- Table of Contents
- 11-Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide
- 00-Preface
- 01-System maintenance and debugging configuration
- 02-NQA configuration
- 03-NTP configuration
- 04-PTP configuration
- 05-Network synchronization configuration
- 06-SNMP configuration
- 07-NETCONF configuration
- 08-Process monitoring and maintenance configuration
- 09-Mirroring configuration
- 10-Performance management configuration
- 11-Information center configuration
- 12-Packet capture configuration
- 13-GOLD configuration
- Related Documents
Title | Size | Download |
02-NQA configuration | 288.45 KB |
Restrictions and guidelines: NQA configuration
Configuring NQA operations on the NQA client
Configuring path quality analysis operations
Configuring optional parameters for the NQA operation
Display and maintenance commands for NQA
NQA operation configuration examples
Example: Configuring the path quality analysis operation
TWAMP Light operating mechanism
Restrictions and guidelines: TWAMP Light configuration
Configuring the TWAMP Light server
Configuring the TWAMP Light client
Configuring threshold monitoring
Start the test on the TWAMP Light sender
Stop the test on the TWAMP Light sender
Display and maintenance commands for TWAMP Light
TWAMP Light configuration examples
Example: Configuring TWAMP Light test
Configuring NQA
About NQA
Network quality analyzer (NQA) allows you to measure network performance, verify the service levels for IP services and applications, and troubleshoot network problems.
NQA architecture
An NQA operation contains a set of parameters such as the operation type, destination IP address, and port number to define how the operation is performed. Each NQA operation is identified by the combination of the administrator name and the operation tag.
As shown in Figure 1, the NQA architecture contains the following parts:
· NQA client—Sends probe packets to the NQA destination device by simulating IP services and applications to measure network performance. You can configure the NQA client to run the operation at scheduled time periods.
· NQA server—Destination device of the NQA operation. It receives, processes, and responds to the probe packets sent by the NQA client.
NQA operating mechanism
The NQA client and NQA server interact as follows:
1. The NQA client constructs probe packets of the operation type, and sends them to the NQA server.
2. The NQA server processes the probe packets and sends back reply packets.
3. Upon receiving the replies, the NQA client calculates the packet loss ratio and round-trip time to determine the network performance and service quality.
After an NQA operation starts, the NQA client repeats the operation at the specified interval.
An NQA operation can contain multiple probes. You can set the number of probes the NQA client performs in an operation.
Collaboration with Track
NQA can collaborate with the Track module to notify application modules of state or performance changes so that the application modules can take predefined actions.
The NQA + Track collaboration is available for the following application modules:
· Static routing.
· Policy-based routing.
· Traffic redirecting.
The following describes how a static route destined for is monitored through collaboration:
1. NQA monitors the reachability to
2. When becomes unreachable, NQA notifies the Track module of the change.
3. The Track module notifies the static routing module of the state change.
4. The static routing module sets the static route to invalid according to a predefined action.
For more information about collaboration, see High Availability Configuration Guide.
Restrictions and guidelines: NQA configuration
To avoid probe failures, follow these restrictions and guidelines when configuring the listening ports on the NQA client and NQA server:
· Do not specify a well-known port.
· Make sure the specified port number is not used by any services on the device.
¡ To obtain the IPv4 addresses and the port numbers in use on this device, see the Local Addr:port field in the output from the display tcp and display udp commands.
¡ To obtain the IPv6 addresses and the port numbers in use on this device, see the LAddr->port field in the output from the display ipv6 tcp and display ipv6 udp commands.
The destination port configured for the operation (with the destination port command) on the NQA client must be the same as the listening port configured on the server.
For latency operation results to be accurate, synchronize time between the source and the destination with an accuracy higher than or equal to the operation result calculation accuracy.
NQA tasks at a glance
To configure NQA, perform the following tasks:
3. Configuring NQA operations
¡ Configuring NQA operations on the NQA client
After you configure an NQA operation, you can schedule the NQA client to run the NQA operation.
Configuring the NQA server
Restrictions and guidelines
Follow these restrictions and guidelines to determine the configuration on the destination device:
· To perform path quality analysis operations, you must enable the NQA server on the destination device and packet reflection.
