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03-H3C S12500 流量监管典型配置举例

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03-H3C S12500 流量监管典型配置举例

H3C S12500 流量监管配置举例
















































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1  简介




2  配置前提



3  使用限制



·     对于48个端口的GE单板,前24个端口属于一个转发模块,后24个端口属于另一个转发模块;

·     对于10GE单板(除了LST1XP32REB1、LST1XP32REC1、LST2XP32REB1、LST2XP32REC1、LST2XP32REC2、LST1XP16LEB1、LST1XP16LEC1和LST1XP16LEC2单板之外),按照端口顺序,单板上每2个10GE端口属于一个转发模块;

·     对于LST1XP32REB1、LST1XP32REC1、LST2XP32REB1、LST2XP32REC1和LST2XP32REC2单板,单板上编号为1、3、5、7、9、11、13、15的端口属于一个转发模块;编号为17、19、21、23、25、27、29、31的端口属于一个转发模块;编号为2、4、6、8、10、12、14、16的端口属于一个转发模块;编号为18、20、22、24、26、28、30、32的端口属于一个转发模块;

·     对于LST1XP16LEB1、LST1XP16LEC1和LST1XP16LEC2单板,单板每相隔的2个10GE端口属于一个转发模块,如1、3属于一个转发模块,2、4属于另一个转发模块。普通CAR配置举例

3.1  组网需求


图1 普通CAR配置组网图


3.2  配置思路


3.3  使用版本


3.4  配置步骤

# 配置ACL规则匹配源IP地址为10.0.0.2的流量。

<Switch> system-view

[Switch] acl number 3001

[Switch-acl-adv-3001] rule permit ip source 0

[Switch-acl-adv-3001] quit

# 配置ACL规则匹配目的IP地址为10.0.0.2的流量。

[Switch] acl number 3002

[Switch-acl-adv-3002] rule permit ip destination 0

[Switch-acl-adv-3002] quit

# 配置流分类,匹配ACL规则3001,即匹配源IP地址为10.0.0.2的流量。

[Switch] traffic classifier source_hostA

[Switch-classifier-source_hostA] if-match acl 3001

[Switch-classifier-source_hostA] quit

# 配置流分类,匹配ACL规则3002,即匹配目的IP地址为10.0.0.2的流量。

[Switch] traffic classifier destination_hostA

[Switch-classifier-destination_hostA] if-match acl 3002

[Switch-classifier-destination_hostA] quit

# 配置流行为,用于对上行流量进行流量监管,速率为1Mbps。

[Switch] traffic behavior uplink

[Switch-behavior-uplink] car cir 1000

[Switch-behavior-uplink] quit

# 配置流行为,用于对下行流量进行流量监管,速率为2Mbps。

[Switch] traffic behavior downlink

[Switch-behavior-downlink] car cir 2000

[Switch-behavior-downlink] quit

# 配置QoS策略,用于端口入方向,即用户的上行方向。

[Switch] qos policy uplink

[Switch-qospolicy-uplink] classifier source_hostA behavior uplink

[Switch-qospolicy-uplink] quit

# 配置QoS策略,用于端口出方向,即用户的下行方向。

[Switch] qos policy downlink

[Switch-qospolicy-downlink] classifier destination_hostA behavior downlink

[Switch-qospolicy-downlink] quit

# 在Switch连接用户侧端口GE3/0/1上应用QoS策略,对出入方向的流量分别进行流量监管。

[Switch] interface GigabitEthernet 3/0/1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] undo shutdown

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] qos apply policy uplink inbound

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] qos apply policy downlink outbound

3.5  验证配置

# 查看设备的GE3/0/1上所配置的QoS策略。

[Switch] display qos policy interface GigabitEthernet 3/0/1

  Interface: GigabitEthernet3/0/1


  Direction: Inbound


  Policy: uplink

   Classifier: source_hostA

     Operator: AND

     Rule(s) : If-match acl 3001

     Behavior: uplink

      Committed Access Rate:

        CIR 1000 (kbps), CBS 62500 (byte), EBS 0 (byte)

        Red Action: discard

        Green : 0(Bytes)

        Yellow: 0(Bytes)

        Red   : 0(Bytes)


  Direction: Outbound


  Policy: downlink

   Classifier: destination_hostA

     Operator: AND

     Rule(s) : If-match acl 3002

     Behavior: downlink

      Committed Access Rate:

        CIR 2000 (kbps), CBS 125000 (byte), EBS 0 (byte)

        Red Action: discard

        Green : 0(Bytes)

        Yellow: 0(Bytes)

        Red   : 0(Bytes)

