本章节下载: 02-SRv6典型配置举例 (1.34 MB)
4 IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 BE ECMP典型配置举例
5 IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 BE的VPN FRR功能配置举例
6 跨域IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 BE典型配置举例
7 IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 TE Policy(静态配置)典型配置举例
8 跨域IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 TE Policy(静态配置)典型配置举例
9 IPv4 EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 TE Policy(静态配置)典型配置举例
10 IPv6 EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 BE典型配置举例
11 IPv6 EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 BE ECMP典型配置举例
12 IPv6 EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 BE快速重路由典型配置举例
13 IPv6 EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 TE Policy(静态配置)典型配置举例
14 EVPN VPWS over SRv6 BE(CE双归单活)典型配置举例
15 EVPN VPWS over SRv6 TE Policy(静态配置)配置举例
16 EVPN VPLS over SRv6 TE Policy(静态配置)配置举例
缺省情况下,本设备的接口处于ADM(Administratively Down)状态,请根据实际需要在对应接口视图下使用undo shutdown命令开启接口。
如图1所示,承载网为IPv6网络,私网为IPv4网络。PE 1、P 1、P 2和PE 2属于同一自治系统,它们之间通过IS-IS协议达到IPv6网络互通。在PE 1和PE 2之间建立两条等价的SRv6隧道,用来承载IPv4 L3VPN业务。
图1 IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 BE ECMP配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
PE 1 |
Loop1 |
1::1/128 |
PE 2 |
Loop1 |
4::4/128 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
HGE1/0/1 | |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2002::1/96 |
HGE1/0/3 |
3001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/3 |
3002::1/96 |
P 1 |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
P 2 |
Loop1 |
3::3/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
2001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/1 |
3001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2002::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
3002::2/96 |
表1 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
SRv6 BE ECMP依赖于网络中的等价路由,所以为了确保配置成功,用户需要合理规划链路的IGP cost。在本例中,各个链路采用缺省cost值(10)。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] bgp 200
[CE1-bgp-default] router-id
[CE1-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。同时配置IS-IS与BFD联动,提高链路状态变化时IS-IS的收敛速度。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE1
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 bfd enable
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/3
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] ipv6 address 3001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] isis ipv6 bfd enable
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 200
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] peer enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 4::4 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 4::4 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 4::4 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IP L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
# 在PE设备上配置IP L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT4 SID所属的Locator。
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT4 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT4 SID的路由条目上。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 4::4 prefix-sid
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。同时配置IS-IS与BFD联动,提高链路状态变化时IS-IS的收敛速度。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname P1
[P1] isis 1
[P1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[P1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
[P1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P1-isis-1] quit
[P1] interface loopback 1
[P1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[P1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P1-LoopBack1] quit
[P1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001::2 96
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 bfd enable
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[P1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2002::2 96
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 bfd enable
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。同时配置IS-IS与BFD联动,提高链路状态变化时IS-IS的收敛速度。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname P2
[P2] isis 1
[P2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[P2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
[P2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P2-isis-1] quit
[P2] interface loopback 1
[P2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[P2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P2-LoopBack1] quit
[P2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 3001::2 96
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 bfd enable
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[P2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 3002::2 96
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 bfd enable
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。同时配置IS-IS与BFD联动,提高链路状态变化时IS-IS的收敛速度。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE2
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0004.00
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 4::4 128
[PE2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2002::1 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 bfd enable
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/3
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/3] ipv6 address 3002::1 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/3] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/3] isis ipv6 bfd enable
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/3] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 300
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IP L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 4::4
# 在PE设备上配置IP L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT4 SID所属的Locator。
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT4 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT4 SID的路由条目上。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 prefix-sid
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE2] bgp 300
[CE2-bgp-default] router-id
[CE2-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1执行命令display ip routing-table vpn-instance查看VPN路由信息,可以看出VPN路由20.1.1.1/24具有两个出接口,转发时将形成ECMP。
[PE1] display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
Destinations : 11 Routes : 11
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 HGE1/0/1 Direct 0 0 HGE1/0/1 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 HGE1/0/1 BGP 255 0 200:1:: HGE1/0/2
BGP 255 0 200:1:: HGE1/0/3 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0
# CE 1和CE 2之间能够ping通。
[CE1] ping -a
Ping ( from 56 data bytes, press CTRL+C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=253 time=2.000 ms
--- Ping statistics for ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.000/1.200/2.000/0.400 ms
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
bgp 200
peer as-number 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
isis ipv6 bfd enable
ipv6 address 2001::1/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
isis ipv6 bfd enable
ipv6 address 3001::1/96
bgp 100
peer 4::4 as-number 100
peer 4::4 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family vpnv4
peer 4::4 enable
peer 4::4 prefix-sid
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 200
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
· P 1:
sysname P1
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
isis ipv6 bfd enable
ipv6 address 2001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
isis ipv6 bfd enable
ipv6 address 2002::2/96
· P 2:
sysname P2
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
isis ipv6 bfd enable
ipv6 address 3001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
isis ipv6 bfd enable
ipv6 address 3002::2/96
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0004.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 4::4/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
isis ipv6 bfd enable
ipv6 address 2002::1/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
isis ipv6 bfd enable
ipv6 address 3002::1/96
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family vpnv4
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 prefix-sid
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 300
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 4::4
locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
· CE 2:
sysname CE2
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
bgp 300
peer as-number 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
如图2所示,核心网为IPv6网络,私网为IPv4网络。PE 1、PE 2和PE 3属于同一自治系统,它们之间通过IS-IS协议达到IPv6网络互通。在PE 1和PE 2之间、PE 1和PE 3之间建立SRv6隧道,用来承载IPv4 L3VPN业务。CE 2双归属到PE 2和PE 3上,为了实现VPN路由快速切换,PE 1上的IPv4 L3VPN业务开启VPN FRR功能。当VPN FRR主路径故障时,VPN业务可以快速切换到VPN FRR备路径。
图2 IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 BE的VPN FRR功能组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
Loop0 | |
HGE1/0/2 | |
PE 1 |
Loop1 |
1::1/128 |
Loop0 | |
HGE1/0/1 | |
PE 3 |
Loop1 |
3::3/128 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 | |
HGE1/0/3 |
3001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/3 |
3001::2/96 |
PE 2 |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::2/96 |
表2 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 BE的VPN FRR功能需要PE 1从PE 2、PE 3分别学习到VPNv4路由,且学习到的路由不能是等价路由。为了确保VPN FRR功能配置成功,用户需要合理规划链路的IGP cost。在本例中,各个链路采用缺省cost值(10)。
<CE1> system-view
[CE1] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] interface loopback 0
[CE1-LoopBack0] ip address 32
[CE1-LoopBack0] quit
[CE1] bgp 200
[CE1-bgp-default] router-id
[CE1-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] sysname PE1
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/3
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] ipv6 address 3001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE 1接入PE 1。
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 1与CE 1之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 200
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] peer enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2、PE 1和PE 3之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 2::2 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 3::3 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1设备上配置IP L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
# 在PE 1设备上配置IP L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT4 SID所属的Locator。
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 1设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
# 在PE 1设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT4 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT4 SID的路由条目上。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 2::2 prefix-sid
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 3::3 prefix-sid
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1上开启VPN FRR功能,并配置静态BFD检测从PE 1到PE 2发布的Locator是否可达,如果Locator不可达(即主路径故障),则触发VPN FRR功能,切换到备路径。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] primary-path-detect bfd ctrl
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] pic
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
[PE1] bfd static ToPE2 peer-ipv6 200:1:: source-ipv6 100:1:: discriminator local 100 remote 200
[PE1-bfd-static-session-ToPE2] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<PE2> system-view
[PE2] sysname PE2
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[PE2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2001::2 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE 2接入PE 2。
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 2与CE 2之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 300
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 2设备上配置IP L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 2::2
# 在PE 2设备上配置IP L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT4 SID所属的Locator。
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 2设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
# 在PE 2设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT4 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT4 SID的路由条目上。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 prefix-sid
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 2上配置静态BFD会话,检测PE 2到PE 1发布的Locator是否可达。
[PE2] bfd static ToPE1 peer-ipv6 100:1:: source-ipv6 200:1:: discriminator local 200 remote 100
[PE2-bfd-static-session-ToPE1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<PE3> system-view
[PE3] sysname PE3
[PE3] isis 1
[PE3-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE3-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
[PE3-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE3-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE3-isis-1] quit
[PE3] interface loopback 1
[PE3-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[PE3-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE3-LoopBack1] quit
[PE3] interface hundredgige 1/0/3
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 3001::2 96
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE 2接入PE 3。
[PE3] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE3-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE3-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE3-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE3] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 3与CE 2之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE3] bgp 100
[PE3-bgp-default] router-id
[PE3-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE3-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 300
[PE3-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer enable
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE3-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 3之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE3-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE3-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE3-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE3-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 enable
[PE3-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE3-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 3设备上配置IP L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE3] segment-routing ipv6
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 3::3
# 在PE 3设备上配置IP L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT4 SID所属的Locator。
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 3设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE3] isis 1
[PE3-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE3-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE3-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE3-isis-1] quit
# 在PE 3设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT4 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT4 SID的路由条目上。
[PE3] bgp 100
[PE3-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE3-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 prefix-sid
[PE3-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE3-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE3-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE3-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE3-bgp-default] quit
<CE2> system-view
[CE2] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ip address 24
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[CE2] interface loopback 0
[CE2-LoopBack0] ip address 32
[CE2-LoopBack0] quit
[CE2] bgp 300
[CE2-bgp-default] router-id
[CE2-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE2-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1执行display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 verbose命令查看VPN路由的详细信息,可以看出VPN路由22.22.22.22/32具有主备出接口,转发时将形成VPN FRR。
[PE1] display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 verbose
Summary count : 1
Protocol: BGP instance default
Process ID: 0
SubProtID: 0x1 Age: 00h32m17s
Cost: 0 Preference: 255
IpPre: N/A QosLocalID: N/A
Tag: 0 State: Active Adv
OrigTblID: 0x0 OrigVrf: default-vrf
TableID: 0x102 OrigAs: 300
NibID: 0x16000003 LastAs: 300
AttrID: 0x2 Neighbor: 2::2
Flags: 0x80010060 OrigNextHop: 200:1::
Label: NULL RealNextHop: FE80::62F5:1BFF:FEE0:307
BkLabel: NULL BkNextHop: FE80::62F5:20FF:FEC4:408
SRLabel: NULL Interface: HundredGigE1/0/2
BkSRLabel: NULL BkInterface: HundredGigE1/0/3
SIDIndex: NULL InLabel: NULL
Tunnel ID: Invalid IPInterface: HundredGigE1/0/2
BkTunnel ID: Invalid BkIPInterface: HundredGigE1/0/3
FtnIndex: 0x0 ColorInterface: N/A
TrafficIndex: N/A BkColorInterface: N/A
Connector: N/A VpnPeerId: N/A
Dscp: N/A Exp: N/A
SRTunnelID: Invalid StatFlags: 0x0
SID Type: N/A SID: 200:1::1:4
BkSID: 300:1::1:4 NID: Invalid
FlushNID: Invalid BkNID: Invalid
BkFlushNID: Invalid PathID: 0x0
CommBlockLen: 0
OrigLinkID: 0x0 RealLinkID: 0x0
# 将主路径上PE 1的转发出接口HundredGigE1/0/2关闭,CE 1和CE 2之间能够ping通。
[CE1] ping -a
Ping ( from 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
--- Ping statistics for ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.000/1.200/2.000/0.400 ms
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
interface LoopBack0
ip address
bgp 200
peer as-number 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::1/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3001::1/96
bfd static ToPE2 peer-ipv6 200:1:: source-ipv6 100:1:: discriminator local 100 remote 200
bgp 100
peer 2::2 as-number 100
peer 2::2 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 3::3 as-number 100
peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack1
primary-path-detect bfd ctrl
address-family vpnv4
peer 2::2 enable
peer 2::2 prefix-sid
peer 3::3 enable
peer 3::3 prefix-sid
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 200
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::2/96
bfd static ToPE1 peer-ipv6 100:1:: source-ipv6 200:1:: discriminator local 200 remote 100
