05-Network Connectivity Configuration Guide

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01-MAC address table configuration
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Configuring the MAC address table

About the MAC address table

An Ethernet device uses a MAC address table to forward frames. A MAC address entry includes a destination MAC address, an outgoing interface, and a VLAN ID. When the device receives a frame, it uses the destination MAC address of the frame to look for a match in the MAC address table.

·     The device forwards the frame out of the outgoing interface in the matching entry if a match is found.

·     The device floods the frame in the VLAN of the frame if no match is found.

How a MAC address entry is created

The entries in the MAC address table include entries automatically learned by the device and entries manually added.

MAC address learning

The device can automatically populate its MAC address table by learning the source MAC addresses of incoming frames on each interface.

The device performs the following operations to learn the source MAC address of incoming packets:

1.     Checks the source MAC address (for example, MAC-SOURCE) of the frame.

2.     Looks up the source MAC address in the MAC address table.

¡     The device updates the entry if an entry is found.

¡     The device adds an entry for MAC-SOURCE and the incoming port if no entry is found.

When the device receives a frame destined for MAC-SOURCE after learning this source MAC address, the device performs the following operations:

1.     Finds the MAC-SOURCE entry in the MAC address table.

2.     Forwards the frame out of the port in the entry.

The device performs the learning process for each incoming frame with an unknown source MAC address until the table is fully populated.

Manually configuring MAC address entries

Dynamic MAC address learning does not distinguish between illegitimate and legitimate frames, which can invite security hazards. When Host A is connected to Port A, a MAC address entry will be learned for the MAC address of Host A (for example, MAC A). When an illegal user sends frames with MAC A as the source MAC address to Port B, the device performs the following operations:

1.     Learns a new MAC address entry with Port B as the outgoing interface and overwrites the old entry for MAC A.

2.     Forwards frames destined for MAC A out of Port B to the illegal user.

As a result, the illegal user obtains the data of Host A. To improve the security for Host A, manually configure a static entry to bind Host A to Port A. Then, the frames destined for Host A are always sent out of Port A. Other hosts using the forged MAC address of Host A cannot obtain the frames destined for Host A.

Types of MAC address entries

A MAC address table can contain the following types of entries:

·     Static entries—A static entry is manually added to forward frames with a specific destination MAC address out of the associated interface, and it never ages out. A static entry has higher priority than a dynamically learned one.

·     Dynamic entries—A dynamic entry is dynamically learned to forward frames with a specific destination MAC address out of the associated interface. A dynamic entry can age out.

A static MAC address entry can overwrite a dynamic MAC address entry, but not vice versa.


MAC address table tasks at a glance

All MAC address table configuration tasks are optional.

To configure the MAC address table, perform the following tasks:

·     Configuring MAC address entries

·     Setting the aging timer for dynamic MAC address entries

·     Configuring MAC address learning

¡     Disabling MAC address learning

¡     Setting the MAC learning limit

¡     Configuring the unknown frame forwarding rule after the MAC learning limit is reached

¡     Assigning MAC learning priority to interfaces

·     Configuring MAC address move notifications and suppression

·     Enabling SNMP notifications for the MAC address table

Configuring MAC address entries

About MAC address entry-based frame forwarding

A frame whose source MAC address matches the specified MAC address entries will be forwarded according to the destination MAC address regardless of whether the frame's ingress interface is the same as that in the entry..

Restrictions and guidelines for MAC address entry configuration

The manually configured static MAC address entries cannot survive a reboot if you do not save the configuration.

Prerequisites for MAC address entry configuration

Before manually configuring a MAC address entry for an interface, make sure the VLAN in the entry has been created.

Adding or modifying a static MAC address entry

Adding or modifying a static MAC address entry globally

1.     Enter system view.


2.     Add or modify a static MAC address entry.

mac-address static mac-address interface interface-type interface-number vlan vlan-id

By default, no MAC address entry is configured globally.

Make sure you have assigned the interface to the VLAN.

Adding or modifying a static MAC address entry on an interface

1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter interface view.

¡     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

¡     Enter Layer 2 aggregate interface view.

interface bridge-aggregation interface-number

3.     Add or modify a static MAC address entry.

mac-address static mac-address vlan vlan-id

By default, no MAC address entry is configured on an interface.

Make sure you have assigned the interface to the VLAN.

Setting the aging timer for dynamic MAC address entries

About this task

For security and efficient use of table space, the MAC address table uses an aging timer for each dynamic MAC address entry. If a dynamic MAC address entry is not updated before the aging timer expires, the device deletes the entry. This aging mechanism ensures that the MAC address table can promptly update to accommodate latest network topology changes.

A stable network requires a longer aging interval, and an unstable network requires a shorter aging interval.

An aging interval that is too long might cause the MAC address table to retain outdated entries. As a result, the MAC address table resources might be exhausted, and the MAC address table might fail to update its entries to accommodate the latest network changes.

An interval that is too short might result in removal of valid entries, which would cause unnecessary floods and possibly affect the device performance.

To reduce floods on a stable network, set a long aging timer or disable the timer to prevent dynamic entries from unnecessarily aging out. Reducing floods improves the network performance. Reducing flooding also improves the security because it reduces the chances for a data frame to reach unintended destinations.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Set the aging timer for dynamic MAC address entries.

mac-address timer { aging seconds | no-aging }

The default setting is 300 seconds.

