- Table of Contents
- 11-Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide
- 00-Preface
- 01-System maintenance and debugging configuration
- 02-NQA configuration
- 03-NTP configuration
- 04-PTP configuration
- 05-Network synchronization configuration
- 06-SNMP configuration
- 07-NETCONF configuration
- 08-Process monitoring and maintenance configuration
- 09-Mirroring configuration
- 10-Performance management configuration
- 11-Information center configuration
- 12-Packet capture configuration
- 13-GOLD configuration
- Related Documents
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06-SNMP configuration | 228.18 KB |
MIB and view-based MIB access control
Configuring SNMP common parameters
Configuring an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community
Configuring an SNMPv3 group and user
Configuring SNMP notifications
Configuring parameters for sending SNMP notifications
Configuring SNMP attack prevention
Enabling the SNMP IP blacklist feature
Configuring the SNMPv3 user denylist
Display and maintenance commands for SNMP
Example: Configuring SNMPv1/SNMPv2c
Configuring SNMP
About SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used for a management station to access and operate the devices on a network, regardless of their vendors, physical characteristics, and interconnect technologies.
SNMP enables network administrators to read and set the variables on managed devices for state monitoring, troubleshooting, statistics collection, and other management purposes.
SNMP framework
The SNMP framework contains the following elements:
· SNMP manager—Works on an NMS to monitor and manage the SNMP-capable devices in the network. It can get and set values of MIB objects on the agent.
· SNMP agent—Works on a managed device to receive and handle requests from the NMS, and sends notifications to the NMS when events, such as an interface state change, occur.
· Management Information Base (MIB)—Specifies the variables (for example, interface status and CPU usage) maintained by the SNMP agent for the SNMP manager to read and set.
Figure 1 Relationship between NMS, agent, and MIB
MIB and view-based MIB access control
A MIB stores variables called "nodes" or "objects" in a tree hierarchy and identifies each node with a unique OID. An OID is a dotted numeric string that uniquely identifies the path from the root node to a leaf node. For example, object B in Figure 2 is uniquely identified by the OID {}.
A MIB view represents a set of MIB objects (or MIB object hierarchies) with certain access privileges and is identified by a view name. The MIB objects included in the MIB view are accessible while those excluded from the MIB view are inaccessible.
A MIB view can have multiple view records each identified by a view-name oid-tree pair.
You control access to the MIB by assigning MIB views to SNMP groups or communities.
SNMP operations
SNMP provides the following basic operations:
· Get—NMS retrieves the value of an object node in an agent MIB.
· Set—NMS modifies the value of an object node in an agent MIB.
· Notification—SNMP notifications include traps and informs. The SNMP agent sends traps or informs to report events to the NMS. The difference between these two types of notification is that informs require acknowledgment but traps do not. Informs are more reliable but are also resource-consuming. Traps are available in SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3. Informs are available only in SNMPv2c and SNMPv3.
Protocol versions
The device supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3. An NMS and an SNMP agent must use the same SNMP version to communicate with each other.
· SNMPv1—Uses community names for authentication. To access an SNMP agent, an NMS must use the same community name as set on the SNMP agent. If the community name used by the NMS differs from the community name set on the agent, the NMS cannot establish an SNMP session to access the agent or receive traps from the agent.
· SNMPv2c—Uses community names for authentication. SNMPv2c is compatible with SNMPv1, but supports more operation types, data types, and error codes.
· SNMPv3—Uses a user-based security model (USM) to secure SNMP communication. You can configure authentication and privacy mechanisms to authenticate and encrypt SNMP packets for integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality.
Access control modes
SNMP uses the following modes to control access to MIB objects:
· View-based Access Control Model—VACM mode controls access to MIB objects by assigning MIB views to SNMP communities or users.
· Role based access control—RBAC mode controls access to MIB objects by assigning user roles to SNMP communities or users.
