03-IPv6 IS-IS典型配置举例
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目 录
本文档介绍IPv6 IS-IS配置举例。
本文档假设您已了解IPv6 IS-IS特性。
缺省情况下,本设备的接口处于ADM(Administratively Down)状态,请根据实际需要在对应接口视图下使用undo shutdown命令开启接口。
如图1所示,某公司总部和分部使用IPv6 IS-IS路由协议进行互联。公司总部内为市场部(Mkt dept.)和财务部(F&A dept.)设置了独立的网络。该公司的合作伙伴使用的是OSPFv3路由协议。现要求:
· 公司总部内市场部和财务部可以通信;并通过配置路由渗透功能,实现总部与分部间,市场部与分部可以正常通信,财务部与分部无法通信,且分部无法查看到财务部的路由信息。
· 将合作伙伴的OSPFv3路由引入公司分部的网络中,并保证市场部与合作伙伴可以通信。
图1 IPv6 IS-IS配置组网图
· 为了实现公司总部内市场部和财务部的相互通信,在area 10区域部署Level-1路由器。
· 为了使公司总部内财务部和公司分部不能相互通信,且公司分部无法查看财务部的路由,需要通过在Device C上配置IS-IS路由渗透并引用地址前缀列表来实现Level-1区域只将3001:1::/64网段的路由信息向Level-2发布。
· 为了实现公司总部内市场部与合作伙伴的网络互通,需要在Device D的IS-IS进程中引入OSPF进程的路由,并在OSPF进程中引入IS-IS进程的路由。
表1 适用产品及版本
产品 |
软件版本 |
S12500R |
Release 5210及以上版本 |
# 配置接口HundredGigE1/0/1的IPv6地址。
<DeviceA> system-view
[DeviceA] interface HundredGigE 1/0/1
[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001:1::1 64
[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/0/1] undo shutdown
[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 请参考以上方法配置4.1 图1中Device A的其它接口的IPv6地址,具体配置过程略。
# 配置IS-IS基本功能。
[DeviceA] isis 1
[DeviceA-isis-1] is-level level-1
[DeviceA-isis-1] network-entity 10.3001.0001.0001.00
[DeviceA-isis-1] address-family ipv6
[DeviceA-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[DeviceA-isis-1] quit
[DeviceA] interface HundredGigE 1/0/1
[DeviceA–HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[DeviceA–HundredGigE1/0/11] quit
[DeviceA] interface HundredGigE 1/0/2
[DeviceA–HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[DeviceA–HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置接口HundredGigE1/0/1的IPv6地址。
<DeviceB> system-view
[DeviceB] interface HundredGigE 1/0/1
[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001:2::1 64
[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/0/1] undo shutdown
[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 请参考以上方法配置4.1 图1中Device B的其它接口的IPv6地址,具体配置过程略。
# 配置IS-IS基本功能。
[DeviceB] isis 1
[DeviceB-isis-1] is-level level-1
[DeviceB-isis-1] network-entity 10.3001.0002.0001.00
[DeviceB-isis-1] address-family ipv6
[DeviceB-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[DeviceB-isis-1] quit
[DeviceB] interface HundredGigE 1/0/1
[DeviceB–HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[DeviceB–HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[DeviceB] interface HundredGigE 1/0/2
[DeviceB–HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[DeviceB–HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置接口HundredGigE1/0/1的IPv6地址。
<DeviceC> system-view
[DeviceC] interface HundredGigE 1/0/1
[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001:1::2 64
[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/0/1] undo shutdown
[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 请参考以上方法配置4.1 图1中Device C的其它接口的IPv6地址,具体配置过程略。
# 配置IS-IS基本功能。
[DeviceC] isis 1
[DeviceC-isis-1] is-level level-1
[DeviceC-isis-1] network-entity 10.2001.0010.0001.00
[DeviceC-isis-1] address-family ipv6
[DeviceC-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[DeviceC-isis-1] quit
[DeviceC] interface HundredGigE1/0/3
[DeviceC–HundredGigE1/0/3] isis ipv6 enable 1
[DeviceC–HundredGigE1/0/3] quit
[DeviceC] interface HundredGigE1/0/1
[DeviceC–HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[DeviceC–HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[DeviceC] interface HundredGigE1/0/2