· To perform other NQA operations, you only need to enable the corresponding services on the destination device.
1. Enter system view.
1. Configure a reflector on the NQA server.
nqa reflector reflector-id interface interface-type interface-number [ { ip | ipv6 } { destination address1 [ to address2 ] | source address1 [ to address2 ] } * | source-port port-number1 [ to port-number2 ] | destination-port port-number1 [ to port-number2 ] | destination-mac mac-address1 [ to mac-address2 ] | source-mac mac-address1 [ to mac-address2 ] | vlan { vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] | s-vid vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] c-vid vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] } | exchange-port | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] *
By default, no reflector is configured on the device.
2. Enable the NQA server.
nqa server enable
By default, the NQA server is disabled.
Enabling the NQA client
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable the NQA client.
nqa agent enable
By default, the NQA client is enabled.
The NQA client configuration takes effect after you enable the NQA client.
Configuring NQA operations on the NQA client
Configuring path quality analysis operations
About this task
As shown in Figure 2, a path quality analysis operation tests the path quality from source to destination over a network. The path quality indexes that can be tested include frame loss ratio, latency, and throughput.
Figure 2 Path quality analysis operation on an MPLS L2VPN network
In each path quality analysis probe, the NQA client sends packets of a fixed size at a specific speed to the destination device for the specified probe duration.
For each type of path quality analysis operation, you can specify a list of packet sizes by using the frame-size command. The NQA client uses the listed packet sizes in turn to send packets. Packets per probe are of the same size.
Frame loss operation
1. The NQA client sends probe packets of the first listed packet size to the destination device at the initial sending speed for the first probe.
2. When the destination device receives the probe packets, it sends back response packets.
3. The NQA client calculates and records the frame loss ratio for the first probe by using the following formula:
Frame loss ratio = (sent packets – received packets) × 100 / sent packets
4. After the specified probe interval, the NQA client starts another probe to test the frame loss ratio by sending packets of the second listed packet size.
5. The process continues until all listed packet sizes are tested.
Throughput operation
1. The NQA client sends probe packets of the first listed packet size to the destination device at the initial sending speed for the first probe.
2. When the destination device receives the probe packets, it sends back response packets.
3. The NQA client calculates and records the frame loss ratio for the probe.
4. The NQA client adjusts the packet sending speed (based on the configured granularity) and sends the probe packets of the same size for another probe.
5. The client repeats steps 3 through 4 until it determines the maximum packet sending speed at which it can send the packets with an acceptable frame loss ratio. The acceptable frame loss ratio must not be higher than the specified maximum acceptable frame loss ratio.
The maximum packet sending speed is recorded as the throughput for the specific packet size.
6. The NQA client follows the same procedure to determine the throughput for subsequent packet sizes in the packet size list.
7. The process stops when the last listed packet size is tested.
Latency operation
1. The NQA client sends probe packets of the first listed packet size to the destination device at the initial sending speed for the first probe.
2. When the NQA client receives a response packet from the destination device, the client calculates the round-trip time (latency) for the packet.
3. When the first probe duration expires, the NQA client calculates the average latency for the first packet size by using the following formula:
Average latency = Sum of all latency values / sent packets
4. The NQA client starts another probe to test the latency for packets of the second listed packet size.
5. The process stops when the last listed packet size is tested.
Restrictions and guidelines
To view the results or statistics of path quality analysis operations, use the display nqa result or display nqa statistics command.
For path quality analysis operations and Y.1564 operations to start successfully, configure the source and destination IP addresses as follows:
· In a Layer 3 Ethernet and L3VPN network, configure both source and destination IP addresses.
· In other networks, you must configure both of them or none of them. If they are configured, make sure the source and destination IP addresses are of the same IP version.
Configuring and starting the operation
1. Enter system view.
2. (Optional.) Configure the FTP server to which the NQA client uploads the operation results.
nqa report-ftp url url [ username username ] [ password { cipher | simple } string ]
By default, no FTP server is configured.
Only the path quality analysis operation supports uploading operation results to the FTP server.