¡ SNMP communities or users with the network-admin or level-15 predefined user role have read and write access to all MIB objects.
¡ SNMP communities or users with the network-operator predefined user role have read-only access to all MIB objects.
¡ SNMP communities or users with a user-defined user role have access rights to MIB objects as specified by the rule command.
RBAC mode controls access on a per MIB object basis, and VACM mode controls access on a MIB view basis. As a best practice to enhance MIB security, use the RBAC mode.
If you create the same SNMP community or user with both modes multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect. For more information about RBAC, see Fundamentals Command Reference.
SNMP attack prevention
SNMP uses the following features to automatically detect and prevent SNMP attacks:
· SNMP silence—If an SNMP attack is detected, the device denies access from all NMSs during the 5-minute silence period.
· SNMP blacklist—The device denies access from IP addresses in the blacklist during the locking period.
SNMP silence
SNMP silence enables the device to start an SNMP silence timer and counts the number of packets that fail SNMP authentication within 1 minute automatically after SNMP is enabled.
· If the number of the packets is smaller than 100, the device restarts the timer and counting.
· If the number of the packets is equal to or greater than 100, the SNMP module enters a silence period of 4 to 5 minutes, during which the device does not respond to any SNMP packets. After the silence period expires, the device restarts the timer and counting.
SNMP blacklist
The SNMP blacklist feature uses the following mechanism to prevent SNMP attacks:
1. If an NMS fails to establish an SNMP connection to the device, the device adds the IP address of the NMS to the SNMP IP address blacklist, locks the IP address, and starts the observation period. The first locking period is 8 seconds and the observation period is 5 minutes. During the locking period, the IP address is not allowed to establish SNMP connections to the device.
2. After the first locking period expires, if the IP address fails to establish an SNMP connection to the device before the observation period expires, the IP address is locked for a second time and the observation period is restarted. The second locking period is 16 seconds and the observation period is 5 minutes.
3. After the second locking period expires, if the IP address fails to establish an SNMP connection to the device before the observation period expires, the IP address is locked for a third time and the observation period is restarted. The third locking period is 32 seconds and the observation period is 5 minutes.
4. After the third locking period expires, if the IP address fails to establish an SNMP connection to the device before the observation period expires, the IP address is locked for the fourth time and the observation period is restarted. The fourth locking period is 5 minutes and the observation period is 5 minutes.
If the IP address establishes an SNMP connection to the device during the observation period, the IP address will be unlocked automatically and deleted from the blacklist.
SNMP tasks at a glance
To configure SNMP, perform the following tasks:
3. Configuring SNMP basic parameters
¡ (Optional.) Configuring SNMP common parameters
¡ Configuring an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community
¡ Configuring an SNMPv3 group and user
4. (Optional.) Configuring SNMP notifications
5. (Optional.) Configuring SNMP logging
6. (Optional.) Configuring SNMP attack prevention
Both SNMP silence and SNMP blacklist can be used to prevent SNMP attacks. You can configure the two features simultaneously. However, during the SNMP silence period, the SNMP blacklist feature does not take effect.
¡ (Optional.) Enabling SNMP silence
¡ (Optional.) Enabling the SNMP IP blacklist feature
Enabling the SNMP agent
Restrictions and guidelines
The SNMP agent is enabled when you use any command that begins with snmp-agent except for the snmp-agent calculate-password command.
The SNMP agent will fail to be enabled when the port that the agent will listen on is being used by another service. You can use the snmp-agent port command to specify a listening port. To view the UDP port use information, execute the display udp verbose command. For information about the display udp verbose command, see IP performance optimization commands in Layer 3—IP Services Configuration Guide.
If you disable the SNMP agent, the SNMP settings do not take effect. The display current-configuration command does not display the SNMP settings and the SNMP settings will not be saved in the configuration file. For the SNMP settings to take effect, enable the SNMP agent.
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable the SNMP agent.
By default, the SNMP agent is disabled.
