05-Comware 9 CLI-based configuration examples (AC+fit AP deployment)

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70-Remote 802.1X Authentication on a Dual-Link AC Backup Network Configuration Examples


H3C Access Controllers

Remote 802.1X Authentication on a Dual-Link AC Backup Network

Configuration Examples
































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The following information provides an example of configuring remote 802.1X authentication for clients on a dual-link AC backup network.


The following information applies to Comware-based access controllers and access points. Procedures and information in the examples might be slightly different depending on the software or hardware version of the access controllers and access points.

The configuration examples were created and verified in a lab environment, and all the devices were started with the factory default configuration. When you are working on a live network, make sure you understand the potential impact of every command on your network.

The following information is provided based on the assumption that you have basic knowledge of WLAN access, WLAN user security, WLAN user access authentication, 802.1X, AAA, and WLAN high availability features.

General restrictions and guidelines

Make sure the master and backup ACs have the same RADIUS, service template, and radio settings.

Make sure the master and backup ACs use the same version of software.

Example: Configuring remote 802.1X authentication on a dual-link AC backup network

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 1:

·     The AP is attached to a switch dual-homed to AC 1 (the master AC) and AC 2 (the backup AC).

·     The switch acts as a DHCP server to assign IP addresses to the AP and the client.

·     The network deploys a RADIUS server that runs IMC for 802.1X authentication.

Configure the devices to meet the following requirements:

·     The ACs operate in active/standby mode to provide centralized forwarding. When AC 1 fails, the AP associates with AC 2. When AC 1 recovers, the AP re-associates with AC 1.

·     The ACs act as the authenticator and use the RADIUS server to perform authentication, authorization, and accounting for the client.

·     The client accesses the wireless network through VLAN 200 and performs RADIUS-based 802.1X authentication.

·     Open system authentication is used to authenticate the client at the data link layer. This is the default authentication method.

·     The 802.1X AKM mode is used to secure data transmission between the client and the AP.

·     The cipher suite used for frame encryption is CCMP.

Figure 1 Network diagram


Restrictions and guidelines

When you configure remote 802.1X authentication on a dual-link AC backup network, follow these restrictions and guidelines:

·     Use the actual serial ID of an AP to uniquely identify that AP.

·     For the IMC server to dynamically change client authorization information or forcibly disconnect a client, enable the RADIUS session-control feature on the ACs.

·     To avoid dynamic authorization failures, configure the RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Extensions Server (DAS) feature.


Configuring AC 1

1.     Configure interfaces on the AC:

# Create VLAN 100 and VLAN-interface 100, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. The AC will use this IP address to establish the master CAPWAP control and data tunnels with the AP.

<AC1> system-view

[AC1] vlan 100

[AC1-vlan100] quit

[AC1] interface vlan-interface 100

[AC1-Vlan-interface100] ip address 24

[AC1-Vlan-interface100] quit

# Create VLAN 200 and VLAN-interface 200, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. VLAN 200 will be used for client access.

[AC1] vlan 200

[AC1-vlan200] quit

[AC1] interface vlan-interface 200

[AC1-Vlan-interface200] ip address 24

[AC1-Vlan-interface200] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 (the port connected to the switch) as a trunk port, and assign the port to VLANs 100 and 200.

[AC1] interface gigabitethernet1/0/1

[AC1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[AC1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 200

[AC1-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

2.     Configure RADIUS-based 802.1X authentication:

# Create RADIUS scheme radius1 and enter its view.

[AC1] radius scheme radius1

# Specify the IP addresses of the primary authentication and accounting RADIUS servers.

[AC1-radius-radius1] primary authentication

[AC1-radius-radius1] primary accounting

# Specify the shared keys for RADIUS authentication and accounting.

[AC1-radius-radius1] key authentication simple 12345

[AC1-radius-radius1] key accounting simple 12345

# Specify IP address as the source IP address for outgoing RADIUS packets.

[AC1-radius-radius1] nas-ip

[AC1-radius-radius1] quit

# Create ISP domain dom1 and enter its view.

[AC1] domain dom1

# Configure the ISP domain to use RADIUS scheme radius1 for 802.1X user authentication, authorization, and accounting.

[AC1-isp-dom1] authentication lan-access radius-scheme radius1

[AC1-isp-dom1] authorization lan-access radius-scheme radius1

[AC1-isp-dom1] accounting lan-access radius-scheme radius1

[AC1-isp-dom1] quit

# Enable RADIUS session-control.

[AC1] radius session-control enable

# Enable RADIUS DAS and enter its view.

[AC1] radius dynamic-author server

# Specify the RADIUS server at as a DAC and set the shared key to 12345 in plain text for authenticating DAE packets from the RADIUS server.