3. Create an NQA operation and enter NQA operation view.
nqa entry admin-name operation-tag
4. Specify a path quality analysis operation type and enter its view. Choose the options to configure as needed:
¡ Specify the frame loss operation type.
type frame-loss
¡ Specify the throughput operation type.
type throughput
¡ Specify the latency operation type.
type latency
5. Specify the addresses and port numbers for the path quality analysis operation.
a. Specify the source IP address for the probe packets.
source ip ipv4-address
By default, the source IPv4 address is
source ipv6 ipv6-address
By default, the source IPv4 address is not specified.
b. Specify the destination IP address for the probe packets.
destination ip ipv4-address
By default, the destination IPv4 address is
destination ipv6 ipv6-address
By default, the destination IPv6 address is not specified.
c. Specify the source AC or source interface for the probe packets.
source interface interface-type interface-number
By default, the source AC or source interface is not specified.
The specified source interface must be up.
For more information about the AC interface, see VPLS in MPLS Configuration Guide.
d. Specify the egress interface for the probe packets.
out interface interface-type interface-number
By default, the egress interface is not specified.
This task is required when the client is a Layer 3 Ethernet gateway or an L3VPN gateway.
e. Specify the source port number for the probe packets.
source port port-number
By default , the source port number is 49184.
For the operation to succeed, make sure the specified port number is not used by any services on the device. As a best practice, use the default value.
f. Specify the destination port number for the probe packets.
destination port port-number
By default, the destination port number is 7.
g. Specify the source MAC address for the probe packets.
source mac mac-address
By default, the source MAC address for the probe packets is not specified.
h. Specify the destination MAC address for the probe packets.
destination mac mac-address
By default, the destination MAC address is 0023-8900-0001.
6. Specify the basic parameters for the Y.1564 operations.
¡ (Optional.) Specify the description for the Y.1564 operation.
description text
By default, the description is not specified.
¡ Set the size of the probe packets.
frame-size size&<1-7>
By default, the probe packet size is 1518 bytes.
¡ Specify the initial packet sending speed.
speed init init-speed
By default, the initial frame sending speed is 100000 kbps.
The frame loss and latency operations use the specified initial packet sending speed for all probes.
The throughput operation starts the first probe at the specified initial packet sending speed and adjusts the speed according to the configured granularity for each subsequent probe.
¡ Specify the granularity for adjusting the packet sending speed.
speed granularity value
The default setting is 1000 kbps.
This command is available only in throughput operation view.
The throughput operation starts the first probe at the specified initial packet sending speed and adjusts the speed according to the configured granularity for each subsequent probe.
¡ Specify the maximum acceptable frame loss ratio.
allowed-loss-ratio ratio
By default, the maximum acceptable frame loss ratio is 1/10000.
This command is available only in throughput operation view.
¡ Set the ToS value in the IP header of the probe packets.
tos value
By default, the ToS value is 0.
7. (Optional.) Configure the probe parameters for the path quality analysis operation.
¡ Set the interval between consecutive probes.
probe interval interval
The default probe interval is 4 seconds.
¡ Specify the probe duration in seconds.
probe duration time
The default probe duration is 60 seconds.
¡ Set the probe timeout time.
probe timeout timeout
The default setting is 3000 milliseconds.
8. Specify the VPN instance where the operation is performed.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
By default, no VPN instance is specified.
This task is required for the operation in an L3VPN network.
9. (Optional.) Specify the 802.1p priority for the probe packets.
priority 8021p value
By default, the 802.1p priority of the probe packets is 0.
10. (Optional.) Enable the port exchange between the source port and destination port.
exchange-port enable
By default, the port exchange is disabled.
11. Start the operation.
Stopping the operation
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter the view of an existing path quality analysis operation.
nqa entry admin-name operation-tag
3. Stop the path quality analysis operation.
Configuring optional parameters for the NQA operation
Restrictions and guidelines
Unless otherwise specified, the following optional parameters apply to all types of NQA operations.
The supported optional parameters might vary by NQA operation type. For more informatin, see the command reference.
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter the view of an existing NQA operation.
nqa entry admin-name operation-tag
3. Specify an NQA operation type and enter its view.
type { frame-loss | latency | throughput }
4. Configure a description for the operation.
description text
By default, no description is configured.
5. Set the interval at which the NQA operation repeats.
frequency interval
The default setting is 0 milliseconds, and only one operation is performed.
