H3C S3600 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual-Release 1510(V1.04)

HomeSupportSwitchesH3C S3600 Switch SeriesConfigure & DeployConfiguration GuidesH3C S3600 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual-Release 1510(V1.04)
39-System Maintenance and Debugging Operation

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 BootROM and Host Software Loading. 1-1

1.1 Introduction to Loading Approaches. 1-1

1.2 Local BootROM and Software Loading. 1-1

1.2.1 BOOT Menu. 1-2

1.2.2 Loading by XModem through Console Port 1-3

1.2.3 Loading by TFTP through Ethernet Port 1-8

1.2.4 Loading by FTP through Ethernet Port 1-10

1.3 Remote BootROM and Software Loading. 1-12

1.3.1 Remote Loading Using FTP. 1-12

1.3.2 Remote Loading Using TFTP. 1-18

Chapter 2 Basic System Configuration & Debugging. 2-1

2.1 Basic System Configuration. 2-1

2.1.1 Basic System Configuration Tasks. 2-1

2.1.2 Entering System View from User View. 2-1

2.1.3 Setting the System Name of the Switch. 2-2

2.1.4 Setting the Date and Time of the System.. 2-2

2.1.5 Setting the Local Time Zone. 2-2

2.1.6 Setting the Summer Time. 2-2

2.1.7 Setting the CLI Language Mode. 2-3

2.1.8 Returning from Current View to Lower Level View. 2-3

2.1.9 Returning from Current View to User View. 2-3

2.2 Displaying the System Status. 2-3

2.3 Debugging the System.. 2-4

2.3.1 Enabling/Disabling System Debugging. 2-4

2.3.2 Displaying Debugging Status. 2-6

2.3.3 Displaying Operating Information about Modules in System.. 2-6

Chapter 3 Network Connectivity Test 3-1

3.1 Network Connectivity Test 3-1

3.1.1 ping. 3-1

3.1.2 tracert 3-1

Chapter 4 Device Management 4-1

4.1 Introduction to Device Management 4-1

4.2 Device Management Configuration. 4-1

4.2.1 Device Management Configuration Tasks. 4-1

4.2.2 Rebooting the Ethernet Switch. 4-1

4.2.3 Scheduling a Reboot on the Switch. 4-2

4.2.4 Specifying the APP to be Adopted at Reboot 4-2

4.2.5 Upgrading the BootROM.. 4-3

4.2.6 Upgrading the Host Software in the Fabric. 4-3

4.3 Displaying the Device Management Configuration. 4-3

4.4 Remote Switch Upgrade Configuration Example. 4-4


Chapter 1  BootROM and Host Software Loading

Traditionally, switch software is loaded through a serial port. This approach is slow, time-consuming and cannot be used for remote loading. To resolve these problems, the TFTP and FTP modules are introduced into the switch. With these modules, you can load/download software/files conveniently to the switch through an Ethernet port.

This chapter introduces how to load BootROM and host software to a switch locally and remotely.

1.1  Introduction to Loading Approaches

You can load software locally by using:

l           XModem through Console port

l           TFTP through Ethernet port

l           FTP through Ethernet port

You can load software remotely by using:

l           FTP

l           TFTP


&  Note:

The BootROM software version should be compatible with the host software version when you load the BootROM and host software.


1.2  Local BootROM and Software Loading

If your terminal is directly connected to the switch, you can load the BootROM and host software locally.

Before loading the software, make sure that your terminal is correctly connected to the switch.


&  Note:

The loading process of the BootROM software is the same as that of the host software, except that during the former process, you should press <Ctrl+U> and <Enter> after entering the BOOT menu and the system gives different prompts. The following text mainly describes the BootROM loading process.


1.2.1  BOOT Menu






            *                                                         *

            *          H3C S3600-28P-SI BOOTROM, Version 320          *

            *                                                         *



            Copyright(c) 2004-2007 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.

            Creation date   : Apr  10 2007, 15:30:51

            CPU type        : BCM4704

            CPU Clock Speed : 200MHz

            BUS Clock Speed : 33MHz

            Memory Size     : 64MB

            Mac Address     : 00e0fc123450



Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu...

