14-H3C MSR系列路由器 PPP典型配置案例
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H3C MSR系列路由器
Copyright © 2022 新华三技术有限公司 版权所有,保留一切权利。
目 录
本文档适用于使用Comware V9软件版本的MSR系列路由器,如果使用过程中与产品实际情况有差异,请参考相关产品手册,或以设备实际情况为准。
如图3-1所示,设备Device A和Device B的Serial2/1/0和Serial2/1/1分别对应连接,使用MP-Group的方式建立MP链路,每个PPP链路使用CHAP进行认证。
· 配置采用CHAP认证时两端的用户名和密码必须一致。
· Serial接口配置完成之后,需要执行undo shutdown命令开启接口。
· 创建PPP用户需要在local-user命令的class关键字后面选择network参数。
(1) 为Device B创建本地用户,设置本地用户的服务类型为PPP。
<DeviceA> system-view
[DeviceA] local-user userb class network
[DeviceA-luser-network-userb] password simple hello
[DeviceA-luser-network-userb] service-type ppp
[DeviceA-luser-network-userb] quit
(2) 配置串口Serial2/1/0,通过缺省的ISP域system对Rotuer B进行CHAP认证。
[DeviceA] interface serial 2/1/0
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/0] link-protocol ppp
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/0] ppp authentication-mode chap domain system
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/0] quit
(3) 配置串口Serial2/1/1,通过缺省的ISP域system对Rotuer B进行CHAP认证。
[DeviceA] interface Serial 2/1/1
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/1] link-protocol ppp
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/1] ppp authentication-mode chap domain system
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/1] quit
(4) 在系统缺省的ISP域system下,配置PPP用户使用本地认证方案。
[DeviceA] domain system
[DeviceA-isp-system] authentication ppp local
(5) 创建MP-group接口,配置相应的IP地址。
[DeviceA] interface mp-group 2/0/0
[DeviceA-MP-group2/0/0] ip address 24
[DeviceA-MP-group2/0/0] quit
(6) 配置串口Serial2/1/0加入MP-Group 1并开启接口。
[DeviceA] interface serial 2/1/0
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/0] ppp mp mp-group 2/0/0
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/0] shutdown
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/0] undo shutdown
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/0] quit
(7) 配置串口Serial2/1/1加入MP-Group 1并开启接口。
[DeviceA] interface Serial 2/1/1
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/1] ppp mp mp-group 2/0/0
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/1] shutdown
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/1] undo shutdown
[DeviceA-Serial2/1/1] quit
(1) 配置串口Serial2/1/0,封装的链路层协议为PPP,并配置采用CHAP认证时Device B的用户名和设置缺省的CHAP认证密码。
<DeviceB> system-view
[DeviceB] interface serial 2/1/0
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/0] link-protocol ppp
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/0] ppp chap user userb
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/0] ppp chap password simple hello
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/0] quit
(2) 配置串口Serial2/1/1,封装的链路层协议为PPP,并配置采用CHAP认证时Device B的用户名和设置缺省的CHAP认证密码。
[DeviceB] interface Serial 2/1/1
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/1] link-protocol ppp
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/1] ppp chap user userb
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/1] ppp chap password simple hello
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/1] quit
(3) 创建MP-group接口,配置相应的IP地址。
[DeviceB] interface mp-group 2/0/0
[DeviceB-Mp-group1] ip address 24
[DeviceB-Mp-group1] quit
(4) 配置串口Serial2/1/0加入MP-Group 1并开启接口。
[DeviceB] interface serial 2/1/0
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/0] link-protocol ppp
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/0] ppp mp mp-group 2/0/0
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/0] shutdown
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/0] undo shutdown
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/0] quit
(5) 配置串口Serial2/1/1加入MP-Group 1并开启接口。
[DeviceB] interface Serial 2/1/1
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/1] link-protocol ppp
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/1] ppp mp mp-group 2/0/0
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/1] shutdown
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/1] undo shutdown
[DeviceB-Serial2/1/1] quit
(1) 在Device A上查看MP的相关信息。
Template: MP-group2/0/0
max-bind: 16, fragment: enabled, min-fragment: 128
Master link: MP-group2/0/0, Active members: 2, Bundle Multilink
Peer's endPoint descriptor: MP-group2/0/0
Sequence format: long (rcv)/long (sent)
Bundle Up Time: 2014/07/22 16:51:40:835
0 lost fragments, 5 reordered, 0 unassigned, 0 interleaved
Sequence: 4 (rcv)/5 (sent)
Active member channels: 2 members
Serial2/1/0 Up-Time:2014/07/22 16:51:40:836
Serial2/1/1 Up-Time:2014/07/22 16:51:53:542
(2) 在Device A上查看MP-group2/0/0接口的相关信息。
[DeviceA] display interface mp-group 2/0/0
Current state: UP
Line protocol state: UP
Description: MP-group2/0/0 Interface
Bandwidth: 128kbps
Maximum Transmit Unit: 1500
Hold timer: 10 seconds
Internet Address is Primary
Link layer protocol: PPP
LCP: opened, MP: opened, IPCP: opened
Physical: MP, baudrate: 128000 bps
Output queue - Urgent queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/100/0
Output queue - Protocol queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/500/0
Output queue - FIFO queuing: Size/Length/Discards 0/75/0
Last clearing of counters: Never
Last 300 seconds input rate: 1 bytes/sec, 8 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate: 1 bytes/sec, 8 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input: 8 packets, 466 bytes, 0 drops
Output: 8 packets, 456 bytes, 0 drops
(3) 在DeviceA上ping对端IP地址。
Ping ( 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=25.749 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=25.751 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=25.521 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=25.512 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=25.599 ms
--- Ping statistics for ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 25.512/25.626/25.751/0.105 ms
<DeviceA>%Jul 22 17:08:22:460 2014 DeviceA PING/6/PING_STATISTICS: Ping statisti
cs for 5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss, rou
nd-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 25.512/25.626/25.751/0.105 ms.
· Device A:
interface Serial2/1/0
ppp authentication-mode chap domain system
ppp mp MP-group2/0/0
interface Serial2/1/1
ppp authentication-mode chap domain system
ppp mp MP-group2/0/0
interface MP-group2/0/0
ip address
local-user 123 class network
password cipher $c$3$5ulb/vg58eiBIm5EnilnsZ2cS2Cmwg==
service-type ppp
authorization-attribute user-role network-operator
· Device B:
interface Serial2/1/0
ppp chap password cipher $c$3$4kD4T3bLZ/lngijhEKIS70/oTbNSkw==
ppp chap user 123
ppp mp MP-group2/0/0
interface Serial2/1/1
ppp chap password cipher $c$3$mVlcV3W+YQBgmxKePKpZV9tTcaFhXg==
ppp chap user 123
ppp mp MP-group2/0/0
interface MP-group2/0/0
ip address
· 《H3C MSR1000[2600][3600]路由器 配置指导(V9)》中的“二层技术-广域网接入配置指导”
· 《H3C MSR1000[2600][3600]路由器 命令参考(V9)》中的“二层技术-广域网接入命令参考”
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