10-Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide

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06-PTP configuration
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Configuring PTP·· 1

About PTP· 1

Basic concepts· 1

Grandmaster clock selection and master-member/subordinate relationship establishment 3

Optimal domain selection· 4

Synchronization mechanism·· 4

Association between PTP and Track· 6

Protocols and standards· 6

Restrictions: Hardware compatibility with PTP· 7

Restrictions and guidelines: PTP configuration· 7

PTP tasks at a glance· 7

Configuring PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2) 7

Configuring PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2) 9

Configuring PTP (AES67-2015) 10

Specifying PTP for obtaining the time· 10

Creating a PTP instance· 11

Specifying a PTP profile· 11

Configuring clock nodes· 12

Specifying a clock node type· 12

Configuring an OC to operate only as a member clock· 12

Specifying a PTP domain· 13

Enabling PTP globally· 13

Enabling PTP on a port 13

Configuring PTP ports· 14

Configuring the role of a PTP port 14

Configuring the mode for carrying timestamps· 14

Specifying a delay measurement mechanism for a BC or an OC· 15

Configuring one of the ports on a TC+OC clock as an OC-type port 16

Enabling unicast negotiation on PTP ports· 16

Configuring PTP message transmission and receipt 17

Setting the interval for sending announce messages and the timeout multiplier for receiving announce messages  17

Setting the interval for sending Pdelay_Req messages· 18

Setting the interval for sending Sync messages· 18

Setting the minimum interval for sending Delay_Req messages· 19

Setting the interval for sending Delay-Resp messages· 20

Configuring parameters for PTP messages· 20

Specifying the IPv4 UDP transport protocol for PTP messages· 20

Configuring a source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP· 21

Configuring a destination IP address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP· 21

Configuring the MAC address for non-Pdelay messages· 22

Setting a DSCP value for PTP messages transmitted over UDP· 23

Specifying a VLAN tag for PTP messages· 23

Disabling PTP path tracing· 23

Adjusting and correcting clock synchronization· 24

Setting the delay correction value· 24

Calculating the TAI based on the UTC time· 24

Configuring the PTP offset threshold and PTP synchronization suppressions· 25

Configuring a priority for a clock· 26

Configuring PTP logging· 26

Enabling SNMP notification for the PTP module· 27

About this task· 27

Procedure· 27

Display and maintenance commands for PTP· 27

PTP configuration examples· 28

Example: Configuring PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2, IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport, multicast transmission) 28

Example: Configuring PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2, IPv4 UDP transport, multicast transmission) 31

Example: Configuring multiple PTP instances (IEEE 1588 version 2, multicast transmission) 34

Example: Configuring PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2, IPv4 UDP transport, unicast transmission) 41

Example: Configuring PTP (IEEE 802.1AS, IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport, multicast transmission) 45

Example: Configuring PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2, IPv4 UDP transport, multicast transmission) 48

Example: Configuring PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2, IPv4 UDP transport, unicast transmission) 51

Example: Configuring PTP (AES67-2015, IPv4 UDP transport, multicast transmission) 55


Configuring PTP

About PTP

Precision Time Protocol (PTP) provides time synchronization among devices with submicrosecond accuracy. It provides also precise frequency synchronization.

Basic concepts

PTP profile

PTP profiles (PTP standards) include:

·     IEEE 1588 version 2—1588v2 defines high-accuracy clock synchronization mechanisms. It can be customized, enhanced, or tailored as needed. 1588v2 is the latest version.

·     IEEE 802.1AS—802.1AS is introduced based on IEEE 1588. It specifies a profile for use of IEEE 1588-2008 for time synchronization over a virtual bridged local area network (as defined by IEEE 802.1Q). 802.1AS supports only point-to-point full-duplex Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, and IEEE 802.3 EPON links.

·     SMPTE ST 2059-2—ST2059-2 is introduced based on IEEE 1588. It specifies a profile specifically for time synchronization of audio or video equipment in a professional broadcast environment. It includes a self-contained description of parameters, their default values, and permitted ranges.

·     AES67-2015—AES67-2015 is introduced based on IEEE 1588. It specifies a profile specifically for time synchronization of professional equipment for broadcast, music production, and film and television post-production. It includes a self-contained description of parameters, their default values, and permitted ranges.

PTP domain

A PTP domain refers to a network or part of a network that is enabled with PTP. A PTP domain has only one reference clock called "grandmaster clock (GM)." All devices in the domain synchronize to the clock.

PTP instance

If the device belongs to multiple PTP domains, you must configure and associate a PTP instance with each PTP domain. You can configure PTP settings such as PTP profile and clock node type on a PTP instance. The settings take effect only on the PTP domain associated with the PTP instance. PTP instances are isolated from each other, allowing different PTP timing systems to run on a network without affecting each other.

Optimal PTP domain

Each PTP instance has a reference clock and clock information. For a device that has multiple PTP instances running simultaneously, you must select an optimal PTP instance and use the clock source traced by this PTP instance to synchronize the system time of the device. The domain with which the optimal PTP associates is the optimal domain.

Clock node and PTP port

A node in a PTP domain is a clock node. A port enabled with PTP is a PTP port. PTP defines the following types of basic clock nodes:

·     Ordinary Clock (OC)—A PTP clock with a single PTP port in a PTP domain for time synchronization. It synchronizes time from its upstream clock node through the port. If an OC operates as the clock source, it sends synchronization time through a single PTP port to its downstream clock nodes.

·     Boundary Clock (BC)—A clock with more than one PTP port in a PTP domain for time synchronization. A BC uses one of the ports to synchronize time from its upstream clock node. It uses the other ports to synchronize time to the relevant upstream clock nodes. If a BC operates as the clock source, such as BC 1 in Figure 1, it synchronizes time through multiple PTP ports to its downstream clock nodes.

·     Transparent Clock (TC)—A TC does not keep time consistency with other clock nodes. A TC has multiple PTP ports. It forwards PTP messages among these ports and performs delay corrections for the messages, instead of performing time synchronization. TCs include the following types:

¡     End-to-End Transparent Clock (E2ETC)—Forwards all PTP packets in the network and supports calculation of the delay on the entire link.

¡     Peer-to-Peer Transparent Clock (P2PTC)—Forwards only Sync, Follow_Up, and Announce messages, terminates other PTP messages, and supports calculation of the delay on the entire link.




When multiple PTP domains are configured on the device, the synchronization performance might fluctuate or decrease, and synchronization failure might occur because of limitation of hardware resources. OC and BC clock nodes do much more work than TCs. As a best practice, configure the device operating in multiple domains as an OC or BC clock node in a maximum of one PTP instance, to decrease calculations, minimize mutual influences between the domains, and optimize the synchronization performance.


Figure 1 shows the positions of these types of clock nodes in a PTP domain.

Figure 1 Clock nodes in a PTP domain

In addition to these basic types of clock nodes, PTP introduces hybrid clock nodes. For example, a TC+OC has multiple PTP ports in a PTP domain. One port is the OC type, and the others are the TC type.

A TC+OC forwards PTP messages through TC-type ports and performs delay corrections. In addition, it synchronizes time through its OC-type port. TC+OCs include these types: E2ETC+OC and P2PTC+OC.

Master-member/subordinate relationship

The master-member/subordinate relationship is automatically determined based on the Best Master Clock (BMC) algorithm. You can also manually specify a role for the clock nodes.

The master-member/subordinate relationship is defined as follows:

·     Master/Member node—A master node sends a synchronization message, and a member node receives the synchronization message.

·     Master/Member clock—The clock on a master node is a master clock (parent clock) The clock on a member node is a member clock.

·     Master/Subordinate port—A master port sends a synchronization message, and a subordinate port receives the synchronization message. The master and subordinate ports can be on a BC or an OC.

·     Grant-port/request-port—The IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile supports unicast negotiation. To configure unicast negotiation, you can specify PTP ports as request-ports or grant-ports. A grant-port grants and provides PTP service. A request-port requests and receives PTP service. Typically, a grant-port is in master state. A request-port is in slave state when selected as the port for time synchronization and in listening state when not selected.

A port that neither receives nor sends synchronization messages is a passive port.

Clock source type

A clock node supports the following clock sources:

·     Local clock source—38.88 MHz clock signals generated by a crystal oscillator inside the clock monitoring module.

·     External clock source—Clock signals generated by an external clock device. The signals are received and sent by a 1PPS/ToD port on the device. It is also called a ToD clock source.

Grandmaster clock

As shown in Figure 1, the grandmaster clock (GM) is the ultimate source of time for clock synchronization in a PTP domain. It is elected automatically by the clock nodes in the PTP domain. The clock nodes exchange PTP messages and elect the GM by comparing the clock priority, time class, and time accuracy carried in the PTP messages.