When the interval expires, but the operation is not completed or is not timed out, the next operation does not start.
6. Specify the probe times.
probe count times
The NQA client performs one probe to the destination per operation by default.
7. Set the probe timeout time.
probe timeout timeout
The default setting is 3000 milliseconds.
8. Set the maximum number of hops that the probe packets can traverse.
ttl value
The default setting is 20 for probe packets.
9. Set the ToS value in the IP header of the probe packets.
tos value
The default setting is 0.
10. Enable the routing table bypass feature.
route-option bypass-route
By default, the routing table bypass feature is disabled.
This command does not take effect if the destination address of the NQA operation is an IPv6 address.
11. Specify the VPN instance where the operation is performed.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
By default, the operation is performed on the public network.
Display and maintenance commands for NQA
Execute display commands in any view on the NQA client.
Task |
Command |
Display the most recent result of the NQA operation. |
display nqa result [ admin-name operation-tag ] |
Execute display commands in any view on the NQA server.
Task |
Command |
Display a reflector of a path quality analysis operation or Y.1564 operation |
display nqa reflector [ reflector-id ] |
Display NQA server status. |
display nqa server |
NQA operation configuration examples
Example: Configuring the path quality analysis operation
This example uses the throughput operation. You can configure the frame loss or latency operation in the same way the throughput operation is configured.
Network configuration
As shown in Figure 3, configure a throughput operation to test the throughput of the network path from Device A to Device B over an MPLS L2VPN network.
1. Set up and configure the MPLS L2VPN network. (Details not shown.)
2. Configure Device B:
# Configure a reflector on the NQA server for the path quality analysis operations.
[DeviceB] nqa reflector 1 interface ten-gigabitethernet 2/0/1 ip destination source destination-mac 2-2-2 source-mac 1-1-1
# Enable the NQA server.
[DeviceB] nqa server enable
3. Configure Device A:
# Create a throughput operation.
<DeviceA> system-view
[DeviceA] nqa entry admin test1
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1] type throughput
# Specify 1-1-1 as the source MAC address for the probe packets.
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1-throughput] source mac 1-1-1
# Specify 2-2-2 as the destination MAC address for the probe packets.
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1-path-jitter] destination mac 2-2-2
# Specify the AC interface to be used as the source interface for the probe packets. This example uses the AC interface in Ethernet service instance 1 on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1-throughput] source interface ten-gigabitethernet 2/0/0
# Specify a packet size list of 64 bytes, 512 bytes, 1024 bytes, and 1280 bytes.
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1-throughput] frame-size 64 512 1024 1280
# Start the path quality analysis operation. The reflector will automatically stop the operation after it is completed.
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1-throughput] start
[DeviceA-nqa-admin-test1-throughput] quit
Verifying the configuration
# Display the result of the throughput operation.
[DeviceA] display nqa result
NQA entry (admin admin, tag test1) test results:
Basic results :
Initial speed(Kbps) : 100000
Speed granularity(Kbps): 1000
Probe duration(s) : 60
Probe interval(s) : 4
Allowed-loss-ratio : 1/10000
Throughput results:
Frame size(Byte): 64
Current speed(Kbps): -
Frame-loss(Loss/Tx): -
Status : Failed
Time : 2015-03-17 07:20:40.8
Frame size(Byte): 512
Current speed(Kbps): 4000
Frame-loss(Loss/Tx): 0/10000
Status : Succeeded
Time : 2015-03-17 07:21:40.8
Frame size(Byte): 1024
Current speed(Kbps): 8000
Frame-loss(Loss/Tx): 0/10000
Status : Succeeded
Time : 2015-03-17 07:22:52.8
Frame size(Byte): 1280
Current speed(Kbps): 10000
Frame-loss(Loss/Tx): 0/10000
Status : Succeeded
Time : 2015-03-17 07:23:45.8
Frame size(Byte): 1518
Current speed(Kbps): 10000
Frame-loss(Loss/Tx): 0/10000
Status : Succeeded
Time : 2015-03-17 07:24:45.8
Configuring TWAMP Light
About TWAMP Light
Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) defines a standard to measure the network performance between network devices on an IP network. It uses UDP packets to measure the two-way Frame Transfer Delay (FTD), Frame Delay Variation (FDV), and Frame Loss Ratio (FLR). The TWAMP Light provides a simple structure of TWAMP. It simplifies the control protocol for establishing performance measurement sessions and improves test performance.
