05-Comware 9 CLI-based configuration examples (AC+fit AP deployment)

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86-Mesh Link Establishment Between a Fit AP and a Fat AP Configuration Examples


H3C Access Controllers

Mesh Link Establishment Between Fit AP and Fat AP

Configuration Examples































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The following information provides an example of configuring a mesh link between a fit AP and a fat AP.


The following information applies to Comware-based access controllers and access points. Procedures and information in the examples might be slightly different depending on the software or hardware version of the access controllers and access points.

The configuration examples were created and verified in a lab environment, and all the devices were started with the factory default configuration. When you are working on a live network, make sure you understand the potential impact of every command on your network.

The following information is provided based on the assumption that you have basic knowledge of WLAN mesh.

Example: Configuring a mesh link between a fit AP and a fat AP

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 1, in centralized forwarding mode, the AC in LAN 1 is connected to Switch 1, and Switch 1 assigns an IP address to the AP and client in LAN 1 as a DHCP server. Switch 2 assigns an IP address to the client in LAN 2 as a DHCP server. Configure the devices to meet the following requirements:

·     AP 1 obtains an IP address from the address pool on VLAN 10 configured on Switch 1 and comes online from the AC.

·     The clients in LAN 1 and LAN 2 are assigned to different VLANs and are reachable to each other at Layer 3.

Figure 1 Network diagram


Restrictions and guidelines

·     Use the actual serial ID of an AP to uniquely identify that AP.

·     Configure GE 1/0/4 that connects Switch 1 to the AP as a trunk port, and remove the port from VLAN 1.


Configuring Switch 1

1.     Configure interfaces on Switch 1:

# Create VLAN 10 and VLAN-interface 10, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. The AC will use this IP address to establish a CAPWAP tunnel with the AP.

<Switch1> system-view

[Switch1] vlan 10

[Switch1-vlan10] quit

[Switch1] interface vlan-interface 10

[Switch1-Vlan-interface10] ip address

[Switch1-Vlan-interface10] quit

# Create VLAN 20 and VLAN-interface 20, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. This VLAN will use be used as the gateway for the clients.

[Switch1] vlan 20

[Switch1-vlan20] quit

[Switch1] interface vlan-interface 20

[Switch1-Vlan-interface20] ip address

[Switch1-Vlan-interface20] quit

# Create VLAN 30 and VLAN-interface 30, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. The switch will use this VLAN to communicate with the AP.

[Switch1] vlan 30

[Switch1-vlan30] quit

[Switch1] interface vlan-interface 30

[Switch1-Vlan-interface30] ip address

[Switch1-Vlan-interface30] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 that connects Switch 1 to the AC as a trunk port, and assign the port to all VLANs.

[Switch1] interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/1

[Switch1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[Switch1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan all

[Switch1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/4 that connects Switch 1 to AP 1 as a trunk port, remove the port from VLAN 1, and assign the port to all the other VLANs.

[Switch1] interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/4

[Switch1-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] port link-type trunk

[Switch1-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] port trunk permit vlan all

[Switch1-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

# Set the PVID of GigabitEthernet 1/0/4 to VLAN 10.

[Switch1-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] port trunk pvid vlan 10

[Switch1-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] quit

# Assign GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 that connects Switch 1 to Client 1 to VLAN 20.

[Switch1] interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/2

[Switch1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port access vlan 20

[Switch1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

[Switch1] quit

2.     Configure the DHCP server:

# Enable DHCP.

<Switch1> system-view

[Switch1] dhcp enable

# Specify as the address range for dynamic allocation in DHCP address pool 1, and specify as the gateway address.

[Switch1] dhcp server ip-pool 1

[Switch1-dhcp-pool-1] network mask

[Switch1-dhcp-pool-1] gateway-list

# Exclude from dynamic allocation.

[Switch1-dhcp-pool-1] forbidden-ip

[Switch1-dhcp-pool-1] quit

# Configure DHCP address pool 2. In the address pool, specify as the gateway IP address, as the subnet for dynamic allocation, and as the DNS server address.

[Switch1] dhcp server ip-pool 2

[Switch1-dhcp-pool-2] network mask

[Switch1-dhcp-pool-2] gateway-list

[Switch1-dhcp-pool-2] dns-list

[Switch1-dhcp-pool-2] quit

3.     # Configure a route to the network where Client 2 resides.

[Switch1] ip route-static

Configuring the AC

1.     Configure interfaces on the AC:

# Create VLAN 10 and VLAN-interface 100, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. The AC will use this IP address to establish a CAPWAP tunnel with the AP.

[AC] vlan 10

[AC-vlan10] quit

[AC] interface vlan-interface 10

[AC-Vlan-interface10] ip address

[AC-Vlan-interface10] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 that connects the AC to Switch 1 as a trunk port, and assign the port to all VLANs.