You can also specify a GM manually.

Clock source

The clock source used by clock nodes is 38.88 MHz clock signals generated by a crystal oscillator inside the clock monitoring module of the device.

Grandmaster clock selection and master-member/subordinate relationship establishment

A GM can be manually specified. It can also be elected through the BMC algorithm as follows:

1.     The clock nodes in a PTP domain exchange announce messages and elect a GM by using the following rules in descending order:

a.     Clock node with higher priority 1.

b.     Clock node with higher time class.

c.     Clock node with higher time accuracy.

d.     Clock node with higher priority 2.

e.     Clock node with a smaller port ID (containing clock number and port number).

The master nodes, member nodes, master ports, and subordinate ports are determined during the process. Then a spanning tree with the GM as the root is generated for the PTP domain.

2.     The master node periodically sends announce messages to the member nodes. If the member nodes do not receive announce messages from the master node, they determine that the master node is invalid, and they start to elect another GM.

Optimal domain selection

If only one PTP instance is configured on the device, this PTP instance is the optimal instance of the device. If multiple PTP instances are configured on the device, the optimal PTP instance (domain) is selected by using the following rules in descending order:

1.     Activated instance (with a domain configured).

2.     Instance on which the device is an OC or BC clock node.

3.     Instance on which the clock source has a higher priority 1 value

4.     Instance on which the clock source has a higher time class.

5.     Instance on which the clock source has higher time accuracy.

6.     Instance on which the clock source has a lower offset from the GM.

7.     Instance on which the clock source has a higher priority 2 value.

8.     Instance associated with a PTP domain that has a smaller domain ID.

The PTP instance on which the ptp active force-state command is configured has the lowest priority.

Synchronization mechanism

After master-member relationships are established between the clock nodes, the master and member clock nodes exchange PTP messages and record the message transmit and receive time. Based on the timestamps, each member clock calculates the path delay and time offset between them and the master clock and adjusts their time accordingly for time synchronization with the master clock.

PTP defines two path delay measurement mechanisms: Request_Response_ and Peer Delay, both of which are based on network symmetry.


The Request_Response mechanism measures the average path delay between the master and member clock nodes by using the PTP messages as shown in Figure 2. A TC between master and member clock nodes does not calculate the path delay. It forwards PTP messages and carries the Sync message residence time on it to the downstream clock node.

This mechanism can be implemented in one of the following two modes:

·     Two-step mode—t1 is carried in the Follow_Up message as shown in Figure 2.

·     Single-step mode—t1 is carried in the Sync message, and no Follow_Up message is sent.

This mode is not supported in the current software version.

Figure 2 shows the Request_Response mechanism in two-step mode.

1.     The master clock sends a Sync message to the member clock, and records the sending time t1. Upon receiving the message, the member clock records the receiving time t2.

2.     After sending the Sync message, the master clock immediately sends a Follow_Up message that carries time t1.

3.     The member clock sends a Delay_Req message to the master clock, and records the sending time t3. Upon receiving the message, the master clock records the receiving time t4.

4.     The master clock returns a Delay_Resp message that carries time t4.

After this procedure, the member clock obtains all the four timestamps and can make the following calculations:

·     Round-trip delay between the master and member clocks: (t2 t1) + (t4 t3)

·     One-way delay between the master and member clocks: [(t2 – t1) + (t4 – t3)] / 2

·     Offset between the member and master clocks: (t2 – t1) – [(t2 – t1) + (t4 – t3)] / 2 or [(t2 – t1) – (t4 – t3)] / 2

Figure 2 Request_Response mechanism (two-step node)


Peer Delay

The Peer Delay mechanism measures the average path delay between two clock nodes. The two clock nodes (BC, TC, or OC) implementing this mechanism send Pdelay messages to each other, and calculate the one-way link delay between them independently. The message interaction process and delay calculation method are identical on the two nodes. TCs that exist between master and member clock nodes divide the synchronization path into multiple links and participate in delay calculation. The link delays and Sync message residence time on the TCs are carried to downstream nodes.

This mechanism can be implemented in one of the following two modes:

·     Two-step mode

As shown in Figure 3, Pdelay messages include Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp, and Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up messages. t2 is carried in the Pdelay_Resp message, and t3 is carried in the Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up message.

·     Single-step mode:

Pdelay messages include Pdelay_Req and Pdelay_Resp messages. t3 – t2 is carried in the Pdelay_Resp, and no Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up message is sent.

This mode is not supported in the current software version.

Figure 3 uses Clock node B as an example to describe the Peer Delay mechanism.

1.     Clock node B sends a Pdelay_Req message to Clock node A, and records the sending time t1. Upon receiving the message, Clock node A records the receiving time t2.

2.     Clock node A sends a Pdelay_Req message that carries t2 to Clock node B, and records the sending time t3. Upon receiving the message, Clock node B records the receiving time t4.

3.     Clock node A immediately sends a Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up message carrying t3 to Clock node B after sending the Pdelay_Req message.

After this procedure, Clock node B obtains all the four timestamps and can make the following calculations:

·     Round-trip delay between Clock node A and Clock node B: (t2 – t1) + (t4 – t3)

·     One-way delay between Clock node A and Clock node B: [(t2 – t1) + (t4 – t3)] / 2 = [(t4 – t1) – (t3 – t2)] / 2

·     Time offset between the member clock and the master clock: Sync message receiving time on the member clock Sync message sending time on the master clock – Total one-way delays on all links – Total Sync message residence time on all TCs.

Figure 3 Peer Delay mechanism (two-step mode)

Association between PTP and Track

If you associate a track entry with PTP, and then associate the track entry with an EAA policy, automatic monitoring of the PTP clock source and PTP clock state can be achieved. This enables the device to use PTP to synchronize the system clock when PTP is operating correctly, and use NTP to synchronize the system clock when PTP is not operating correctly.

After you configure this feature, the device creates a track entry associated with PTP. The state of the track entry depends on the state of the associated PTP object. The device supports associating Track with the following types of PTP objects:

·     Clock source—Determines the state of the track entry based on the clock source state in the specified instance.

¡     If the PTP clock source already exists in the specified PTP instance (that is, the device has a subordinate port, and the device is not a GM in the network), the track entry state is Positive.

¡     If the PTP clock source is lost in the specified PTP instance (that is, the device is a GM in the network), the track entry state is Negative.

·     PTP time state—Determines the state of the track entry based on the PTP time state.

¡     If the PTP time state is Lock, the track entry state is Positive.

¡     If the PTP time state is Unlock, the track entry state is Negative.

You can use the Boolean AND tracked list to monitor both the PTP clock source state and PTP time state. For more information about PTP, see "Configuring track" in High Availability Configuration Guide.

Protocols and standards

·     IEEE Std 1588-2008, IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems, 2008

·     IEEE 802.1AS, Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applications in Bridged Local Area Networks

·     SMPTE ST 2059-2, SMPTE Profile for Use of IEEE-1588 Precision Time Protocol in Professional Broadcast Applications

·     AES67-2015, AES Standard for Audio Applications of Networks-High-Performance Streaming Audio-Over-IP Interoperability, 2015

Restrictions: Hardware compatibility with PTP

The switch does not provide ToD interfaces or support external clock sources.

Restrictions and guidelines: PTP configuration

Before configuring PTP, determine the PTP profile and define the scope of the PTP domain and the role of every clock node.

In a PTP domain that runs the IEEE 1588 version 2 or IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile, specify the BC or OC clock node type for the devices in the domain as a best practice. A TC clock node is mainly used for forwarding PTP messages. When receiving a PTP message, a TC multicasts the message from all its PTP interfaces except the inbound interface of the PTP message. To deploy a TC in the domain, plan the TC location and number and location of PTP interfaces on the TC manually to prevent PTP forwarding loops.

On a PTP network, use a PTP clock source for the device. PTP time might jump and PTP time unlocking might occur if you use a NTP clock source or system time that has lower accuracy as the clock source.

PTP tasks at a glance

Configuring PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2)

1.     Specifying PTP for obtaining the time

2.     Specifying a PTP profile

Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

3.     Configuring clock nodes

¡     Specifying a clock node type

¡     (Optional.) Configuring an OC to operate only as a member clock

4.     Specifying a PTP domain

5.     Enabling PTP.

For PTP to run on an interface, enable PTP globally and on the interface.