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family vpnv4
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 prefix-sid
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 300
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 2::2
locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
· PE 3:
sysname PE3
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3001::2/96
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family ipv4 unicast
address-family vpnv4
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 prefix-sid
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 300
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 3::3
locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
· CE 2:
sysname CE2
interface LoopBack0
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ip address
bgp 300
peer as-number 100
peer as-number 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
peer enable
如图3所示,核心网为IPv6网络,私网为IPv4网络。PE 1和ASBR 1属于AS 100,PE 2和ASBR 2属于AS 200,AS 100和AS 200内通过IS-IS协议达到IPv6网络互连的目的。在PE 1和PE 2之间建立双向跨域SRv6 BE路径,承载IPv4 L3VPN业务。
图3 跨域IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 BE配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
PE 1 |
Loop1 |
1::1/128 |
PE 2 |
Loop1 |
4::4/128 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
HGE1/0/1 | |
HGE1/0/2 |
101::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
303::2/96 |
ASBR 1 |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
ASBR 2 |
Loop1 |
3::3/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
101::2/96 |
HGE1/0/1 |
303::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
202::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
202::2/96 |
表3 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] bgp 65410
[CE1-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和ASBR的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE1
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 101::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 65410
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] peer enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立MP-EBGP对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 4::4 as-number 200
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 4::4 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 4::4 ebgp-max-hop 255
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 4::4 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE和ASBR之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 2::2 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE之间建立SRv6 BE路径。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 10:1:: 64 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 4::4 prefix-sid
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和ASBR的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname ASBR1
[ASBR1] isis 1
[ASBR1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[ASBR1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
[ASBR1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[ASBR1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[ASBR1-isis-1] quit
[ASBR1] interface loopback 1
[ASBR1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[ASBR1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[ASBR1-LoopBack1] quit
[ASBR1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[ASBR1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 101::2 96
[ASBR1-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[ASBR1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[ASBR1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[ASBR1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 201::1 96
[ASBR1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE和ASBR之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[ASBR1] bgp 100
[ASBR1-bgp-default] router-id
[ASBR1-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[ASBR1-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[ASBR1-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 1::1 enable
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 1::1 next-hop-local
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
# 配置BGP引入IS-IS发布的Locator路由,并且发布给ASBR 2。
[ASBR1-bgp-default] peer 202::2 as-number 200
[ASBR1-bgp-default] peer 202::2 ebgp-max-hop 255
[ASBR1-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 202::2 enable
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route isisv6 1
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[ASBR1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IS-IS引入BGP发布的Locator路由。
[ASBR1] ipv6 prefix-list as100 index 10 permit 40:: 64
[ASBR1] ipv6 prefix-list as100 index 20 permit 4::4 128
[ASBR1] route-policy as100 permit node 1
[ASBR1-route-policy-as100-1] if-match ipv6 address prefix-list as100
[ASBR1-route-policy-as100-1] quit
[ASBR1] isis 1
[ASBR1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[ASBR1-isis-1-ipv6] import-route bgp4+ route-policy as100
[ASBR1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[ASBR1-isis-1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和ASBR的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname ASBR2
[ASBR2] isis 1
[ASBR2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[ASBR2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
[ASBR2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[ASBR2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[ASBR2-isis-1] quit
[ASBR2] interface loopback 1
[ASBR2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[ASBR2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[ASBR2-LoopBack1] quit
[ASBR2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[ASBR2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 303::1 96
[ASBR2-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[ASBR2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[ASBR2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[ASBR2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 202::2 96
[ASBR2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE和ASBR之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[ASBR2] bgp 200
[ASBR2-bgp-default] router-id
[ASBR2-bgp-default] peer 4::4 as-number 200
[ASBR2-bgp-default] peer 4::4 connect-interface loopback 1
[ASBR2-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 4::4 enable
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 4::4 next-hop-local
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
# 配置BGP引入IS-IS发布的Locator路由,并且发布给ASBR 2。
[ASBR2-bgp-default] peer 202::1 as-number 100
[ASBR2-bgp-default] peer 202::1 ebgp-max-hop 255
[ASBR2-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 202::1 enable
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route isisv6 1
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[ASBR2-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IS-IS引入BGP发布的Locator路由。
[ASBR2] ipv6 prefix-list as200 index 10 permit 10:: 64
[ASBR2] ipv6 prefix-list as200 index 20 permit 1::1 128
[ASBR2] route-policy as200 permit node 1
[ASBR2-route-policy-as200-1] if-match ipv6 address prefix-list as200
[ASBR2-route-policy-as200-1] quit
[ASBR2] isis 1
[ASBR2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[ASBR2-isis-1-ipv6] import-route bgp4+ route-policy as200
[ASBR2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[ASBR2-isis-1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE2
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0004.00
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 4::4 128
[PE2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 303::2 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE2] bgp 200
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 65420
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立MP-EBGP对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 ebgp-max-hop 255
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE和ASBR之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 3::3 as-number 200
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack1
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 3::3 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
# 在PE之间建立SRv6 BE路径。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 4::4
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 40:: 64 static 16
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 prefix-sid
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE2] bgp 65420
[CE2-bgp-default] peer as-number 200
[CE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上执行display bgp routing-table vpnv4命令查看对端PE发送的路由详细信息,可以看到对端PE发送的路由携带SID属性数据。
以PE 1为例:
[PE1] display bgp routing-table vpnv4 24
BGP local router ID:
Local AS number: 100
Route distinguisher: 100:1(vpn1)
Total number of routes: 1
Paths: 1 available, 1 best
BGP routing table information of
From : 4::4 (
Rely nexthop : FE80::3419:41FF:FE28:331
Original nexthop: 4::4
Out interface : HundredGigE1/0/2
Route age : 00h07m07s
OutLabel : 3
Ext-Community : <RT: 100:1>
RxPathID : 0x0
TxPathID : 0x0
PrefixSID : End.DT4 SID <40::1:2>
AS-path : 200
Origin : incomplete
Attribute value : MED 0, pref-val 0
State : valid, external, best
Source type : local
IP precedence : N/A
QoS local ID : N/A
Traffic index : N/A
Tunnel policy : NULL
Rely tunnel IDs : N/A
# 在PE设备上执行display ip routing-table vpn-instance命令,可以看到去往对端CE的路由,并且路由下一跳值为路由携带的End.DT4 SID。
以PE 1为例:
[PE1] display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
Destinations : 11 Routes : 11
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 HGE1/0/1 Direct 0 0 HGE1/0/1 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 HGE1/0/1 BGP 255 0 40:: HGE1/0/2 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0
# CE 1和CE 2之间能够ping通。
[CE1] ping
Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL+C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=3.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=3.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=3.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=253 time=2.000 ms
--- Ping statistics for ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 2.000/2.600/3.000/0.490 ms
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
bgp 65410
peer as-number 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 101::1/96
bgp 100
peer 2::2 as-number 100
peer 2::2 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 4::4 as-number 200
peer 4::4 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 4::4 ebgp-max-hop 255
address-family vpnv4
peer 4::4 enable
peer 4::4 prefix-sid
address-family ipv6 unicast
peer 2::2 enable
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 65410
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator abc ipv6-prefix 10:: 64 static 16
· ASBR 1:
sysname ASBR1
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route bgp4+ route-policy as100
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 101::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 202::1/96
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 202::2 as-number 200
peer 202::2 ebgp-max-hop 255
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route isisv6 1
network 10:: 64
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 next-hop-local
peer 202::2 enable
route-policy as100 permit node 1
if-match ipv6 address prefix-list as100
ipv6 prefix-list as100 index 10 permit 40:: 64
ipv6 prefix-list as100 index 20 permit 4::4 128
· ASBR 2:
sysname ASBR2
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route bgp4+ route-policy as200
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 303::1/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 202::2/96
bgp 200
peer 4::4 as-number 200
peer 4::4 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 202::1 as-number 100
peer 202::1 ebgp-max-hop 255
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route isisv6 1
network 40:: 64
peer 4::4 enable
peer 4::4 next-hop-local
peer 202::1 enable
route-policy as200 permit node 1
if-match ipv6 address prefix-list as200
ipv6 prefix-list as200 index 10 permit 10:: 64
ipv6 prefix-list as200 index 20 permit 1::1 128
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0004.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 4::4/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 303::2/96
bgp 200
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 1::1 ebgp-max-hop 255
peer 3::3 as-number 200
peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family vpnv4
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 prefix-sid
address-family ipv6 unicast
peer 3::3 enable
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 65420
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 4::4
locator abc ipv6-prefix 40:: 64 static 16
· CE 2:
sysname CE2
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
bgp 65420
peer as-number 200
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
如图4所示,承载网为IPv6网络,私网为IPv4网络。PE 1、P和PE 2属于同一自治系统,它们之间通过IS-IS协议达到IPv6网络互通。在PE 1和PE 2之间建立正向和反向两条SRv6 TE Policy来承载IPv4 L3VPN业务。在PE 1和PE 2上通过路由策略来设置VPNv4路由的Color属性,将VPN私网流量引流到指定的SRv6 TE Policy中。
图4 IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 TE Policy组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/2 | |
Loop0 | |
Loop0 | |
PE 1 |
Loop1 |
1::1/128 |
P |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
HGE1/0/1 |
3001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::2/96 |
PE 2 |
Loop1 |
3::3/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
3001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 | |
表4 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
如果网络中存在多种隧道,例如网络中存在多个SRv6 TE Policy和多个SR-MPLS TE Policy,且SRv6 TE Policy和SR-MPLS TE Policy存在相同Color值时,需要配置路由策略来设置路由的Color属性,并配置隧道策略来保证迭代隧道时,优先选择指定的SRv6 TE Policy。
<CE1> system-view
[CE1] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] interface loopback 0
[CE1-LoopBack0] ip address 32
[CE1-LoopBack0] quit
[CE1] bgp 200
[CE1-bgp-default] router-id
[CE1-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] sysname PE1
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE 1接入PE 1。
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 1与CE 1之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 200
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] peer enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 3::3 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间VPN路由迭代到SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode 1 end
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 3::3 prefix-sid
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1上配置SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE1-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator abc
[PE1-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 20 ipv6 300:1::1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
[PE1-srv6-te] policy p1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 3::3
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE1-srv6-te] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 1上配置路由策略及隧道策略,将VPN业务流量通过路由策略引流到指定的SRv6 TE Policy,并保证SRv6 TE Policy为优选隧道。
[PE1] route-policy a permit node 10
[PE1-route-policy-a-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE1-route-policy-a-10] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 3::3 route-policy a import
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
[PE1] tunnel-policy a
[PE1-tunnel-policy-a] select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
[PE1-tunnel-policy-a] quit
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] tnl-policy a
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<P> system-view
[P] sysname P
[P] isis 1
[P-isis-1] cost-style wide
[P-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
[P-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P-isis-1] quit
[P] interface loopback 1
[P-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[P-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-LoopBack1] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2001::2 96
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 3001::2 96
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在P上配置Locator,并由IS-IS发布该Locator。
[P] segment-routing ipv6
[P-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
[P-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode 1 end
[P-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[P-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[P] isis 1
[P-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[P-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P-isis-1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<PE2> system-view
[PE2] sysname PE2
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[PE2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 3001::1 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE 2接入PE 2。
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ip address 24
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE 2与CE 2之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 300
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] peer enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间VPN路由迭代到SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 3::3
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode 1 end
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 prefix-sid
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 2上配置SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE2-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator abc
[PE2-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 20 ipv6 100:1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
[PE2-srv6-te] policy p1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE2-srv6-te] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 2上配置路由策略及隧道策略,将VPN业务流量通过路由策略引流到指定的SRv6 TE Policy,并保证SRv6 TE Policy为优选隧道。
[PE2] route-policy a permit node 10