[AC] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan all

[AC-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

2.     Configure a fit AP:




In a large-scale network, configure AP settings in AP group view instead of AP view as a best practice.


# Create a manual AP named ap1, and specify the AP model and serial ID.

[AC] wlan ap ap1 model WA6330

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1] serial-id 219801A23V8192E00021

[AC-wlan-ap-ap1] quit

# Create AP group group1, and configure a grouping rule by AP name to add AP ap1 to the group.

[AC] wlan ap-group group1

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1] ap ap1

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1] ap-model WA6330

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330] radio 1

# Enter the view of radio 1, specify the radio type as dot11an, and specify the channel as 36.

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] radio 1

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] type dot11an

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] channel 36

# Enable radio 1.

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] radio enable

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] quit

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] quit

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1] quit

3.     Configure a mesh profile:

# Create mesh profile 1.

[AC] wlan mesh-profile 1

# Set the mesh ID to 1.

[AC-wlan-mesh-profile-1] mesh-id 1

# Set the authentication and key management (AKM) mode to sae.

[AC-wlan-mesh-profile-1] akm mode sae

# Configure simple character string meshlink as the PSK.

[AC-wlan-mesh-profile-1] preshared-key pass-phrase simple meshlink

# Enable the mesh profile.

[AC-wlan-mesh-profile-1] mesh-profile enable

[AC-wlan-mesh-profile-1] quit

# Bind radio 1 to the mesh profile.

[AC] wlan ap-group group1

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1] ap-model WA6330

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330] radio 1

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] mesh-profile 1

4.     Add the MAC address of AP 2 to the mesh peer whitelist for AP ap1.

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] mesh peer-mac-address 90e7-1066-e060

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] quit

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330] quit

5.     Configure a WLAN-mesh interface:

# Create a WLAN-mesh interface.

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1] interface wlan-mesh 1

# Configure WLAN-mesh interface 1 as a trunk port, and assign the port to all VLANs.

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-wlan-mesh-1] mesh-port link-type trunk

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-wlan-mesh-1] mesh-port trunk permit vlan all

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-wlan-mesh-1] quit

# Bind WLAN-mesh interface 1 to radio 1.

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1] ap-model WA6330

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330] radio 1

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] mesh-interface 1

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330-radio-1] quit

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330] quit

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1] quit

6.     Editing the AP’s configuration file

# Edit the AP’s configuration file, name it map.txt.


vlan 30


interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

port link-type trunk

port trunk permit vlan all


7.     Upload the configuration file to the AC.

[AC] wlan ap-group group1

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1] ap-model WA6330

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330] map-configuration map.txt

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6330] quit

[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1] quit

Configuring Switch 2

1.     Configure interfaces on Switch 2:

# Create VLAN 40 and VLAN-interface 40, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. This VLAN will be used for client access.

<Switch2> system-view

[Switch2] vlan 40

[Switch2-vlan40] quit

[Switch2] interface vlan-interface 40

[Switch2-Vlan-interface40] ip address

[Switch2-Vlan-interface40] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 that connects Switch 2 to the AC as a trunk port, and assign the port to all VLANs.

[Switch2] interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/1

[Switch2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[Switch2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan all

[Switch2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Assign GigabitEthernet1/0/2 that connects Switch 2 to Client 2 to VLAN 40.

[Switch2] interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/2

[Switch2-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port access vlan 40

[Switch2-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

2.     Configure the DHCP server:

# Enable DHCP.

<Switch2> system-view

[Switch2] dhcp enable

# Specify as the address range for dynamic allocation in DHCP address pool 1, and specify as the gateway address.

[Switch2] dhcp server ip-pool 1

[Switch2-dhcp-pool-1] network mask

[Switch2-dhcp-pool-1] gateway-list

# Exclude from dynamic allocation.

[Switch2-dhcp-pool-1] forbidden-ip

[Switch2-dhcp-pool-1] quit

Configuring AP 2

1.     Configure interfaces on AP 2:

# Create VLAN 30 and VLAN-interface 30, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. The AP will use this VLAN to communicate with Switch 1.

<AP2> system-view

[AP2] vlan 30

[AP2-vlan30] quit

[AP2] interface vlan-interface 30

[AP2-Vlan-interface30] ip address

[AP2-Vlan-interface30] quit

# Create VLAN 40 and VLAN-interface 20, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. This VLAN will be used as the gateway for the clients.