¡     Enabling PTP globally

¡     Enabling PTP on a port

6.     Configuring PTP ports

¡     (Optional.) Configuring the role of a PTP port

¡     Configuring the mode for carrying timestamps

¡     Specifying a delay measurement mechanism for a BC or an OC

¡     Configuring one of the ports on a TC+OC clock as an OC-type port

¡     (Optional.) Enabling unicast negotiation on PTP ports

7.     (Optional.) Configuring PTP message transmission and receipt

¡     Setting the interval for sending announce messages and the timeout multiplier for receiving announce messages

¡     Setting the interval for sending Pdelay_Req messages

¡     Setting the interval for sending Sync messages

¡     Setting the minimum interval for sending Delay_Req messages

¡     Setting the interval for sending Delay-Resp messages

8.     (Optional.) Configuring parameters for PTP messages

¡     Specifying the IPv4 UDP transport protocol for PTP messages

¡     Configuring a source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP

¡     Configuring a destination IP address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP

¡     Configuring the MAC address for non-Pdelay messages

¡     Setting a DSCP value for PTP messages transmitted over UDP

¡     Specifying a VLAN tag for PTP messages

¡     Disabling PTP path tracing

9.     (Optional.) Adjusting and correcting clock synchronization

¡     Setting the delay correction value

¡     Calculating the TAI based on the UTC time

¡     Configuring the PTP offset threshold and PTP synchronization suppressions

10.     (Optional.) Configuring a priority for a clock

11.     (Optional.) Configuring PTP logging

12.     (Optional.) Enabling SNMP notification for the PTP module

13.     Configuring PTP (IEEE 802.1AS)

14.     Specifying PTP for obtaining the time

15.     Specifying a PTP profile

Specify the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile.

16.     Configuring clock nodes

¡     Specifying a clock node type

¡     (Optional.) Configuring an OC to operate only as a member clock

17.     (Optional.) Specifying a PTP domain

18.     Enabling PTP.

For PTP to run on an interface, enable PTP globally and on the interface.

¡     Enabling PTP globally

¡     Enabling PTP on a port

19.     Configuring PTP ports

¡     (Optional.) Configuring the role of a PTP port

¡     Configuring one of the ports on a TC+OC clock as an OC-type port

20.     (Optional.) Configuring PTP message transmission and receipt

¡     Setting the interval for sending announce messages and the timeout multiplier for receiving announce messages

¡     Setting the interval for sending Pdelay_Req messages

¡     Setting the interval for sending Sync messages

21.     (Optional.) Specifying a VLAN tag for PTP messages

22.     (Optional.) Disabling PTP path tracing

23.     (Optional. ) Adjusting and correcting clock synchronization

¡     Setting the delay correction value

¡     Calculating the TAI based on the UTC time

¡     Configuring the PTP offset threshold and PTP synchronization suppressions

24.     (Optional.) Configuring a priority for a clock

25.     (Optional.) Configuring PTP logging

26.     (Optional.) Enabling SNMP notification for the PTP module

Configuring PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2)

1.     Specifying PTP for obtaining the time

2.     Specifying a PTP profile

Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

3.     Configuring clock nodes

¡     Specifying a clock node type

¡     (Optional.) Configuring an OC to operate only as a member clock

4.     (Optional.) Specifying a PTP domain

5.     Enabling PTP.

For PTP to run on an interface, enable PTP globally and on the interface.

¡     Enabling PTP globally

¡     Enabling PTP on a port

6.     Configuring PTP ports

¡     (Optional.) Configuring the role of a PTP port

¡     Configuring the mode for carrying timestamps

¡     Specifying a delay measurement mechanism for a BC or an OC

7.     (Optional.) Configuring PTP message transmission and receipt

¡     Setting the interval for sending announce messages and the timeout multiplier for receiving announce messages

¡     Setting the interval for sending Pdelay_Req messages

¡     Setting the interval for sending Sync messages

¡     Setting the minimum interval for sending Delay_Req messages

8.     (Optional.) Configuring parameters for PTP messages

¡     Specifying the IPv4 UDP transport protocol for PTP messages

¡     Configuring a source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP

¡     Configuring a destination IP address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP

¡     Setting a DSCP value for PTP messages transmitted over UDP

¡     Specifying a VLAN tag for PTP messages

¡     Disabling PTP path tracing

9.     (Optional.) Adjusting and correcting clock synchronization

¡     Setting the delay correction value

¡     Calculating the TAI based on the UTC time

¡     Configuring the PTP offset threshold and PTP synchronization suppressions

10.     (Optional.) Configuring a priority for a clock

11.     (Optional.) Configuring PTP logging

12.     (Optional.) Enabling SNMP notification for the PTP module

Configuring PTP (AES67-2015)

1.     Specifying PTP for obtaining the time

2.     (Optional.) Creating a PTP instance

3.     Specifying a PTP profile

Specify the AES67-2015 PTP profile.

4.     Configuring clock nodes

¡     Specifying a clock node type

¡     (Optional.) Configuring an OC to operate only as a member clock

5.     (Optional.) Specifying a PTP domain

6.     Enabling PTP.

For PTP to run on an interface, enable PTP globally and on the interface.

¡     Enabling PTP globally

¡     Enabling PTP on a port

7.     Configuring PTP ports

¡     (Optional.) Configuring the role of a PTP port

¡     Configuring the mode for carrying timestamps

¡     Specifying a delay measurement mechanism for a BC or an OC

¡     Configuring one of the ports on a TC+OC clock as an OC-type port

8.      (Optional.) Configuring PTP message transmission and receipt

¡     Setting the interval for sending announce messages and the timeout multiplier for receiving announce messages

¡     Setting the interval for sending Pdelay_Req messages

¡     Setting the interval for sending Sync messages

¡     Setting the minimum interval for sending Delay_Req messages

9.     (Optional.) Configuring parameters for PTP messages

¡     Specifying the IPv4 UDP transport protocol for PTP messages

¡     Configuring a source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP

¡     Configuring a destination IP address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP

¡     Setting a DSCP value for PTP messages transmitted over UDP

¡     Specifying a VLAN tag for PTP messages

¡     Disabling PTP path tracing

10.     (Optional.) Adjusting and correcting clock synchronization

¡     Setting the delay correction value

¡     Calculating the TAI based on the UTC time

¡     Configuring the PTP offset threshold and PTP synchronization suppressions

11.     (Optional.) Configuring a priority for a clock

12.     (Optional.) Configuring PTP logging

13.     (Optional.) Enabling SNMP notification for the PTP module

Specifying PTP for obtaining the time

1.     Enter system view.


2.     Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

clock protocol ptp

By default, the device uses NTP to obtain the system time.

For more information about the clock protocol command, see device management commands in Fundamentals Command Reference.

Creating a PTP instance

About this task

A PTP instance is uniquely identified by its ID on a device. For easy identification and management, you can also set a name for a PTP instance.

Restrictions and guidelines

Do not set the same name for different PTP instances.

If you create PTP instances with the same ID but different names, the most recent configuration takes effect.

The default PTP instance with an ID of 0 has been created by default. You cannot delete the default PTP instance. PTP settings configured in system view take effect only on PTP instance 0. To configure settings for a PTP instance other than PTP instance 0, enter PTP instance view.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Create a PTP instance.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id [ name ptp-instance-name ]

By default, PTP instance numbered 0 and named default-instance exists.

Specifying a PTP profile

Restrictions and guidelines

You must specify a PTP profile before configuring PTP settings. Changing the PTP profile clears all settings under the profile.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     (Optional.) Enter PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

3.     Specify a PTP profile.

ptp profile { 1588v2 | 8021as | aes67-2015 | st2059-2 }

By default, no PTP profile is configured, and PTP is not running on the device.

Configuring clock nodes

Specifying a clock node type

Restrictions and guidelines

Before you specify a clock node type, specify a PTP profile.

Changing or removing the clock node type restores the default settings of the PTP profile.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     (Optional.) Enter PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

3.     Specify a clock node type for the device.

¡     IEEE 1588v2 PTP profile:

ptp mode { bc | e2etc | e2etc-oc | oc | p2ptc | p2ptc-oc }

¡     IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile:

ptp mode { bc | oc | p2ptc | p2ptc-oc }

¡     AES67-2015 or SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile:

ptp mode { bc | e2etc | oc | p2ptc }

By default, no clock node type is specified.

Configuring an OC to operate only as a member clock

About this task

An OC can operate either as a master clock to send synchronization messages or as a member clock to receive synchronization messages. This task allows you to configure an OC to operate only as a member clock.

If an OC is operating only as a member clock, you can use the ptp force-state command to configure its PTP port as a master port or passive port.

Restrictions and guidelines

This task is applicable only to OCs.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     (Optional.) Enter PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

3.     Configure the OC to operate only as a member clock.

ptp slave-only

By default, an OC operates as a master or member clock.

This command is mutually exclusive with the ptp unicast-negotiate command.