[AC1-radius-da-server] client ip key simple 12345

[AC1-radius-da-server] quit

3.     Configure 802.1X authentication:

# Configure EAP relay as the method for the AC to exchange packets with the RADIUS server.

[AC1] dot1x authentication-method eap

4.     Configure a service template:

# Create service template service and enter its view.

[AC1] wlan service-template service

# Set the SSID to service.

[AC1-wlan-st-service] ssid service

# Assign clients coming online through the service template to VLAN 200.

[AC1-wlan-st-service] vlan 200

# Configure the AC to forward client data traffic. If the AC acts as the client traffic forwarder by default, skip this step.

[AC1–wlan-st-service] client forwarding-location ac

# Set the AKM mode to 802.1X.

[AC1-wlan-st-service] akm mode dot1x

# Specify the CCMP cipher suite and enable the RSN IE in beacon and probe responses.

[AC1-wlan-st-service] cipher-suite ccmp

[AC1-wlan-st-service] security-ie rsn

# Set the access authentication mode to 802.1X authentication.

[AC1-wlan-st-service] client-security authentication-mode dot1x

# Specify ISP domain dom1 as the 802.1X authentication domain.

[AC1-wlan-st-service] dot1x domain dom1

# Enable the service template.

[AC1-wlan-st-service] service-template enable

[AC1-wlan-st-service] quit

5.     Configure the AP:




In a large-scale network, configure AP settings in AP group view instead of AP view as a best practice.


# Create manual AP ap1 and specify the AP model and serial ID.

[AC1] wlan ap ap1 model WA6320

[AC1-wlan-ap-ap1] serial-id 219801A28N819CE0002T

[AC1-wlan-ap-ap1] quit

# Create AP group group1.

[AC1] wlan ap-group group1

# Configure an AP grouping rule by AP name to add AP named ap1 to the group.

[AC1-wlan-ap-group-group1] ap ap1

# Set the AP connection priority to 7.

[AC1-wlan-ap-group-group1] priority 7

# Specify AC 2 as the backup AC.

[AC1-wlan-ap-group-group1] backup-ac ip

# Enable master CAPWAP tunnel preemption.

[AC1-wlan-ap-group-group1] wlan tunnel-preempt enable

# Bind service template service to radio 1.

[AC1-wlan-ap-group-group1] ap-model WA6320

[AC1-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6320] radio 1

[AC1-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6320-radio-1] service-template service

# Enable radio 1.

[AC1-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6320-radio-1] radio enable

[AC1-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6320-radio-1] quit

Configuring AC 2

1.     Configure interfaces on the AC:

# Create VLAN 100 and VLAN-interface 100, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. The AC will use this IP address to establish the backup CAPWAP control and data tunnels with the AP.

<AC2> system-view

[AC2] vlan 100

[AC2-vlan100] quit

[AC2] interface vlan-interface 100

[AC2-Vlan-interface100] ip address 24

[AC2-Vlan-interface100] quit

# Create VLAN 200 and VLAN-interface 200, and assign an IP address to the VLAN interface. VLAN 200 will be used for client access.

[AC2] vlan 200

[AC2-vlan200] quit

[AC2] interface vlan-interface 200

[AC2-Vlan-interface200] ip address 24

[AC2-Vlan-interface200] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 (the port connected to the switch) as a trunk port, and assign the port to VLANs 100 and 200.

[AC2] interface gigabitethernet1/0/1

[AC2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[AC2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 200

[AC2-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

2.     Configure RADIUS-based 802.1X authentication:

# Create RADIUS scheme radius1 and enter its view.

[AC2] radius scheme radius1

# Specify the IP addresses of the primary authentication and accounting RADIUS servers.

[AC2-radius-radius1] primary authentication

[AC2-radius-radius1] primary accounting

# Specify the shared keys for RADIUS authentication and accounting.

[AC2-radius-radius1] key authentication simple 12345

[AC2-radius-radius1] key accounting simple 12345

# Specify IP address as the source IP address for outgoing RADIUS packets.

[AC2-radius-radius1] nas-ip

[AC2-radius-radius1] quit

# Create ISP domain dom1 and enter its view.

[AC2] domain dom1

# Configure the ISP domain to use RADIUS scheme radius1 for 802.1X user authentication, authorization, and accounting.

[AC2-isp-dom1] authentication lan-access radius-scheme radius1

[AC2-isp-dom1] authorization lan-access radius-scheme radius1

[AC2-isp-dom1] accounting lan-access radius-scheme radius1

[AC2-isp-dom1] quit

# Enable RADIUS session-control.

[AC2] radius session-control enable

# Enable RADIUS DAS and enter its view.

[AC2] radius dynamic-author server

# Specify the RADIUS server at as a DAC and set the shared key to 12345 in plain text for authenticating DAE packets from the RADIUS server.