Disabling MAC address learning

About disabling MAC address learning

MAC address learning is enabled by default. To prevent the MAC address table from being saturated when the device is experiencing attacks, disable MAC address learning. For example, you can disable MAC address learning to prevent the device from being attacked by a large amount of frames with different source MAC addresses.

After MAC address learning is disabled, existing dynamic MAC address entries can age out.

Disabling MAC address learning on an interface

About this task

You can disable MAC address learning on a single interface.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter interface view.

¡     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

¡     Enter Layer 2 aggregate interface view.

interface bridge-aggregation interface-number

3.     Disable MAC address learning on the interface.

undo mac-address mac-learning enable

By default, MAC address learning is enabled on an interface.

Setting the MAC learning limit

About this task

This feature limits the MAC address table size. A large MAC address table will degrade forwarding performance.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter interface view.

¡     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

¡     Enter Layer 2 aggregate interface view.

interface bridge-aggregation interface-number

3.     Set the MAC learning limit on the interface.

mac-address max-mac-count count

By default, the MAC learning limit on an interface is not configured.

Configuring the unknown frame forwarding rule after the MAC learning limit is reached

About this task

In this document, unknown frames refer to frames whose source MAC addresses are not in the MAC address table.

You can enable or disable forwarding of unknown frames after the MAC learning limit is reached.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter interface view.

¡     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

¡     Enter Layer 2 aggregate interface view.

interface bridge-aggregation interface-number

3.     Configure the device to forward unknown frames received on the interface after the MAC learning limit on the interface is reached.

mac-address max-mac-count enable-forwarding

By default, the device can forward unknown frames received on an interface after the MAC learning limit on the interface is reached.

Assigning MAC learning priority to interfaces

About this task

The MAC learning priority mechanism assigns either low priority or high priority to an interface. An interface with high priority can learn MAC addresses as usual. However, an interface with low priority is not allowed to learn MAC addresses already learned on a high-priority interface.

The MAC learning priority mechanism can help defend your network against MAC address spoofing attacks. In a network that performs MAC-based forwarding, an upper layer device MAC address might be learned by a downlink interface because of a loop or attack to the downlink interface. To avoid this issue, perform the following tasks:

·     Assign high MAC learning priority to an uplink interface.

·     Assign low MAC learning priority to a downlink interface.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter interface view.

¡     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

¡     Enter Layer 2 aggregate interface view.

interface bridge-aggregation interface-number

3.     Assign MAC learning priority to the interface.

mac-address mac-learning priority { high | low }

By default, low MAC learning priority is used.

Configuring MAC address move notifications and suppression

About this task

The outgoing interface for a MAC address entry learned on interface A is changed to interface B when the following conditions exist:

·     Interface B receives a packet with the MAC address as the source MAC address.

·     Interface B belongs to the same VLAN as interface A.

In this case, the MAC address is moved from interface A to interface B, and a MAC address move occurs.

The MAC address move notifications feature enables the device to output MAC address move logs when MAC address moves are detected.

If a MAC address is continuously moved between the two interfaces, Layer 2 loops might occur. To detect and locate loops, you can view the MAC address move information. To display the MAC address move records after the device is started, use the display mac-address mac-move command.

If the system detects that MAC address moves occur frequently on an interface, you can configure MAC address move suppression to shut the interface down. The interface automatically goes up after a suppression interval. Or, you can manually bring up the interface.

Restrictions and guidelines

After you configure MAC address move notifications, the system sends only log messages to the information center module. If the device is also configured with the snmp-agent trap enable mac-address command, the system also sends SNMP notifications to the SNMP module.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enable MAC address move notifications and optionally specify a MAC move detection interval.

mac-address notification mac-move [ interval interval ]

By default, MAC address move notifications are disabled.

3.     (Optional.) Set MAC address move suppression parameters.

mac-address notification mac-move suppression { interval interval | threshold threshold }

By default, the suppression interval is 30 seconds, and the suppression threshold is 3.

For the MAC address move suppression parameters to take effect, enable the MAC address move suppression on a port.

4.     Enter interface view.

¡     Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number

¡     Enter Layer 2 aggregate interface view.

interface bridge-aggregation interface-number

5.     Enable MAC address move suppression.

mac-address notification mac-move suppression

By default, MAC address move suppression is disabled.

Enabling SNMP notifications for the MAC address table

About this task

To report critical MAC address move events to an NMS, enable SNMP notifications for the MAC address table. For MAC address move event notifications to be sent correctly, you must also configure SNMP on the device.

When SNMP notifications are disabled for the MAC address table, the device sends the generated logs to the information center. To display the logs, configure the log destination and output rule configuration in the information center.

For more information about SNMP and information center configuration, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide and System Management Configuration Guide, respectively.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enable SNMP notifications for the MAC address table.

snmp-agent trap enable mac-address [ mac-move ]

By default, SNMP notifications are enabled for the MAC address table.

When SNMP notifications are disabled for the MAC address table, syslog messages are sent to notify important events on the MAC address table module.

Display and maintenance commands for MAC address table

Execute display commands in any view.





Display MAC address table information.

display mac-address [ mac-address [ vlan vlan-id ] | [ [ dynamic | static ] [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ vlan vlan-id ] [ count ]

Display the aging timer for dynamic MAC address entries.

display mac-address aging-time

Display the system or interface MAC address learning state.

display mac-address mac-learning [ interface interface-type interface-number ]

Display the MAC address move records.

display mac-address mac-move



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