Press <Ctrl+B>. The system displays:

Password :


&  Note:

To enter the BOOT menu, you should press <Ctrl+B> within five seconds after the information “Press Ctrl-B to enter BOOT Menu...” displays. Otherwise, the system starts to extract the program; and if you want to enter the BOOT Menu at this time, you will have to restart the switch.


Enter the correct BootROM password (no password is need by default). The system enters the BOOT Menu:

             BOOT  MENU


1. Download application file to flash

2. Select application file to boot

3. Display all files in flash 

4. Delete file from flash 

5. Modify bootrom password

6. Enter bootrom upgrade menu

7. Skip current configuration file 

8. Set bootrom password recovery

9. Set switch startup mode

0. Reboot     


Enter your choice(0-9):

1.2.2  Loading by XModem through Console Port

I. Introduction to XModem

XModem protocol is a file transfer protocol that is widely used due to its simplicity and good performance. The XModem protocol transfers files through Console port. It supports two types of data packets (128 bytes and 1 KB), two check methods (checksum and CRC), and multiple attempts of error packet retransmission (generally the maximum number of retransmission attempts is ten).

The XModem transmission procedure is completed by a receiving program and a sending program. The receiving program sends negotiation characters to negotiate a packet checking method. After the negotiation, the sending program starts to transmit data packets. When receiving a complete packet, the receiving program checks the packet using the agreed method. If the check succeeds, the receiving program sends acknowledgement characters and the sending program proceeds to send another packet. If the check fails, the receiving program sends negative acknowledgement characters and the sending program retransmits the packet.

II. Loading BootROM

Follow these steps to load the BootROM:

Step 1: At the prompt "Enter your choice(0-9):" in the BOOT Menu, press <6> or <Ctrl+U>, and then press <Enter> to enter the BootROM update menu shown below:

Bootrom update menu:

1. Set TFTP protocol parameter

2. Set FTP protocol parameter

3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter

0. Return to boot menu 

Enter your choice(0-3):

Step 2: Press 3 in the above menu to download the BootROM using XModem. The system displays the following setting menu for download baudrate:

Please select your download baudrate:

1.* 9600

2. 19200

3. 38400

4. 57600

5. 115200

0. Return

Enter your choice (0-5):

Step 3: Choose an appropriate download baudrate. For example, if you press 5, the baudrate 115200 bps is chosen and the system displays the following information:

Download baudrate is 115200 bps

Please change the terminal's baudrate to 115200 bps and select XMODEM protocol

Press enter key when ready


&  Note:

If you have chosen 9600 bps as the download baudrate, you need not modify the HyperTerminal’s baudrate, and therefore you can skip Step 4 and 5 below and proceed to Step 6 directly. In this case, the system will not display the above information.


Following are configurations on PC. Take the HyperTerminal in Windows operating system as an example.

Step 4: Choose [File/Properties] in HyperTerminal, click <Configure> in the pop-up dialog box, and then select the baudrate of 115200 bps in the Console port configuration dialog box that appears, as shown in Figure 1-1, Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-1 Properties dialog box

Figure 1-2 Console port configuration dialog box

Step 5: Click the <Disconnect> button to disconnect the HyperTerminal from the switch and then click the <Connect> button to reconnect the HyperTerminal to the switch, as shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3 Connect and disconnect buttons


&  Note:

The new baudrate takes effect after you disconnect and reconnect the HyperTerminal program.


Step 6: Press <Enter> to start downloading the program. The system displays the following information:

Now please start transfer file with XMODEM protocol.

If you want to exit, Press <Ctrl+X>.


Step 7: Choose [Transfer/Send File] in HyperTerminal, and click <Browse> in pop-up dialog box, as shown in Figure 1-4. Select the software file that you need to load to the switch, and set the protocol to XModem.

Figure 1-4 Send file dialog box

Step 8: Click <Send>. The system displays the page, as shown in Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5 Sending file page

Step 9: After the sending process completes, the system displays the following information:

Loading ...CCCCCCCCCC done!