Enabling SNMP versions
Restrictions and guidelines
The device supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3. An NMS and an SNMP agent must use the same SNMP version to communicate with each other.
The community name and data carried in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c messages are in plain text, which is vulnerable to security threats. As a best practice, use SNMPv3.
To use SNMP notifications in IPv6, enable SNMPv2c or SNMPv3.
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable SNMP versions.
snmp-agent sys-info version { all | { v1 | v2c | v3 } * }
By default, SNMPv3 is enabled.
If you execute the command multiple times with different options, all the configurations take effect, but only one SNMP version is used by the agent and NMS for communication.
Configuring SNMP common parameters
Restrictions and guidelines
An SNMP engine ID uniquely identifies a device in an SNMP managed network. Make sure the local SNMP engine ID is unique within your SNMP managed network to avoid communication problems. By default, the device is assigned a unique SNMP engine ID.
If you have configured SNMPv3 users, change the local SNMP engine ID only when necessary. The change can void the SNMPv3 usernames and encrypted keys you have configured.
The SNMP agent will fail to be enabled when the port that the agent will listen on is used by another service. You can use the snmp-agent port command to change the SNMP listening port. As a best practice, execute the display udp verbose command to view the UDP port use information before specifying a new SNMP listening port. For more information about the display udp verbose command, see IP performance optimization commands in Layer 3—IP Services Configuration Guide.
Only NMSs permitted by both the global ACL and the ACL specified for the SNMP community or the ACLs specified for the SNMP group and user can access the device. If you do not specify an ACL, or the specified ACL does not exist, or the specified ACL does not contain any rules in your configuration, this configuration does not control access of NMSs to the device.
1. Enter system view.
2. Specify an SNMP listening port.
snmp-agent port port-number
By default, the SNMP listening port is UDP port 161.
3. Set a local SNMP engine ID.
snmp-agent local-engineid engineid
By default, the local SNMP engine ID is the company ID plus the device ID.
4. Set an engine ID for a remote SNMP entity.
snmp-agent remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] engineid engineid
By default, no remote entity engine IDs exist.
This step is required for the device to send SNMPv3 notifications to a host, typically NMS.
5. Create or update a MIB view.
snmp-agent mib-view { excluded | included } view-name oid-tree [ mask mask-value ]
By default, the MIB view ViewDefault is predefined. In this view, all the MIB objects in the iso subtree but the snmpUsmMIB, snmpVacmMIB, and snmpModules.18 subtrees are accessible.
Each view-name oid-tree pair represents a view record. If you specify the same record with different MIB sub-tree masks multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.
6. Configure an SNMP global ACL.
snmp-agent acl [ ipv6 ] { acl-number | name acl-name }
By default, no SNMP global ACL is configured.
7. Configure the system management information.
¡ Configure the system contact.
snmp-agent sys-info contact sys-contact
By default, the system contact is New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd..
¡ Configure the system location.
snmp-agent sys-info location sys-location
By default, the system location is Hangzhou, China.
8. Create an SNMP context.
snmp-agent context context-name
By default, no SNMP contexts exist.
9. Configure the maximum SNMP packet size (in bytes) that the SNMP agent can handle.
snmp-agent packet max-size byte-count
By default, the SNMP agent supports a maximum SNMP packet size of 1500 bytes.
10. Set the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value for SNMP responses.
snmp-agent packet response dscp dscp-value
By default, the DSCP value for SNMP response packets is 63.
Configuring an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community
About configuring an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community
You can create an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community by using a community name or by creating an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c user. After you create an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c user, the system automatically creates a community by using the username as the community name.
Restrictions and guidelines for configuring an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community
Make sure the NMS and agent use the same SNMP community name.
Only users with the network-admin or level-15 user role can create SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c communities, users, or groups. Users with other user roles cannot create SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c communities, users, or groups even if these roles are granted access to related commands or commands of the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c feature.