Specifying a PTP domain

About this task

Within a PTP domain, all devices follow the same rules to communicate with each other. Devices in different PTP domains cannot exchange PTP messages.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     (Optional.) Enter PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

3.     Specify a PTP domain for the device.

ptp domain value

By default, no PTP domain exists.

Do not configure the same domain on different PTP instances.

Enabling PTP globally

Restrictions and guidelines

For PTP to run on an interface, you must enable PTP globally and on the interface.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enable PTP globally.

ptp global enable

By default, PTP is enabled globally.

Enabling PTP on a port

About this task

A port enabled with PTP becomes a PTP port.

Restrictions and guidelines

You can enable PTP on only one port on an OC.

To enable PTP on a Layer 3 Ethernet interface that has been assigned to a VPN instance, you must specify this VPN instance in the ptp source ip-address vpn-instance vpn-instance-name command if PTP messages are to be transmitted in multicast mode over IPv4 UDP.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Enable PTP on the port.

ptp enable

By default, PTP is disabled on a port.

Configuring PTP ports

Configuring the role of a PTP port

About this task

You can configure the master, passive, or slave role for a PTP port.

For an OC that operates in slave-only mode, you can perform this task to change its PTP port role to master or slave.

Restrictions and guidelines

You can configure one subordinate port on the device.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Configure the role of the PTP port.

ptp force-state { master | passive | slave }

By default, the PTP port role is automatically calculated through BMC.

This command is mutually exclusive with the ptp unicast-negotiate command.

5.     Return to system view.


6.     (Optional.) Enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

7.     Activate the port role configuration.

ptp active force-state

By default, the port role configuration is not activated.

Configuring the mode for carrying timestamps

About this task

Timestamps can be carried in either of the following modes:

·     Single-step mode—The Sync message (in the Request_Response or Peer Delay mechanism) and Pdelay_Resp message (in the Peer Delay mechanism) carry their sending timestamps by themselves. This mode is not supported in the current software version.

·     Two-step mode—The Sync message (in the Request_Response or Peer Delay mechanism) and Pdelay_Resp message (in the Peer Delay mechanism) do not carry their sending timestamps by themselves. The subsequent messages carry their sending timestamps.



1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Configure the mode for carrying timestamps.

ptp clock-step  two-step

By default, the two-step mode is used for carrying  timestamps.

Specifying a delay measurement mechanism for a BC or an OC

About this task

PTP defines two transmission delay measurement mechanisms: Request_Response and Peer Delay. For correct communication, ports on the same link must share the same delay measurement mechanism.

Restrictions and guidelines

Follow these restrictions and guidelines when you configure this task:

·     IEEE 1588 version 2, SMPTE ST 2059-2, or AES67-2015 PTP profile:

¡     You can configure this task only when the PTP clock node type is BC or OC.

¡     You cannot configure this task when the PTP clock node type is E2ETC, E2ETC+OC, P2PTC, or P2PTC+OC. The E2ETC and E2ETC+OC clock nodes support both the request-response and peer delay measurement mechanisms. The P2PTC clock node supports only the peer delay measurement mechanism.

·     IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile: Supports only the peer delay measurement mechanism and does not support this task.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Specify a delay measurement mechanism for a BC or an OC.

ptp delay-mechanism { e2e | p2p }

The default setting varies by PTP profile:

¡     IEEE 1588 version 2, AES67-2015, or SMPTE ST 2059-2—The request-response delay measurement mechanism applies.

¡     IEEE 802.1ASThe peer delay measurement mechanism applies.

The ptp delay-mechanism p2p command is mutually exclusive with the ptp unicast-negotiate command.

Configuring one of the ports on a TC+OC clock as an OC-type port

About this task

All ports on a TC+OC (E2ETC+OC or P2PTC+OC) are TC-type ports by default. This feature allows you to configure one of the ports on a TC+OC clock as an OC-type port.

Restrictions and guidelines

This task is applicable only to E2ETC+OCs and P2PTC+OCs.

This task is not available for the SMPTE ST 2059-2 or AES67-2015 PTP profile.

For time synchronization accuracy, the OC-type port on an E2ETC+OC or P2PTC+OC must be specified as the master port.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Configure the port type as OC.

ptp port-mode oc

By default, the port type for all ports on a TC+OC is TC.

Enabling unicast negotiation on PTP ports

About this task

On a network where the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile runs, you can use this task to establish master-subordinate relations between PTP ports by specifying the request-ports and grant-ports. A grant-port grants and provides PTP service. A request-port requests and receives PTP service. Typically, a grant-port is in master state. A request-port is in slave state when selected as the port for time synchronization and in listening state when not selected.

A request-port initiates a PTP link connection request to a specific grant-port. Then they negotiate PTP parameters and exchange PTP messages to synchronize the client time to the server. Plan the network in advance and specify the ports on the member (client) clock nodes as request-ports and the ports on the master (server) clock nodes as grant-ports.

Restrictions and guidelines

Only the IEEE 1588 version 2 profile supports this task.

Follow these restrictions and guidelines to configure unicast negotiation under the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile:

·     The ptp transport-protocol udp command must be configured for unicast negotiation to take effect.

·     The E2ETC, P2PTC, and P2PTC-OC clock nodes do not support unicast negotiation

·     The ptp unicast-negotiate command is mutually exclusive with the ptp slave-only, ptp force-state, and ptp delay-mechanism p2p commands.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

Skip this step for PTP instance 0.

4.     Enable unicast negotiation and specify the port as a grant-port or request port.

ptp unicast-negotiate { grant-port | request-port }


Configuring PTP message transmission and receipt

Setting the interval for sending announce messages and the timeout multiplier for receiving announce messages

About this task

A master node sends announce messages to the member nodes at the specified interval. If a member node does not receive any announce message from the master node after the timeout expires, it determines that the master node is invalid. The timeout = timeout multiplier × interval at which the master node sends announce messages.

About this task

A master node periodically sends announce messages at the specified interval. If a member node does not receive any announce message from the master node after the timeout expires, it determines that the master node is invalid. The timeout = timeout multiplier × interval at which the master node sends announce messages.

The interval at which the master node sends announce messages depends on whether unicast negotiation is enabled.

·     If unicast negotiation is not enabled, the master node uses the value configured by using the ptp announce-interval command on its interface as the interval.

·     If unicast negotiation is enabled, you must configure the interval on the request-port of the client. The request-port uses the configured interval to negotiate with the grant-port on the server for the interval at which the grant-port sends announce messages to the client. If the negotiation succeeds, the grant-port sends announce messages at the configured interval to the client. If the negotiation fails, the grant-port does not send announce messages to the client.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Set the interval for sending announce messages.

ptp announce-interval interval

The default settings vary by PTP profile.

¡     IEEE 1588 version 2 or AES67-2015—The interval argument value is 1 and the interval for sending announce messages is 2 (21) seconds.

¡     IEEE 802.1AS—The interval argument value is 0 and the interval for sending announce messages is 1 (20)second.

¡     SMPTE ST 2059-2—The interval argument value is –2 and the interval for sending announce messages is 1/4 (2-2) seconds.

5.     Set the number of intervals before a timeout occurs.

ptp announce-timeout multiple-value

By default, a timeout occurs when three intervals are reached.

Setting the interval for sending Pdelay_Req messages

1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Set the interval for sending Pdelay_Req messages.

ptp pdelay-req-interval interval

By default, the interval argument value is 0 and the interval for sending peer delay request messages is 1 (20) second.

For the SMPTE ST 2059-2 or AES67-2015 PTP profile, set the interval argument to a value in the range of ptp syn-interval interval to ptp syn-interval interval plus 5 as a best practice.

Setting the interval for sending Sync messages

About this task

The master node sends Sync messages to the member nodes periodically. You can use this task to configure the interval for sending Sync messages on the master node.

About this task

The master node sends Sync messages to the member nodes periodically. The interval at which the master node sends Sync messages to member nodes depends on whether unicast negotiation is enabled.

·     If unicast negotiation is not enabled, use  this task to configure the interval on the master node.

·     If unicast negotiation is enabled, you must configure the interval on the request-port of the client. The request-port uses the configured interval to negotiate with the grant-port on the server for the interval at which the grant-port sends Sync messages to the client. If the negotiation succeeds, the grant-port sends Sync messages at the configured interval to the client. If the negotiation fails, the grant-port does not send Sync messages to the client.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Set the interval for sending Sync messages.

ptp syn-interval interval

The default settings vary by PTP profile.

¡     IEEE 1588 version 2—The interval argument value is 0 and the interval for sending Sync messages is 1 (20) second.