Step 10: Reset HyperTerminal’s baudrate to 9600 bps (refer to Step 4 and 5). Then, press any key as prompted. The system will display the following information when it completes the loading.

Bootrom updating.....................................done!


&  Note:

l      If the HyperTerminal’s baudrate is not reset to 9600 bps, the system prompts "Your baudrate should be set to 9600 bps again! Press enter key when ready".

l      You need not reset the HyperTerminal’s baudrate and can skip the last step if you have chosen 9600 bps. In this case, the system upgrades BootROM automatically and prompts “Bootrom updating now.....................................done!”.


III. Loading host software

Follow these steps to load the host software:

Step 1: Select <1> in BOOT Menu and press <Enter>. The system displays the following information:

1. Set TFTP protocol parameter

2. Set FTP protocol parameter

3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter

0. Return to boot menu

Enter your choice(0-3):

Step 2: Enter 3 in the above menu to load the host software by using XModem.

The subsequent steps are the same as those for loading the BootROM, except that the system gives the prompt for host software loading instead of BootROM loading.


&  Note:

You can use the xmodem get command to upload files locally to the switch through Console ports (AUX ports) as follows (assuming that the PC connects to the switch and logs in to the switch through a Console port):

l      Execute the xmodem get command in user view on the device. After you execute this command successfully, the switch is ready for receiving data.

l      Launch HyperTerminal on the PC, specify XModem as the transmission protocol, and make the transmission settings (that is, baud rate, data bits, parity, etc.) the same as those of the Console port of the switch.

l      Select the files to be uploaded to the switch on the super terminal and then send them.


1.2.3  Loading by TFTP through Ethernet Port

I. Introduction to TFTP

TFTP, a protocol in TCP/IP protocol suite, is used for trivial file transfer between client and server. It is over UDP to provide unreliable data stream transfer service.

II. Loading BootROM

Figure 1-6 Local loading using TFTP

Step 1: As shown in Figure 1-6, connect the switch through an Ethernet port to the TFTP server, and connect the switch through the Console port to the configuration PC.


&  Note:

You can use one PC as both the configuration device and the TFTP server.


Step2: Run the TFTP server program on the TFTP server, and specify the path of the program to be downloaded.



TFTP server program is not provided with the H3C Series Ethernet Switches.


Step 3: Run the HyperTerminal program on the configuration PC. Start the switch. Then enter the BOOT Menu.

At the prompt "Enter your choice(0-9):" in the BOOT Menu, press <6> or <Ctrl+U>, and then press <Enter> to enter the BootROM update menu shown below:

Bootrom update menu:

1. Set TFTP protocol parameter

2. Set FTP protocol parameter

3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter

0. Return to boot menu

Enter your choice(0-3):

Step 4: Enter 1 in the above menu to download the BootROM using TFTP. Then set the following TFTP-related parameters as required:

Load File name           :S3600.btm

Switch IP address        :

Server IP address        :

Step 5: Press <Enter>. The system displays the following information:

Are you sure to update your bootrom?Yes or No(Y/N)

Step 6: Enter Y to start file downloading or N to return to the Bootrom update menu. If you enter Y, the system begins to download and update the BootROM. Upon completion, the system displays the following information:


Bootrom updating..........done!

III. Loading host software

Follow these steps to load the host software.

Step 1: Select <1> in BOOT Menu and press <Enter>. The system displays the following information:

1. Set TFTP protocol parameter

2. Set FTP protocol parameter

3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter

0. Return to boot menu

Enter your choice(0-3):3

Step 2: Enter 1 in the above menu to download the host software using TFTP.

The subsequent steps are the same as those for loading the BootROM, except that the system gives the prompt for host software loading instead of BootROM loading.



When loading BootROM and host software using TFTP through BOOT menu, you are recommended to use the PC directly connected to the device as TFTP server to promote upgrading reliability.


1.2.4  Loading by FTP through Ethernet Port

I. Introduction to FTP

FTP is an application-layer protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite. It is used for file transfer between server and client, and is widely used in IP networks.

