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05-S-Trunk commands
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S-Trunk commands


Use description to configure a description for a smart trunk.

Use undo description to restore the default.


description text-string

undo description


A smart trunk does not have any description.


Smart trunk view

Predefined user roles



text: Specifies a description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters.


# Configure a description for smart trunk 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10

[Sysname-s-trunk10] description strunk10

display s-trunk brief

Use display s-trunk brief to display brief smart trunk information.


display s-trunk brief


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display brief smart trunk information.

<Sysname> display s-trunk brief

Total: 1       Primary: 1       Secondary: 0       Init: 0

IPv4 UDP port: 1025             IPv6 UDP port: 1025


Trunk ID      DevRole      DestIP          SrcIP

1             Primary

Table 1 Command output




Total number of smart trunks.


Number of the smart trunks in which the local device is assigned the Primary role.


Number of the smart trunks in which the local device is assigned the Secondary role.


Number of the smart trunks in which the local device is assigned the Init role.

IPv4 UDP port

Destination UDP port number of IPv4 S-Trunk protocol packets.

IPv6 UDP port

Destination UDP port number of IPv6 S-Trunk protocol packets.


Role of the device in a smart trunk:

·     Init.

·     Primary.

·     Secondary.


Destination IP address of S-Trunk protocol packets.


Source IP address of S-Trunk protocol packets.


display s-trunk member role-change

Use display s-trunk member role-change to display the ten most recent role change records for a smart trunk member interface.


display s-trunk member role-change interface interface-type interface-number


Any view

Predefined user roles




interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies a member interface of a smart trunk by the interface type and interface number.


# Display the ten most recent role change records for Bridge-Aggregation 1.

<Sysname> display s-trunk member role-change interface bridge-aggregation 10

Time                   LastRole    CurrentRole    Trigger

2018-09-23 10:41:30    Secondary   Primary        PEER_MEMBER_DOWN

2018-09-23 10:30:29    Primary     Secondary      MANUAL_SECONDARY

Table 2 Command output




Time when the role change occurred.


Role before the change:

·     Primary.

·     Secondary.


Role after the change:

·     Primary.

·     Secondary.


Reason for the role change:

·     MANUAL_SECONDARY—The member interface role was set to Secondary.

·     MANUAL_PRIMARY—The member interface role was set to Primary.

·     STRUNK_INIT—The member interface role was set to Auto, but the S-Trunk system was initializing.

·     AUTO_SECONDARY—The member interface role was set to Auto, and the actual role of the interface was automatically set to Secondary based on the device role.

·     AUTO_PRIMARY—The member interface role was set to Auto, and the actual role of the interface was automatically set to Primary based on the device role.

·     PEER_MEMBER_DOWN—The local device received a packet that reported the down state of the peer member interface.

·     PEER_MEMBER_UP—The local device received a packet that reported the up state of the peer member interface.


display s-trunk packet-statistics

Use display s-trunk packet-statistics to display packet statistics about smart trunks.


display s-trunk packet-statistics [ s-trunk-id ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




s-trunk-id: Specifies a smart trunk ID in the range of 1 to 65535. The smart trunk ID must already exist. If you do not specify a smart trunk ID, this command displays packet statistics about all smart trunks.


# Display packet statistics about all smart trunks.

<Sysname> display s-trunk packet-statistics

Global statistics:

 Received packets                                  : 0

 Dropped received packets                          : 0

 Sent packets                                      : 0

 Dropped sent packets                              : 0

 Received packets with invalid packet type         : 0

 Received packets with invalid packet length       : 0

 Received packets with invalid bridge MAC address  : 0

 Received packets with invalid timeout             : 0

 Received packets with invalid interval            : 0

 Received packets with invalid smart trunk ID      : 0

 Received packets of nonexistent smart trunk       : 0


Trunk ID: 1

 Received packets                                  : 0

 Dropped received packets                          : 0

 Sent packets                                      : 0

 Dropped sent packets                              : 0

 Received packets without IPs or VPN instance      : 0

 Received packets with incorrect IPs               : 0

 Received packets with incorrect VPN instance      : 0

 Received packets with incorrect packet type       : 0

 Received packets with incorrect sequence number   : 0

 Received packets that failed authentication       : 0

Table 3 Command output



Received packets with invalid timeout

Number of the received S-Trunk protocol packets with an invalid S-Trunk protocol packet timeout.