[PE2-route-policy-a-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE2-route-policy-a-10] quit
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 route-policy a import
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
[PE2] tunnel-policy a
[PE2-tunnel-policy-a] select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
[PE2-tunnel-policy-a] quit
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] tnl-policy a
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
<CE2> system-view
[CE2] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ip address 24
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[CE2] interface loopback 0
[CE2-LoopBack0] ip address 32
[CE2-LoopBack0] quit
[CE2] bgp 300
[CE2-bgp-default] router-id
[CE2-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1执行display segment-routing ipv6 te policy命令查看SRv6 TE Policy的详细信息,可以看到SRv6 TE Policy的Status字段为Up。
[PE1] display segment-routing ipv6 te policy
Name/ID: p1/0
Color: 10
End-point: 3::3
Name from BGP:
Mode: Dynamic Type: Type_2 Request state: Succeeded
Current BSID: 100:1::1:0 Explicit BSID: - Dynamic BSID: 100:1::1:0
Reference counts: 4
Flags: A/BS/NC
Status: Up
AdminStatus: Up
Up time: 2021-11-17 16:21:17
Down time: 2021-11-17 15:54:22
Hot backup: Not configured
Statistics: Not configured
Statistics by service class: Not configured
Drop-upon-invalid: Disabled
BFD trigger path-down: Disabled
SBFD: Not configured
BFD Echo: Not configured
Forwarding index: 2150629377
Service-class: -
Rate-limit: -
Encapsulation mode: -
Candidate paths state: Configured
Candidate paths statistics:
CLI paths: 1 BGP paths: 0 PCEP paths: 0
Candidate paths:
Preference : 10
Instance ID: 0 ASN: 0 Node address:
Peer address: ::
Optimal: Y Flags: V/A
Explicit SID list:
ID: 1 Name: s1
Weight: 1 Forwarding index: 2149580802
State: Up State(-): -
Active path MTU: 1428 bytes
# 在PE 1执行display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 verbose命令查看VPN路由的详细信息,可以看出VPN路由22.22.22.22/32的出接口为SRv6 TE Policy p1。
[PE1] display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 verbose
Summary count : 1
Protocol: BGP instance default
Process ID: 0
SubProtID: 0x1 Age: 00h30m45s
Cost: 0 Preference: 255
IpPre: N/A QosLocalID: N/A
Tag: 0 State: Active Adv
OrigTblID: 0x0 OrigVrf: default-vrf
TableID: 0x102 OrigAs: 300
NibID: 0x16000003 LastAs: 300
AttrID: 0x5 Neighbor: 3::3
Flags: 0x80010060 OrigNextHop: 3::3
Label: NULL RealNextHop: FE80::6033:29FF:FEAE:307
BkLabel: NULL BkNextHop: N/A
SRLabel: NULL Interface: p1
BkSRLabel: NULL BkInterface: N/A
SIDIndex: NULL InLabel: NULL
Tunnel ID: 0x80300001 IPInterface: HundredGigE1/0/2
BkTunnel ID: Invalid BkIPInterface: N/A
FtnIndex: 0x0 ColorInterface: N/A
TrafficIndex: N/A BkColorInterface: N/A
Connector: N/A VpnPeerId: N/A
Dscp: N/A Exp: N/A
SRTunnelID: 0x80300001 StatFlags: 0x0
SID Type: N/A SID: 300:1::1:0
BkSID: N/A NID: Invalid
FlushNID: 0x80300001 BkNID: Invalid
BkFlushNID: Invalid PathID: 0x0
CommBlockLen: 0
OrigLinkID: 0x0 RealLinkID: 0x0
# CE 1和CE 2之间能够ping通。
[CE1] ping -a
Ping ( from 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
--- Ping statistics for ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.000/1.200/2.000/0.400 ms
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
interface LoopBack0
ip address
bgp 200
peer as-number 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
tunnel-policy a
select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::1/96
bgp 100
peer 3::3 as-number 100
peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family vpnv4
peer 3::3 enable
peer 3::3 route-policy a import
peer 3::3 prefix-sid
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 200
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
route-policy a permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
opcode 1 end
srv6-policy locator abc
segment-list s1
index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
index 20 ipv6 300:1::1
policy p1
color 10 end-point ipv6 3::3
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· P:
sysname P
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::2/96
segment-routing ipv6
locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
opcode 1 end
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3001::1/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family vpnv4
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 prefix-sid
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 300
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 3::3
locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
opcode 1 end
srv6-policy locator abc
segment-list s1
index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
index 20 ipv6 100:1::1
policy p1
color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· CE 2:
sysname CE2
interface LoopBack0
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ip address
bgp 300
peer as-number 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
如图5所示,核心网为IPv6网络,私网为IPv4网络。PE 1和ASBR 1属于AS 100,PE 2和ASBR 2属于AS 200,AS 100和AS 200内通过IS-IS协议达到IPv6网络互连的目的。在PE 1和PE 2之间静态配置跨域SRv6 TE Policy路径,承载IPv4 L3VPN业务。
图5 跨域IPv4 L3VPN over SRv6 TE Policy配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
PE 1 |
Loop1 |
1::1/128 |
PE 2 |
Loop1 |
4::4/128 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
HGE1/0/1 | |
HGE1/0/2 |
1001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2002::1/96 |
ASBR 1 |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
ASBR 2 |
Loop1 |
3::3/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
1001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/1 |
2002::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
3003::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
3003::2/96 |
表5 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] bgp 65410
[CE1-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和ASBR的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE1
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 1001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 65410
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] peer enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立MP-EBGP对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 4::4 as-number 200
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 4::4 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 4::4 ebgp-max-hop 255
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 4::4 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE和ASBR之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 2::2 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间VPN路由迭代到SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode hex ::100 end-x interface hundredgige 1/0/2 nexthop 1001::2
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc auto-sid-disable
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 4::4 prefix-sid
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1上配置SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE1-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator abc
[PE1-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 1 ipv6 100:1::100
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 2 ipv6 200:1::100
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 3 ipv6 300:1::100
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
[PE1-srv6-te] policy policy1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 4::4
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE1-srv6-te] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 1上配置路由策略及隧道策略,将VPN业务流量通过路由策略引流到指定的SRv6 TE Policy,并保证SRv6 TE Policy为优选隧道。
[PE1] route-policy as100 permit node 10
[PE1-route-policy-as100-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE1-route-policy-as100-10] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 4::4 route-policy as100 import
[PE1-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
[PE1] tunnel-policy as100
[PE1-tunnel-policy-as100] select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
[PE1-tunnel-policy-as100] quit
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] tnl-policy as100
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和ASBR的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname ASBR1
[ASBR1] isis 1
[ASBR1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[ASBR1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
[ASBR1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[ASBR1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[ASBR1-isis-1] quit
[ASBR1] interface loopback 1
[ASBR1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[ASBR1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[ASBR1-LoopBack1] quit
[ASBR1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[ASBR1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 1001::2 96
[ASBR1-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[ASBR1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[ASBR1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[ASBR1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 3003::1 96
[ASBR1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE和ASBR之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[ASBR1] bgp 100
[ASBR1-bgp-default] router-id
[ASBR1-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[ASBR1-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[ASBR1-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 1::1 enable
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 1::1 next-hop-local
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
# 配置BGP引入IS-IS发布的Locator路由,并且发布给ASBR 2。
[ASBR1-bgp-default] peer 3003::2 as-number 200
[ASBR1-bgp-default] peer 3003::2 ebgp-max-hop 255
[ASBR1-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 3003::2 enable
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route isisv6 1
[ASBR1-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[ASBR1-bgp-default] quit
# 在ASBR上配置SRv6 BGP EPE,配置ASBR之间的静态End.X SID。
[ASBR1] segment-routing ipv6
[ASBR1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
[ASBR1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode hex ::200 end-x interface HundredGigE1/0/1 nexthop 1001::1
[ASBR1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[ASBR1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[ASBR1] bgp 100
[ASBR1-bgp-default] segment-routing ipv6 egress-engineering locator abc
[ASBR1-bgp-default] peer 3003::2 egress-engineering srv6 static-sid no-psp-usp 200:1::100
[ASBR1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IS-IS引入BGP发布的Locator路由。
[ASBR1] ipv6 prefix-list as100 index 10 permit 400:1:: 64
[ASBR1] ipv6 prefix-list as100 index 20 permit 4::4 128
[ASBR1] route-policy as100 permit node 1
[ASBR1-route-policy-as100-1] if-match ipv6 address prefix-list as100
[ASBR1-route-policy-as100-1] quit
[ASBR1] isis 1
[ASBR1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[ASBR1-isis-1-ipv6] import-route bgp4+ route-policy as100
[ASBR1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[ASBR1-isis-1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和ASBR的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname ASBR2
[ASBR2] isis 1
[ASBR2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[ASBR2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
[ASBR2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[ASBR2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[ASBR2-isis-1] quit
[ASBR2] interface loopback 1
[ASBR2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[ASBR2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[ASBR2-LoopBack1] quit
[ASBR2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[ASBR2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2002::2 96
[ASBR2-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[ASBR2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[ASBR2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[ASBR2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 3003::2 96
[ASBR2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE和ASBR之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[ASBR2] bgp 200
[ASBR2-bgp-default] router-id
[ASBR2-bgp-default] peer 4::4 as-number 200
[ASBR2-bgp-default] peer 4::4 connect-interface loopback 1
[ASBR2-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 4::4 enable
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 4::4 next-hop-local
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
# 配置BGP引入IS-IS发布的Locator路由,并且发布给ASBR 2。
[ASBR2-bgp-default] peer 3003::1 as-number 100
[ASBR2-bgp-default] peer 3003::1 ebgp-max-hop 255
[ASBR2-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 3003::1 enable
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route isisv6 1
[ASBR2-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[ASBR2-bgp-default] quit
# 在ASBR上配置SRv6 BGP EPE,配置ASBR之间的静态End.X SID。
[ASBR2] segment-routing ipv6
[ASBR2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
[ASBR2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode hex ::100 end-x interface HundredGigE1/0/1 nexthop 2002::1
[ASBR2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[ASBR2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[ASBR2] bgp 200
[ASBR2-bgp-default] segment-routing ipv6 egress-engineering locator abc
[ASBR2-bgp-default] peer 3003::1 egress-engineering srv6 static-sid no-psp-usp 300:1::200
[ASBR2-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IS-IS引入BGP发布的Locator路由。
[ASBR2] ipv6 prefix-list as200 index 10 permit 100:1:: 64
[ASBR2] ipv6 prefix-list as200 index 20 permit 1::1 128
[ASBR2] route-policy as200 permit node 1
[ASBR2-route-policy-as200-1] if-match ipv6 address prefix-list as200
[ASBR2-route-policy-as200-1] quit
[ASBR2] isis 1
[ASBR2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[ASBR2-isis-1-ipv6] import-route bgp4+ route-policy as200
[ASBR2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[ASBR2-isis-1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE2
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0004.00
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 4::4 128
[PE2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2002::1 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE2] bgp 200
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 65420
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立MP-EBGP对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 ebgp-max-hop 255
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE和ASBR之间建立MP-IBGP对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 3::3 as-number 200
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack1
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv6
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 3::3 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间VPN路由迭代到SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 4::4
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 400:1:: 64 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode hex ::200 end-x interface HundredGigE1/0/2 nexthop 2002::2
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc auto-sid-disable
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 prefix-sid
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1上配置SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE2-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator abc
[PE2-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 1 ipv6 400:1::200
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 2 ipv6 300:1::200
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 3 ipv6 200:1::200
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
[PE2-srv6-te] policy policy1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] binding-sid ipv6 400:1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE2-srv6-te] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 1上配置路由策略及隧道策略,将VPN业务流量通过路由策略引流到指定的SRv6 TE Policy,并保证SRv6 TE Policy为优选隧道。
[PE2] route-policy as200 permit node 10
[PE2-route-policy-as200-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE2-route-policy-as200-10] quit
[PE2] bgp 200
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family vpnv4
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] peer 1::1 route-policy as200 import
[PE2-bgp-default-vpnv4] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
[PE2] tunnel-policy as200
[PE2-tunnel-policy-as200] select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
[PE2-tunnel-policy-as200] quit
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] tnl-policy as200
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE2] bgp 65420
[CE2-bgp-default] peer as-number 200
[CE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1执行display segment-routing ipv6 te policy命令查看SRv6 TE Policy的详细信息,可以看到SRv6 TE Policy的Status字段为Up。
[PE1] display segment-routing ipv6 te policy
Name/ID: policy1/0
Color: 10
End-point: 4::4
Name from BGP:
Mode: Explicit Type: Type_2 Request state: Succeeded
Current BSID: 100:1::1 Explicit BSID: 100:1::1 Dynamic BSID: -
Reference counts: 4
Flags: A/BS/NC
Status: Up
AdminStatus: Up
Up time: 2021-11-27 16:26:20
Down time: 2021-11-27 16:25:55
Hot backup: Not configured
Statistics: Not configured
Statistics by service class: Not configured
Drop-upon-invalid: Disabled
BFD trigger path-down: Disabled
SBFD: Not configured
BFD Echo: Not configured
Forwarding index: 2150629377
Service-class: -
Rate-limit: -
Encapsulation mode: -
Candidate paths state: Configured
Candidate paths statistics:
CLI paths: 1 BGP paths: 0 PCEP paths: 0
Candidate paths:
Preference : 10
Instance ID: 0 ASN: 0 Node address:
Peer address: ::
Optimal: Y Flags: V/A
Explicit SID list:
ID: 1 Name: s1
Weight: 1 Forwarding index: 2149580802
State: Up State(-): -
Active path MTU: 1428 bytes
# 在PE 1执行display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1命令查看VPN路由的详细信息,可以看出VPN路由20.1.1.0/24的出接口为SRv6 TE Policy p1。
[PE1] display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
