- LACP_Activity, B -- LACP_Timeout, C -- Aggregation,

        D -- Synchronization, E -- Collecting, F -- Distributing,

        G -- Defaulted, H -- Expired


Aggregate Interface: Route-Aggregation1

Creation Mode: Manual

Aggregation Mode: Dynamic

Loadsharing Type: Shar

Management VLANs: None

System ID: 0x8000, 000f-e267-6c6a


  Port                Status   Priority Index    Oper-Key               Flag

  GE1/0/1(R)          S        32768    2        1                      {ACDEF}

  GE1/0/2             S        32768    3        1                      {ACDEF}

  GE1/0/3             S        32768    4        1                      {ACDEF}


  Actor               Priority Index    Oper-Key SystemID               Flag

  GE1/0/1             32768    2        1        0x8000, 68fa-34f2-0200 {ACDEF}

  GE1/0/2             32768    3        1        0x8000, 68fa-34f2-0200 {ACDEF}

  GE1/0/3             32768    4        1        0x8000, 68fa-34f2-0200 {ACDEF}

The output shows that the local member ports and the corresponding peer member ports are all Selected. In the dynamic link aggregation mode, each local member port and its peer member port have the same Selected state through exchanging LACPDUs. The user data traffic can be forwarded correctly.

Configuration files



Support for the port link-mode bridge command depends on the device model.


·     Device A:


¡     In the static aggregation mode:


interface route-aggregation1

 ip address


¡     In the dynamic aggregation mode:


interface route-aggregation1

 ip address

 link-aggregation mode dynamic


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-mode route

 port link-aggregation group 1


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-mode route

 port link-aggregation group 1


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 port link-mode route

 port link-aggregation group 1


 Device B:

The configuration file on Device B is similar as the configuration file on Device A.

Example: Configuring Layer 3 aggregation load sharing

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 5, configure link aggregation on Device A and Device B to meet the following requirements:

·     Configure Layer 3 static aggregation groups 1 and 2 on both Device A and Device B.

·     Assign IP addresses and subnet masks to the Layer 3 aggregate interfaces of the aggregation groups.

·     Configure link aggregation groups 1 and 2 to load share traffic across aggregation group member ports.

¡     Configure link aggregation group 1 to load share packets based on source IP addresses.

¡     Configure link aggregation group 2 to load share packets based on destination IP addresses.

Figure 5 Network diagram


Applicable hardware and software versions

The following matrix shows the hardware and software versions to which this configuration example is applicable:



Software version

S6812 switch series

S6813 switch series

Not supported

S6550XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S6525XE-HI switch series

Release 6008 and later

S5850 switch series

Release 8005 and later

S5570S-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-EI switch series

Not supported

S5560X-HI switch series

Not supported

S5500V2-EI switch series

Not supported

MS4520V2-30F switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-30C switch

MS4520V2-54C switch

Not supported

MS4520V2-28S switch

MS4520V2-24TP switch

Not supported

S6520X-HI switch series

S6520X-EI switch series

Not supported

S6520X-SI switch series

S6520-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000-EI switch series

Not supported

MS4600 switch series

Not supported

ES5500 switch series

Not supported

S5560S-EI switch series

S5560S-SI switch series

Not supported

S5500V3-24P-SI switch

S5500V3-48P-SI switch

Not supported

S5500V3-SI switch series (except S5500V3-24P-SI and S5500V3-48P-SI)

Not supported

S5170-EI switch series

Not supported

S5130S-HI switch series

S5130S-EI switch series

S5130S-SI switch series

S5130S-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V2-SI switch series

S5120V2-LI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S5120V3-36F-SI switch

S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI switch

S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI switch

Not supported

S5120V3-SI switch series (except S5120V3-36F-SI, S5120V3-28P-HPWR-SI, and S5120V3-54P-PWR-SI)

Not supported

S5120V3-LI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-EI switch series

Not supported

S3600V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S3100V3-EI switch series

S3100V3-SI switch series

Not supported

S5110V2 switch series

Not supported

S5110V2-SI switch series

Not supported

S5000V3-EI switch series

S5000V5-EI switch series

Not supported

S5000E-X switch series

S5000X-EI switch series

Not supported

E128C switch

E152C switch

E500C switch series

E500D switch series

Not supported

MS4320V2 switch series

MS4320V3 switch series

MS4300V2 switch series

MS4320 switch series

MS4200 switch series

Not supported

WS5850-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WS5820-WiNet switch series

WS5810-WiNet switch series

Not supported

WAS6000 switch series

Not supported

IE4300-12P-AC switch

IE4300-12P-PWR switch

IE4300-M switch series

IE4320 switch series

Not supported


Restrictions and guidelines

You can set the global or group-specific load sharing mode. A link aggregation group preferentially uses the group-specific load sharing mode. If the group-specific load sharing mode is not available, the group uses the global load sharing mode. This example uses group-specific load sharing mode configuration.