TWAMP Light architecture
TWAMP Light uses the client-server model.
Figure 4 describes the TWAMP Light roles and the typical network diagram.
On the client, the following roles are configured:
· TWAMP Light client—Configures TWAMP Light test sessions.
· TWAMP Light sender—Starts and stops TWAMP Light test sessions, and collect statistics.
On the server, the TWAMP Light responder, also known as the destination device, is configured. The responder reflects the packets back to the TWAMP Light sender. You must enable the NQA server on the destination device, and create the TWAMP Light responder and test sessions.
TWAMP Light operating mechanism
A TWAMP Light test contains a set of parameters for a test session such as the source IP address and destination IP address.
Each TWAMP Light test session is uniquely identified by the test session ID. You can create and run multiple test sessions on one TWAMP Light client.
The TWAMP Light client and TWAMP Light responder interact as follows:
1. The TWAMP Light client constructs TWAMP Light test packets, and sends them to the TWAMP Light responder.
2. The TWAMP Light responder reflects the test packets to the TWAMP Light client.
3. Upon receiving the reflected packets, the TWAMP Light client calculates the packet loss ratio and round-trip time to determine the service quality from source to destination.
After a TWAMP Light test starts, the TWAMP light client runs the tests permanently or repeats the test at the specified interval. Each test sends one test packet. You can set the test duration and number of test packets to be sent.
Threshold monitoring
Threshold monitoring enables the TWAMP Light client to take a predefined action when the TWAMP Light test performance metrics violate the specified thresholds.
The TWAMP Light test monitors the following metrics:
· Two-way frame delay variation.
· Two-way frame transfer delay.
· Two-way frame loss rate.
In a TWAMP test, the device monitors the test result, and starts the monitoring time when either of the following conditions is met:
· The monitoring result goes beyond the threshold upper limit.
· The monitoring result drops below the threshold lower limit from a monitoring result higher than the lower limit.
If either condition is always true during the monitoring time, a threshold violation occurs and a trap or inform message is generated and sent to the NMS. You set the monitoring time by using the corresponding command.
Protocols and standards
· RFC 5357, A Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)
Restrictions and guidelines: TWAMP Light configuration
To avoid probe failures, follow these restrictions and guidelines when configuring the listening port on the TWAMP Light server and TWAMP Light client:
· Do not specify a well-known port.
· Make sure the specified port number is not used by any services on the device.
¡ To obtain the IPv4 addresses and the port numbers in use on this device, see the Local Addr:port field in the output from the display tcp and display udp commands.
¡ To obtain the IPv6 addresses and the port numbers in use on this device, see the LAddr->port field in the output from the display ipv6 tcp and display ipv6 udp commands.
The destination port configured for the operation (with the destination port command) on the TWAMP Light client must be the same as the listening port configured on the server.
TWAMP Light tasks at a glance
To configure TWAMP Light, perform the following tasks:
1. Configuring the TWAMP Light server
2. Configuring the TWAMP Light client
3. (Optional.) Configuring threshold monitoring
4. Start the test on the TWAMP Light sender
5. (Optional.) Stop the test on the TWAMP Light sender
Configuring the TWAMP Light server
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable the TWAMP Light responder on the NQA server and enter its view.
nqa twamp-light responder
3. Create a test session on the TWAMP Light responder.
test-session session-id [ interface interface-type interface-number ] { destination-mac mac-address source-mac mac-address | { ip | ipv6 } destination address source address destination-port port-number source-port port-number [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] } * [ adjust-udp-checksum | description text | extended-packet | timestamp-format { ntp | ptp } | vlan { vlan-id | s-vid vlan-id c-vid vlan-id } ] *
4. Return to system view.
5. Enable the NQA server.
nqa server enable
By default, the NQA server is disabled.
Configuring the TWAMP Light client
Restrictions and guidelines
In the TWAMP Light test, a test session is identified by the combination of its address and port number. To ensure the test result, you cannot specify the same combination of address and port number for multiple test sessions.
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable the NQA client.
nqa agent enable
By default, the NQA client is enabled.