You can use the switch as an FTP client or a server, and download software to the switch through an Ethernet port. The following is an example.

II. Loading Procedure Using FTP Client

l           Loading BootROM

Figure 1-7 Local loading using FTP client

Step 1: As shown in Figure 1-7, connect the switch through an Ethernet port to the FTP server, and connect the switch through the Console port to the configuration PC.


&  Note:

You can use one computer as both configuration device and FTP server.


Step 2: Run the FTP server program on the FTP server, configure an FTP user name and password, and copy the program file to the specified FTP directory.

Step 3: Run the HyperTerminal program on the configuration PC. Start the switch. Then enter the BOOT Menu.

At the prompt "Enter your choice(0-9):" in the BOOT Menu, press <6> or <Ctrl+U>, and then press <Enter> to enter the BootROM update menu shown below:

Bootrom update menu:


1. Set TFTP protocol parameter

2. Set FTP protocol parameter

3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter

0. Return to boot menu

Enter your choice(0-3):

Step 4: Enter 2 in the above menu to download the BootROM using FTP. Then set the following FTP-related parameters as required:

Load File name           :S3600.btm

Switch IP address        :

Server IP address        :

FTP User Name            :3600

FTP User Password        :abc

Step 5: Press <Enter>. The system displays the following information:

Are you sure to update your bootrom?Yes or No(Y/N)

Step 6: Enter Y to start file downloading or N to return to the Bootrom update menu. If you enter Y, the system begins to download and update the program. Upon completion, the system displays the following information:


Bootrom updating..........done!

l           Loading host software

Follow these steps to load the host software:

Step 1: Select <1> in BOOT Menu and press <Enter>. The system displays the following information:

1. Set TFTP protocol parameter

2. Set FTP protocol parameter

3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter

0. Return to boot menu

Enter your choice(0-3):

Enter 2 in the above menu to download the host software using FTP.

The subsequent steps are the same as those for loading the BootROM, except for that the system gives the prompt for host software loading instead of BootROM loading.



When loading BootROM and host software using FTP through BOOT menu, you are recommended to use the PC directly connected to the device as FTP server to promote upgrading reliability.


1.3  Remote BootROM and Software Loading

If your terminal is not directly connected to the switch, you can telnet to the switch, and use FTP or TFTP to load BootROM and host software remotely.

1.3.1  Remote Loading Using FTP

I. Loading Procedure Using FTP Client

1)         Loading BootROM

As shown in Figure 1-8, a PC is used as both the configuration device and the FTP server. You can telnet to the switch, and then execute the FTP commands to download the BootROM program S3600.btm from the remote FTP server (whose IP address is to the switch.

Figure 1-8 Remote loading using FTP Client

Step 1: Download the program to the switch using FTP commands.

<H3C> ftp

Trying ...

Press CTRL+K to abort


220 WFTPD 2.0 service (by Texas Imperial Software) ready for new user


331 Give me your password, please


230 Logged in successfully

[ftp] get S3600.btm

[ftp] bye


&  Note:

When using different FTP server software on PC, different information will be output to the switch.


Step 2: Update the BootROM program on the switch.

<H3C> boot bootrom S3600.btm

 This will update BootRom file on unit 1. Continue? [Y/N] y

 Upgrading BOOTROM, please wait...

 Upgrade BOOTROM succeeded!

Step 3: Restart the switch.

<H3C> reboot


&  Note:

Before restarting the switch, make sure you have saved all other configurations that you want, so as to avoid losing configuration information.


2)         Loading host software

Loading the host software is the same as loading the BootROM program, except that the file to be downloaded is the host software file, and that you need to use the boot boot-loader command to select the host software used for next startup of the switch.

After the above operations, the BootROM and host software loading is completed.

Pay attention to the following:

l           The loading of BootROM and host software takes effect only after you restart the switch with the reboot command.

l           If the space of the Flash memory is not enough, you can delete the unused files in the Flash memory before software downloading.

l           Ensure the power supply during software loading.

II. Loading Procedure Using FTP Server

As shown in Figure 1-9, the switch is used as the FTP server. You can telnet to the switch, and then execute the FTP commands to download the BootROM program S3600.btm from the switch.