¡     IEEE 802.1AS, AES67-2015, or SMPTE ST 2059-2—The interval argument value is –3 and the interval for sending Sync messages is 1/8 (2-3) seconds.

Setting the minimum interval for sending Delay_Req messages

About this task

When receiving a Sync or Follow_Up message, an interface can send Delay_Req messages only when the minimum interval is reached. This task allows you to set the minimum interval for sending Delay_Req messages.

Restrictions and guidelines

This setting is not available for the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile.

In PTP multicast transport mode, this setting takes effect only when configured on the master clock. The master clock sends the value to a member clock through PTP messages to control the interval for the member clock to send Delay_Req messages. To view the interval, execute the display ptp interface command on the member clock.

In PTP unicast transport mode, this setting takes effect when configured on member clocks. It does not take effect when configured on the master clock.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Set the minimum interval for sending Delay_Req messages.

ptp min-delayreq-interval interval

The interval argument value is 0 and the minimum interval for sending delay request messages is 1 (20) second.

For the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile, set the interval argument to a value in the range of ptp syn-interval interval to ptp syn-interval interval plus 5 as a best practice.

Setting the interval for sending Delay-Resp messages

About this task

This task, configured on a unicast negotiation request-port, specifies the interval at which the grant-port sends Delay_resp messages to the request-port. After receiving a Delay_req message from a request port, the grant-port responds by sending a Delay_resp message and starts a timer defined by this command. The grant-port will not send another Delay_resp message until it receives a Delay_req message after the timer expires.

Restrictions and guidelines

This task is available only for the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile and is configured on unicast negotiation request-ports.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

Skip this step for PTP instance 0.

4.     Set the interval for sending Delay_resp messages.

ptp delay-resp-interval interval

By default, the value of the interval argument is 0 and the minimum interval for sending Delay_resp messages is 1 (20) seconds.


Configuring parameters for PTP messages

Specifying the IPv4 UDP transport protocol for PTP messages

About this task

PTP messages can be transported over IEEE 802.3/Ethernet or IPv4 UDP.

Restrictions and guidelines

The IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile supports only IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport of PTP messages and does not support this task.

The SMPTE ST 2059-2 or AES67-2015 PTP profile supports only UDP transport of PTP messages and does not support this task.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Specify the IPv4 UDP transport protocol for PTP messages.

ptp transport-protocol udp

By default, PTP messages are transported over IEEE 802.3/Ethernet.

Configuring a source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP

About this task

To transport multicast PTP messages over UDP, you must configure a source IP address for the messages.

Restrictions and guidelines

If both a source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP and a destination address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP are configured, the system unicasts the messages.

This task is not available for the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     (Optional.) Enter PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

3.     Configure a source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP.

ptp source ip-address [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

By default, no source IP address is configured for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP.

Configuring a destination IP address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP

About this task

To transport unicast PTP messages over UDP, you must configure a destination IP address for the messages.

Restrictions and guidelines

If both a source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP and a destination address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP are configured, the system unicasts the messages.

This task is not available for the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile.


Configure an IP address for the current interface, and make sure the interface and the peer PTP interface can reach each other.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Configure a destination IP address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP.

ptp unicast-destination ip-address

By default, no destination IP address is configured for unicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP.

Configuring the MAC address for non-Pdelay messages

About this task

Pdelay messages include Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp, and Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up messages. The destination MAC address of Pdelay messages is 0180-C200-000E by default, which cannot be modified. The destination MAC address of non-Pdelay messages is either 0180-C200-000E or 011B-1900-0000.

Restrictions and guidelines

This feature takes effect only when PTP messages are encapsulated in IEEE 802.3/Ethernet packets.

This task is not available for the IEEE 802.1AS, SMPTE ST 2059-2, or AES67-2015 PTP profile.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

interface interface-type interface-number

4.     Configure the destination MAC address for non-Pdelay messages.

ptp destination-mac mac-address

The default destination MAC address is 011B-1900-0000.

Setting a DSCP value for PTP messages transmitted over UDP

About this task

The DSCP value determines the sending precedence of PTP messages transmitted over UDP.

Restrictions and guidelines

This task is not available for the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Set a DSCP value for PTP messages transmitted over UDP.

ptp dscp dscp

By default, the DSCP value is 56.

Specifying a VLAN tag for PTP messages

About this task

Perform this task to configure the VLAN ID and the 802.1p precedence in the VLAN tag carried by PTP messages.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Specify a VLAN tag for PTP messages.

ptp vlan vlan-id [ dot1p dot1p-value ]

By default, PTP messages do not have a VLAN tag.

Disabling PTP path tracing

About this task

PTP path tracing traces the clock nodes that the clock signals traverse from the GM to the device. The system can obtain complete path tracing information only when all clock nodes on the path are enabled with PTP path tracing. If a device on the path does not support PTP path tracing, disable this feature to prevent PTP intercommunication issues.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Disable PTP path tracing.

ptp path-trace disable

By default, PTP path tracing is enabled.




Adjusting and correcting clock synchronization

Setting the delay correction value

About this task

PTP performs time synchronization based on the assumption that the delays in sending and receiving messages are the same. However, this is not practical. If you know the offset between the delays in sending and receiving messages, you can set the delay correction value for more accurate time synchronization.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view or Layer 3 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

3.     (Optional.) Assign the interface to a PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

4.     Set a delay correction value.

ptp asymmetry-correction { minus | plus } value

The default is 0 nanoseconds. Delay correction is not performed.

Calculating the TAI based on the UTC time

About this task

International Atomic Time (TAI) is a high-precision atomic coordinate time scale. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is based on TAI and adjusted by leap seconds for synchronization with astronomical time.

UTC is constantly compared with UT1 (astronomical time, reflecting the earth's rotation). The International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) will notify to add or subtract one second from the UTC time scale at the last minute on a specific date (typically June 30 or December 31) to ensure that the difference between UTC and UT1 is within one second.

The BIPM publishes the difference between UTC and TAI periodically. Till now, UTC is 37 seconds behind TAI.

Internet devices typically use the UTC time. To provide more accurate time, PTP also uses TAI. If the device acts as a subordinate clock node, it uses the UTC time and TAI time of the clock reference. If the device acts as the clock reference, it will calculate the TAI time based on the UTC time, and synchronize the UTC and TAI time to the subordinate clocks. This task is used to calculate the TAI time based on the UTC time.

TAI = Current UTC + cumulative offset + leap second that might occur in the future. To get the correct TAI time from the UTC time,

·     Set the accurate UTC time on the device.

·     Use the ptp utc offset command to set the cumulative offset of UTC relative to TAI as published by BIPM. This command takes effect immediately.

·     If the BIPM notifies to add or subtract one second from the UTC time scale on a specific data after you use the ptp utc offset command to configure the cumulative offset of TAI relative to UTC, use the ptp utc { leap59-date | leap61-date } date command to change the UTC time. The TAI time will be changed accordingly.

Restrictions and guidelines

This setting takes effect only when it is configured on the master clock node and the local clock of the master clock node is the GM.

Configure this feature on both the master and member nodes for the new master clock to provide accurate TAI time after a master/member node switchover.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Set the cumulative offset of UTC relative to TAI.

ptp utc offset utc-offset

The default is 0 seconds.

3.     Add or subtract one second from the UTC time scale at the last minute on the specified date.

ptp utc { leap59-date | leap61-date } date

By default, no second is added or subtracted from the UTC time.

Configuring the PTP offset threshold and PTP synchronization suppressions

About this task

After master-member relationships are established between the clock nodes, the master and member clock nodes exchange PTP messages and record the message transmit and receive time. Based on the timestamps, each member clock calculates the path delay and time offset between them and the master clock and adjusts their time accordingly for time synchronization with the master clock.

If the calculated offset exceeds the threshold, the device will suppress PTP time synchronization. Only when the suppression count reaches the specified value, the device performs PTP time synchronization. This prevents the device from synchronizing to an incorrect PTP time when the PTP time provided by the master device is instable.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     (Optional.) Enter PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

Skip this step for PTP instance 0.

3.     Configure the PTP offset threshold and the number of times PTP time synchronization is suppressed.

ptp time-offset { suppression-count suppression-count | suppression-threshold threshold-value } *

By default, the PTP time offset threshold is 3000 nanoseconds and PTP time synchronization is suppressed twice.

Configuring a priority for a clock

About this task

Priorities for clocks are used to elect the GM. The smaller the priority value, the higher the priority.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     (Optional.) Enter PTP instance view.

ptp instance ptp-instance-id

To configure settings for PTP instance 0, skip this step.

3.     Configure the priority for the specified clock for GM election through BMC.

ptp priority clock-source local { priority1 priority1 | priority2 priority2 }

The default value varies by PTP profile:

¡     IEEE 1588 version 2, SMPTE ST 2059-2, or AES67-2015—The priority 1 and priority 2 values are both 128.