Configuring Device A

# Create Layer 3 aggregate interface Route-Aggregation 1.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] interface route-aggregation 1

# Configure Layer 3 aggregation group 1 to load share packets based on source IP addresses.

[DeviceA-Route-Aggregation1] link-aggregation load-sharing mode source-ip

# Configure an IP address and subnet mask for Layer 3 aggregate interface Route-Aggregation 1.

[DeviceA-Route-Aggregation1] ip address 24

[DeviceA-Route-Aggregation1] quit

# Create Layer 3 aggregate interface Route-Aggregation 2.

[DeviceA] interface route-aggregation 2

# Configure Layer 3 aggregation group 2 to load share packets based on destination IP addresses.

[DeviceA-Route-Aggregation2] link-aggregation load-sharing mode destination-ip

# Configure an IP address and subnet mask for Layer 3 aggregate interface Route-Aggregation 2.

[DeviceA-Route-Aggregation2] ip address 24

[DeviceA-Route-Aggregation2] quit

# Assign Layer 3 Ethernet interfaces GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 and GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 to aggregation group 1.

[DeviceA] interface range gigabitethernet 1/0/1 gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[DeviceA-if-range] port link-mode route

[DeviceA-if-range] port link-aggregation group 1

[DeviceA-if-range] quit

# Assign Layer 3 Ethernet interfaces GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 and GigabitEthernet 1/0/4 to aggregation group 2.

[DeviceA] interface range gigabitethernet 1/0/3 gigabitethernet 1/0/4

[DeviceA-if-range] port link-mode route

[DeviceA-if-range] port link-aggregation group 2

[DeviceA-if-range] quit

Configuring Device B

Configure Device B in the same way Device A is configured. (Details not shown.)

Verifying the configuration

# Display detailed information about all aggregation groups on Device A.

[DeviceA] display link-aggregation verbose

Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing

Port Status: S -- Selected, U -- Unselected, I -- Individual

Port: A -- Auto port, M -- Management port, R -- Reference port

Flags:  A -- LACP_Activity, B -- LACP_Timeout, C -- Aggregation,

        D -- Synchronization, E -- Collecting, F -- Distributing,

        G -- Defaulted, H -- Expired


Aggregate Interface: Route-Aggregation1

Aggregation Mode: Static

Loadsharing Type: Shar

Management VLANs: None

  Port             Status  Priority Oper-Key

  GE1/0/1(R)       S       32768    1

  GE1/0/2          S       32768    1


Aggregate Interface: Route-Aggregation2

Aggregation Mode: Static

Loadsharing Type: Shar

Management VLANs: None

  Port             Status  Priority Oper-Key

  GE1/0/3(R)       S       32768    2

  GE1/0/4          S       32768    2

The output shows that:

·     Both link aggregation groups 1 and 2 load share traffic.

·     Each aggregation group contains two Selected ports.

# Display all the group-specific load sharing modes on Device A.

[DeviceA] display link-aggregation load-sharing mode interface

Route-Aggregation1 load-sharing mode:

source-ip address


Route-Aggregation2 load-sharing mode:

destination-ip address

The output shows that:

·     Link aggregation group 1 distributes packets based on source IP addresses.

·     Link aggregation group 2 distributes packets based on destination IP addresses.

Configuration files



Support for the port link-mode bridge command depends on the device model.


·     Device A:


interface Route-Aggregation1

 ip address

 link-aggregation load-sharing mode source-ip


interface Route-Aggregation2

 ip address

 link-aggregation load-sharing mode destination-ip


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-mode route

 port link-aggregation group 1


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-mode route

 port link-aggregation group 1


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 port link-mode route

 port link-aggregation group 2


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4

 port link-mode route

 port link-aggregation group 2


·     Device B:

The configuration file on Device B is similar to the configuration file on Device A.


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