After the NQA client is enabled, the TWAMP Light test session configuration can takes effect.
3. Enable the TWAMP Light client and enter its view.
nqa twamp-light client
4. Create a test session on the TWAMP Light client and enter the client-session view.
test-session session-id
5. (Optional.) Specify the description for the probe packets.
description text
By default, no description is specified.
6. Specify the IP address and port number for the TWAMP Light test session.
a. Specify the source IP address for the probe packets.
source ip ip-address
By default, no source IPv4 address for the probe packets is specified.
source ipv6 ipv6-address
By default, no source IPv6 address for the probe packets is specified.
b. Specify the destination IP address for the probe packets.
destination ip ipv4-address
By default, no destination IPv4 address for the probe packets is specified.
destination ipv6 ipv6-address
By default, no destination IPv6 address for the probe packets is specified.
c. Specify the source interface for the probe packets.
source interface interface-type interface-number
By default, no source interface for the probe packets is specified.
The specified source interface must be up.
d. Specify the source port number for the probe packets.
source port port-number
By default, no source port number for the probe packets is specified.
For TWAMP Light tests, you must configure this command. For the probe operation to succeed, make sure the specified port number is not used by any services on the device.
e. Specify the destination port number for the probe packets.
destination port port-number
By default, no destination port number for the probe packets is specified.
f. Specify the source MAC address for the probe packets.
source mac mac-address
By default, no source MAC address for the probe packets is specified.
g. Specify the destination MAC address for the probe packets.
destination mac mac-address
By default, no destination MAC address for the probe packets is specified.
h. (Optional.) Specify the VPN instance where the test is performed.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
By default, no VPN instance is specified. The test is performed on the public network.
7. Specify the timestamp format for the TWAMP Light test session.
timestamp-format { ntp | ptp }
By default, the timestamp format for the TWAMP Light test is PTP.
8. (Optional.) Specify the payload parameters for the TWAMP Light test.
¡ Set the payload size for each probe packet.
data-size size
The default payload size is 142 bytes.
¡ Specify the payload fill string for each probe packet.
hex-data-fill hex
If you execute the command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.
The default payload fill string is the hexadecimal string 00010203040506070809.
9. (Optional.) Specify the priority for the probe packets.
¡ Specify the 802.1p priority for the probe packets.
priority 8021p value
By default, the 802.1p priority of the probe packets is 0.
¡ Set the ToS value in the IP header of the probe packets.
tos value
The default setting is 0.
10. (Optional.) Bind an interface as the outpt interface for a TWAMP Light test session.
test-session session-id bind interface interface-type interface-number
By default, no interface is specified as the output interface for a TWAMP Light test session.
Configuring threshold monitoring
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable the TWAMP Light client and enter its view.
nqa twamp-light client
3. Create a test session on the TWAMP Light client and enter the client-session view.
test-session session-id
4. Configure a reaction entry. Choose the following tasks as needed:
¡ Configure a reaction entry for monitoring the two-way delay.
reaction item-number checked-element two-way-delay threshold-value upper-threshold lower-threshold [ action-type { none | trap-only } ]
By default, no reaction entry is configured for monitoring the two-way delay.
¡ Configure a reaction entry for monitoring the two-way packet loss.
reaction item-number checked-element two-way-loss threshold-value upper-threshold lower-threshold [ action-type { none | trap-only } ]
By default, no reaction entry is configured for monitoring the two-way packet loss.
¡ Configure a reaction entry for monitoring the two-way jitter.
reaction item-number checked-element two-way-jitter threshold-value upper-threshold lower-threshold [ action-type { none | trap-only } ]
By default, no reaction entry is configured for monitoring the two-way jitter.
Start the test on the TWAMP Light sender
Restrictions and guidelines
In the TWAMP Light test, a test session is identified by the combination of source IP address, source port number, destination IP address, and destination port number. To ensure the test result, do not specify the same combination for multiple test sessions.