Destinations : 11 Routes : 11
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 HGE1/0/1 Direct 0 0 HGE1/0/1 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 HGE1/0/1 BGP 255 0 4::4 policy1 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0 Direct 0 0 InLoop0
# CE 1和CE 2之间能够ping通。
[CE1] ping
Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL+C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=3.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=3.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=3.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=253 time=2.000 ms
--- Ping statistics for ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 2.000/2.600/3.000/0.490 ms
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
bgp 65410
peer as-number 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
tnl-policy as100
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc auto-sid-disable
tunnel-policy as100
select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1001::1/96
bgp 100
peer 2::2 as-number 100
peer 2::2 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 4::4 as-number 200
peer 4::4 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 4::4 ebgp-max-hop 255
address-family vpnv4
peer 4::4 enable
peer 4::4 route-policy as100 import
peer 4::4 prefix-sid
address-family ipv6 unicast
peer 2::2 enable
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 65410
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
route-policy as100 permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
opcode hex ::100 end-x interface HundredGigE1/0/2 nexthop 1001::2
srv6-policy locator abc
segment-list s1
index 1 ipv6 100:1::100
index 2 ipv6 200:1::100
index 3 ipv6 300:1::100
policy policy1
binding-sid ipv6 100:1::1
color 10 end-point ipv6 4::4
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· ASBR 1:
sysname ASBR1
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route bgp4+ route-policy as100
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc auto-sid-disable
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 3003::1/96
bgp 100
segment-routing ipv6 egress-engineering locator abc
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 3003::2 as-number 200
peer 3003::2 ebgp-max-hop 255
peer 3003::2 egress-engineering srv6 static-sid no-psp-usp 200:1::100
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route isisv6 1
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 next-hop-local
peer 3003::2 enable
route-policy as100 permit node 1
if-match ipv6 address prefix-list as100
ipv6 prefix-list as100 index 10 permit 400:1:: 64
ipv6 prefix-list as100 index 20 permit 4::4 128
segment-routing ipv6
locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
opcode hex ::200 end-x interface HundredGigE1/0/1 nexthop 1001::1
· ASBR 2:
sysname ASBR2
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route bgp4+ route-policy as200
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc auto-sid-disable
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2002::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 3003::2/96
bgp 200
segment-routing ipv6 egress-engineering locator abc
peer 4::4 as-number 200
peer 4::4 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 3003::1 as-number 100
peer 3003::1 ebgp-max-hop 255
peer 3003::1 egress-engineering srv6 static-sid no-psp-usp 300:1::200
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route isisv6 1
peer 4::4 enable
peer 4::4 next-hop-local
peer 3003::1 enable
route-policy as200 permit node 1
if-match ipv6 address prefix-list as200
ipv6 prefix-list as200 index 10 permit 100:1:: 64
ipv6 prefix-list as200 index 30 permit 1::1 128
segment-routing ipv6
locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
opcode hex ::100 end-x interface HundredGigE1/0/1 nexthop 2002::1
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
tnl-policy as200
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0004.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc auto-sid-disable
tunnel-policy as200
select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 4::4/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2002::1/96
bgp 200
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 1::1 ebgp-max-hop 255
peer 3::3 as-number 200
peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family vpnv4
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 route-policy as200 import
peer 1::1 prefix-sid
address-family ipv6 unicast
peer 3::3 enable
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 65420
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
import-route direct
peer enable
route-policy as200 permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 4::4
locator abc ipv6-prefix 400:1:: 64 static 16
opcode hex ::200 end-x interface HundredGigE1/0/2 nexthop 2002::2
srv6-policy locator abc
segment-list s1
index 1 ipv6 400:1::200
index 2 ipv6 300:1::200
index 3 ipv6 200:1::200
policy policy1
binding-sid ipv6 400:1::1
color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
preference 10
explicit segment-list astoas
explicit segment-list s1
· CE 2:
sysname CE2
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
bgp 65420
peer as-number 200
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
如图6所示,核心网为IPv6网络,私网为IPv4网络。PE 1、P和PE 2属于同一自治系统,它们之间通过IS-IS协议达到IPv6网络互通。在PE 1和PE 2之间静态配置两条SRv6 TE Policy来承载IPv4 EVPN L3VPN业务。在PE 1和PE 2上配置路由策略来设置EVPN路由的Color属性,以便将流量引入到指定的SRv6 TE Policy中。
图6 IPv4 EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 TE Policy配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/2 | |
PE 1 |
Loop1 |
1::1/128 |
PE 2 |
Loop1 |
3::3/128 |
HGE1/0/1 | |
HGE1/0/1 | |
HGE1/0/2 |
1001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::1/96 |
P |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
1001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::2/96 |
表6 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
如果网络中存在多种隧道,例如网络中存在多个SRv6 TE Policy和多个SR-MPLS TE Policy,且SRv6 TE Policy和SR-MPLS TE Policy存在相同Color值时,需要配置路由策略来设置路由的Color属性,并配置隧道策略来保证迭代隧道时,优先选择指定的SRv6 TE Policy。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] bgp 200
[CE1-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE1
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 1001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE 1接入PE 1。
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 1与CE 1之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 200
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] peer enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间VPN路由迭代到SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode 1 end
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1上配置SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE1-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator abc
[PE1-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 20 ipv6 300:1::1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
[PE1-srv6-te] policy p1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 3::3
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE1-srv6-te] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 1上配置路由策略及隧道策略,将VPN业务流量通过路由策略引流到指定的SRv6 TE Policy,并保证SRv6 TE Policy为优选隧道。
[PE1] route-policy a permit node 10
[PE1-route-policy-a-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE1-route-policy-a-10] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 route-policy a import
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
[PE1] tunnel-policy a
[PE1-tunnel-policy-a] select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
[PE1-tunnel-policy-a] quit
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] tnl-policy a
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname P
[P] isis 1
[P-isis-1] cost-style wide
[P-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
[P-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P-isis-1] quit
[P] interface loopback 1
[P-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[P-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-LoopBack1] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 1001::2 96
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001::2 96
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在P上配置Locator,并由IS-IS发布该Locator。
[P] segment-routing ipv6
[P-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
[P-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode 1 end
[P-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[P-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[P] isis 1
[P-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[P-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P-isis-1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE2
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[PE2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2001::1 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE 2接入PE 2。
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip address 24
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 2与CE 2之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] peer as-number 300
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] peer enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间VPN路由迭代到SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 3::3
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode 1 end
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv4 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv4-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 2上配置SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE2-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator abc
[PE2-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 20 ipv6 100:1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
[PE2-srv6-te] policy p1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE2-srv6-te] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 2上配置路由策略及隧道策略,将VPN业务流量通过路由策略引流到指定的SRv6 TE Policy,并保证SRv6 TE Policy为优选隧道。
[PE2] route-policy a permit node 10
[PE2-route-policy-a-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE2-route-policy-a-10] quit
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 route-policy a import
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
[PE2] tunnel-policy a
[PE2-tunnel-policy-a] select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
[PE2-tunnel-policy-a] quit
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] tnl-policy a
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ip address 24
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[CE2] bgp 300
[CE2-bgp-default] peer as-number 100
[CE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv4 unicast
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] peer enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] import-route direct
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv4] quit
[CE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1执行display segment-routing ipv6 te policy命令查看SRv6 TE Policy的详细信息,可以看到SRv6 TE Policy的Status字段为Up。
[PE1] display segment-routing ipv6 te policy
Name/ID: p1/0
Color: 10
End-point: 3::3
Name from BGP:
Mode: Dynamic Type: Type_2 Request state: Succeeded
Current BSID: 100:1::1:3 Explicit BSID: - Dynamic BSID: 100:1::1:3
Reference counts: 4
Flags: A/BS/NC
Status: Up
AdminStatus: Up
Up time: 2021-11-23 19:31:35
Down time: 2021-11-23 19:27:37
Hot backup: Not configured
Statistics: Not configured
Statistics by service class: Not configured
Drop-upon-invalid: Disabled
BFD trigger path-down: Disabled
SBFD: Not configured
BFD Echo: Not configured
Forwarding index: 2150629377
Service-class: -
Rate-limit: -
Encapsulation mode: -
Candidate paths state: Configured
Candidate paths statistics:
CLI paths: 1 BGP paths: 0 PCEP paths: 0
Candidate paths:
Preference : 10
Instance ID: 0 ASN: 0 Node address:
Peer address: ::
Optimal: Y Flags: V/A
Explicit SID list:
ID: 1 Name: s1
Weight: 1 Forwarding index: 2149580802
State: Up State(-): -
Active path MTU: 1428 bytes
# 在PE 1执行display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 24命令查看VPN路由的详细信息,可以看出VPN路由20.1.1.0/24的出接口为SRv6 TE Policy p1。
[PE1] display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 24
Summary count : 1
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface BGP 255 0 3::3 p1
# CE 1和CE 2之间能够ping通。
[CE1] ping
Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=253 time=2.000 ms
--- Ping statistics for ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.000/1.600/2.000/0.490 ms
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
bgp 200
peer as-number 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
tnl-policy a
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
tunnel-policy a
select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1001::1/96
bgp 100
peer 3::3 as-number 100
peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 3::3 enable
peer 3::3 route-policy a import
peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 200
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
import-route direct
peer enable
route-policy a permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
opcode 1 end
srv6-policy locator abc
segment-list s1
index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
index 20 ipv6 300:1::1
policy p1
color 10 end-point ipv6 3::3
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· P:
sysname P
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::2/96
segment-routing ipv6
locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
opcode 1 end
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
tnl-policy a
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
tunnel-policy a
select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::1/96
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 route-policy a import
peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer as-number 300
address-family ipv4 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
import-route direct
peer enable
route-policy a permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 3::3
locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
opcode 1 end
srv6-policy locator abc
segment-list s1
index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
index 20 ipv6 100:1::1
policy p1
color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· CE 2:
sysname CE2
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip address
bgp 300
peer as-number 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
import-route direct
peer enable
如图7所示,核心网为IPv6网络,私网为IPv6网络,在核心网中PE设备之间部署EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 BE,通过SRv6隧道传递私网数据。
· CE 1和CE 2均属于VPN 1。
· CE与PE之间配置EBGP交换VPN路由信息。
· 同一自治系统内的PE设备之间运行IS-IS实现IPv6网络互通,配置MP-IBGP交换EVPN路由信息。
图7 IPv6 EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 BE配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 |
1000::1/96 |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/1 |
3000::1/96 |
PE 1 |
Loop1 |
1::1/128 |
PE 2 |
Loop1 |
3::3/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
1000::2/96 |
HGE1/0/1 |
3000::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2002::1/96 |
P |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
2001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2002::2/96 |
表7 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 1000::1 96
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] bgp 200
[CE1-bgp-default] router-id
[CE1-bgp-default] peer 1000::2 as-number 100
[CE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv6 unicast
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 1000::2 enable
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[CE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE1
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 1000::2 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] peer 1000::1 as-number 200
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer 1000::1 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT6 SID所属的Locator。
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator evpn ipv6-prefix 1:2:: 96 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-evpn] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator evpn
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT6 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT6 SID的路由条目上。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator evpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname P
[P] isis 1
[P-isis-1] cost-style wide
[P-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
[P-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P-isis-1] quit
[P] interface loopback 1
[P-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[P-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-LoopBack1] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001::2 96
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2002::2 96
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE2
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[PE2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2002::1 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 3000::2 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] peer 3000::1 as-number 300
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer 3000::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 3::3
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT6 SID所属的Locator。
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator evpn ipv6-prefix 3:4:: 96 static 16
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-evpn] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator evpn
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT6 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT6 SID的路由条目上。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator evpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 3000::1 96