¡     IEEE 802.1AS—The priority 1 value is 246 and the priority 2 value is 248.


Configuring PTP logging

About this task

PTP logs help monitor the clock source status. The following PTP logs are available:

·     PTP log that indicates a lower time class

Each PTP clock source has a class value. For a ToD clock source, you can set its class value by using the ptp clock-source command. The higher the value, the lower the class. When the class value of the clock source crosses the class threshold, the system outputs a log for notification.

·     PTP log that indicates a higher time offset between the external reference clock and the PTP clock

If the device uses an external reference clock, it periodically calculates the time offset between the external reference clock and the PTP clock. When the offset exceeds the threshold, the device outputs a log for notification

·     PTP logs that indicate a higher time-offset-sum peak-to-peak value

The PTP module calculates the time-offset-sum peak-to-peak value at specific intervals and compares the value with the threshold configured by this command. If the value is larger than the threshold, the system outputs a log for notification.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Configure the class threshold for the clock source.

ptp alarm-threshold clock-source-class class-value

By default, the class threshold for the clock source is 6.

Only the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile supports this configuration.

3.     Configure the time-offset threshold between the external reference clock and the PTP clock.

ptp alarm-threshold time-offset time-offset-value

By default, the time-offset threshold is 500 ns between the external reference clock and the PTP clock.

Only the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile supports this configuration.

4.     Set the time-offset-sum peak-to-peak threshold.

ptp alarm-threshold time-offset-sum pk-pk threshold-value

By default, the time-offset-sum peak-to-peak threshold is 500 ns.

Only the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile supports this configuration.


Enabling SNMP notification for the PTP module

About this task

To get informed of important events of the PTP module, enable SNMP notification for the PTP module.

The notifications generated for the PTP module will be sent to the SNMP module of the device. Configure SNMP notification parameters for the notifications to be output as needed.

For information about SNMP and SNMP notifications, see SNMP configuration in Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enable SNMP notification for the PTP module.

snmp-agent trap enable ptp

By default, SNMP notification is enabled for the PTP module.

Display and maintenance commands for PTP

Execute display commands in any view and the reset command in user view.




Display PTP clock information.

display ptp clock [ all | instance ptp-instance-id ]

Display the delay correction history.

display ptp corrections [ all | instance ptp-instance-id ]

Display information about foreign master nodes.

display ptp foreign-masters-record [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ all | instance ptp-instance-id ]

Display PTP information on an interface.

display ptp interface [ interface-type interface-number ] [ all | instance ptp-instance-id ]

Display brief PTP information on all interfaces.

display ptp interface brief

Display brief information about the PTP synchronization path from the GM to the device.

display ptp path-trace

Display parent node information for the PTP device.

display ptp parent [ all | instance ptp-instance-id ]

Display historical role change information for PTP ports.

display ptp port-history [ interface interface-type interface-number ]

Display PTP statistics.

display ptp statistics [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ all | instance ptp-instance-id ]

Display PTP clock time properties.

display ptp time-property [ all | instance ptp-instance-id ]

Clear PTP statistics.

reset ptp statistics [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ all | instance ptp-instance-id ]

PTP configuration examples

Example: Configuring PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2, IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport, multicast transmission)

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 4, configure PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2, IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport, multicast transmission) to enable time synchronization between the devices.

·     Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile and the IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport protocol for PTP messages on Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Assign Device A, Device B, and Device C to the same PTP domain. Specify the OC clock node type for Device A and Device C, and E2ETC clock node type for Device B. All clock nodes elect a GM through BMC in the PTP domain.

·     Use the default Request_Response delay measurement mechanism on Device A and Device C.

Figure 4 Network diagram


1.     Configure Device A:

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode oc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/1.

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

2.     Configure Device B:

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the E2ETC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode e2etc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/1.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/2.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] quit

3.     Configure Device C:

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode oc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/1.

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

Verifying the configuration

When the network is stable, perform the following tasks:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0         Master        E2E              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : E2ETC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master  : N/A

Mean path delay     : N/A

Steps removed       : N/A

Local clock time    : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0         N/A           E2E              Two         0

HGE1/1/2   0         N/A           E2E              Two         0

The command outputs show that Device A is elected as the GM and HundredGigE1/1/1 on Device A is the master port.

Example: Configuring PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2, IPv4 UDP transport, multicast transmission)

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 5, configure PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2, IPv4 UDP transport, multicast transmission) to enable time synchronization between the devices.

·     Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Specify multicast IPv4 UDP transport for PTP messages.

·     Assign Device A, Device B, and Device C to the same PTP domain. Specify the OC clock node type for Device A and Device C, and P2PTC clock node type for Device B. All clock nodes elect a GM through BMC in the PTP domain.

·     Specify the peer delay measurement mechanism (p2p) for Device A and Device C.

Figure 5 Network diagram


1.     Configure Device A:

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode oc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP.

[DeviceA] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, specify the IPv4 UDP transport protocol for PTP messages, specify the delay measurement mechanism as p2p, and enable PTP.

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp [DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

2.     Configure Device B:

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the P2PTC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode p2ptc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP.

[DeviceB] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, specify the IPv4 UDP transport protocol for PTP messages and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

# On HundredGigE 1/1/2, specify the IPv4 UDP transport protocol for PTP messages and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] quit

3.     Configure Device C:

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode oc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over UDP.

[DeviceC] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, specify the IPv4 UDP transport protocol for PTP messages, specify the delay measurement mechanism as p2p, and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp [DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

Verifying the configuration

When the network is stable, perform the following tasks:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0         Master        P2P              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : P2PTC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master  : N/A

Mean path delay     : N/A

Steps removed       : N/A

Local clock time    : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0          N/A           P2P              Two         0

HGE1/1/2   0          N/A           P2P              Two         0

The command outputs show that Device A is elected as the GM and HundredGigE1/1/1 on Device A is the master port.

Example: Configuring multiple PTP instances (IEEE 1588 version 2, multicast transmission)

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 6, configure two PTP instances on a PTP network.

·     PTP instance 1: Assign Device A, Device B, and Device C to PTP instance 1.

¡     Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile and IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport of PTP messages for the devices and assign the devices to PTP domain 1.

¡     Specify the OC clock node type for Device A and Device C and E2ETC clock node type for Device B. All these clock nodes elect a GM through BMC.

¡     Use the default Request_Response delay measurement mechanism on all clock nodes in PTP instance 1.

·     PTP instance 2: Assign Device D, Device B, and Device E to PTP instance 2.

¡     Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile and IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages for the devices and assign the devices to PTP domain 2.

¡     Specify the OC clock node type for Device D and Device E and P2PTC clock node type for Device B. All the clock nodes elect a GM through BMC.

¡     Use the peer delay measurement mechanism on Device D and Device E.

Figure 6 Network diagram


1.     Configure PTP instance 1 (IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport of PTP messages)

a.     Configure Device A:

# Enable PTP globally.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Create a PTP instance, specifying its ID as 1 and name as ptp1, and enter its view.

[DeviceA] ptp instance 1 name ptp1

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

[DeviceA-ptp-instance-1] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceA-ptp-instance-1] ptp mode oc

# Specify PTP domain 1.

[DeviceA-ptp-instance-1] ptp domain 1

[DeviceA-ptp-instance-1] quit

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# Assign HundredGigE 1/1/1 to PTP instance 1, enter interface PTP instance view, and enable PTP.

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp instance 1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-1] quit

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

b.     Configure Device B:

# Enable PTP globally.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Create a PTP instance, specifying its ID as 1 and name as ptp1, and enter its view.

[DeviceB] ptp instance 1 name ptp1

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

[DeviceB-ptp-instance-1] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the E2ETC clock node type.

[DeviceB-ptp-instance-1] ptp mode e2etc

# Specify PTP domain 1.

[DeviceB-ptp-instance-1] ptp domain 1

[DeviceB-ptp-instance-1] quit

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# Assign HundredGigE 1/1/1 to PTP instance 1, enter interface PTP instance view, and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp instance 1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-1] quit

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

# Assign HundredGigE 1/1/2 to PTP instance 1, enter interface PTP instance view, and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp instance 1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2-ptp-instance-1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2-ptp-instance-1] quit

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] quit

c.     Configure Device C:

# Enable PTP globally.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Create a PTP instance, specifying its ID as 1 and name as ptp1, and enter its view.