[DeviceC–HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[DeviceC–HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS路由渗透,并引用名为1的地址前缀列表,实现Level-1区域只将3001:1::/64网段的路由信息向Level-2发布。
[DeviceC] ipv6 prefix-list 1 permit 3001:1:: 64
[DeviceC] isis 1
[DeviceC] address-family ipv6
[DeviceC-isis-1-ipv6] import-route isisv6 level-1 into level-2 filter-policy prefix-list 1
[DeviceC-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[DeviceC-isis-1] quit
# 配置接口HundredGigE1/0/1的IPv6地址。
<DeviceD> system-view
[DeviceD] interface HundredGigE 1/0/1
[DeviceD-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001:10::2 64
[DeviceD-HundredGigE1/0/1] undo shutdown
[DeviceD-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 请参考以上方法配置4.1 图1中Device D的其它接口的IPv6地址,具体配置过程略。
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS基本功能。
[DeviceD] isis 1
[DeviceD-isis-1] is-level level-2
[DeviceD-isis-1] network-entity 20.2001.0020.0001.00
[DeviceD-isis-1] address-family ipv6
[DeviceD-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[DeviceD-isis-1] quit
[DeviceD] interface HundredGigE 1/0/1
[DeviceD–HundredGigE1/0/1] isis ipv6 enable 1
[DeviceD–HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
[DeviceD] interface HundredGigE 1/0/2
[DeviceD–HundredGigE1/0/2] isis ipv6 enable 1
[DeviceD–HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置OSPFv3基本功能。
[DeviceD] ospfv3
[DeviceD-ospfv3-1] router-id
[DeviceD-ospfv3-1] quit
[DeviceD] interface HundredGigE 1/0/2
[DeviceD–HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area 0
[DeviceD–HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
# 配置IPv6 IS-IS进程引入OSPFv3进程的路由和直连路由。
[DeviceD] isis 1
[DeviceD] address-family ipv6
[DeviceD-isis-1-ipv6] import-route ospfv3
[DeviceD-isis-1-ipv6] import-route direct
[DeviceD-isis-1-ipv6] quit
[DeviceD-isis-1] quit
# 配置OSPFv3进程引入IPv6 IS-IS进程的路由和直连路由。
[DeviceD] ospfv3 1
[DeviceD-ospfv3-1] import-route isisv6 1
[DeviceD-ospfv3-1] import-route direct
# 配置接口HundredGigE1/0/1的IPv6地址。
<DeviceE> system-view
[DeviceE] interface HundredGigE 1/0/1
[DeviceE-HundredGigE1/0/1] ipv6 address 2001:20::2 64
[DeviceE-HundredGigE1/0/1] undo shutdown
[DeviceE-HundredGigE1/0/1] quit
# 请参考以上方法配置4.1 图1中Device E的其它接口的IPv6地址,具体配置过程略。
# 配置OSPFv3基本功能。
[DeviceE] ospfv3
[DeviceE-ospfv3-1] router-id
[DeviceE-ospfv3-1] quit
[DeviceE] interface HundredGigE 1/0/1
[DeviceE–HundredGigE 1/0/1] ospfv3 1 area 0
[DeviceE–HundredGigE 1/0/1] quit
[DeviceE] interface HundredGigE 1/0/2
[DeviceE–HundredGigE1/0/2] ospfv3 1 area 0
[DeviceE–HundredGigE1/0/2] quit
(1) 在Device D上查看IPv6 IS-IS路由表,可以查看到市场部(3001:1::/64)的路由,无法查看到财务部(3001:2::/64)的路由,说明公司分部只能与市场部通信。
[DeviceD] display isis route ipv6
Route information for IS-IS(1)
Level-2 IPv6 Forwarding Table
Destination : 2001:10:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : D/L/- Cost : 10
Next Hop : Direct Interface: HGE1/0/3
Destination : 2001:1:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : R/-/- Cost : 20
Next Hop : FE80::7625:8AFF:FE02:4D13 Interface: HGE1/0/3
Destination : 2001:2:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : R/-/- Cost : 20
Next Hop : FE80::7625:8AFF:FE02:4D13 Interface: HGE1/0/3
Destination : 3001:1:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : R/-/- Cost : 30