1)         Loading BootROM

Figure 1-9 Remote loading using FTP server

Step 1: As shown in Figure 1-9, connect the switch through an Ethernet port to the PC (whose IP address is

Step 2: Configure the IP address of VLAN-interface 1 on the switch to, and subnet mask to


&  Note:

You can configure the IP address for any VLAN on the switch for FTP transmission. However, before configuring the IP address for a VLAN interface, you have to make sure whether the IP addresses of this VLAN and PC are routable.


<H3C> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[H3C] interface Vlan-interface 1

[H3C-Vlan-interface1] ip address

Step 3: Enable FTP service on the switch, and configure the FTP user name to test and password to pass.

[H3C-Vlan-interface1] quit

[H3C] ftp server enable

[H3C] local-user test

New local user added.

[H3C-luser-test] password simple pass

[H3C-luser-test] service-type ftp

Step 4: Enable FTP client software on the PC. Refer to Figure 1-10 for the command line interface in Windows operating system.

Figure 1-10 Command line interface

Step 5: Use the cd command on the interface to enter the path that the BootROM upgrade file is to be stored. Assume the name of the path is D:\Bootrom, as shown in Figure 1-11.

Figure 1-11 Enter BootROM directory

Step 6: Enter ftp and enter the user name test, password pass, as shown in Figure 1-12, to log on to the FTP server.

Figure 1-12 Log on to the FTP server

Step 7: Use the put command to upload the file S3600.btm to the switch, as shown in Figure 1-13.

Figure 1-13 Upload file S3600.btm to the switch

Step 8: Configure S3600.btm to be the BootROM at next startup, and then restart the switch.

<H3C> boot bootrom S3600.btm

 This will update Bootrom on unit 1.  Continue? [Y/N] y

 Upgrading Bootrom, please wait...

 Upgrade Bootrom succeeded! 

<H3C> reboot

After the switch restarts, the file S3600.btm is used as the BootROM. It indicates that the BootROM loading is finished.

2)         Loading host software

Loading the host software is the same as loading the BootROM program, except that the file to be downloaded is the host software file, and that you need to use the boot boot-loader command to select the host software used for the next startup of the switch.


&  Note:

l      The steps listed above are performed in the Windows operating system, if you use other FTP client software, refer to the corresponding user guide before operation.

l      Only the configuration steps concerning loading are listed here. For detailed description on the corresponding configuration commands, refer to module “FTP and TFTP” of this manual.


1.3.2  Remote Loading Using TFTP

The remote loading using TFTP is similar to that using FTP. The only difference is that TFTP is used to load software to the switch, and the switch can only act as a TFTP client.


Chapter 2  Basic System Configuration & Debugging

2.1  Basic System Configuration

2.1.1  Basic System Configuration Tasks

Table 2-1 Basic system configuration tasks



Related section

Enter system view from user view

Section 2.1.2  Entering System View from User View

Set the system name of the switch


Section 2.1.3  Setting the System Name of the Switch

Set the date and time of the system


Section 2.1.4  Setting the Date and Time of the System

Set the local time zone


Section 2.1.5  Setting the Local Time Zone

Set the summer time


Section 2.1.6  Setting the Summer Time

Set the CLI language mode


Section 2.1.7  Setting the CLI Language Mode

Return from current view to lower level view

Section 2.1.8  Returning from Current View to Lower Level View

Return from current view to user view

Section 2.1.9  Returning from Current View to User View


2.1.2  Entering System View from User View

Table 2-2 Enter system view from user view




Enter system view from user view



2.1.3  Setting the System Name of the Switch

Table 2-3 Set the system name of the switch




Enter system view


Set the system name of the switch

sysname sysname


By default, the name is H3C.


2.1.4  Setting the Date and Time of the System

Table 2-4 Set the date and time of the system




Set the current date and time of the system

clock datetime HH:MM:SS YYYY/MM/DD


The initial value is 23:55:00 04/01/2000 when the system starts up.