Configuring an SNMP community by a community name
1. Enter system view.
2. Create an SNMP community. Choose one option as needed.
¡ In VACM mode:
snmp-agent community { read | write } [ simple | cipher ] community-name [ mib-view view-name ] [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *
¡ In RBAC mode:
snmp-agent community [ simple | cipher ] community-name user-role role-name [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *
3. (Optional.) Map an SNMP community to an SNMP context.
snmp-agent community-map community-name context context-name
Configuring an SNMPv1/v2c community by creating an SNMPv1/v2c user
1. Enter system view.
2. Create an SNMPv1/v2c group.
snmp-agent group { v1 | v2c } group-name [ notify-view view-name | read-view view-name | write-view view-name ] * [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *
3. Add an SNMPv1/v2c user to the group.
snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } user-name group-name [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *
The system automatically creates an SNMP community by using the username as the community name.
4. (Optional.) Map an SNMP community to an SNMP context.
snmp-agent community-map community-name context context-name
Configuring an SNMPv3 group and user
Restrictions and guidelines for configuring an SNMPv3 group and user
Only users with the network-admin or level-15 user role can create SNMPv3 users or groups. Users with other user roles cannot create SNMPv3 users or groups even if these roles are granted access to related commands or commands of the SNMPv3 feature.
SNMPv3 users are managed in groups. All SNMPv3 users in a group share the same security model, but can use different authentication and encryption algorithms and keys. Table 1 describes the basic configuration requirements for different security modes.
Table 1 Basic configuration requirements for different security models
Security model |
Keywords for the group |
Parameters for the user |
Remarks |
Authentication with privacy |
privacy |
Authentication and encryption algorithms and keys |
For an NMS to access the agent, make sure the NMS and agent use the same authentication and encryption keys. |
Authentication without privacy |
authentication |
Authentication algorithm and key |
For an NMS to access the agent, make sure the NMS and agent use the same authentication key. |
No authentication, no privacy |
N/A |
N/A |
The authentication and encryption keys, if configured, do not take effect. |
Configuring an SNMPv3 group and user
1. Enter system view.
2. Create an SNMPv3 group.
snmp-agent group v3 group-name [ authentication | privacy ] [ notify-view view-name | read-view view-name | write-view view-name ] * [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *
3. (Optional.) Calculate the encrypted form for the key in plaintext form.
snmp-agent calculate-password plain-password mode { 3desmd5 | 3dessha | md5 | sha } { local-engineid | specified-engineid engineid }
4. Create an SNMPv3 user. Choose one option as needed.
¡ In VACM mode:
snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name group-name [ remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] [ { cipher | simple } authentication-mode { md5 | sha } auth-password [ privacy-mode { aes128 | 3des | des56 } priv-password ] ] [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *
¡ In RBAC mode:
snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name user-role role-name [ remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] [ { cipher | simple } authentication-mode { md5 | sha } auth-password [ privacy-mode { aes128 | 3des | des56 } priv-password ] ] [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *
To send notifications to an SNMPv3 NMS, you must specify the remote keyword.
5. (Optional.) Assign a user role to an SNMPv3 user created in RBAC mode.
snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name user-role role-name
By default, an SNMPv3 user has the user role assigned to it at its creation.
Configuring SNMP notifications
About SNMP notifications
The SNMP agent sends notifications (traps and informs) to inform the NMS of significant events, such as link state changes and user logins or logouts. After you enable notifications for a module, the module sends the generated notifications to the SNMP agent. The SNMP agent sends the received notifications as traps or informs based on the current configuration. Unless otherwise stated, the trap keyword in the command line includes both traps and informs.
Enabling SNMP notifications
Restrictions and guidelines
Enable an SNMP notification only if necessary. SNMP notifications are memory-intensive and might affect device performance.
To generate linkUp or linkDown notifications when the link state of an interface changes, you must perform the following tasks:
· Enable linkUp or linkDown notification globally by using the snmp-agent trap enable standard [ linkdown | linkup ] * command.