Received packets with invalid interval

Number of the received S-Trunk protocol packets with an invalid S-Trunk protocol packet transmission interval.

Received packets without IPs or VPN instance

Number of the received S-Trunk protocol packets that do not contain IP addresses or VPN instance name.

Received packets with incorrect IPs

Number of the received S-Trunk protocol packets whose IP addresses do not match the IP addresses of S-Trunk protocol packets configured on the local device.

Received packets with incorrect VPN instance

Number of the received S-Trunk protocol packets whose VPN instance does not match the VPN instance configured on the local device.

Received packets with incorrect sequence number

Number of the received S-Trunk protocol packets with a sequence number same as a previously received packet.

Related commands

reset s-trunk packet-statistics

displays-trunk verbose

Use display s-trunk verbose to display detailed information about a smart trunk.


display s-trunk verbose s-trunk-id


Any view

Predefined user roles




s-trunk-id: Specifies a smart trunk ID in the range of 1 to 65535. The smart trunk ID must already exist.


# Display detailed information about smart trunk 1.

<Sysname> display s-trunk verbose 1

                            Trunk-wide info and statistics

S-Trunk ID: 1

Revert: Enabled                       Revert-delay(s): 120

Local bridge MAC: 0af9-271a-a800      Peer bridge MAC: 0a02-4ccc-4400

Local priority: 100                   Peer priority: 150

DevRole (Trigger): Primary (PRIORITY)



Local hello interval(100ms): 10       Local hello timeout(100ms): 200

InStrunkPDUs: 2605                    OutStrunkPDUs: 2869

InDrops: 0                            OutDrops: 0

Peer hello interval(100ms): 10        Peer hello timeout(100ms): 200

Sequence number check: Enabled

BFD session: -

VPN instance: vpn1

Description: -


                            Trunk member info

Local    LinkState   ConfigRole    OperRole (Trigger)            Peer

BAGG1    Up          Auto          Primary (AUTO_PRIMARY)        BAGG1

Table 4 Command output




Whether the smart trunk can be reverted to the primary interface on its recovery:

·     Disabled.

·     Enabled.


Reversion delay in seconds.

Local bridge MAC

Bridge MAC address of the local device in the smart trunk.

Peer bridge MAC

Bridge MAC address of the peer device in the smart trunk.

Local priority

Priority of the local device.

Peer priority

Priority of the peer device.

DevRole (Trigger)

Role of the local device:

·     Init.

·     Primary.

·     Secondary.

Reason for the role change:

·     INIT—The S-Trunk system was initializing.

·     PRIORITY—The device role was determined based on the role priority.

·     TIMEOUT—The local device did not receive any protocol packets before the S-Trunk protocol packet timeout expired.

·     BFD_DOWN—BFD detected that the link to the peer device was down.

·     PEER-TIMEOUT—The local device received a packet that reported expiration of the peer S-Trunk protocol packet timeout.

·     PEER_BFD_DOWN—The local device received a message about the link down event detected by BFD on the peer device.


Destination IP address of S-Trunk protocol packets.


Source IP address of S-Trunk protocol packets.

Local hello interval(100ms)

Local S-Trunk protocol packet transmission interval, in 100 milliseconds.

Local hello timeout(100ms)

Local S-Trunk protocol packet timeout, in 100 milliseconds.


Number of S-Trunk protocol packets sent/received by the interface.


Number of dropped incoming and outgoing S-Trunk protocol packets on the interface.

Peer hello interval(100ms)

Peer S-Trunk protocol packet transmission interval, in 100 milliseconds.

Peer hello timeout(100ms)

Peer S-Trunk protocol packet timeout, in 100 milliseconds.

Sequence number check

Whether sequence number check is enabled for the smart trunk:

·     Disabled.

·     Enabled.

BFD session

Name of the BFD session associated with the smart trunk. If no BFD session association is configured, the system displays a hyphen (-).

VPN instance

Name of the VPN instance to which S-Trunk protocol packets belong.


Description of the smart trunk.


Abbreviated name of the local smart trunk member interface.


Link state of the local smart trunk member interface:

·     Up—The interface is up if it is the primary member interface.

·     Down—The interface is down if it is the secondary member interface.