2.1.5  Setting the Local Time Zone

This configuration task is to configure the name of the local time zone and the difference between the local time zone and the standard universal time coordinated (UTC) time.

Table 2-5 Set the local time zone




Set the local time zone

clock timezone zone-name { add | minus } HH:MM:SS


By default, it is the UTC time zone.


2.1.6  Setting the Summer Time

This configuration task is to set the name, time range (start time and end time), and time offset of the summer timer.

l           When the system reaches the specified start time, it automatically adds the specified offset to the current time, so as to toggle the system time to the summer time.

l           When the system reaches the specified end time, it automatically subtracts the specified offset from the current time, so as to toggle the summer time to normal system time.

Table 2-6 Set the summer time




Set the name and time range of the summer time

clock summer-time zone_name { one-off | repeating } start-time start-date end-time end-date offset-time



2.1.7  Setting the CLI Language Mode

Table 2-7 Set the CLI language mode




Set the CLI language mode

language-mode { chinese | english }


By default, the CLI language mode is English.


2.1.8  Returning from Current View to Lower Level View

Table 2-8 Return from current view to lower level view




Return from current view to lower level view


This operation will result in exiting the system if current view is user view.


2.1.9  Returning from Current View to User View

Table 2-9 Return from current view to user view




Return from current view to user view


The composite key <Ctrl+Z> has the same effect with the return command.


2.2  Displaying the System Status

You can use the following display commands to check the status and configuration information about the system. For information about protocols and ports, and the associated display commands, refer to relevant sections.

Table 2-10 System information display commands




Display the current date and time of the system

display clock

You can execute the display command in any view

Display the version of the system

display version

Display the information about user accessing the switch

display users [ all ]

Display the debugging status

display debugging { fabric | unit unit-id } [ interface interface-type interface-number | module-name ]


2.3  Debugging the System

2.3.1  Enabling/Disabling System Debugging

The Ethernet switch provides a variety of debugging functions. Most of the protocols and features supported by the Ethernet switch are provided with corresponding debugging functions. These debugging functions help users diagnose and troubleshoot the system faults.

The output of debugging information is determined by the following two settings:

l           Protocol debugging setting, which controls whether the debugging information of a protocol is output.

l           Terminal display setting, which controls whether the debugging information is output to the screen of a specific user.

The relationship between the two settings is as follows:

Figure 2-1 Debugging information output

You can use the following commands to perform the settings.

Table 2-11 Enable debugging and terminal display




Enable system debugging for specific module

debugging module-name [ debugging-option ]

By default, all debugging is disabled in the system.

Because the output of debugging information will affect the efficiency of the system, disable your debugging after you finish it.

Enable terminal display for debugging

terminal debugging

By default, terminal display for debugging is disabled.


2.3.2  Displaying Debugging Status

Table 2-12 Display the current debugging status in the system




Display all enabled debugging on the specified device

display debugging { fabric | unit unit-id } [ interface interface-type interface-number | module-name ]

You can execute the display command in any view.

Display all enabled debugging in the Fabric by module

display debugging fabric by-module


2.3.3  Displaying Operating Information about Modules in System

When an Ethernet switch is in trouble, you may need to view a lot of operating information to locate the problem. Each functional module has its corresponding operating information display command(s). You can use the command here to display the current operating information about the modules in the system for troubleshooting your system.

Table 2-13 Display the current operation information about the modules in the system.




Display the current operation information about the modules in the system.

display diagnostic-information

You can use this command in any view.

You should execute this command twice to find the difference between the two executing results, thus helping locate the problem.


Chapter 3  Network Connectivity Test

3.1  Network Connectivity Test

3.1.1  ping

You can use the ping command to check the network connectivity and the reachability of a host.

Table 3-1 The ping command




Check the IP network connectivity and the reachability of a host

ping [ -a ip-address ] [-c count ] [ -d ] [ -f ] [ -h ttl ] [ -i interface-type interface-number ] [ ip ] [ -n ] [ - p pattern ] [ -q ] [ -s packetsize ] [ -t timeout ] [ -tos tos ] [ -v ] host

You can use this command in any view.