· Enable linkUp or linkDown notification on the interface by using the enable snmp trap updown command.
After you enable notifications for a module, whether the module generates notifications also depends on the configuration of the module. For more information, see the configuration guide for each module.
To use SNMP notifications in IPv6, enable SNMPv2c or SNMPv3.
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable SNMP notifications.
snmp-agent trap enable [ configuration | protocol | standard [ authentication | coldstart | linkdown | linkup | warmstart ] * | system ]
By default, SNMP configuration notifications, standard notifications, and system notifications are enabled. Whether other SNMP notifications are enabled varies by modules.
To enable the device to send SNMP notifications for a protocol, first enable the protocol.
3. Enter interface view.
interface interface-type interface-number
4. Enable link state change notifications.
enable snmp trap updown
By default, link state change notifications are enabled.
5. (Optional.) Enable the system to send a LinkDown notification when an interface is administratively shut down.
snmp-agent trap enable standard linkdown-shutdown
By default, the system sends a LinkDown notification when an interface is administratively shut down.
If you have executed the snmp-agent trap enable standard [ linkdown | linkup ] * command in system view and the enable snmp trap updown command in interface view, the device sends a LinkUp notification when an interface comes up and LinkDown notification when an interface goes down.
If you do not want the system to send a LinkDown notification after an interface is administratively shut down (the shutdown command is executed on the interface), you can execute the undo snmp-agent trap enable standard linkdown-shutdown command.
Configuring parameters for sending SNMP notifications
About this task
You can configure the SNMP agent to send notifications as traps or informs to a host, typically an NMS, for analysis and management. Traps are less reliable and use fewer resources than informs, because an NMS does not send an acknowledgment when it receives a trap.
When network congestion occurs or the destination is not reachable, the SNMP agent buffers notifications in a queue. You can set the queue size and the notification lifetime (the maximum time that a notification can stay in the queue). When the queue size is reached, the system discards the new notification it receives. If modification of the queue size causes the number of notifications in the queue to exceed the queue size, the oldest notifications are dropped for new notifications. A notification is deleted when its lifetime expires.
You can extend standard linkUp/linkDown notifications to include interface name, interface description, and interface type, but must make sure the NMS supports the extended SNMP messages.
Configuring the parameters for sending SNMP traps
1. Enter system view.
2. Configure a target host.
snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } [ udp-port port-number ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params { cipher-securityname cipher-security-string [ v1 | v2c [ private-manager ] ] | securityname security-string [ v1 | v2c [ private-manager ] | v3 [ authentication | privacy ] [ private-manager ] ] }
By default, no target host is configured.
3. (Optional.) Configure a source address for sending traps.
snmp-agent trap source interface-type { interface-number | interface-number.subnumber }
By default, SNMP uses the IP address of the outgoing routed interface as the source IP address.
Configuring the parameters for sending SNMP informs
1. Enter system view.
2. Configure a target host.
snmp-agent target-host inform address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } [ udp-port port-number ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params { cipher-securityname cipher-security-string v2c | securityname security-string { v2c | v3 [ authentication | privacy ] } } [ private-manager ]
By default, no target host is configured.
Only SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 support inform packets.
3. (Optional.) Configure a source address for sending informs.
snmp-agent { inform | trap } source interface-type { interface-number | interface-number.subnumber }
By default, SNMP uses the IP address of the outgoing routed interface as the source IP address.
Configuring common parameters for sending notifications
1. Enter system view.
2. (Optional.) Enable extended linkUp/linkDown notifications.
snmp-agent trap if-mib link extended
By default, the SNMP agent sends standard linkUp/linkDown notifications.
If the NMS does not support extended linkUp/linkDown notifications, do not use this command.
3. (Optional.) Set the notification queue size.
snmp-agent trap queue-size size
By default, the notification queue can hold 100 notification messages.