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable the TWAMP Light sender and enter its view.
nqa twamp-light sender
3. Start a TWAMP Light test.
start test-session session-id { permanent | duration duration | packet-count count } [ tx-interval { 10 | 100 | 1000 | 10000 | 30000 } ] [ time-out timeout ] [ [ statistics-interval statistics-interval ] monitor-time time ]
Stop the test on the TWAMP Light sender
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter the TWAMP Light sender view.
nqa twamp-light sender
3. Stop the TWAMP Light test.
stop { all | test-session session-id }
Display and maintenance commands for TWAMP Light
Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view on the TWAMP Light client.
Task |
Command |
Display test session statistics on the TWAMP Light client, including two-way delay, two-way jitter, and two-way packet loss. |
display nqa twamp-light client statistics { two-way-delay | two-way-loss } test-session session-id |
Display the current monitoring results of reaction entries for the TWAMP Light test sessions. |
display nqa twamp-light client test-session reaction counters [ session-id [ item-number ] ] |
Display test session information on the TWAMP Light client. |
display nqa twamp-light client [ test-session session-id | verbose ] |
Clear TWAMP Light test session statistics. |
reset nqa twamp-light statistics { all | test-session session-id } |
Execute display commands in any view on the TWAMP Light responder.
Task |
Command |
Display test sessions on the TWAMP Light responder. |
display nqa twamp-light responder [ test-session session-id ] |
TWAMP Light configuration examples
Example: Configuring TWAMP Light test
Network configuration
As shown in Figure 5, configure a TWAMP Light test to measure the service quality from Device A to Device B.
1. Assign IP addresses to interfaces, as shown in Figure 5. (Details not shown.)
2. Configure static routes or a routing protocol to make sure the devices can reach each other. (Details not shown.)
3. Configure Device B:
# Enable the NQA server.
<DeviceB> system-view
[DeviceB] nqa server enable
# Create test session 1 on the TWAMP Light responder with the destination IP address, source IP address, destination port 20000, and source port 10000.
[DeviceB] nqa twamp-light responder
[DeviceB-twamp-light-responder] test-session 1 ip destination source destination-port 20000 source-port 10000
[DeviceB-twamp-light-responder] quit
4. Configure Device A:
# Create test session 1 on the TWAMP Light client.
<DeviceA> system-view
[DeviceA] nqa twamp-light client
[DeviceA-nqa-twamp-light-client] test-session 1
# Specify as the source IP address for the probe packets.
[DeviceA-nqa-twamp-light-client-session1] source ip
# Specify as the destination IP address for the probe packets.
[DeviceA-nqa-twamp-light-client-session1] destination ip
# Specify 10000 as the source port number for the probe packets.
[DeviceA-nqa-twamp-light-client-session1] source port 10000
# Specify 20000 as the destination port number for the probe packets.
[DeviceA-nqa-twamp-light-client-session1] destination port 20000
[DeviceA-nqa-twamp-light-client-session1] quit
[DeviceA-nqa-twamp-light-client] quit
# Create a TWAMP Light sender and enter its view.
[DeviceA] nqa twamp-light sender
# Start the TWAMP Light test with the packet sending interval, statistics collection interval, and monitoring time set to 100, 10000, and 20000 in milliseconds, respectively.
[DeviceA-nqa-twamp-light-sender] start test-session 1 permanent tx-interval 100 statistics-interval 10000 monitor-time 20000
[DeviceA-nqa-twamp-light-sender] quit
Verifying the configuration
# Display information about the test session 1.
[DeviceA] display nqa twamp-light client
Brief information about all test sessions:
Total sessions: 1
Active sessions: 1
ID Status Source IP/Port Destination IP/Port
1 Active
# Display the test session statistics about the two-way packet loss for the test session 1.
[DeviceA] display nqa twamp-light client statistics two-way-loss test-session 1
Latest two-way loss statistics:
Index Loss count Loss ratio Error count Error ratio
11006 5 50.0000% 0 0.0000%
11007 3 30.0000% 0 0.0000%
11008 4 40.0000% 0 0.0000%
11009 8 80.0000% 0 0.0000%
Average loss count : 5 Average loss ratio : 55.3333%
Maximum loss count : 10 Maximum loss ratio : 100.0000%
Minimum loss count : 1 Minimum loss ratio : 10.0000%
Average error count: 0 Average error ratio: 0.0000%
Maximum error count: 0 Maximum error ratio: 0.0000%
Minimum error count: 0 Minimum error ratio: 0.0000%