This command can output the following results:

l           Response status for each ping packet. If no response packet is received within the timeout time, the message "Request time out" is displayed. Otherwise, the number of data bytes, packet serial number, TTL (time to live) and response time of the response packet are displayed.

l           Final statistics, including the numbers of sent packets and received response packets, the irresponsive packet percentage, and the minimum, average and maximum values of response time.

3.1.2  tracert

You can use the tracert command to trace the gateways that a packet passes from the source to the destination. This command is mainly used to check the network connectivity. It can help locate the trouble spot of the network.

The executing procedure of the tracert command is as follows: First, the source host sends a data packet with the TTL of 1, and the first hop device returns an ICMP error message indicating that it cannot forward this packet because of TTL timeout. Then, the source host resends the packet with the TTL of 2, and the second hop device also returns an ICMP TTL timeout message. This procedure goes on and on until the packet gets to the destination. During the procedure, the system records the source address of each ICMP TTL timeout message in order to offer the path that the packet passed through to the destination.

Table 3-2 The tracert command




Trace the gateways that a packet passes from the source host to the destination

tracert [ -a source-ip ] [ -f first-ttl ] [ -m max-ttl ] [ -p port ] [ -q num-packet ] [ -w timeout ] string

You can execute the tracert command in any view.


Chapter 4  Device Management

4.1  Introduction to Device Management

The device management function of the Ethernet switch enables the display of current status and event-debugging information of the system. Through this function, you can maintain and manage the status and communication of the physical devices, and restart the system when some functions of the system are exceptional.

4.2  Device Management Configuration

4.2.1  Device Management Configuration Tasks

Table 4-1 Device management configuration tasks



Related section

Reboot the Ethernet switch

Section 4.2.2  Rebooting the Ethernet Switch

Schedule a reboot on the switch


Section 4.2.3  Scheduling a Reboot on the Switch

Specify the ARP to be adopted at reboot


Section 4.2.4  Specifying the APP to be Adopted at Reboot

Update the BootROM


Section 4.2.5  Upgrading the BootROM

Update the host software in the Fabric


Section 4.2.6  Upgrading the Host Software in the Fabric


4.2.2  Rebooting the Ethernet Switch

You can perform the following operation in user view when the switch is faulty or needs to be rebooted.


&  Note:

Before rebooting, the system checks whether there is any configuration change. If yes, it prompts whether or not to proceed. This prevents the system from losing the configurations in case of shutting down the system without saving the configurations


Table 4-2 Reboot the Ethernet switch




Reboot the Ethernet switch

reboot [ unit unit-id ]


4.2.3  Scheduling a Reboot on the Switch

After you schedule a reboot on the switch, the switch will reboot at the specified time.

Table 4-3 Schedule a reboot on the switch




Schedule a reboot on the switch, and set the reboot date and time

schedule reboot at hh:mm [ mm/dd/yyyy | yyyy/mm/dd ]


Schedule a reboot on the switch, and set the delay time for reboot

schedule reboot delay { hh:mm | mm }


Enter system view


Schedule a reboot on the switch, and set the reboot period

schedule reboot regularity at hh:mm period



&  Note:

The switch timer can be set to precision of one minute, that is, the switch will reboot within one minute after the specified reboot date and time.


4.2.4  Specifying the APP to be Adopted at Reboot

APP is the host software of the switch. If multiple APPs exist in the Flash memory, you can use the command here to specify the one that will be adopted when the switch reboots.

Table 4-4 Specify the APP to be adopted at reboot




Specify the APP to be adopted at reboot

boot boot-loader [ backup-attribute ] { file-url [ fabric ] | device-name }



4.2.5  Upgrading the BootROM

You can use the BootROM program saved in the Flash memory of the switch to upgrade the running BootROM. With this command, a remote user can conveniently upgrade the BootRom by uploading the BootROM to the switch through FTP and running this command. The BootROM can be used when the switch restarts.