·     Down(GIR)—The interface is down if the lcoal device enters maintenance mode.


Role of the interface in the smart trunk:

·     Auto—The role of the interface is automatically assigned.

·     Secondary—The role of the interface is fixed at secondary.

·     Primary—The role of the interface is fixed at primary.

OperRole (Trigger)

Actual role of the member interface:

·     Primary.

·     Secondary.

Reason for the role change of the member interface:

·     MANUAL_SECONDARY—The member interface role was set to Secondary.

·     MANUAL_PRIMARY—The member interface role was set to Primary.

·     STRUNK_INIT—The member interface role was set to Auto, but the S-Trunk system was initializing.

·     AUTO_SECONDARY—The member interface role was set to Auto, and the actual role of the interface was automatically set to Secondary based on the device role.

·     AUTO_PRIMARY—The member interface role was set to Auto, and the actual role of the interface was automatically set to Primary based on the device role.

·     PEER_MEMBER_DOWN—The local device received a packet that reported the down state of the peer member interface.

·     PEER_MEMBER_UP—The local device received a packet that reported the up state of the peer member interface.


Abbreviated name of the peer smart trunk member interface.

lacp system-mac

Use lacp system-mac to configure the LACP system MAC address.

Use undo lacp system-mac to restore the default.


lacp system-mac mac-address

undo lacp system-mac


The LACP system MAC address is not configured.


System view

Predefined user roles



mac-address: Specifies a MAC address in the H-H-H format. The MAC address cannot be a multicast MAC address, all-zero MAC address, or all-F MAC address.

Usage guidelines



Changing the LACP system MAC address might cause interface flapping or incorrect operation of smart trunks. As a best practice, perform this task before configuring smart trunks.

This command takes effect on an aggregate interface after it is assigned to a smart trunk.

The LACP system MAC address uniquely identifies an S-Trunk system on the network. For the S-Trunk member devices to be identified as one device, you must configure the same LACP system MAC address on them. As a best practice to avoid MAC address collision, use the bridge MAC address of one S-Trunk member device as the LACP system MAC address.


# Set the LACP system MAC address to 0001-0001-0001.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] lacp system-mac 1-1-1

lacp system-number

Use lacp system-number to configure the LACP system number.

Use undo lacp system-number to restore the default.


lacp system-number number

undo lacp system-number


The LACP system number is not configured.


System view

Predefined user roles



number: Specifies an LACP system number in the range of 1 to 3.

Usage guidelines

This command takes effect on an aggregate interface after it is assigned to a smart trunk.

You must assign different LACP system numbers to the member devices in an S-Trunk system. The devices will generate different interface indexes for the smart trunk member interfaces with the same interface number.

The LACP system number configured by using this command takes effect only on aggregate interfaces in smart trunks. Aggregate interfaces not in smart trunks do not use the configured LACP system number in LACPDUs. To view the LACP system number in LACPDUs, examine the Index field in the output from the display link-aggregation verbose command.

You can use the display link-aggregation verbose command to view the Index field of an LACP packet.


# Set the LACP system number to 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] lacp system-number 1

Related commands

display link-aggregation verbose (Layer 2—LAN Switching Command Reference)

reset s-trunk packet-statistics

Use reset s-trunk packet-statistics to clear packet statistics about smart trunks.


reset s-trunk packet-statistics [ s-trunk-id ]


User view

Predefined user roles



s-trunk-id: Specifies a smart trunk ID in the range of 1 to 65535. The smart trunk ID must already exist. If you do not specify a smart trunk ID, the system clears the packet statistics about all smart trunks.


# Clear packet statistics about smart trunk 10.

<Sysname> reset s-trunk packet-statistics 10

Related commands

display s-trunk packet-statistics


Use s-trunk to assign an interface to a smart trunk.

Use undo s-trunk to restore the default.


s-trunk s-trunk-id [ peer peer-interface-number ]

undo s-trunk


An interface is not assigned to any smart trunks.


Layer 2 aggregate interface view

Layer 3 aggregate interface view

Predefined user roles



s-trunk-id: Specifies a smart trunk ID in the range of 1 to 65535.

peer peer-interface-number: Specifies a peer aggregate interface number. If you do not specify a peer aggregate interface number, the peer aggregate interface has the same number as the local aggregate interface. The value range is 1 to 65535.