4. (Optional.) Set the notification lifetime.
snmp-agent trap life seconds
The default notification lifetime is 120 seconds.
5. (Optional.) Specify the notification format as CMCC.
snmp-agent trap format cmcc
By default, the notifications are in standard format.
Configuring SNMP logging
About this task
The SNMP agent logs Get requests, Set requests, Set responses, SNMP notifications, and SNMP authentication failures, but does not log Get responses.
· Get operation—The agent logs the IP address of the NMS, name of the accessed node, and node OID.
· Set operation—The agent logs the NMS' IP address, name of accessed node, node OID, variable value, and error code and index for the Set operation.
· Notification tracking—The agent logs the SNMP notifications after sending them to the NMS.
· SNMP authentication failure—The agent logs related information when an NMS fails to be authenticated by the agent.
The SNMP module sends these logs to the information center. You can configure the information center to output these messages to certain destinations, such as the console and the log buffer. The total output size for the node field (MIB node name) and the value field (value of the MIB node) in each log entry is 1024 bytes. If this limit is exceeded, the information center truncates the data in the fields. For more information about the information center, see "Configuring the information center."
Restrictions and guidelines
Enable SNMP logging only if necessary. SNMP logging is memory-intensive and might impact device performance.
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable SNMP logging.
snmp-agent log { all | authfail | get-operation | set-operation }
By default, SNMP logging is disabled.
3. Enable SNMP notification logging.
snmp-agent trap log
By default, SNMP notification logging is disabled.
Configuring SNMP attack prevention
Both SNMP silence and SNMP blacklist can be used to prevent SNMP attacks. You can configure the two features simultaneously. However, during the SNMP silence period, the SNMP blacklist feature does not take effect.
Enabling SNMP silence
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable SNMP silence.
snmp-agent silence enable
By default, SNMP silence is disabled.
Enabling the SNMP IP blacklist feature
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable the SNMP IP blacklist feature.
snmp-agent blacklist ip-block enable
By default, the SNMP blacklist feature is disabled.
Configuring the SNMPv3 user denylist
About this task
If the number of consecutive authentication failures of an SNMPv3 user that attempts to access the device exceeds the maximum limit within the specified period of time, the system will add the user to the SNMPv3 user denylist. An SNMPv3 user in the denylist is not allowed to access the device. This feature allows you to prevent malicious attacks from unauthorized users effectively.
An SNMPv3 user added to the denylist will be removed automatically from the denylist after the locking time expires. If a user is added to the denylist mistakenly, you can manually remove it from the denylist.
Adding an SNMPv3 user to the denylist
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable SNMPv3 user denylist.
snmp-agent denylist user enable
By default, SNMPv3 user denylist is disabled.
3. Specify the maximum number of consecutive authentication failures within the specified period of time for adding an SNMPv3 user to the denylist.
snmp-agent denylist user authfailure times period period-time
By default, an SNMPv3 user is added to the denylist if the user has five consecutive authentication failure within 5 minutes.
4. Specify the period of time that an SNMPv3 user is kept in the denylist.
snmp-agent denylist user timeout time
By default, an SNMPv3 user is kept in the denylist for 5 minutes.
Immediately removing an SNMPv3 user from the denylist
To remove an SNMPv3 from the denylist, execute the following command in user view:
snmp-agent denylist user activate user-name
Display and maintenance commands for SNMP
Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.