3.6  配置文件


acl number 3001

 rule 0 permit ip source 0

acl number 3002

 rule 0 permit ip destination 0


traffic classifier destination_hostA operator and

 if-match acl 3002

traffic classifier source_hostA operator and

 if-match acl 3001


traffic behavior uplink

 car cir 1000 cbs 62500 ebs 0 red discard

traffic behavior downlink

 car cir 2000 cbs 125000 ebs 0 red discard


qos policy uplink

 classifier source_hostA behavior uplink

qos policy downlink

 classifier destination_hostA behavior downlink


interface GigabitEthernet3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

qos apply policy uplink inbound

qos apply policy downlink outbound


4  聚合CAR配置举例

4.1  组网需求


图2 聚合CAR配置组网图


4.2  配置思路


4.3  使用版本


4.4  配置步骤

(1)     配置上行方向聚合CAR

# 配置ACL规则,匹配上行流量的源IP地址。

<Switch> system-view

[Switch] acl number 3001

[Switch-acl-adv-3001] rule permit ip source 0

[Switch-acl-adv-3001] rule permit ip source 0

[Switch-acl-adv-3001] quit

# 配置流分类,引用ACL。

[Switch] traffic classifier uplink operator or

[Switch-classifier-uplink] if-match acl 3001

[Switch-classifier-uplink] quit

# 配置聚合CAR,流量带宽为10Mbps。

[Switch] qos car uplink aggregative cir 10000

# 配置流行为,在流行为中引用聚合CAR。

[Switch] traffic behavior uplink

[Switch-behavior-uplink] car name uplink

[Switch-behavior-uplink] quit

# 配置QoS策略。

[Switch] qos policy uplink

[Switch-qospolicy-uplink] classifier uplink behavior uplink

[Switch-qospolicy-uplink] quit

# 在端口GE3/0/1和GE3/0/5的入方向上应用QoS策略。

[Switch] interface GigabitEthernet 3/0/1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] undo shutdown

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] qos apply policy uplink inbound

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] quit

[Switch] interface GigabitEthernet 3/0/5

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/5] undo shutdown

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/5] qos apply policy uplink inbound

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/5] quit

(2)     配置下行方向聚合CAR

# 配置ACL规则,匹配下行流量的目的IP地址。

[Switch] acl number 3002

[Switch-acl-adv-3002] rule permit ip destination 0

[Switch-acl-adv-3002] rule permit ip destination 0

[Switch-acl-adv-3002] quit

# 配置流分类,引用ACL。

[Switch] traffic classifier downlink operator or

[Switch-classifier-downlink] if-match acl 3002

[Switch-classifier-downlink] quit

# 配置聚合CAR,流量带宽为10Mbps。

[Switch] qos car downlink aggregative cir 10000

# 配置流行为,在流行为中引用聚合CAR。

[Switch] traffic behavior downlink

[Switch-behavior-downlink] car name downlink

[Switch-behavior-downlink] quit

# 配置QoS策略。

[Switch] qos policy downlink

[Switch-qospolicy-downlink] classifier downlink behavior downlink

[Switch-qospolicy-downlink] quit

# 在端口GE3/0/1和GE3/0/5的出方向上分别应用QoS策略。

[Switch] interface GigabitEthernet 3/0/1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] qos apply policy downlink outbound

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] quit

[Switch] interface GigabitEthernet 3/0/5

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/5] qos apply policy downlink outbound

[Switch-GigabitEthernet3/0/5] quit

4.5  验证配置

# 查看设备GE3/0/1和GE3/0/5上所配置的QoS策略。

[Switch] display qos policy interface GigabitEthernet 3/0/1

Interface: GigabitEthernet3/0/1


  Direction: Inbound


  Policy: uplink

   Classifier: uplink

     Operator: OR

     Rule(s) : If-match acl 3001

     Behavior: uplink

      Committed Access Rate:

        Car name uplink


  Direction: Outbound


  Policy: downlink

   Classifier: downlink

     Operator: OR

     Rule(s) : If-match acl 3002

     Behavior: downlink

      Committed Access Rate:

        Car name downlink


[Switch] display qos policy interface GigabitEthernet 3/0/5

Interface: GigabitEthernet3/0/5


  Direction: Inbound


  Policy: uplink

   Classifier: uplink

     Operator: OR

     Rule(s) : If-match acl 3001

     Behavior: uplink

      Committed Access Rate:

        Car name uplink


  Direction: Outbound


  Policy: downlink

   Classifier: downlink

     Operator: OR

     Rule(s) : If-match acl 3002

     Behavior: downlink

      Committed Access Rate:

        Car name downlink

4.6  配置文件


 qos car uplink aggregative cir 10000 cbs 625000 ebs 0 red discard

 qos car downlink aggregative cir 10000 cbs 625000 ebs 0 red discard


acl number 3001

 rule 0 permit ip source 0

 rule 5 permit ip source 0

acl number 3002

 rule 0 permit ip destination 0

 rule 5 permit ip destination 0



traffic classifier uplink operator or

 if-match acl 3001

traffic classifier downlink operator or

 if-match acl 3002


traffic behavior uplink

 car name uplink

traffic behavior downlink

 car name downlink


qos policy uplink

classifier uplink behavior uplink

qos policy downlink

classifier downlink behavior downlink


interface GigabitEthernet3/0/1

 port link-mode bridge

 qos apply policy uplink inbound

 qos apply policy downlink outbound


interface GigabitEthernet3/0/5

 port link-mode bridge

 qos apply policy uplink inbound

 qos apply policy downlink outbound


5  相关资料

·     《H3C S12500系列路由交换机 ACL和QoS配置指导》中的“QoS”

·     《H3C S12500系列路由交换机 ACL和QoS命令参考》中的“QoS”


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