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE2] bgp 300
[CE2-bgp-default] router-id
[CE2-bgp-default] peer 3000::2 as-number 100
[CE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv6 unicast
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 3000::2 enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route direct
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[CE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上执行display bgp l2vpn evpn命令查看对端PE发送的路由详细信息,可以看到对端PE发送的路由携带SID属性数据。
以PE 1为例:
[PE1] display bgp l2vpn evpn [5][0][96][3000::]/176
BGP local router ID:
Local AS number: 100
Route distinguisher: 100:1(vpn1)
Total number of routes: 1
Paths: 1 available, 1 best
BGP routing table information of [5][0][96][3000::]/176:
From : 3::3 (
Rely nexthop : FE80::A06E:DBFF:FEFC:316
Original nexthop: 3::3
Out interface : HundredGigE1/0/2
Route age : 00h00m29s
OutLabel : 3
Ext-Community : <RT: 100:1>
RxPathID : 0x0
TxPathID : 0x0
PrefixSID : End.DT6 SID <3:4::1:4>
AS-path : (null)
Origin : incomplete
Attribute value : MED 0, localpref 100, pref-val 0
State : valid, internal, best
Source type : local
IP precedence : N/A
QoS local ID : N/A
Traffic index : N/A
EVPN route type : IP prefix advertisement route
ESI : 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000
Ethernet tag ID : 0
IP prefix : 3000::/96
Gateway address : ::
MPLS label : 3
Tunnel policy : NULL
Rely tunnel IDs : N/A
Re-orignination : Disable
# CE 1和CE 2之间能够ping通。
[CE1] ping ipv6 3000::1
Ping6(56 data bytes) 1000::1 --> 3000::1, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from 3000::1, icmp_seq=0 hlim=62 time=3.000 ms
56 bytes from 3000::1, icmp_seq=1 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 3000::1, icmp_seq=2 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 3000::1, icmp_seq=3 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 3000::1, icmp_seq=4 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
--- Ping6 statistics for 3000::1 ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 2.000/2.200/3.000/0.400 ms
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 1000::1/96
bgp 200
peer 1000::2 as-number 100
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route direct
peer 1000::2 enable
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator evpn
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ipv6 address 1000::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::1/96
bgp 100
peer 3::3 as-number 100
peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 3::3 enable
peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer 1000::1 as-number 200
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator evpn evpn
import-route direct
peer 1000::1 enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator evpn ipv6-prefix 1:2:: 96 static 16
· P:
sysname P
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2002::2/96
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator evpn
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ipv6 address 3000::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2002::1/96
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer 3000::1 as-number 300
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator evpn evpn
import-route direct
peer 3000::1 enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 3::3
locator evpn ipv6-prefix 3:4:: 96 static 16
· CE 2:
sysname CE2
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 3000::1/96
bgp 300
peer 3000::2 as-number 100
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route direct
peer 3000::2 enable
如图8所示,核心网为IPv6网络,私网为IPv6网络。PE 1、P 1、P 2和PE 2属于同一自治系统,要求它们之间通过IS-IS协议达到IPv6网络互连的目的。要求在PE 1和PE 2之间建立双向SRv6 BE路径,承载IPv6 EVPN L3VPN业务。为了充分利用网络资源,要求业务流量在PE 1和PE 2之间的SRv6 BE上进行ECMP。
图8 IPv6 EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 BE ECMP配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 |
1000::1/96 |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/1 |
4000::1/96 |
PE 1 |
Loop1 |
1::1/128 |
PE 2 |
Loop1 |
4::4/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
1000::2/96 |
HGE1/0/1 |
4000::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2002::1/96 |
HGE1/0/3 |
3001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/3 |
3002::1/96 |
P 1 |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
P 2 |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
2001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/1 |
3001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2002::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
3002::2/96 |
表8 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
SRv6 BE ECMP依赖于网络中的等价路由,所以为了确保配置成功,用户需要合理规划链路的IGP cost。在本例中,各个链路采用缺省cost值(10)。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 1000::1 96
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] bgp 200
[CE1-bgp-default] router-id
[CE1-bgp-default] peer 1000::2 as-number 100
[CE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv6 unicast
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 1000::2 enable
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[CE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE1
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/3
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] ipv6 address 3001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 1000::2 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] peer 1000::1 as-number 200
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer 1000::1 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 4::4 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 4::4 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 4::4 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT6 SID所属的Locator。
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT6 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT6 SID的路由条目上。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 4::4 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname P1
[P1] isis 1
[P1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[P1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
[P1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P1-isis-1] quit
[P1] interface loopback 1
[P1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[P1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P1-LoopBack1] quit
[P1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001::2 96
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[P1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2002::2 96
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname P2
[P2] isis 1
[P2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[P2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
[P2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P2-isis-1] quit
[P2] interface loopback 1
[P2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[P2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P2-LoopBack1] quit
[P2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 3001::2 96
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[P2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 3002::2 96
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE2
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0004.00
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 4::4 128
[PE2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2002::1 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/3
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/3] ipv6 address 3002::1 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/3] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/3] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 4000::2 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] peer 4000::1 as-number 300
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer 4000::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 4::4
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT6 SID所属的Locator。
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT6 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT6 SID的路由条目上。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 4000::1 96
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE2] bgp 300
[CE2-bgp-default] router-id
[CE2-bgp-default] peer 4000::2 as-number 100
[CE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv6 unicast
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 4000::2 enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route direct
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[CE2-bgp-default] quit
# 执行命令display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance查看VPN路由信息,可以看出VPN路由4000::1/96具有两个出接口,转发时将形成ECMP。
以PE 1为例:
[PE1] display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 4000::1 96
Summary count : 1
Destination: 4000::/96 Protocol : BGP4+
NextHop : 200:1:: Preference: 255
Interface : HGE1/0/2 Cost : 0
Destination: 4000::/96 Protocol : BGP4+
NextHop : 200:1:: Preference: 255
Interface : HGE1/0/3 Cost : 0
# CE 1和CE 2之间能够ping通。
[CE1] ping ipv6 4000::1
Ping6(56 data bytes) 1000::1 --> 4000::1, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from 4000::1, icmp_seq=0 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 4000::1, icmp_seq=1 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 4000::1, icmp_seq=2 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 4000::1, icmp_seq=3 hlim=62 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from 4000::1, icmp_seq=4 hlim=62 time=1.000 ms
--- Ping6 statistics for 4000::1 ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.000/1.600/2.000/0.490 ms
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 1000::1/96
bgp 200
peer 1000::2 as-number 100
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route direct
peer 1000::2 enable
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ipv6 address 1000::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::1/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3001::1/96
bgp 100
peer 4::4 as-number 100
peer 4::4 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 4::4 enable
peer 4::4 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer 1000::1 as-number 200
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
import-route direct
peer 1000::1 enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
· P 1:
sysname P1
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2002::2/96
· P 2:
sysname P2
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3002::2/96
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0004.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 4::4/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ipv6 address 4000::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2002::1/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3002::1/96
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer 4000::1 as-number 300
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
import-route direct
peer 4000::1 enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 4::4
locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
· CE 2:
sysname CE2
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 4000::1/96
bgp 300
peer 4000::2 as-number 100
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route direct
peer 4000::2 enable
如图9所示,核心网为IPv6网络,私网为IPv6网络。PE 1、P 1、P 2和PE 2属于同一自治系统,要求它们之间通过IS-IS协议达到IPv6网络互连的目的。要求在PE 1和PE 2之间建立双向SRv6 BE路径,承载IPv6 EVPN L3VPN业务。为了提升网络可靠性,要求在PE 1上配置快速重路由功能,实现当主路径出现故障时,将流量迅速切换到备份路径,大大缩短故障恢复时间。
图9 IPv6 EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 BE快速重路由配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
PE 1 |
Loop1 |
1::1/128 |
PE 2 |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
1000::2/96 |
HGE1/0/1 |
2001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2002::2/96 |
HGE1/0/3 |
3001::1/96 |
PE 3 |
Loop1 |
3::3/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
3001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
3002::2/96 |
CE 1 |
Loop1 |
11::11/128 |
CE 2 |
Loop1 |
22::22/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
1000::1/96 |
HGE1/0/1 |
2002::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
3002::1/96 |
表9 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface loopback 1
[CE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 11::11 128
[CE1-LoopBack1] quit
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 1000::1 96
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] bgp 200
[CE1-bgp-default] router-id
[CE1-bgp-default] peer 1000::2 as-number 100
[CE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv6 unicast
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 1000::2 enable
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[CE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE1
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/3
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] ipv6 address 3001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 1000::2 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] peer 1000::1 as-number 200
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer 1000::1 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 2::2 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT6 SID所属的Locator。
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT6 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT6 SID的路由条目上。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 2::2 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
# 配置快速重路由功能。
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] pic
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 使用静态BFD检测Locator路由。如果Locator路由不可达,触发快速重路由进行路径切换。
[PE1] bfd static test peer-ipv6 200:1:: source-ipv6 100:1:: discriminator local 10 remote 20
[PE1-bfd-static-session-test] bfd multi-hop min-transmit-interval 100
[PE1-bfd-static-session-test] bfd multi-hop min-receive-interval 100
[PE1-bfd-static-session-test] bfd multi-hop detect-multiplier 3
[PE1-bfd-static-session-test] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] primary-path-detect bfd ctrl
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE2
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[PE2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001::2 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 200:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2002::2 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] peer 2002::1 as-number 300
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer 2002::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 2::2
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT6 SID所属的Locator。
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT6 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT6 SID的路由条目上。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 使用静态BFD检测Locator路由。如果Locator路由不可达,触发快速重路由进行路径切换。
[PE2] bfd static test peer-ipv6 100:1:: source-ipv6 200:1:: discriminator local 20 remote 10
[PE2-bfd-static-session-test] bfd multi-hop min-transmit-interval 100
[PE2-bfd-static-session-test] bfd multi-hop min-receive-interval 100
[PE2-bfd-static-session-test] bfd multi-hop detect-multiplier 3
[PE2-bfd-static-session-test] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE和P的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE3
[PE3] isis 1
[PE3-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE3-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
[PE3-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE3-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE3-isis-1] quit
[PE3] interface loopback 1
[PE3-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[PE3-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE3-LoopBack1] quit
[PE3] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 3001::2 96
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE接入PE。
[PE3] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE3-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 300:1
[PE3-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE3-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE3] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/2] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 3002::2 96
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE与CE之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE3] bgp 100
[PE3-bgp-default] router-id
[PE3-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE3-bgp-default-vpn1] peer 3002::1 as-number 300
[PE3-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer 3002::1 enable
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE3-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE3-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE3-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE3-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE3-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 enable
[PE3-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE3-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE3] segment-routing ipv6
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 3::3
# 在PE设备上配置EVPN L3VPN over SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的目的地址End.DT6 SID所属的Locator。
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IS-IS引用并发布Locator。
[PE3] isis 1
[PE3-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE3-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE3-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE3-isis-1] quit
# 在PE设备上配置IPv6对等体之间交换End.DT6 SID,同时允许将私网路由迭代到End.DT6 SID的路由条目上。
[PE3] bgp 100
[PE3-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE3-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE3-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE3-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE3-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