[DeviceC] ptp instance 1 name ptp1


# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

[DeviceC-ptp-instance-1] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceC-ptp-instance-1] ptp mode oc

# Specify PTP domain 1.

[DeviceC-ptp-instance-1] ptp domain 1

[DeviceC-ptp-instance-1] quit

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# Assign HundredGigE 1/1/1 to PTP instance 1, enter interface PTP instance view, and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp instance 1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-1] quit

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

2.     Configure PTP instance 2 (IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages)

a.     Configure Device D:

# Enable PTP globally.

<DeviceD> system-view

[DeviceD] ptp global enable

# Create a PTP instance, specifying its ID as 2 and name as ptp2, and enter its view.

[DeviceD] ptp instance 2 name ptp2

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

[DeviceD-ptp-instance-2] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceD-ptp-instance-1] ptp mode oc

# Specify PTP domain 2.

[DeviceD-ptp-instance-2] ptp domain 2

# Specify the source IP address for multicast transmission of PTP messages over IPv4 UDP.

[DeviceD-ptp-instance-2] ptp source

[DeviceD-ptp-instance-2] quit

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceD] clock protocol ptp

# Assign HundredGigE1/1/1 to PTP instance 2 and enter interface PTP instance view. Specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages and the peer delay measurement mechanism and enable PTP.

[DeviceD] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp instance 2

[DeviceD-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceD-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-2] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceD-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-2] ptp enable

[DeviceD-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-2] quit

[DeviceD-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

b.     Configure Device B:

# Create a PTP instance, specifying its ID as 2 and name as ptp2, and enter its view.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp instance 2 name ptp2

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

[DeviceB-ptp-instance-2] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the P2PTC clock node type.

[DeviceB-ptp-instance-2] ptp mode p2ptc

# Specify PTP domain 2.

[DeviceB-ptp-instance-2] ptp domain 2

# Specify the source IP address for multicast transmission of PTP messages over IPv4 UDP.

[DeviceB-ptp-instance-2] ptp source

[DeviceB-ptp-instance-2] quit

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp mdc 1

# Assign HundredGigE 1/1/3 to PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view. Specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/3

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/3] ptp instance 2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/3-ptp-instance-2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/3-ptp-instance-2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/3-ptp-instance-2] quit

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/3] quit

# Assign HundredGigE 1/1/4 to PTP instance and enter interface PTP instance view. Specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/4

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/4] ptp instance 2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/4-ptp-instance-2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/4-ptp-instance-2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/4-ptp-instance-2] quit

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/4] quit

c.     Configure Device E:

# Enable PTP globally.

<DeviceE> system-view

[DeviceE] ptp global enable

# Create a PTP instance, specifying its ID as 2 and name as ptp2, and enter its view.

[DeviceE] ptp instance 2 name ptp2

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

[DeviceE-ptp-instance-2] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceE-ptp-instance-2] ptp mode oc

# Specify PTP domain 2.

[DeviceE-ptp-instance-2] ptp domain 2

# Specify the source IP address for multicast transmission of PTP messages over IPv4 UDP.

[DeviceE-ptp-instance-2] ptp source

[DeviceE-ptp-instance-2] quit

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceE] clock protocol ptp

# Assign HundredGigE 1/1/4 to PTP instance 2 and enter interface PTP instance view. Specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages and the peer delay measurement mechanism and enable PTP.

[DeviceE] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceE-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp instance 2

[DeviceE-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceE-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-2] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceE-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-2] ptp enable

[DeviceE-HundredGigE1/1/1-ptp-instance-2] quit

[DeviceE-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

Verifying the configuration

1.     Verify the configuration of PTP instance 1.

When the network is stable, perform the following tasks to verify the configuration of PTP instance 1.

¡     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

¡     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information for PTP instance 1 on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock instance 1

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 1

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Tue Jul 23 09:41:50 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name        InstID   State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1    1        Master        E2E              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information for PTP instance 1 on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock instance 1

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : E2ETC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 1

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : N/A

Mean path delay    : N/A

Steps removed      : N/A

Local clock time   : Tue Jul 23 09:41:50 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   1         N/A           E2E              Two         0

HGE1/1/2   1         N/A           E2E              Two         0

HGE1/1/3   2         N/A           P2P              Two         0

HGE1/1/4   2         N/A           P2P              Two         0

The command output shows that Device A is elected as the GM, and HundredGigE1/1/1 on Device A sends time synchronization information to its downstreams as a master port.

2.     Verify the configuration of PTP instance 2.

When the network is stable, perform the following tasks to verify the configuration of PTP instance 2:

¡     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

¡     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information for PTP instance 2 on Device D.

[DeviceD] display ptp clock instance 2

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 2

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Tue Jul 23 09:41:50 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device D.

[DeviceD] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   2          Master        P2P              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information for PTP instance 2 on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock instance 2

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : P2PTC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 2

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : N/A

Mean path delay    : N/A

Steps removed      : N/A

Local clock time   : Tue Jul 23 09:41:50 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   1          N/A          E2E              Two         0

HGE1/1/2   1          N/A          E2E              Two         0

HGE1/1/3   2          N/A          P2P              Two         0

HGE1/1/4   2          N/A          P2P              Two         0

The command output shows that Device D is elected as the GM, and HundredGigE1/1/1 on Device D sends time synchronization information to its downstreams as a master port.

Example: Configuring PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2, IPv4 UDP transport, unicast transmission)

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 7, configure PTP (IEEE 1588 version 2, IPv4 UDP transport, unicast transmission) to enable Device A, Device B, Device C, and the base station to synchronize the time with the ToD clock source.

·     Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile and unicast IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Assign Device A, Device B, Device C, and the base station to PTP domain 0. Specify the BC clock node type for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Connect Device A to the ToD clock source and Device C to the base station.

·     Use the default Request_Response delay measurement mechanism on all clock nodes in the PTP domain.

Figure 7 Network diagram





The switch does not provide ToD interfaces. It can be deployed as Device B or Device C but not Device A.

1.     Assign IP addresses to the interfaces, and make sure the devices can reach each other, as shown in Figure 7. (Details not shown.)

2.     Configure Device A:

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Configure the delay time correction as 1000 nanoseconds for receiving ToD 0 clock signals.

[DeviceA] ptp tod0 input delay 1000

# Set priority 1 to 0 for the ToD 0 clock.

[DeviceA] ptp priority clock-source tod0 priority1 0

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP, and enable PTP.

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

3.     Configure Device B:

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP, and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

# On HundredGigE 1/1/2, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP, and enable PTP.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] quit

4.     Configure Device C:

# Specify the IEEE 1588 version 2 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile 1588v2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Configure the delay time correction as 100 nanoseconds for sending ToD 0 clock signals.

[DeviceC] ptp tod0 output delay 100

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP, and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

# On HundredGigE1/1/2, specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages, and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 1/1/2

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/2] quit

5.     Configure the base station.

# Specify PTP domain 0.

# Specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages.

# Set the destination IP address of unicast PTP messages to

# Specify the Request_Response delay measurement mechanism.

For more information, see the configuration guide for the base station.

Verifying the configuration

When the network is stable, perform the following tasks:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : BC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : ToD0

 ToD direction  : In

 ToD delay time : 1000 (ns)

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 0

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 6

 Accuracy              : 32

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0         Master        E2E              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 1588 Version 2

PTP mode            : BC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Locked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master  : 50 (ns)

Mean path delay     : 2791 (ns)

Steps removed       : 2

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID    State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0         Slave         E2E              Two         0

HGE1/1/2   0         Master        E2E              Two         0

Example: Configuring PTP (IEEE 802.1AS, IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport, multicast transmission)

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 8, configure PTP (IEEE 802.1AS, IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport, multicast transmission) to enable time synchronization between Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Specify the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Assign Device A, Device B, and Device C to the same PTP domain. Specify the OC clock node type for Device A and Device C, and P2PTC clock node type for Device B. The clock nodes elect a GM through BMC in the PTP domain.

·     Use the default peer delay measurement mechanism on all clock nodes in the PTP domain.

Figure 8 Network diagram




The IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile transports PTP messages over IEEE 802.3/Ethernet rather than IPv4 UDP in multicast rather than unicast mode.


1.     Configure Device A:

# Specify the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile 802.1AS

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode oc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/1.

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

2.     Configure Device B:

# Specify the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile 802.1AS

# Specify the P2PTC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode p2ptc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/1.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/2.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] quit

3.     Configure Device C:

# Specify the IEEE 1588 802.1AS PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile 802.1AS

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode oc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/1.