[AC2-radius-da-server] client ip key simple 12345

[AC2-radius-da-server] quit

3.     Configure 802.1X authentication:

# Configure EAP relay as the method for the AC to exchange packets with the RADIUS server.

[AC2] dot1x authentication-method eap

4.     Configure a service template:

# Create service template service and enter its view.

[AC2] wlan service-template service

# Set the SSID to service.

[AC2-wlan-st-service] ssid service

# Configure the AC to forward client data traffic. If the AC acts as the client traffic forwarder by default, skip this step.

[AC2–wlan-st-service] client forwarding-location ac

# Assign clients coming online through the service template to VLAN 200.

[AC2-wlan-st-service] vlan 200

# Set the AKM mode to 802.1X.

[AC2-wlan-st-service] akm mode dot1x

# Specify the CCMP cipher suite and enable the RSN IE in beacon and probe responses.

[AC2-wlan-st-service] cipher-suite ccmp

[AC2-wlan-st-service] security-ie rsn

# Set the access authentication mode to 802.1X authentication.

[AC2-wlan-st-service] client-security authentication-mode dot1x

# Specify ISP domain dom1 as the 802.1X authentication domain.

[AC2-wlan-st-service] dot1x domain dom1

# Enable the service template.

[AC2-wlan-st-service] service-template enable

[AC2-wlan-st-service] quit

5.     Configure the AP:




In a large-scale network, configure AP settings in AP group view instead of AP view as a best practice.


# Create manual AP ap1 and specify the AP model and serial ID.

[AC2] wlan ap ap1 model WA6320

[AC2-wlan-ap-ap1] serial-id 219801A28N819CE0002T

[AC2-wlan-ap-ap1] quit

# Create AP group group1.

[AC2] wlan ap-group group1

# Configure an AP grouping rule by AP name to add AP named ap1 to the group.

[AC2-wlan-ap-group-group1] ap ap1

# Set the AP connection priority to 5.

[AC2-wlan-ap-group-group1] priority 5

# Specify AC 1 as the backup AC.

[AC2-wlan-ap-group-group1] backup-ac ip

# Enable master CAPWAP tunnel preemption.

[AC2-wlan-ap-group-group1] wlan tunnel-preempt enable

# Bind service template service to radio 1.

[AC2-wlan-ap-group-group1] ap-model WA6320

[AC2-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6320] radio 1

[AC2-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6320-radio-1] service-template service

# Enable radio 1.

[AC2-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6320-radio-1] radio enable

[AC2-wlan-ap-group-group1-ap-model-WA6320-radio-1] quit

Configuring the switch

# Create VLAN 100. The switch will use this VLAN to forward the traffic on the CAPWAP tunnels between the ACs and AP.

<Switch> system-view

[Switch] vlan 100

[Switch-vlan100] quit

# Create VLAN 200. The switch will use this VLAN to forward packets for the client.

[Switch] vlan 200

[Switch-vlan200] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 (the port connected to AC 1) as a trunk port, and assign the trunk port to VLANs 100 and 200.

[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 200

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 (the port connected to AC 2) as a trunk port, and assign the trunk port to VLANs 100 and 200.

[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port link-type trunk

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] port trunk permit vlan 100 200

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit

# Configure GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 (the port connected to the AP) as an access port. Assign the access port to VLAN 100.

[Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port link-type access

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port access vlan 100

# Enable PoE on GigabitEthernet 1/0/2.

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] poe enable

[Switch-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit

# Assign an IP address to VLAN-interface 100.

[Switch] interface vlan-interface 100

[Switch-Vlan-interface100] ip address 24

[Switch-Vlan-interface100] quit

# Assign an IP address to VLAN-interface 200.

[Switch] interface vlan-interface 200

[Switch-Vlan-interface200] ip address 24

[Switch-Vlan-interface200] quit

# Configure DHCP address pool 100. The switch will use this pool to assign an IP address to the AP.

[Switch] dhcp server ip-pool 100

[Switch-dhcp-pool-100] network mask

[Switch-dhcp-pool-100] gateway-list

[Switch-dhcp-pool-100] quit

# Configure DHCP address pool 200. The switch will use this pool to assign an IP address to the client. In this example, the address of the DNS server is (the gateway address). You must replace it with the actual address of the DNS server on your network.

[Switch] dhcp server ip-pool 200

[Switch-dhcp-pool-200] network mask

[Switch-dhcp-pool-200] gateway-list

[Switch-dhcp-pool-200] dns-list

[Switch-dhcp-pool-200] quit

# Enable DHCP

[Switch] dhcp enable

Configuring the RADIUS server

In this example, the RADIUS server runs IMC PLAT 7.3 (E0605) and IMC UAM 7.1 (E0302).

Adding AC 1 and AC 2 to IMC as access devices

This example only illustrates the process to add AC 1 to IMC as an access device. You can add access device AC 2 to IMC in the same way AC 1 is added to IMC as an access device.

To add AC 1 to IMC as an access device:

1.     Log in to IMC and click the User tab.

2.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Access Device Management > Access Device.

3.     Click Add.

The Add Access Device page opens.

4.     In the Access Configuration area, configure the following parameters, as shown in Figure 2:

¡     Enter 12345 in the Shared Key and Confirm Shared Key fields.

¡     Use the default values for other parameters.

5.     In the Device List area, click Select or Add Manually to add AC 1 at as an access device.

6.     Click OK.

Figure 2 Adding an access device


Adding an access policy

1.     Click the User tab.

2.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Access Policy.

3.     Click Add.

4.     On the Add Access Policy page, configure the following parameters, as shown in Figure 3:

¡     Enter dot1x in the Access Policy Name field.

¡     Select EAP-PEAP from the Preferred EAP Type list, and select EAP-MSCHAPv2 from the Subtype list.

The certificate subtype on the IMC server must be the same as the identity authentication method configured on the client.

5.     Click OK.

Figure 3 Adding an access policy


Adding an access service

1.     Click the User tab.

2.     From the navigation tree, select User Access Policy > Access Service.

3.     Click Add.

4.     On the Add Access Service page, configure the following parameters, as shown in Figure 4:

¡     Enter dot1x in the Service Name field.

¡     Select dot1x from the Default Access Policy list.

5.     Click OK.

Figure 4 Adding an access service


Adding an access user

1.     Click the User tab.

2.     From the navigation tree, select Access User > Access User.

The access user list opens.

3.     Click Add.

The Add Access User page opens.

4.     In the Access Information area, configure the following parameters, as shown in Figure 5:

a.     Click Select or Add User to associate the user with IMC Platform user user.

b.     Enter dot1x in the Account Name field.

c.     Enter dot1x123 in the Password and Confirm Password fields.

5.     In the Access Service area, select dot1x from the list.

6.     Click OK.

Figure 5 Adding an access user account


Configuring the client


Make sure the client has been installed with the EAP-PEAP certificate.

This example uses Windows 7 Service Pack 1 to describe the procedure.


Perform the following tasks to create wireless network service and configure properties for the wireless network:

1.     Click Start, and then select Control Panel.

2.     In the control panel, click View network status and tasks below Network and Internet.

3.     Click Manage wireless networks.

4.     Click Add.

5.     Click Manually create a network profile.

6.     Configure the wireless network profile:

¡     Set the network name to service. (The network name is the same as the SSID in the service template on the ACs.)

¡     Set the security type to WPA2-Enterprise.

¡     Set the encryption type to AES.

¡     Retain the default settings for other parameters.

7.     Click Next.

8.     After the wireless network is added successfully, click Change connection settings.

9.     In the wireless network properties dialog box, click the Security tab.

10.     Select Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP) as the network authentication method, and clear the Remember my credentials for this connection each time I'm logged on option.

11.     Click Settings next to Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP).

12.     In the Protected EAP Properties dialog box that opens, configure the following parameters:

a.     Clear the Validate server certificate and Enable Fast Reconnect options.

b.     Set the authentication method to Secured password (EAP MSCHAP v2).

c.     Click Configure next to Secured password (EAP MSCHAP v2).

d.     In the EAP MSCHAPv2 Properties dialog box that opens, clear the Automatically use my Windows logon name and password (and domain if any) option, and then click OK.

e.     Click OK.