[PE3-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE3-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE3-bgp-default] quit
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface loopback 1
[CE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 22::22 128
[CE2-LoopBack1] quit
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2002::1 96
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 3002::1 96
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[CE2] bgp 300
[CE2-bgp-default] router-id
[CE2-bgp-default] peer 2002::2 as-number 100
[CE2-bgp-default] peer 3002::2 as-number 100
[CE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv6 unicast
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 2002::2 enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 3002::2 enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route direct
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[CE2-bgp-default] quit
# 执行命令display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance verbose查看VPN路由信息,可以看出VPN路由22::22/128具有备份出接口。
以PE 1为例:
[PE1] display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 22::22 128 verbose
Summary count : 1
Destination: 22::22/128
Protocol: BGP4+ instance default
Process ID: 0
SubProtID: 0x8 Age: 00h27m38s
FlushedAge: 00h27m38s
Cost: 0 Preference: 255
IpPre: N/A QosLocalID: N/A
Tag: 0 State: Active Adv
OrigTblID: 0x0 OrigVrf: default-vrf
TableID: 0x10a OrigAs: 300
NibID: 0x2600000a LastAs: 300
AttrID: 0x0
BkAttrID: 0x7 Neighbor: 2::2
Flags: 0x80010060 OrigNextHop: 200:1::
Label: NULL RealNextHop: FE80::8099:2EFF:FE26:316
BkLabel: NULL BkNextHop: FE80::8099:32FF:FEB6:416
SRLabel: NULL Interface: HundredGigE1/0/2
BkSRLabel: NULL BkInterface: HundredGigE1/0/3
Tunnel ID: Invalid IPInterface: HundredGigE1/0/2
BkTunnel ID: Invalid BkIPInterface: HundredGigE1/0/3
InLabel: 0 ColorInterface: N/A
SIDIndex: 0 BkColorInterface: N/A
FtnIndex: 0x0 TunnelInterface: N/A
TrafficIndex: N/A BkTunnelInterface: N/A
Connector: N/A PathID: 0x0
UserID: 0x0 SRTunnelID: Invalid
SID Type: N/A NID: Invalid
FlushNID: Invalid BkNID: Invalid
BkFlushNID: Invalid StatFlags: 0x0
SID: 200:1::1:4
BkSID: 300:1::1:4
CommBlockLen: 0 Priority: Low
# CE 1和CE 2之间能够ping通。
[CE1] ping ipv6 22::22
Ping6(56 data bytes) 1000::1 --> 22::22, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from 22::22, icmp_seq=0 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 22::22, icmp_seq=1 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 22::22, icmp_seq=2 hlim=62 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from 22::22, icmp_seq=3 hlim=62 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from 22::22, icmp_seq=4 hlim=62 time=1.000 ms
--- Ping6 statistics for 22::22 ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.000/1.400/2.000/0.490 ms
# 关闭PE 1的接口HundredGigE1/0/2。
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] shutdown
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE 1上执行命令display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance verbose查看VPN路由信息,可以看出VPN路由22::22/128的出接口变为HundredGigE1/0/3。
[PE1] display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 22::22 128 verbose
Summary count : 1
Destination: 22::22/128
Protocol: BGP4+ instance default
Process ID: 0
SubProtID: 0x8 Age: 01h24m03s
Cost: 0 Preference: 255
IpPre: N/A QosLocalID: N/A
Tag: 0 State: Active Adv
OrigTblID: 0x0 OrigVrf: default-vrf
TableID: 0x10a OrigAs: 300
NibID: 0x26000007 LastAs: 300
AttrID: 0x3 Neighbor: 3::3
Flags: 0x80010060 OrigNextHop: 300:1::
Label: NULL RealNextHop: FE80::843:49FF:FE7B:506
BkLabel: NULL BkNextHop: N/A
SRLabel: NULL Interface: HundredGigE1/0/3
BkSRLabel: NULL BkInterface: N/A
SIDIndex: NULL InLabel: NULL
Tunnel ID: Invalid IPInterface: HundredGigE1/0/3
BkTunnel ID: Invalid BkIPInterface: N/A
FtnIndex: 0x0 ColorInterface: N/A
TrafficIndex: N/A BkColorInterface: N/A
Connector: N/A VpnPeerId: N/A
Dscp: N/A Exp: N/A
SRTunnelID: Invalid StatFlags: 0x0
SID Type: N/A SID: 300:1::1:2
BkSID: N/A NID: Invalid
FlushNID: Invalid BkNID: Invalid
BkFlushNID: Invalid PathID: 0x0
CommBlockLen: 0
OrigLinkID: 0x0 RealLinkID: 0x0
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 1000::1/96
bgp 200
peer 1000::2 as-number 100
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route direct
peer 1000::2 enable
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ipv6 address 1000::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::1/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3001::1/96
bfd static test peer-ipv6 200:1:: source-ipv6 100:1:: discriminator local 10 remote 20
bfd multi-hop min-transmit-interval 100
bfd multi-hop min-receive-interval 100
bfd multi-hop detect-multiplier 3
bgp 100
primary-path-detect bfd ctrl
peer 2::2 as-number 100
peer 2::2 connect-interface LoopBack1
peer 3::3 as-number 100
peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 2::2 enable
peer 2::2 advertise encap-type srv6
peer 3::3 enable
peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer 1000::1 as-number 200
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
import-route direct
peer 1000::1 enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 200:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ipv6 address 2002::2/96
bfd static test peer-ipv6 100:1:: source-ipv6 200:1:: discriminator local 20 remote 10
bfd multi-hop min-transmit-interval 100
bfd multi-hop min-receive-interval 100
bfd multi-hop detect-multiplier 3
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer 2002::1 as-number 300
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
import-route direct
peer 2002::1 enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 2::2
locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
· PE 3:
sysname PE3
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 300:1
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ipv6 address 3002::2/96
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer 3002::1 as-number 300
address-family ipv6 unicast
undo advertise l2vpn evpn
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
import-route direct
peer 3002::1 enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 3::3
locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
· CE 2:
sysname CE2
interface LoopBack1
ipv6 address 22::22/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 2002::1/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 3002::1/96
bgp 300
peer 2002::2 as-number 100
peer 3002::2 as-number 100
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route direct
peer 2002::2 enable
peer 3002::2 enable
如图10所示,核心网为IPv6网络,私网为IPv6网络。PE 1、P和PE 2属于同一自治系统,它们之间通过IS-IS协议达到IPv6网络互通。在PE 1和PE 2之间静态配置两条SRv6 TE Policy来承载IPv6 EVPN L3VPN业务。在PE 1和PE 2上配置路由策略来设置EVPN路由的Color属性来引流到指定的SRv6 TE Policy中。
图10 IPv6 EVPN L3VPN over SRv6 TE Policy配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 |
100::1/96 |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/2 |
200::1/96 |
PE 1 |
Loop1 |
1::1/128 |
PE 2 |
Loop1 |
3::3/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
100::2/96 |
HGE1/0/1 |
200::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
1001::1/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::1/96 |
P |
Loop1 |
2::2/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
1001::2/96 |
HGE1/0/2 |
2001::2/96 |
表10 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
如果网络中存在多种隧道,例如网络中存在多个SRv6 TE Policy和多个SR-MPLS TE Policy,且SRv6 TE Policy和SR-MPLS TE Policy存在相同Color值时,需要配置路由策略来设置路由的Color属性,并配置隧道策略来保证迭代隧道时,优先选择指定的SRv6 TE Policy。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 100::1 96
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] bgp 200
[CE1-bgp-default] router-id
[CE1-bgp-default] peer 100::2 as-number 100
[CE1-bgp-default] address-family ipv6 unicast
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 100::2 enable
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[CE1-bgp-default] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE1
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE1-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] interface loopback 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-LoopBack1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 1001::1 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE 1接入PE 1。
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 100::2 96
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 1与CE 1之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] peer 100::1 as-number 200
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer 100::1 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间VPN路由迭代到SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode 1 end
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[PE1] isis 1
[PE1-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE1-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE1-isis-1] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1上配置SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE1-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator abc
[PE1-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 20 ipv6 300:1::1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
[PE1-srv6-te] policy p1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 3::3
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE1-srv6-te] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 1上配置路由策略及隧道策略,将VPN业务流量通过路由策略引流到指定的SRv6 TE Policy,并保证SRv6 TE Policy为优选隧道。
[PE1] route-policy a permit node 10
[PE1-route-policy-a-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE1-route-policy-a-10] quit
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 route-policy a import
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
[PE1] tunnel-policy a
[PE1-tunnel-policy-a] select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
[PE1-tunnel-policy-a] quit
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] tnl-policy a
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname P
[P] isis 1
[P-isis-1] cost-style wide
[P-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
[P-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P-isis-1] quit
[P] interface loopback 1
[P-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[P-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-LoopBack1] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 1001::2 96
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001::2 96
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在P上配置Locator,并由IS-IS发布该Locator。
[P] segment-routing ipv6
[P-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
[P-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode 1 end
[P-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[P-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[P] isis 1
[P-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[P-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[P-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[P-isis-1] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS,实现骨干网PE之间的互通。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE2
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] cost-style wide
[PE2-isis-1] network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] interface loopback 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[PE2-LoopBack1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-LoopBack1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 2001::1 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置VPN实例,将CE 2接入PE 2。
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 200::2 96
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 2与CE 2之间建立EBGP对等体,引入VPN路由。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] peer 200::1 as-number 300
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] peer 200::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] import-route direct
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
# 在PE之间建立BGP EVPN对等体。
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 1
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间VPN路由迭代到SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 3::3
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] opcode 1 end
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-abc] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
[PE2] isis 1
[PE2-isis-1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
[PE2-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[PE2-isis-1] quit
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] address-family ipv6 unicast
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-ipv6-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default-vpn1] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 2上配置SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE2-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator abc
[PE2-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 20 ipv6 100:1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
[PE2-srv6-te] policy p1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE2-srv6-te] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 2上配置路由策略及隧道策略,将VPN业务流量通过路由策略引流到指定的SRv6 TE Policy,并保证SRv6 TE Policy为优选隧道。
[PE2] route-policy a permit node 10
[PE2-route-policy-a-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE2-route-policy-a-10] quit
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 route-policy a import
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
[PE2] tunnel-policy a
[PE2-tunnel-policy-a] select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
[PE2-tunnel-policy-a] quit
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] tnl-policy a
[PE2-vpn-instance-vpn1] quit
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 200::1 96
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
[CE2] bgp 300
[CE2-bgp-default] router-id
[CE2-bgp-default] peer 200::2 as-number 100
[CE2-bgp-default] address-family ipv6 unicast
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] peer 200::2 enable
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] import-route direct
[CE2-bgp-default-ipv6] quit
[CE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在PE 1执行display segment-routing ipv6 te policy命令查看SRv6 TE Policy的详细信息,可以看到SRv6 TE Policy的Status字段为Up。
[PE1] display segment-routing ipv6 te policy
Name/ID: p1/0
Color: 10
End-point: 3::3
Name from BGP:
Mode: Dynamic Type: Type_2 Request state: Succeeded
Current BSID: 100:1::1:3 Explicit BSID: - Dynamic BSID: 100:1::1:3
Reference counts: 4
Flags: A/BS/NC
Status: Up
AdminStatus: Up
Up time: 2021-11-23 19:31:35
Down time: 2021-11-23 19:27:37
Hot backup: Not configured
Statistics: Not configured
Statistics by service class: Not configured
Drop-upon-invalid: Disabled
BFD trigger path-down: Disabled
SBFD: Not configured
BFD Echo: Not configured
Forwarding index: 2150629377
Service-class: -
Rate-limit: -
Encapsulation mode: -
Candidate paths state: Configured
Candidate paths statistics:
CLI paths: 1 BGP paths: 0 PCEP paths: 0
Candidate paths:
Preference : 10
Instance ID: 0 ASN: 0 Node address:
Peer address: ::
Optimal: Y Flags: V/A
Explicit SID list:
ID: 1 Name: s1
Weight: 1 Forwarding index: 2149580802
State: Up State(-): -
Active path MTU: 1428 bytes
# 在PE 1执行display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 200::1 96命令查看VPN路由的详细信息,可以看出VPN路由200::1/96的出接口为SRv6 TE Policy p1。
[PE1] display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 200::1 96
Summary count : 1
Destination: 200::/96 Protocol : BGP4+
NextHop : 3::3 Preference: 255
Interface : p1 Cost : 0
# CE 1和CE 2之间能够ping通。
[CE1] >ping ipv6 200::1
Ping6(56 data bytes) 100::1 --> 200::1, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from 200::1, icmp_seq=0 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 200::1, icmp_seq=1 hlim=62 time=1.000 ms
56 bytes from 200::1, icmp_seq=2 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 200::1, icmp_seq=3 hlim=62 time=2.000 ms
56 bytes from 200::1, icmp_seq=4 hlim=62 time=1.000 ms
--- Ping6 statistics for 200::1 ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.000/1.600/2.000/0.490 mss
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 100::1/96
bgp 200
peer 100::2 as-number 100
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route direct
peer 100::2 enable
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
tnl-policy a
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
tunnel-policy a
select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ipv6 address 100::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1001::1/96
bgp 100
peer 3::3 as-number 100
peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 3::3 enable
peer 3::3 route-policy a import
peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer 100::1 as-number 200
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
import-route direct
peer 100::1 enable
route-policy a permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator abc ipv6-prefix 100:1:: 64 static 16
opcode 1 end
srv6-policy locator abc
segment-list s1
index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
index 20 ipv6 300:1::1
policy p1
color 10 end-point ipv6 3::3
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· P:
sysname P
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0002.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 1001::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::2/96
segment-routing ipv6
locator abc ipv6-prefix 200:1:: 64 static 16
opcode 1 end
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
tnl-policy a
vpn-target 100:1 import-extcommunity
vpn-target 100:1 export-extcommunity
isis 1
cost-style wide
network-entity 00.0000.0000.0003.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc
tunnel-policy a
select-seq srv6-policy load-balance-number 1