Task |
Command |
Display SNMP agent system information. |
display snmp-agent sys-info [ contact | location | version ] * |
Display SNMP agent statistics. |
display snmp-agent statistics |
Display the local engine ID. |
display snmp-agent local-engineid |
Display SNMP group information. |
display snmp-agent group [ group-name ] |
Display remote engine IDs. |
display snmp-agent remote [ { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] |
Display basic information about the notification queue. |
display snmp-agent trap queue |
Display SNMP notifications drop records. |
display snmp-agent trapbuffer drop |
Display SNMP notifications sending records. |
display snmp-agent trapbuffer send |
Display SNMP notifications enabling status. |
display snmp-agent trap-list |
Display SNMPv3 user information. |
display snmp-agent usm-user [ engineid engineid | username user-name | group group-name ] * |
Display SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community information. |
display snmp-agent community [ read | write ] |
Display MIB view information. |
display snmp-agent mib-view [ exclude | include | viewname view-name ] |
Display SNMP MIB node information. |
display snmp-agent mib-node [ details | index-node | trap-node | verbose ] |
Display SNMP contexts. |
display snmp-agent context [ context-name ] |
Clear all records from the SNMP trap buffer. |
reset snmp-agent trapbuffer |
SNMP configuration examples
Example: Configuring SNMPv1/SNMPv2c
The configuration procedure is the same for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c. The following procedure uses SNMPv1.
Network configuration
As shown in Figure 3, the NMS ( uses SNMPv1 to manage the SNMP agent (, and the agent automatically sends notifications to report events to the NMS.
1. Configure the SNMP agent:
# Assign IP address to the agent and make sure the agent and the NMS can reach each other. (Details not shown.)
# Specify SNMPv1, and create read-only community public and read and write community private.
<Agent> system-view
[Agent] snmp-agent sys-info version v1
[Agent] snmp-agent community read public
[Agent] snmp-agent community write private
# Configure contact and physical location information for the agent.
[Agent] snmp-agent sys-info contact Mr.Wang-Tel:3306
[Agent] snmp-agent sys-info location telephone-closet,3rd-floor
# Enable SNMP notifications, specify the NMS at as an SNMP trap destination, and use public as the community name. (To make sure the NMS can receive traps, specify the same SNMP version in the snmp-agent target-host command as is configured on the NMS.)
[Agent] snmp-agent trap enable
[Agent] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname public v1
2. Configure the SNMP NMS:
¡ Specify SNMPv1.
¡ Create read-only community public, and create read and write community private.
¡ Set the timeout timer and maximum number of retries as needed.
For information about configuring the NMS, see the NMS manual.
NOTE: The SNMP settings on the agent and the NMS must match. |
Verifying the configuration
# Try to get the MTU value of the NULL0 interface from the agent. The attempt succeeds.
Send request to ...
Protocol version: SNMPv1
Operation: Get
Request binding:
Response binding:
1: Oid=ifMtu.135471 Syntax=INT Value=1500
Get finished
# Use a wrong community name to get the value of a MIB node on the agent. You can see an authentication failure trap on the NMS. V1 Trap = authenticationFailure
SNMP Version = V1
Community = public
Command = Trap
Enterprise =
GenericID = 4
SpecificID = 0
Time Stamp = 8:35:25.68
Example: Configuring SNMPv3
Network configuration
As shown in Figure 4, the NMS ( uses SNMPv3 to monitor and manage the agent ( The agent automatically sends notifications to report events to the NMS. The default UDP port 162 is used for SNMP notifications.
The NMS and the agent perform authentication when they establish an SNMP session. The authentication algorithm is SHA-1 and the authentication key is 123456TESTauth&!. The NMS and the agent also encrypt the SNMP packets between them by using the AES algorithm and encryption key 123456TESTencr&!.
To configure SNMPv3 in RBAC mode:
1. Configure the agent:
# Assign IP address to the agent and make sure the agent and the NMS can reach each other. (Details not shown.)
#Create user role test, and assign test read-only access to the objects under the snmpMIB node (OID:, including the linkUp and linkDown objects.
<Agent> system-view
[Agent] role name test
[Agent-role-test] rule 1 permit read oid
# Assign user role test read-only access to the system node (OID: and read-write access to the interfaces node(OID:
[Agent-role-test] rule 2 permit read oid
[Agent-role-test] rule 3 permit read write oid
[Agent-role-test] quit
# Create SNMPv3 user RBACtest. Assign user role test to RBACtest. Set the authentication algorithm to SHA-1, authentication key to 123456TESTauth&!, encryption algorithm to AES, and encryption key to 123456TESTencr&!.
