- Table of Contents
- 10-Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide
- 00-Preface
- 01-System maintenance and debugging configuration
- 02-NQA configuration
- 03-iNQA configuration
- 04-Packet trace configuration
- 05-NTP configuration
- 06-PTP configuration
- 07-SNMP configuration
- 08-RMON configuration
- 09-Event MIB configuration
- 10-NETCONF configuration
- 11-Ansible configuration
- 12-Puppet configuration
- 13-Chef configuration
- 14-CWMP configuration
- 15-EAA configuration
- 16-Process monitoring and maintenance configuration
- 17-Sampler configuration
- 18-Mirroring configuration
- 19-NetStream configuration
- 20-IPv6 NetStream configuration
- 21-NetAnalysis configuration
- 22-sFlow configuration
- 23-Information center configuration
- 24-GOLD configuration
- 25-Packet capture configuration
- 26-Performance management configuration
- 27-TCP connection trace configuration
- Related Documents
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24-GOLD configuration | 95.22 KB |
Configuring monitoring diagnostics
Configuring on-demand diagnostics
Configuring script-bound diagnostics
Configuring the log buffer size
Display and maintenance commands for GOLD
Configuring GOLD
About GOLD
Generic Online Diagnostics (GOLD) performs the following operations:
· Runs diagnostic tests on a device to inspect device ports, RAM, chip, connectivity, forwarding paths, and control paths for hardware faults.
· Reports the problems to the system.
Types of GOLD diagnostics
GOLD diagnostics are divided into the following types:
· Monitoring diagnostics—Run diagnostic tests periodically when the system is in operation and record test results. Monitoring diagnostics execute only non-disruptive tests.
· On-demand diagnostics—Enable you to manually start or stop diagnostic tests during system operation.
GOLD diagnostic tests
Each kind of diagnostics runs its diagnostic tests. The parameters of a diagnostic test include test name, type, description, attribute (disruptive or non-disruptive), default status, and execution interval.
Support for the diagnostic tests and default values for a test's parameters depend on the device model. You can modify part of the parameters by using the commands provided by this document.
The diagnostic tests are released with the system software image of the device. All enabled diagnostic tests run in the background. You can use the display commands to view test results and logs to verify hardware faults.
GOLD tasks at a glance
To configure GOLD, perform the following tasks:
1. Configuring diagnostics
Choose the following tasks as needed:
¡ Configuring monitoring diagnostics
¡ Configuring on-demand diagnostics
¡ Configuring script-bound diagnostics
2. (Optional.) Simulating diagnostic tests
3. (Optional.) Configuring the log buffer size
Configuring monitoring diagnostics
About this task
The system automatically executes monitoring diagnostic tests that are enabled by default after the device starts. Use the diagnostic monitor enable command to enable monitoring diagnostic tests that are disabled by default.
1. Enter system view.
2. Enable monitoring diagnostics.
diagnostic monitor enable slot slot-number [ test test-name ]
By default, monitoring diagnostics are enabled.
3. Set an execution interval for monitoring diagnostic tests.
diagnostic monitor interval slot slot-number [ test test-name ] time interval
By default, the execution interval varies by monitoring diagnostic test. To display the execution interval of a monitoring diagnostic test, execute the display diagnostic content command.
The configured interval cannot be smaller than the minimum execution interval of the tests. Use the display diagnostic content verbose command to view the minimum execution interval of the tests.
4. Set the recovery action for monitoring diagnostic tests.
diagnostic monitor action slot slot-number [ test test-name ] mode { none | self-reboot | service-restart | switchover | system-reboot }
By default, the settings for this command vary by test. Use the display diagnostic content verbose command to view the recovery action for a test. If a test does not support any recovery action, its recovery action is displayed as -NA-.
Configuring on-demand diagnostics
About this task
You can stop an on-demand diagnostic test by using any of the following commands:
· Use the diagnostic ondemand stop command to immediately stop the test.
· Use the diagnostic ondemand repeating command to configure the number of executions for the test.
· Use the diagnostic ondemand failure command to configure the maximum number of failed tests before the system stops the test.
Restrictions and guidelines
The diagnostic ondemand commands are effective only during the current system operation. These commands are restored to the default after you restart the device.
To configure on-demand diagnostics, perform the following steps in user view:
1. Configure the number of executions.
diagnostic ondemand repeating repeating-number
The default value for the repeating-number argument is 1.
This command applies only to diagnostic tests to be enabled.
2. Configure the number of failed tests.
diagnostic ondemand failure failure-number
By default, the maximum number of failed tests is not specified.
Configure a number no larger than the configured repeating-number argument.
This command applies only to diagnostic tests to be enabled.
3. Enable on-demand diagnostics.
diagnostic ondemand start slot slot-number test { test-name | non-disruptive } [ para parameters ]
The system runs the tests according to the default configuration if you do not perform the first two configurations.