interface LoopBack1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ipv6 address 200::2/96
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001::1/96
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack1
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 route-policy a import
peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
ip vpn-instance vpn1
peer 200::1 as-number 300
address-family ipv6 unicast
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineering evpn
segment-routing ipv6 locator abc evpn
import-route direct
peer 200::1 enable
route-policy a permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 3::3
locator abc ipv6-prefix 300:1:: 64 static 16
opcode 1 end
srv6-policy locator abc
segment-list s1
index 10 ipv6 200:1::1
index 20 ipv6 100:1::1
policy p1
color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· CE 2:
sysname CE2
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 200::1/96
bgp 300
peer 200::2 as-number 100
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route direct
peer 200::2 enable
用户网络有两个站点,站点边缘设备分别为CE 1和CE 2。PE之间运行OSPFv3协议达到IPv6网络互连的目的。CE 1通过聚合链路多归属于PE 1和PE 2,CE 2为PE 3下的单归属设备。CE 1和CE 2希望通过在骨干网上建立的SRv6隧道,实现站点1与站点2之间二层互通。
图11 EVPN VPWS over SRv6多归属配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
PE 1 |
Loop0 |
1::1/128 |
CE 1 |
100::1/64 |
HGE1/0/1 |
- |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/1 |
100::2/64 |
HGE1/0/2 |
10::1/64 |
PE 3 |
Loop0 |
3::3/128 |
HGE1/0/3 |
20::1/64 |
HGE1/0/1 |
- |
PE 2 |
Loop0 |
2::2/128 |
HGE1/0/2 |
10::3/64 |
HGE1/0/1 |
- |
HGE1/0/3 |
30::3/64 |
HGE1/0/2 |
30::2/64 |
HGE1/0/3 |
20::2/64 |
表11 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
# 创建三层聚合接口1,采用动态聚合模式,并为其配置IP地址和子网掩码。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE1
[CE1] interface route-aggregation 1
[CE1-Route-Aggregation1] link-aggregation mode dynamic
[CE1-Route-Aggregation1] ipv6 address 100::1 64
[CE1-Route-Aggregation1] quit
# 将接口HundredGigE1/0/1至HundredGigE1/0/2加入到聚合组1中。
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] port link-aggregation group 1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] port link-aggregation group 1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE 1上运行OSPFv3。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE1
[PE1] ospfv3
[PE1-ospfv3-1] router-id
[PE1-ospfv3-1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE1-ospfv3-1] area 0
[PE1-ospfv3-1-area-] quit
[PE1-ospfv3-1] quit
# 配置Loopback0接口。
[PE1] interface loopback 0
[PE1-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack0] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE1-LoopBack0] quit
# 开启L2VPN功能。
[PE1] l2vpn enable
# 配置连接PE 3的接口HundredGigE1/0/2。
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 10::1/64
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置连接PE 2的接口HundredGigE1/0/3。
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/3
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] ipv6 address 20::1/64
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/3] quit
# 在PE 1,PE 2和PE 3之间建立IBGP连接,并配置通过BGP EVPN发布路由信息。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 connect-interface loopback 0
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 3::3 connect-interface loopback 0
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 2::2 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 2::2 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 在接入站点的接口HundredGigE1/0/1下配置ESI值和接口的冗余备份模式。
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] esi
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] evpn redundancy-mode single-active
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 创建交叉连接组vpna和交叉连接组EVPN实例,指定EVPN采用SRv6封装,配置交叉连接组EVPN实例的RD与RT,并配置根据路由携带的SID属性进行迭代。
[PE1] xconnect-group vpna
[PE1-xcg-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] route-distinguisher 1:1
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
# 创建交叉连接pw1,将接口HundredGigE1/0/1与此交叉连接关联,并在交叉连接内创建SRv6隧道,以实现AC和SRv6隧道关联。
[PE1-xcg-vpna] connection pw1
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1] ac interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1] evpn local-service-id 1 remote-service-id 2
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1-1-2] quit
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1] quit
[PE1-xcg-vpna] quit
# 配置SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
# 配置Locator段,用于申请End.DX2 SID。
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator aaa ipv6-prefix 111:: 64 static 32
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 2上运行OSPFv3。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE2
[PE2] ospfv3
[PE2-ospfv3-1] router-id
[PE2-ospfv3-1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE2-ospfv3-1] area
[PE2-ospfv3-1-area-] quit
[PE2-ospfv3-1] quit
# 配置Loopback0接口。
[PE2] interface loopback 0
[PE2-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[PE2-LoopBack0] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE2-LoopBack0] quit
# 开启L2VPN功能。
[PE2] l2vpn enable
# 配置连接PE 1的接口HundredGigE1/0/3。
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/3
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/3] ipv6 address 20::2 64
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/3] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/3] quit
# 配置连接PE 3的接口HundredGigE1/0/2。
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 30::2 64
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE 1,PE 2和PE 3之间建立IBGP连接,并配置通过BGP EVPN发布路由信息。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 0
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 3::3 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 3::3 connect-interface loopback 0
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 在接入站点的接口HundredGigE1/0/1下配置ESI值和接口的冗余备份模式。
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] esi
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] evpn redundancy-mode single-active
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 创建交叉连接组vpna和交叉连接组EVPN实例,并指定EVPN采用SRV6封装,配置交叉连接组EVPN实例的RD与RT,并配置根据路由携带的SID属性进行迭代。
[PE2] xconnect-group vpna
[PE2-xcg-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE2-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] route-distinguisher 1:1
[PE2-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
[PE2-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
[PE2-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
[PE2-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
# 创建交叉连接pw1,将接口HundredGigE1/0/1与此交叉连接关联,并在交叉连接内创建SRv6隧道,以实现AC和SRv6隧道关联。
[PE2-xcg-vpna] connection pw1
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1] ac interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1] evpn local-service-id 1 remote-service-id 2
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1-1-2] quit
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1] quit
[PE2-xcg-vpna] quit
# 配置SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 2::2
# 配置Locator段,用于申请End.DX2 SID。
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator aaa ipv6-prefix 222:: 64 static 32
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在PE 3上运行OSPFv3。
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname PE3
[PE3] ospfv3
[PE3-ospfv3-1] router-id
[PE3-ospfv3-1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE3-ospfv3-1] area 0
[PE3-ospfv3-1-area-] quit
[PE3-ospfv3-1] quit
# 配置LoopBack0接口。
[PE3] interface loopback 0
[PE3-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[PE3-LoopBack0] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE3-LoopBack0] quit
# 开启L2VPN功能。
[PE3] l2vpn enable
# 配置连接PE 1的接口HundredGigE1/0/2。
[PE3] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 10::3 64
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置连接PE 2的接口HundredGigE1/0/3。
[PE3] interface hundredgige 1/0/3
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/3] ipv6 address 30::3 64
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/3] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE3-HundredGigE1/0/3] quit
# 在PE 1,PE 2和PE 3之间建立IBGP连接,并配置通过BGP EVPN发布路由信息。
[PE3] bgp 100
[PE3-bgp-default] router-id
[PE3-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE3-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 0
[PE3-bgp-default] peer 2::2 as-number 100
[PE3-bgp-default] peer 2::2 connect-interface loopback 0
[PE3-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE3-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 enable
[PE3-bgp-default-evpn] peer 2::2 enable
[PE3-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE3-bgp-default-evpn] peer 2::2 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE3-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE3-bgp-default] quit
# 创建交叉连接组vpna和交叉连接组EVPN实例,并指定EVPN采用SRV6封装,配置交叉连接组EVPN实例的RD与RT,并配置根据路由携带的SID属性进行迭代。
[PE3] xconnect-group vpna
[PE3-xcg-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE3-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] route-distinguisher 1:1
[PE3-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
[PE3-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
[PE3-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
[PE3-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
# 创建交叉连接pw1,将接口HundredGigE1/0/1与此交叉连接关联,并在交叉连接内创建SRv6隧道,以实现AC和SRv6隧道关联。
[PE3-xcg-vpna] connection pw1
[PE3-xcg-vpna-pw1] ac interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE3-xcg-vpna-pw1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[PE3-xcg-vpna-pw1] evpn local-service-id 2 remote-service-id 1
[PE3-xcg-vpna-pw1-1-2] quit
[PE3-xcg-vpna-pw1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE3-xcg-vpna-pw1] quit
[PE3-xcg-vpna] quit
# 配置SRv6封装的IPv6报文头的源地址。
[PE3] segment-routing ipv6
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 3::3
# 配置Locator段,用于申请End.DX2 SID。
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6] locator aaa ipv6-prefix 333:: 64 static 32
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] quit
[PE3-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] sysname CE2
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 100::2 64
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 1上查看L2VPN的SRv6相关信息,可以看到PE 1和PE 3之间建立了SRv6隧道。
[PE1] display l2vpn peer srv6
Total number of SRv6 Tunnels: 1
1 up, 0 blocked, 0 down
Xconnect-group Name: vpna
Peer : 3::3
Flag : Main
State : Up
Remote SrvID : 2
# 在PE 1上查看SRv6转发信息,可以看到SRv6隧道的入SID和出SID等信息。
[PE1] display l2vpn forwarding srv6
Total number of cross-connections: 1
Total number of SRv6 tunnels: 1, 1 up, 0 blocked, 0 down
Xconnect-group Name : vpna
Connection Name : pw1
Link ID : 0x1 Type: BE State: Up
In SID : 111::1:0:3
Out SID : 333::1:0:3
# CE 1与CE 2之间能够ping通。当CE 1和PE 1或CE 1和PE 2之间的链路出现故障时,CE 1与CE 2之间仍然能够ping通。
· CE1:
sysname CE1
interface Route-Aggregation1
link-aggregation mode dynamic
ipv6 address 100::1/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
port link-aggregation group 1
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
port link-aggregation group 1
· PE1:
sysname PE1
ospfv3 1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
interface LoopBack0
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
esi 0001.0001.0001.0001.0001
evpn redundancy-mode single-active
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 10::1/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 20::1/64
bgp 100
peer 2::2 as-number 100
peer 2::2 connect-interface LoopBack0
peer 3::3 as-number 100
peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack0
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 2::2 enable
peer 2::2 advertise encap-type srv6
peer 3::3 enable
peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
xconnect-group vpna
evpn encapsulation srv6
route-distinguisher 1:1
vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
connection pw1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
evpn local-service-id 1 remote-service-id 2
ac interface HundredGigE1/0/1
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator aaa ipv6-prefix 111:: 64 static 32
· PE2:
sysname PE2
ospfv3 1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
interface LoopBack0
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
esi 0001.0001.0001.0001.0001
evpn redundancy-mode single-active
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 30::2/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 20::2/64
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack0
peer 3::3 as-number 100
peer 3::3 connect-interface LoopBack0
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
peer 3::3 enable
peer 3::3 advertise encap-type srv6
xconnect-group vpna
evpn encapsulation srv6
route-distinguisher 1:1
vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
connection pw1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
evpn local-service-id 1 remote-service-id 2
ac interface HundredGigE1/0/1
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 2::2
locator aaa ipv6-prefix 222:: 64 static 32
· PE3:
sysname PE3
ospfv3 1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
interface LoopBack0
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 10::3/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 30::3/64
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack0
peer 2::2 as-number 100
peer 2::2 connect-interface LoopBack0
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
peer 2::2 enable
peer 2::2 advertise encap-type srv6
xconnect-group vpna
evpn encapsulation srv6
route-distinguisher 1:1
vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
segment-routing ipv6 best-effort
connection pw1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
evpn local-service-id 2 remote-service-id 1
ac interface HundredGigE1/0/1
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 3::3
locator aaa ipv6-prefix 333:: 64 static 32
· CE2:
sysname CE2
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 100::2/64
用户网络有两个站点,分别为CE 1和CE 2。CE 1和CE 2通过以太网接口的方式分别接入PE 1和PE 2,并希望通过IPv6骨干网建立的SRv6 PW隧道实现互通。通过在IGP网络中部署SRv6 TE Policy,SRv6 PW迭代到SRv6 TE Policy上进行流量转发。
图12 EVPN VPWS over SRv6 TE Policy配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 |
10::1/64 |
P |
Loop0 |
3::3/128 |
PE 1 |
Loop0 |
1::1/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
20::2/64 |
HGE1/0/1 |
- |
HGE1/0/2 |
30::1/64 |
HGE1/0/2 |
20::1/64 |
PE 2 |
Loop0 |
2::2/128 |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/1 |
10::2/64 |
HGE1/0/1 |
- |
HGE1/0/2 |
30::2/64 |
表12 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
<CE1> system-view
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 10::1 64
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 1上运行OSPFv3,通过OSPFv3发布SID。
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] ospfv3
[PE1-ospfv3-1] router-id
[PE1-ospfv3-1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE1-ospfv3-1] area
[PE1-ospfv3-1-area-] quit
[PE1-ospfv3-1] quit
# 配置Loopback0接口。
[PE1] interface loopback 0
[PE1-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack0] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE1-LoopBack0] quit
# 开启L2VPN功能。
[PE1] l2vpn enable
# 配置连接P的接口HundredGigE1/0/2。
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 20::1 64
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间建立IBGP连接,并配置在二者之间通过BGP EVPN发布路由信息。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] router-id
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 connect-interface loopback 0
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 2::2 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 2::2 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 创建交叉连接组vpna和交叉连接组EVPN实例,指定EVPN采用SRv6封装,配置交叉连接组EVPN实例的RD与RT,并配置采用SR-TE方式进行路由迭代。
[PE1] xconnect-group vpna
[PE1-xcg-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] route-distinguisher 1:1
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
# 创建交叉连接pw1,将接口HundredGigE1/0/1与此交叉连接关联,并在交叉连接内创建SRv6隧道,以实现AC和SRv6隧道关联。
[PE1-xcg-vpna] connection pw1
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1] ac interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1] evpn local-service-id 1 remote-service-id 2
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1-1-2] quit
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE1-xcg-vpna-pw1] quit
[PE1-xcg-vpna] quit
# 配置SID列表。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator aaa ipv6-prefix 5000:: 64 static 32
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] opcode 1 end
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE1-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator aaa
[PE1-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 10 ipv6 6000::1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 20 ipv6 7000::1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
# 创建SRv6 TE Policy,并配置SRv6 TE Policy属性。
[PE1-srv6-te] policy p1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 2::2
# 配置SRv6 TE Policy的候选路径,并引用SID列表
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE1-srv6-te] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 配置基于Color方式将报文引流到SRv6 TE Policy上。
[PE1] route-policy a permit node 10
[PE1-route-policy-a-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE1-route-policy-a-10] quit
[PE1] xconnect-group vpna
[PE1-xcg-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] import route-policy a
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
[PE1-xcg-vpna] quit
# 在PE 2上运行OSPFv3,通过OSPFv3发布SID。
<PE2> system-view
[PE2] ospfv3
[PE2-ospfv3-1] router-id
[PE2-ospfv3-1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE2-ospfv3-1] area
[PE2-ospfv3-1-area-] quit
[PE2-ospfv3-1] quit
# 配置Loopback0接口。
[PE2] interface loopback 0
[PE2-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[PE2-LoopBack0] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE2-LoopBack0] quit
# 开启L2VPN功能。
[PE2] l2vpn enable