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

Verifying the configuration

When the network is stable, perform the following tasks:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 802.1AS

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 246

Priority2     : 248

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 16640

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0          Master        P2P              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : IEEE 802.1AS

PTP mode            : P2PTC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 246

Priority2     : 248

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 16640

Offset from master  : N/A

Mean path delay     : N/A

Steps removed       : N/A

Local clock time    : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0          N/A           P2P              Two         0

HGE1/1/2   0          N/A           P2P              Two         0

The command outputs show that Device A is elected as the GM, HundredGigE1/1/1 on Device A is the master port, and Device B has synchronized to Device A.

Example: Configuring PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2, IPv4 UDP transport, multicast transmission)

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 9, configure PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2, IPv4 UDP transport, multicast transmission) to enable time synchronization between Device A and Device C:

·     Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile and multicast IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Specify the OC clock node type for Device A and Device C, and the P2PTC clock node type for Device B. All clock nodes elect a GM through BMC.

·     Use the peer delay measurement mechanism on all clock nodes in the PTP domain.

Figure 9 Network diagram




The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile transports PTP messages over IPv4 UDP rather than IEEE 802.3/Ethernet. The profile supports both multicast and unicast transmission modes.


1.     Configure Device A:

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode oc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP.

[DeviceA] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, specify the peer delay measurement mechanism and enable PTP.

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp [DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

2.     Configure Device B:

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the P2PTC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode p2ptc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP.

[DeviceB] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/1.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/2.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] quit

3.     Configure Device C:

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode oc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP.

[DeviceC] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, specify the peer delay measurement mechanism and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

Verifying the configuration

When the network is stable, perform the following tasks to verify the PTP configuration:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : SMPTE ST 2059-2

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master  : 106368539000 (ns)

Mean path delay     : 2791000 (ns)

Steps removed       : 1

Local clock time    : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0          Master        P2P              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : SMPTE ST 2059-2

PTP mode            : P2PTC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master  : N/A

Mean path delay     : N/A

Steps removed       : N/A

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0          N/A           P2P              Two         0

HGE1/1/2   0          N/A           P2P              Two         0

The output shows that Device A is elected as the GM and HundredGigE1/1/1 on Device A sends time synchronization information to its downstreams as a master port.

Example: Configuring PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2, IPv4 UDP transport, unicast transmission)

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 10, configure PTP (SMPTE ST 2059-2, IPv4 UDP transport, unicast transmission) to enable Device A, Device B, Device C, and the base station to synchronize time with the ToD clock source .

·     Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile and unicast IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Assign Device A, Device B, Device C, and the base station to PTP domain 0. Specify the BC clock node type for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Connect Device A to the ToD clock source and Device C to the base station.

·     Use the default Request_Response delay measurement mechanism on all clock nodes in the PTP domain.

Figure 10 Network diagram





The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile supports IPv4 UDP transport rather than IEEE 802.3/Ethernet transport of PTP messages. It supports both multicast and unicast transmission of PTP messages.


1.     Assign IP addresses to the interfaces, and make sure the devices can reach each other, as shown in Figure 10. (Details not shown.)

2.     Configure Device A:

The switch does not provide ToD interfaces. It can be used as Device B or Device C but not Device A.

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceA] ptp global enable

# Configure the device to receive ToD 0 clock signals and set the delay correction value to 1000 nanoseconds.

[DeviceA] ptp tod0 input delay 1000

# Set priority 1 to 0 for the ToD 0 clock.

[DeviceA] ptp priority clock-source tod0 priority1 0

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages and enable PTP. (The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile transports PTP messages over IPv4 UDP by default.)

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

3.     Configure Device B:

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode e2etc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages and enable PTP. (The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile transports PTP messages over IPv4 UDP by default.)

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

# On HundredGigE 1/1/2, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages and enable PTP. (The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile transports PTP messages over IPv4 UDP by default.)

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] quit

4.     Configure Device C:

# Specify the SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile st2059-2

# Specify the BC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode bc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

# On HundredGigE1/1/2, configure the destination IP address for unicast PTP messages and enable PTP. (The SMPTE ST 2059-2 PTP profile transports PTP messages over IPv4 UDP by default.)

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 1/1/2

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp unicast-destination

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/2] quit

5.     Configure the base station.

# Specify PTP domain 0.

# Specify IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages.

# Set the destination IP address of unicast PTP messages to

# Specify the Request_Response delay measurement mechanism.

For more information, see the configuration guide for the base station.

Verifying the configuration

When the network is stable, perform the following tasks to verify the PTP configuration:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : SMPTE ST 2059-2

PTP mode            : BC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : ToD0

 ToD direction  : In

 ToD delay time : 1000 (ns)

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 0

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 6

 Accuracy              : 32

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master : 0 (ns)

Mean path delay    : 0 (ns)

Steps removed      : 0

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0          Master        E2E              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : SMPTE ST 2059-2

PTP mode            : BC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Locked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master  : 50 (ns)

Mean path delay     : 2780 (ns)

Steps removed       : 2

Local clock time    : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information on Device C.

[DeviceC] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0          Slave         E2E              Two         0

HGE1/1/2   0          Master        E2E              Two         0

Example: Configuring PTP (AES67-2015, IPv4 UDP transport, multicast transmission)

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 9, configure PTP (AES67-2015, IPv4 UDP transport, multicast transmission) to enable time synchronization between Device A and Device C:

·     Specify the AES67-2015 PTP profile and multicast IPv4 UDP transport of PTP messages for Device A, Device B, and Device C.

·     Assign Device A, Device B, and Device C to the same PTP domain. Specify the OC clock node type for Device A and Device C, and the P2PTC clock node type for Device B. All clock nodes elect a GM through BMC.

·     Use the peer delay measurement mechanism on all clock nodes in the PTP domain.

Figure 11 Network diagram




The AES67-2015 PTP profile transports PTP messages over IPv4 UDP rather than IEEE 802.3/Ethernet. The profile supports both multicast and unicast transmission modes.


1.     Configure Device A:

# Specify the AES67-2015 PTP profile.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] ptp profile aes67-2015

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceA] ptp mode oc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceA] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP.

[DeviceA] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceA] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, specify the peer delay measurement mechanism and enable PTP.

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp [DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

2.     Configure Device B:

# Specify the AES67-2015 PTP profile.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ptp profile aes67-2015

# Specify the P2PTC clock node type.

[DeviceB] ptp mode p2ptc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceB] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceB] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP.

[DeviceB] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceB] clock protocol ptp

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/1.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

# Enable PTP on HundredGigE 1/1/2.

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 1/1/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp transport-protocol udp

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] ptp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE1/1/2] quit

3.     Configure Device C:

# Specify the AES67-2015 PTP profile.

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] ptp profile aes67-2015

# Specify the OC clock node type.

[DeviceC] ptp mode oc

# Create a PTP domain.

[DeviceC] ptp domain 0

# Enable PTP globally.

[DeviceC] ptp global enable

# Configure the source IP address for multicast PTP messages transmitted over IPv4 UDP.

[DeviceC] ptp source

# Specify PTP for obtaining the time.

[DeviceC] clock protocol ptp

# On HundredGigE 1/1/1, specify the peer delay measurement mechanism and enable PTP.

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 1/1/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp delay-mechanism p2p

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] ptp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE1/1/1] quit

Verifying the configuration

When the network is stable, perform the following tasks to verify the PTP configuration:

·     Use the display ptp clock command to display PTP clock information.

·     Use the display ptp interface brief command to display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces.

# Display PTP clock information on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : AES67-2015

PTP mode            : OC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0000

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 1

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master  : 106368539000 (ns)

Mean path delay     : 2791000 (ns)

Steps removed       : 1

Local clock time    : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device A.

[DeviceA] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0          Master        P2P              Two         0

# Display PTP clock information on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp clock

PTP global state    : Enabled

PTP profile         : AES67-2015

PTP mode            : P2PTC

Slave only          : No

Lock status         : Unlocked

Clock ID            : 000FE2-FFFE-FF0001

Clock type          : Local

Clock domain        : 0

Number of PTP ports : 2

Priority1     : 128

Priority2     : 128

Clock quality :

 Class                 : 248

 Accuracy              : 254

 Offset (log variance) : 65535

Offset from master  : N/A

Mean path delay     : N/A

Steps removed       : N/A

Local clock time   : Sun Jan 15 20:57:29 2019

# Display brief PTP running information for all PTP interfaces on Device B.

[DeviceB] display ptp interface brief

Name       InstID     State         Delay mechanism  Clock step  Asymmetry correction

HGE1/1/1   0          N/A           P2P              Two         0

HGE1/1/2   0          N/A           P2P              Two         0

The output shows that Device A is elected as the GM and HundredGigE1/1/1 on Device A sends time synchronization information to its downstreams as a master port.


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