Table 4-5 Upgrade the BootROM




Upgrade the BootROM

boot bootrom { file-url | device-name }



4.2.6  Upgrading the Host Software in the Fabric

You can execute the following command on any device in a Fabric to use specified host software to upgrade all devices in a Fabric, thus realizing the software version consistency in this Fabric.

Table 4-6 Upgrade the host software in the Fabric




Upgrade the host software on the devices in the Fabric

update fabric { file-url | device-name }



4.3  Displaying the Device Management Configuration

After the above configurations, you can execute the display command in any view to display the operating status of the device management to verify the configuration effects.

Table 4-7 Display the operating status of the device management




Display the APP to be adopted at next startup

display boot-loader [ unit unit-id ]

You can execute the display command in any view.

Display the module type and operating status of each board

display device [ manuinfo [ unit unit-id ] | unit unit-id ]

Display CPU usage of a switch

display cpu [ unit unit-id ]

Display the operating status of the fan

display fan [ unit unit-id [ fan-id ] ]

Display memory usage of a switch

display memory [ unit unit-id ]

Display the operating status of the power supply

display power [ unit unit-id [ power-id ] ]

Display system diagnostic information or save system diagnostic information to a file with the extension .diag into the Flash memory

display diagnostic-information

Display enabled debugging on a specified switch or all switches in the fabric

display debugging { fabric | unit unit-id } [ interface interface-type interface-number | module-name ]

Display enabled debugging on all switches in the fabric by modules

display debugging fabric by-module


4.4  Remote Switch Upgrade Configuration Example

I. Network requirements

Telnet to the switch from a PC remotely and download applications from the FTP server to the Flash memory of the switch. Update the switch software by using the device management commands through CLI.

The switch acts as the FTP client, and the remote PC serves as both the configuration PC and the FTP server.

Perform the following configuration on the FTP server.

l           Configure an FTP user, whose name is switch and password is hello. Authorize the user with the read-write right on the directory switch on the PC.

l           Make configuration so that the IP address of a VLAN interface on the switch is, the IP address of the PC is, and the switch and the PC is reachable to each other.

The host software switch.bin and the BootROM file boot.btm of the switch are stored in the directory switch on the PC. Use FTP to download the switch.bin and boot.btm files from the FTP server to the switch.

II. Network diagram

Figure 4-1 Network diagram of FTP configuration

III. Configuration procedure

1)         Configure the following FTP server–related parameters on the PC: an FTP user with the username as switch and password as hello, who is authorized with the read-write right on the directory Switch on the PC. The detailed configuration is omitted here.

2)         On the switch, configure a level 3 telnet user with the username as user and password as hello. Authentication mode is by user name and password.


&  Note:

Refer to the part “Login Operation” for configuration commands and steps about telnet user.


3)         Execute the telnet command on the PC to log into the switch. The following prompt appears:




If the Flash memory of the switch is not sufficient, delete the original applications before downloading the new ones.


4)         Initiate an FTP connection with the following command in user view. Enter the correct user name and password to log into the FTP server.

<H3C> ftp

Trying ...                                                                     

Press CTRL+K to abort                                                          


220 WFTPD 2.0 service (by Texas Imperial Software) ready for new user          


331 Give me your password, please                                              


230 Logged in successfully      


5)         Enter the authorized path on the FTP server.

[ftp] cd switch

6)         Execute the get command to download the switch.bin and boot.btm files on the FTP server to the Flash memory of the switch.

[ftp] get switch.bin

[ftp] get boot.btm

7)         Execute the quit command to terminate the FTP connection and return to user view.

[ftp] quit


8)         Upgrade the BootROM.

<H3C> boot bootrom boot.btm

 This will update BootRom file on unit 1. Continue? [Y/N] y

 Upgrading BOOTROM, please wait...

 Upgrade BOOTROM succeeded!

9)         Specify the downloaded program as the host software to be adopted when the switch starts next time. Then restart the switch to upgrade the host software of the switch.

<H3C> boot boot-loader switch.bin

 The specified file will be booted next time on unit 1!

<H3C> display boot-loader

 Unit 1:

   The current boot app is: switch.bin

   The main boot app is:    switch.bin

   The backup boot app is:

<H3C> reboot


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