# 配置连接P的接口HundredGigE1/0/2。
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 30::2 64
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间建立IBGP连接,并配置在二者之间通过BGP EVPN发布路由信息。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] router-id
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 0
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 创建交叉连接组vpna和交叉连接组EVPN实例,指定EVPN采用SRV6封装,配置交叉连接组EVPN实例的RD与RT,并配置采用SR-TE方式进行路由迭代。
[PE2] xconnect-group vpna
[PE2-xcg-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE2-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] route-distinguisher 1:1
[PE2-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
[PE2-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
[PE2-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer
[PE2-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
# 创建交叉连接pw1,将接口HundredGigE1/0/1与此交叉连接关联,并在交叉连接内创建SRv6隧道,以实现AC和SRv6隧道关联。
[PE2-xcg-vpna] connection pw1
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1] ac interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1] evpn local-service-id 2 remote-service-id 1
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1-2-1] quit
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE2-xcg-vpna-pw1] quit
[PE2-xcg-vpna] quit
# 配置SID列表。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 2::2
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator aaa ipv6-prefix 7000:: 64 static 32
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] opcode 1 end
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE2-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator aaa
[PE2-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 10 ipv6 6000::1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 20 ipv6 5000::1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
# 在PE 2上配置SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE2-srv6-te] policy p1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE2-srv6-te] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 配置基于Color方式将报文引流到SRv6 TE Policy上。
[PE2] route-policy a permit node 10
[PE2-route-policy-a-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE2-route-policy-a-10] quit
[PE1] xconnect-group vpna
[PE1-xcg-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] import route-policy a
[PE1-xcg-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
[PE1-xcg-vpna] quit
# 配置SRv6 End.SID。
<P> system-view
[P] segment-routing ipv6
[P-segment-routing-ipv6] locator b ipv6-prefix 6000:: 64 static 32
[P-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-b] opcode 1 end
[P-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-b] quit
[P-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在P上运行OSPFv3。
[P] ospfv3
[P-ospfv3-1] router-id
[P-ospfv3-1] segment-routing ipv6 locator b
[P-ospfv3-1] area
[P-ospfv3-1-area-] quit
[P-ospfv3-1] quit
# 配置接口的IPv6地址,并在接口上运行OSPFv3。
[P] interface loopback 0
[P-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[P-LoopBack0] ospfv3 1 area 0
[P-LoopBack0] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 20::2 64
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] ospfv3 1 area 0
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 30::1 64
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area 0
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
<CE2> system-view
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 10::2 64
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 1上查看L2VPN的SRv6相关信息,可以看到PE 1和PE 2之间建立了SRv6隧道。
[PE1] display l2vpn peer srv6
Total number of SRv6 Tunnels: 1
1 up, 0 blocked, 0 down
Xconnect-group Name: vpna
Peer : 2::2
Flag : Main
State : Up
Remote SrvID : 2
# 在PE 1上查看SRv6转发信息,可以看到SRv6隧道的入SID和出SID等信息。
[PE1] display l2vpn forwarding srv6
Total number of cross-connections: 1
Total number of SRv6 tunnels: 1, 1 up, 0 blocked, 0 down
Xconnect-group Name : vpna
Connection Name : pw1
Link ID : 0x1 Type: BE State: Up
In SID : 100::1:0:2
Out SID : 200::1:0:2
# CE 1与CE 2之间能够ping通。
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 10::1/64
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ospfv3 1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
l2vpn enable
xconnect-group vpna
evpn encapsulation srv6
route-distinguisher 1:1
vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer
import route-policy a
connection pw1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
evpn local-service-id 1 remote-service-id 2
ac interface HundredGigE1/0/1
interface LoopBack0
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 20::1/64
bgp 100
peer 2::2 as-number 100
peer 2::2 connect-interface LoopBack0
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 2::2 enable
peer 2::2 advertise encap-type srv6
route-policy a permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator aaa ipv6-prefix 100:: 64 static 32
opcode 1 end #
srv6-policy locator aaa
segment-list s1
index 10 ipv6 6000::1
index 20 ipv6 7000::1
policy p1
color 10 end-point ipv6 2::2
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· P:
sysname P
ospfv3 1
segment-routing ipv6 locator b
interface LoopBack0
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 20::2/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 30::1/64
segment-routing ipv6
locator b ipv6-prefix 6000:: 64 static 32
opcode 1 end
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ospfv3 1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
segment-routing ipv6 locator d
l2vpn enable
xconnect-group vpna
evpn encapsulation srv6
route-distinguisher 1:1
vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer
import route-policy a
connection pw1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
evpn local-service-id 2 remote-service-id 1
ac interface HundredGigE1/0/1
interface LoopBack0
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 30::2/64
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack0
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
route-policy a permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 2::2
locator aaa ipv6-prefix 200:: 64 static 32
locator d ipv6-prefix 7000:: 64 static 32
opcode 1 end
srv6-policy locator aaa
segment-list s1
index 10 ipv6 6000::1
index 20 ipv6 5000::1
policy p1
color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· CE 2:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 10::2/64
用户网络有两个站点,分别为CE 1和CE 2。CE 1和CE 2通过以太网接口分别接入PE 1和PE 2。通过在IGP网络中部署SRv6 TE Policy,SRv6 PW迭代到SRv6 TE Policy上进行流量转发,实现二层互通。
图13 EVPN VPLS over SRv6 TE Policy配置组网图
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
设备 |
接口 |
IP地址 |
CE 1 |
HGE1/0/1 |
10::1/64 |
P |
Loop0 |
3::3/128 |
PE 1 |
Loop0 |
1::1/128 |
HGE1/0/1 |
20::2/64 |
HGE1/0/1 |
- |
HGE1/0/2 |
30::1/64 |
HGE1/0/2 |
20::1/64 |
PE 2 |
Loop0 |
2::2/128 |
CE 2 |
HGE1/0/1 |
10::2/64 |
HGE1/0/1 |
- |
HGE1/0/2 |
30::2/64 |
表13 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
<CE1> system-view
[CE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 10::1 64
[CE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 1上运行OSPFv3,通过OSPFv3发布SID。
<PE1> system-view
[PE1] ospfv3
[PE1-ospfv3-1] router-id
[PE1-ospfv3-1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE1-ospfv3-1] area
[PE1-ospfv3-1-area-] quit
[PE1-ospfv3-1] quit
# 配置Loopback0接口。
[PE1] interface loopback 0
[PE1-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 1::1 128
[PE1-LoopBack0] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE1-LoopBack0] quit
# 开启L2VPN功能。
[PE1] l2vpn enable
# 配置连接P的接口HundredGigE1/0/2。
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 20::1 64
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间建立IBGP连接,并配置在二者之间通过BGP EVPN发布路由信息。
[PE1] bgp 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 as-number 100
[PE1-bgp-default] peer 2::2 connect-interface loopback 0
[PE1-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 2::2 enable
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] peer 2::2 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE1-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE1-bgp-default] quit
# 创建VSI和EVPN实例,并指定EVPN采用SRv6封装,配置EVPN实例的RD与RT,配置采用SR-TE方式进行路由迭代,并指定EVPN实例引用的Locator段。
[PE1] vsi vpna
[PE1-vsi-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE1-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] route-distinguisher 1:1
[PE1-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
[PE1-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
[PE1-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer
[PE1-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE1-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
# 将接口HundredGigE1/0/1与VSI关联。
[PE1] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] xconnect vsi vpna
[PE1-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 配置SID列表。
[PE1] segment-routing ipv6
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 1::1
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] locator aaa ipv6-prefix 5000:: 64 static 32
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] opcode 1 end
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE1-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator aaa
[PE1-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 10 ipv6 6000::1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 20 ipv6 7000::1
[PE1-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
# 创建SRv6 TE Policy,并配置SRv6 TE Policy属性。
[PE1-srv6-te] policy p1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 2::2
# 配置SRv6 TE Policy的候选路径,并引用SID列表。
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE1-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE1-srv6-te] quit
[PE1-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 配置基于Color方式将报文引流到SRv6 TE Policy上。
[PE1] route-policy a permit node 10
[PE1-route-policy-a-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE1-route-policy-a-10] quit
[PE1] vsi vpna
[PE1-vsi-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE1-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] import route-policy a
[PE1-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
[PE1-vsi-vpna] quit
# 在PE 2上运行OSPFv3,通过OSPFv3发布SID。
<PE2> system-view
[PE2] ospfv3
[PE2-ospfv3-1] router-id
[PE2-ospfv3-1] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE2-ospfv3-1] area
[PE2-ospfv3-1-area-] quit
[PE2-ospfv3-1] quit
# 配置Loopback0接口。
[PE2] interface loopback 0
[PE2-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 2::2 128
[PE2-LoopBack0] ospfv3 1 area 0
[PE2-LoopBack0] quit
# 开启L2VPN功能。
[PE2] l2vpn enable
# 配置连接P的接口HundredGigE1/0/2。
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 30::2 64
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 在PE 1和PE 2之间建立IBGP连接,并配置在二者之间通过BGP EVPN发布路由信息。
[PE2] bgp 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 as-number 100
[PE2-bgp-default] peer 1::1 connect-interface loopback 0
[PE2-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn evpn
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 enable
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
[PE2-bgp-default-evpn] quit
[PE2-bgp-default] quit
# 创建VSI和EVPN实例,并指定EVPN采用SRV6封装,配置EVPN实例的RD与RT,配置采用SR-TE方式进行路由迭代,并指定EVPN实例引用的Locator段。
[PE2] vsi vpna
[PE2-vsi-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE2-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] route-distinguisher 1:1
[PE2-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
[PE2-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
[PE2-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer
[PE2-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
[PE2-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
# 将接口HundredGigE1/0/1与VSI关联。
[PE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] xconnect vsi vpna
[PE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 配置SID列表。
[PE2] segment-routing ipv6
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] encapsulation source-address 2::2
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] locator aaa ipv6-prefix 7000:: 64 static 32
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] opcode 1 end
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-aaa] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] traffic-engineering
[PE2-srv6-te] srv6-policy locator aaa
[PE2-srv6-te] segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 10 ipv6 6000::1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] index 20 ipv6 5000::1
[PE2-srv6-te-sl-s1] quit
# 在PE 2上配置SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE2-srv6-te] policy p1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
# 配置SRv6 TE Policy的候选路径,并引用SID列表。
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] candidate-paths
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] preference 10
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] explicit segment-list s1
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path-pref-10] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1-path] quit
[PE2-srv6-te-policy-p1] quit
[PE2-srv6-te] quit
[PE2-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 配置基于Color方式将报文引流到SRv6 TE Policy上。
[PE2] route-policy a permit node 10
[PE2-route-policy-a-10] apply extcommunity color 00:10
[PE2-route-policy-a-10] quit
[PE2] vsi vpna
[PE2-vsi-vpna] evpn encapsulation srv6
[PE2-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] import route-policy a
[PE2-vsi-vpna-evpn-srv6] quit
[PE2-vsi-vpna] quit
# 配置SRv6 End.SID。
<P> system-view
[P] segment-routing ipv6
[P-segment-routing-ipv6] locator b ipv6-prefix 6000:: 64 static 32
[P-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-b] opcode 1 end
[P-segment-routing-ipv6-locator-b] quit
[P-segment-routing-ipv6] quit
# 在P上运行OSPFv3。
[P] ospfv3
[P-ospfv3-1] router-id
[P-ospfv3-1] segment-routing ipv6 locator b
[P-ospfv3-1] area
[P-ospfv3-1-area-] quit
[P-ospfv3-1] quit
# 配置接口的IPv6地址,并在接口上运行OSPFv3。
[P] interface loopback 0
[P-LoopBack0] ipv6 address 3::3 128
[P-LoopBack0] ospfv3 1 area 0
[P-LoopBack0] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 20::2 64
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] ospfv3 1 area 0
[P-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[P] interface hundredgige 1/0/2
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] ipv6 address 30::1 64
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area 0
[P-HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
<CE2> system-view
[CE2] interface hundredgige 1/0/1
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 10::2 64
[CE2-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 在PE 1上查看L2VPN的SRv6相关信息,可以看到PE 1和PE 2之间建立了SRv6隧道。
[PE1] display l2vpn peer srv6
Total number of SRv6 Tunnels: 1
1 up, 0 blocked, 0 down
VSI Name: vpna
Peer : 2::2
Flag : Main
State : Up
# 在PE 1上查看SRv6转发信息。
[PE1] display l2vpn forwarding srv6
Total number of VSIs: 1
Total number of SRv6 tunnels: 1, 1 up, 0 blocked, 0 down
VSI Name : vpna
Link ID : 0x9000000 Type: BE State: Up
In SID : 100::1:0:1
Out SID : 200::1:0:0
# CE 1与CE 2之间能够ping通。
· CE 1:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 10::1/64
· PE 1:
sysname PE1
ospfv3 1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
l2vpn enable
vsi vpna
evpn encapsulation srv6
route-distinguisher 1:1
vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer
import route-policy a
interface LoopBack0
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 1::1/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
xconnect vsi vpna
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 20::1/64
bgp 100
peer 2::2 as-number 100
peer 2::2 connect-interface LoopBack0
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 2::2 enable
peer 2::2 advertise encap-type srv6
route-policy a permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 1::1
locator aaa ipv6-prefix 100:: 64 static 32
opcode 1 end
srv6-policy locator aaa
segment-list s1
index 10 ipv6 6000::1
index 20 ipv6 7000::1
policy p1
color 10 end-point ipv6 2::2
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· P:
sysname P
ospfv3 1
segment-routing ipv6 locator b
interface LoopBack0
ipv6 address 3::3/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 20::2/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 30::1/64
segment-routing ipv6
locator b ipv6-prefix 6000:: 64 static 32
opcode 1 end
· PE 2:
sysname PE2
ospfv3 1
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
segment-routing ipv6 locator d
l2vpn enable
vsi vpna
evpn encapsulation srv6
route-distinguisher 1:1
vpn-target 1:1 export-extcommunity
vpn-target 1:1 import-extcommunity
segment-routing ipv6 locator aaa
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer
import route-policy a
interface LoopBack0
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 2::2/128
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
xconnect vsi vpna
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
port link-mode route
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 30::2/64
bgp 100
peer 1::1 as-number 100
peer 1::1 connect-interface LoopBack0
address-family l2vpn evpn
peer 1::1 enable
peer 1::1 advertise encap-type srv6
route-policy a permit node 10
apply extcommunity color 00:10
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 2::2
locator aaa ipv6-prefix 200:: 64 static 32
locator d ipv6-prefix 7000:: 64 static 32
opcode 1 end
srv6-policy locator aaa
segment-list s1
index 10 ipv6 6000::1
index 20 ipv6 5000::1
policy p1
color 10 end-point ipv6 1::1
preference 10
explicit segment-list s1
· CE 2:
sysname CE1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
port link-mode route
ipv6 address 10::2/64
· H3C S12500R系列交换路由器 Segment Routing配置指导-R52xx
· H3C S12500R系列交换路由器 Segment Routing命令参考-R52xx
· H3C S12500R-48Y8C&S12500R-48C6D交换路由器 Segment Routing配置指导-R52xx
· H3C S12500R-48Y8C&S12500R-48C6D交换路由器 Segment Routing命令参考-R52xx
不同款型规格的资料略有差异, 详细信息请向具体销售和400咨询。H3C保留在没有任何通知或提示的情况下对资料内容进行修改的权利!