4. (Optional.) Stop on-demand diagnostics.
diagnostic ondemand stop slot slot-number test { test-name | non-disruptive }
You can manually stop all on-demand diagnostic tests.
Configuring script-bound diagnostics
About this task
The device is configured with tests that are bound with scripts before shipment, such as scripts for verifying chip and port basic information after the device is powered on. The system supports TCL and shell scripts. After you use this command to start a test, the system automatically runs the scripts and displays the results at the CLI.
To start script-bound diagnostics, execute the following command in user view:
diagnostic start test test-name
Simulating diagnostic tests
About this task
You can simulate monitoring diagnostic tests or on-demand diagnostic tests to verify GOLD frame functionality. When you use the diagnostic simulation commands to simulate a diagnostic test, only part of the test code is executed to generate a test result. Test simulation does not trigger hardware correcting actions such as device restart and active/standby switchover.
Restrictions and guidelines
Only monitoring diagnostics and on-demand diagnostics support test simulation.
To simulate a test, execute the following command in user view:
diagnostic simulation slot slot-number test test-name { failure | random-failure | success }
By default, the system runs a test instead of simulating it.
Configuring the log buffer size
About this task
GOLD saves test results in the form of logs. You can use the display diagnostic event-log command to view the logs.
1. Enter system view.
2. Configure the maximum number of GOLD logs that can be saved.
diagnostic event-log size number
By default, GOLD saves 512 log entries at most.
When the number of logs exceeds the configured log buffer size, the system deletes the oldest entries.
Display and maintenance commands for GOLD
Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.
Task |
Command |
Display test content. |
display diagnostic content [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ] |
Display GOLD logs. |
display diagnostic event-log [ error | info ] |
Display configurations of on-demand diagnostics. |
display diagnostic ondemand configuration |
Display test results. |
display diagnostic result [ slot slot-number [ test test-name ] ] [ verbose ] |
Display statistics for packet-related tests. |
display diagnostic result [ slot slot-number [ test test-name ] ] statistics |
Display configurations for simulated tests. |
display diagnostic simulation [ slot slot-number ] |
Clear GOLD logs. |
reset diagnostic event-log |
Clear test results. |
reset diagnostic result [ slot slot-number [ test test-name ] ] |
GOLD configuration examples
Support for the diagnostic tests depends on the device model. The diagnostic test named MonitorTest used in the following examples is for illustration only.
Example: Configuring GOLD
Network configuration
Enable monitoring diagnostic test MonitorTest on slot 1, and set its execution interval to 1 minute. (Support for diagnostic tests varies by device model. MonitorTest is used in this configuration example.)
# View the default status and execution interval of the test on slot 1.
<Sysname> display diagnostic content slot 1 verbose
Diagnostic test suite attributes:
#B/*: Bootup test/NA
#O/*: Ondemand test/NA
#M/*: Monitoring test/NA
#D/*: Disruptive test/Non-disruptive test
#P/*: Per port test/NA
#A/I/*: Monitoring test is active/Monitoring test is inactive/NA
Slot 1:
Test name : MonitorTest
Test attributes : **M*PI
Test interval : 00:00:10
Min interval : 00:00:10
Correct-action : -NA-
Description : A Real-time test, disabled by default that checks link status between ports.
Exec : -NA-
# Enable test MonitorTest on slot 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] diagnostic monitor enable slot 1 test MonitorTest
# Set the execution interval to 1 minute.
[Sysname] diagnostic monitor interval slot 1 test MonitorTest time 0:1:0
Verifying the configuration
# View the test configuration.
[Sysname] display diagnostic content slot 1 verbose
Diagnostic test suite attributes:
#B/*: Bootup test/NA
#O/*: Ondemand test/NA
#M/*: Monitoring test/NA
#D/*: Disruptive test/Non-disruptive test
#P/*: Per port test/NA
#A/I/*: Monitoring test is active/Monitoring test is inactive/NA
Slot 1:
Test name : MonitorTest
Test attributes : **M*PA
Test interval : 00:01:00
Min interval : 00:00:10
Correct-action : -NA-
Description : A Real-time test, disabled by default that checks link status between ports.
Exec : -NA-
# View the test result about test MonitorTest.
[Sysname] display diagnostic result slot 1 test monitortest verbose
Slot 1:
Test name : MonitorTest
Total run count : 1247
Total failure count : 0
Consecutive failure count: 0
Last execution time : Mon Feb 25 18:09:21 2019
First failure time : -NA-
Last failure time : -NA-
Last pass time : Mon Feb 25 18:09:21 2019
Last execution result : Success
Last failure reason : -NA-
Next execution time : Mon Feb 25 18:10:21 2019
Port link status : Normal