13.     In the wireless network properties dialog box, click Advanced settings.

14.     On the 802.1X settings tab, select user authentication as the authentication mode.

15.     On the 802.11 settings tab, clear the Enable Pairwise Master Key (PMK) caching option, and then click OK.

16.     Click OK.

Verifying the configuration

1.     Verify the AC backup and switchover functionality:

# Verify that the AP associates with AC 1 and comes online. (Details not shown.)

# Shut down VLAN-interface 100 on AC 1. (Details not shown.)

# Verify that the AP automatically associates with AC 2 and comes online in less than 3 minutes, during which traffic is interrupted. The state of the AP changes to R/M (Run/Master) on AC 2 after it comes up.

[AC2] display wlan ap all

Total number of APs: 1

Total number of connected APs: 1

Total number of connected manual APs: 1

Total number of connected auto APs: 0

Total number of connected common APs: 1

Total number of connected WTUs: 0

Total number of inside APs: 0

Maximum supported APs: 512

Remaining APs: 511

Total AP licenses: 128

Local AP licenses: 128

Server AP licenses: 0

Remaining local AP licenses: 127

Sync AP licenses: 0


                               AP information

 State : I = Idle,       J  = Join,       JA = JoinAck,    IL = ImageLoad

         C = Config,     DC = DataCheck,  R  = Run   M = Master,  B = Backup


AP name                        APID  State Model           Serial ID

ap1                            2     R/M   WA6320          219801A28N819CE0002T

# Bring up VLAN-interface 100 on AC 1. (Details not shown.)

# Verify that the AP re-associates with AC 1 and its state changes to R/M (Run/Master) on AC 1 after a successful association. At the same time, the state of the AP changes to R/B on AC 2.

[AC1] display wlan ap all


[AC2] display wlan ap all

Total number of APs: 1

Total number of connected APs: 1

Total number of connected manual APs: 1

Total number of connected auto APs: 0

Total number of connected common APs: 1

Total number of connected WTUs: 0

Total number of inside APs: 0

Maximum supported APs: 512

Remaining APs: 511

Total AP licenses: 128

Local AP licenses: 128

Server AP licenses: 0

Remaining local AP licenses: 128

Sync AP licenses: 0


                               AP information

 State : I = Idle,       J  = Join,       JA = JoinAck,    IL = ImageLoad

         C = Config,     DC = DataCheck,  R  = Run   M = Master,  B = Backup


AP name                        APID  State Model           Serial ID

ap1                            2     R/B   WA6320          219801A28N819CE0002T

2.     Connect the client to the wireless network. (Details not shown.)

3.     On AC 1, perform the following tasks to verify that the client has passed authentication and come online:

# Display detailed WLAN client information.

[AC1] display wlan client verbose

Total number of clients: 1


 MAC address                             : cc3a-61a8-fb8c

 IPv4 address                            :

 IPv6 address                            : N/A

 Username                                : dot1x

 AID                                     : 1

 AP ID                                   : 2

 AP name                                 : ap1

 Radio ID                                : 1

 SSID                                    : service

 BSSID                                   : 741f-4ad4-1fe0

 VLAN ID                                : 200

 Sleep count                            : 0

 Wireless mode                          : 802.11ac

 Channel bandwidth                      : 80MHz

 SM power save                          : Disabled

 Short GI for 20MHz                     : Supported

 Short GI for 40MHz                     : Supported

 Short GI for 80MHz                     : Supported

 Short GI for 160/80+80MHz              : Not supported

 STBC RX capability                     : Not supported

 STBC TX capability                     : Not supported

 LDPC RX capability                     : Not supported

 SU beamformee capability               : Not supported

 MU beamformee capability               : Not supported

 Beamformee STS capability              : N/A

 Block Ack                              : N/A

 Supported VHT-MCS set                  : NSS1 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

 Supported HT MCS set                   : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

 Supported rates                        : 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps

 QoS mode                               : WMM

 Listen interval                        : 10

 RSSI                                   : 0

 Rx/Tx rate                             : 0/0

 Authentication method                  : Open system

 Security mode                          : RSN

 AKM mode                               : 802.1X

 Cipher suite                           : CCMP

 User authentication mode               : 802.1X

 Authorization ACL ID                   : N/A

 Authorization user profile             : N/A

 Roam status                            : N/A

 Key derivation                         : SHA1

 PMF status                             : N/A

 Forwarding policy name                 : N/A

 Online time                            : 0days 0hours 0minutes 15seconds

 FT status                              : Inactive

# Display online 802.1X user information.

[AC1] display dot1x connection

Total connections: 1


User MAC address           : cc3a-61a8-fb8c

AP name                    : ap1

Radio ID                   : 1

SSID                       : service

BSSID                      : 741f-4ad4-1fe0

Username                   : dot1x

Authentication domain      : dom1

IPv4 address               :

Authentication method      : EAP

Initial VLAN               : 200

Authorization VLAN         : 200

Authorization ACL number   : N/A

Authorization user profile : N/A

Termination action         : Default

Session timeout period     : 36000001 s

Online from                : 2015/12/21 11:27:11

Online duration            : 0h 1m 1s

Configuration files

·     AC 1:


 dot1x authentication-method eap


vlan 1


vlan 100


vlan 200


wlan service-template service

 ssid service

 vlan 200

 akm mode dot1x

 cipher-suite ccmp

 security-ie rsn

 client-security authentication-mode dot1x

 dot1x domain dom1

client forwarding-location ac

 service-template enable


interface Vlan-interface100

 ip address


interface Vlan-interface200

 ip address


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 100 200


radius scheme radius1

 primary authentication

 primary accounting

 key authentication cipher $c$3$Bb61SHV2ZsVYPJU2+RFB/8ntk0uCQkmxdA==

 key accounting cipher $c$3$w03NfxnBmfDuedv9/xo7ESnoxKjowmmX9A==



radius dynamic-author server

 client ip key cipher $c$3$AkTEB7OgMYnCqsfDeplhoAgXUek/rVrLZw==


domain dom1

 authentication lan-access radius-scheme radius1

 authorization lan-access radius-scheme radius1

 accounting lan-access radius-scheme radius1


wlan ap ap1 model WA6320

 serial-id 219801A28N819CE0002T


wlan ap-group group1

ap ap1

wlan tunnel-preempt enable

 priority 7

 backup-ac ip

ap-model WA6320

 radio 1

  radio enable

    service-template service


·     AC 2:


 dot1x authentication-method eap


vlan 1


vlan 100


vlan 200


wlan service-template service

 ssid service

 vlan 200

 akm mode dot1x

 cipher-suite ccmp

 security-ie rsn

 client-security authentication-mode dot1x

 dot1x domain dom1

client forwarding-location ac

 service-template enable


interface Vlan-interface100

 ip address


interface Vlan-interface200

 ip address


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 100 200


radius scheme radius1

 primary authentication

 primary accounting

 key authentication cipher $c$3$Bb61SHV2ZsVYPJU2+RFB/8ntk0uCQkmxdA==

 key accounting cipher $c$3$w03NfxnBmfDuedv9/xo7ESnoxKjowmmX9A==



radius dynamic-author server

 client ip key cipher $c$3$AkTEB7OgMYnCqsfDeplhoAgXUek/rVrLZw==


domain dom1

 authentication lan-access radius-scheme radius1

 authorization lan-access radius-scheme radius1

 accounting lan-access radius-scheme radius1


wlan ap ap1 model WA6320

 serial-id 219801A28N819CE0002T


wlan ap-group group1

ap ap1

wlan tunnel-preempt enable

 priority 5

 backup-ac ip

ap-model WA6320

 radio 1

  radio enable

    service-template service


·     Switch:


 dhcp enable


vlan 1


vlan 100


vlan 200


dhcp server ip-pool 100


 network mask



dhcp server ip-pool 200



 network mask


interface Vlan-interface100

 ip address


interface Vlan-interface200

 ip address


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 100 200


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 port link-type access

 port access vlan 100

 poe enable



interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 port link-type trunk

 port trunk permit vlan 1 100 200


Related documentation

·     AP and WT Management Configuration Guide in H3C Access Controllers Configuration Guides

·     AP and WT Management Command Reference in H3C Access Controllers Command References

·     High Availability Configuration Guide in H3C Access Controllers Configuration Guides

·     High Availability Command Reference in H3C Access Controllers Command References

·     User Access and Authentication Configuration Guide in H3C Access Controllers Configuration Guides

·     User Access and Authentication Command Reference in H3C Access Controllers Command References

·     WLAN Access Configuration Guide in H3C Access Controllers Configuration Guides

·     WLAN Access Command Reference in H3C Access Controllers Command References


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