[AP2] vlan 40

[AP2-vlan40] quit

[AP2] interface vlan-interface 40

[AP2-Vlan-interface40] ip address

[AP2-Vlan-interface40] quit

2.     Configure a radio interface:

# Enter the view of WLAN-Radio 1/0/1, specify the radio type as dot11an, and specify the channel as 36.

[AP2] interface wlan-radio 1/0/1

[AP2-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] type dot11an

[AP2-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] channel 36

[AP2-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] quit

3.     Configure a mesh profile:

# Create mesh profile 1.

[AP2] wlan mesh-profile 1

# Set the mesh ID to 1.

[AP2-wlan-mesh-profile-1] mesh-id 1

# Set the authentication and key management (AKM) mode to sae.

[AP2-wlan-mesh-profile-1] akm mode sae

# Configure simple character string meshlink as the PSK.

[AP2-wlan-mesh-profile-1] preshared-key pass-phrase simple meshlink

# Enable the mesh profile.

[AP2-wlan-mesh-profile-1] mesh-profile enable

[AP2-wlan-mesh-profile-1] quit

# Bind WLAN-Radio 1/0/1 to the mesh profile.

[AP2] interface wlan-radio 1/0/1

[AP2-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] mesh-profile 1

4.     Add the MAC address of AP 1 to the mesh peer whitelist for the fat AP.

[AP2-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] mesh peer-mac-address 542b-dea7-a8c0

[AP2-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] quit

5.     Configure a WLAN-mesh interface:

# Create a WLAN-mesh interface.

[AP2] interface wlan-mesh 1

# Configure WLAN-mesh interface 1 as a trunk port, and assign the port to all VLANs.

[AP2-WLAN-Mesh1] port link-type trunk

[AP2-WLAN-Mesh1] port trunk permit vlan all

[AP2-WLAN-Mesh1] quit

# Bind WLAN-mesh interface 1 to WLAN-Radio 1/0/1.

[AP2] interface wlan-radio 1/0/1

[AP2-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] mesh-interface 1

[AP2-WLAN-Radio1/0/1] quit

6.     Configure a route to the network where Client 1 resides.

[AP2] ip route-static

Verifying the configuration

1.     Verify that AP 1 has been associated with the AC. If the AP is in R/M state, the AP has been associated with the AC.

<AC> display wlan ap name ap1

                                  AP information

 State : I = Idle,      J  = Join,       JA = JoinAck,    IL = ImageLoad

         C = Config,    DC = DataCheck,  R  = Run,   M = Master,  B = Backup


AP name                        APID  State Model           Serial ID

ap1                            1     R/M   WA6330          219801A23V8192E00021

2.     Display mesh link information on the fat AP:

<AP2> display wlan mesh-link

Peer MAC       RSSI BSSID          Interface         Link state       Online time

542b-dea7-a8c0 81   d461-fe59-4d20 WLAN-MeshLink2    Active(an)       20h 00m 49s

3.     Ping Client 2 from Client 1 to verify that they are reachable to each other.

C:\Users\system32> ping


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255


Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Configuration files

·     Switch 1:


 dhcp enable


vlan 10


vlan 20


vlan 30


dhcp server ip-pool 1



 network mask


dhcp server ip-pool 2


 network mask



interface Vlan-interface10

 ip address


interface Vlan-interface20

 ip address


interface Vlan-interface30

 ip address


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan all


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port access vlan 20


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 2 to 4094

 port trunk pvid vlan 10


 ip route-static


·     AC:


wlan mesh-profile 1

 mesh-id 1

 akm mode sae

 preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$qVXx1KuNn4FeEi3nMUkQ7A8jcIMrN8JH2AOv

 mesh-profile enable


vlan 10


interface Vlan-interface10

 ip address


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan all


wlan ap-group group1

 map-configuration flash:/map.txt

 vlan 1

 ap ap1

 interface wlan-mesh 1

  mesh-port link-type trunk

  mesh-port trunk permit vlan all

 ap-model WA6330

  radio 1

   type dot11an

   channel 36

   radio enable

   mesh-interface 1

   mesh-profile 1

   mesh peer-mac-address 90e7-1066-e060


wlan ap ap1 model WA6330

 serial-id 219801A23V8192E00021


·     Switch 2:


 dhcp enable


vlan 40


dhcp server ip-pool 1



 network mask


interface Vlan-interface40

 ip address


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan all


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port access vlan 40


·     AP 2:


wlan mesh-profile 1

 mesh-id 1

 akm mode sae

 preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$qVXx1KuNn4FeEi3nMUkQ7A8jcIMrN8JH2AOv

 mesh-profile enable


vlan 30


vlan 40


interface Vlan-interface30

 ip address


interface Vlan-interface40

 ip address


interface WLAN-Radio1/0/1

 mesh-profile 1

 mesh-interface 1

 mesh peer-mac-address 542b-dea7-a8c0

 type dot11an

 channel 36


interface WLAN-Mesh1

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan all


 ip route-static


Related documentation

·     AP Management Command Reference in H3C Access Controllers Command References

·     AP Management Configuration Guide in H3C Access Controllers Configuration Guides

·     WLAN Mesh Command Reference in H3C Access Controllers Command References

·     WLAN Mesh Configuration Guide in H3C Access Controllers Configuration Guides

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