[Agent] snmp-agent usm-user v3 RBACtest user-role test simple authentication-mode sha 123456TESTauth&! privacy-mode aes128 123456TESTencr&!
#Configure contact and physical location information for the agent.
[Agent] snmp-agent sys-info contact Mr.Wang-Tel:3306
[Agent] snmp-agent sys-info location telephone-closet,3rd-floor
#Enable notifications on the agent. Specify the NMS at as the notification destination, and RBACtest as the username.
[Agent] snmp-agent trap enable
[Agent] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securitynameRBACtest v3 privacy
2. Configure the NMS:
¡ Specify SNMPv3.
¡ Create SNMPv3 user RBACtest.
¡ Enable authentication and encryption. Set the authentication algorithm to SHA-1, authentication key to 123456TESTauth&!, encryption algorithm to AES, and encryption key to 123456TESTencr&!.
¡ Set the timeout timer and maximum number of retries.
For information about configuring the NMS, see the NMS manual.
NOTE: The SNMP settings on the agent and the NMS must match. |
To configure SNMPv3 in VACM mode:
3. Configure the agent:
# Assign IP address to the agent, and make sure the agent and the NMS can reach each other. (Details not shown.)
# Create SNMPv3 group managev3group and assign managev3group read-only access to the objects under the snmpMIB node (OID: in the test view, including the linkUp and linkDown objects.
<Agent> system-view
[Agent] undo snmp-agent mib-view ViewDefault
[Agent] snmp-agent mib-view included test snmpMIB
[Agent] snmp-agent group v3 managev3group privacy read-view test
#Assign SNMPv3 group managev3group read-write access to the objects under the system node (OID: and interfaces node (OID: in the test view.
[Agent] snmp-agent mib-view included test
[Agent] snmp-agent mib-view included test
[Agent] snmp-agent group v3 managev3group privacy read-view test write-view test
# Add user VACMtest to SNMPv3 group managev3group, and set the authentication algorithm to SHA-1, authentication key to 123456TESTauth&!, encryption algorithm to AES, and encryption key to 123456TESTencr&!.
[Agent] snmp-agent usm-user v3 VACMtest managev3group simple authentication-mode sha 123456TESTauth&! privacy-mode aes128 123456TESTencr&!
# Configure contact and physical location information for the agent.
[Agent] snmp-agent sys-info contact Mr.Wang-Tel:3306
[Agent] snmp-agent sys-info location telephone-closet,3rd-floor
# Enable notifications on the agent. Specify the NMS at as the trap destination, and VACMtest as the username.
[Agent] snmp-agent trap enable
[Agent] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params VACMtest v3 privacy
4. Configure the SNMP NMS:
¡ Specify SNMPv3.
¡ Create SNMPv3 user VACMtest.
¡ Enable authentication and encryption. Set the authentication algorithm to SHA-1, authentication key to 123456TESTauth&!, encryption algorithm to AES, and encryption key to 123456TESTencr&!.
¡ Set the timeout timer and maximum number of retries.
For information about configuring the NMS, see the NMS manual.
NOTE: The SNMP settings on the agent and the NMS must match. |
Verifying the configuration
· Use username RBACtest to access the agent.
# Retrieve the value of the sysName node. The value Agent is returned.
# Set the value for the sysName node to Sysname. The operation fails because the NMS does not have write access to the node.
# Shut down or bring up an interface on the agent. The NMS receives linkUP (OID: or linkDown (OID: notifications.
· Use username VACMtest to access the agent.
# Retrieve the value of the sysName node. The value Agent is returned.
# Set the value for the sysName node to Sysname. The operation succeeds.
# Shut down or bring up an interface on the agent. The NMS receives linkUP (OID: or linkDown (OID: notifications.