Next Hop : FE80::7625:8AFF:FE02:4D13 Interface: HGE1/0/3
Flags: D-Direct, R-Added to Rib, L-Advertised in LSPs, U-Up/Down Bit Set
(2) 在Device C上查看IPv6 IS-IS路由表,可以看到3001:200::1/64的路由,并且在Device A上可以ping通3001:200::1,说明市场部与合作伙伴可以正常通信。
# 查看Device C上的IPv6 IS-IS路由表。
[DeviceC] display isis route ipv6 level-2
Route information for IS-IS(1)
Level-2 IPv6 Forwarding Table
Destination : 2001:10:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : D/L/- Cost : 10
Next Hop : Direct Interface: HGE1/0/3
Destination : 2001:1:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : D/L/- Cost : 10
Next Hop : Direct Interface: HGE1/0/1
Destination : 2001:2:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : D/L/- Cost : 10
Next Hop : Direct Interface: HGE1/0/2
Destination : 2001:20:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : R/L/- Cost : 20
Next Hop : FE80::BAAF:67FF:FE30:3304 Interface: HGE1/0/3
Destination : 3001:200:: PrefixLen: 64
Flag : R/-/- Cost : 20
Next Hop : FE80::BAAF:67FF:FE30:3304 Interface: Vlan10
Flags: D-Direct, R-Added to Rib, L-Advertised in LSPs, U-Up/Down Bit Set
# 从Device A ping 3001:200::1。
[DeviceA] ping ipv6 –a 3001:1::1 3001:200::1
Ping6(56 data bytes) 3001:1::1 --> 3001:200::1, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from 3001:200::1, icmp_seq=0 hlim=63 time=7.230 ms
56 bytes from 3001:200::1, icmp_seq=1 hlim=63 time=3.449 ms
56 bytes from 3001:200::1, icmp_seq=2 hlim=63 time=2.779 ms
56 bytes from 3001:200::1, icmp_seq=3 hlim=63 time=2.652 ms
56 bytes from 3001:200::1, icmp_seq=4 hlim=63 time=2.558 ms
--- Ping6 statistics for 3001:200::1 ---
5 packet(s) transmitted, 5 packet(s) received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 2.558/3.734/7.230/1.776 ms
· Device A:
isis 1
is-level level-1
network-entity 10.3001.0001.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001:1::1/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3001:1::1/64
· Device B:
isis 1
is-level level-1
network-entity 10.3001.0002.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001:2::1/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 3001:2::1/64
· Device C:
isis 1
network-entity 10.2001.0010.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route isisv6 level-1 into level-2 filter-policy prefix-list 1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001:1::2/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001:2::2/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/3
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001:10::1/64
ipv6 prefix-list 1 index 10 permit 3001:1:: 64
· Device D:
isis 1
is-level level-2
network-entity 20.2001.0020.0001.00
address-family ipv6 unicast
import-route direct
import-route ospfv3 1
ospfv3 1
import-route direct
import-route isisv6 1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
isis ipv6 enable 1
ipv6 address 2001:10::2/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
ospfv3 1 area
ipv6 address 2001:20::1/64
· Device E:
ospfv3 1
interface HundredGigE1/0/1
ospfv3 1 area 0
ipv6 address 2001:20::2/64
interface HundredGigE1/0/2
ospfv3 1 area 0
ipv6 address 3001:200::1/64
· H3C S12500R系列交换路由器 XXX配置指导-R52xx
· H3C S12500R系列交换路由器 XXX命令参考-R52xx
· H3C S12500R-48Y8C&S12500R-48C6D交换路由器 XXX配置指导-R52xx
· H3C S12500R-48Y8C&S12500R-48C6D交换路由器 XXX命令参考-R52xx
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