Usage guidelines

An interface can be assigned to only one smart trunk.

You must configure the same ID for the same smart trunk on the member devices in an S-Trunk system.

The member interfaces in a smart trunk can have the same or different interface numbers. When you use this command to assign interfaces with different interface numbers to a smart trunk, you must specify the peer aggregate interface number.

Make sure the aggregate interfaces in a smart trunk meet the following requirements:

·     They have the same aggregation mode and aggregate interface type.

·     Their aggregation member ports have the same operational key and attribute configurations.


# Assign Bridge-Aggregation 1 to smart trunk 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface bridge-aggregation 1

[Sysname-Bridge-Aggregation1] s-trunk 10

Related commands

link-aggregation mode dynamic

s-trunk { ip | ipv6 }

Use s-trunk { ip | ipv6 } to configure S-Trunk protocol packet parameters.

Use undo s-trunk { ip | ipv6 } to restore the default.


s-trunk { ip | ipv6 } destination { des-ipv4-address | des-ipv6-address } source { source-ipv4-address | source-ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

undo s-trunk { ip | ipv6 }


No S-Trunk protocol packet parameters are configured.


Smart trunk view

Predefined user roles



destination: Specifies an IP address on the peer device as the destination IP address of S-Trunk protocol packets.

source: Specifies an IP address on the local device as the source IP address of S-Trunk protocol packets.

des-ipv4-address: Specifies a destination IPv4 address.

des-ipv6-address: Specifies a destination IPv6 address.

source-ipv4-address: Specifies a source IPv4 address.

source-ipv6-address: Specifies a source IPv6 address.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the S-Trunk protocol packets belong to the public network, do not specify a VPN instance.

Usage guidelines

For two S-Trunk member devices to exchange S-Trunk protocol packets, you must use this command to specify the source and destination IP addresses and VPN instance of S-Trunk protocol packets on the devices.

If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.


# Specify the destination and source IP addresses of S-Trunk protocol packets as and, respectively.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10

[Sysname-s-trunk10] s-trunk ip destination source

s-trunk authentication key

Use s-trunk authentication key to enable S-Trunk protocol packet authentication and configure an authentication key.

Use undo s-trunk authentication key to disable S-Trunk protocol packet authentication.


s-trunk authentication key { cipher | simple } string

undo s-trunk authentication key


S-Trunk protocol packet authentication is disabled.


Smart trunk view

Predefined user roles



cipher: Specifies a ciphertext key.

simple: Specifies a plaintext key. For security purposes, the key specified in plaintext form will be stored in encrypted form.

string: Specifies a case-sensitive key string. A plaintext key is a string of 1 to 32 characters, and a ciphertext key is a string of 1 to 73 characters.

Usage guidelines

To prevent S-Trunk system setup failure caused by tampered packets, enable S-Trunk protocol packet authentication on the PEs in an S-Trunk system. The PEs will calculate the message digest based on the authentication key and S-Trunk protocol packets to verify validity of the S-Trunk protocol packets.

To avoid authentication failure, you must configure the same authentication key for a smart trunk on the S-Trunk member devices.


# Enable S-Trunk protocol packet authentication and configure the authentication key as abcdefg for smart trunk 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10

[Sysname-s-trunk10] s-trunk authentication key simple abcdefg

s-trunk bfd-session

Use s-trunk bfd-session to associate a smart trunk with a BFD session.

Use undo s-trunk bfd-session to restore the default.


s-trunk bfd-session bfd-session-name

undo s-trunk bfd-session


No BFD session is associated with a smart trunk.


Smart trunk view

Predefined user roles



bfd-session-name: Specifies a BFD session name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 64 characters.

Usage guidelines

Associate a BFD session with a smart trunk for fast primary device failure detection and failover. If the BFD session is disconnected, the S-Trunk system splits and both member devices become primary devices. For more information about BFD, see High Availability Configuration Guide.

A smart trunk can be associated only with one static BFD session. To ensure correct collaboration between S-Trunk and BFD, do not specify an interface for the BFD session when you create it.

To modify the BFD session association for a smart trunk, you must first remove the existing BFD session association.


# Associate BFD session bfd1 with smart trunk 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10

[Sysname-s-trunk10] s-trunk bfd-session bfd1

s-trunk id

Use s-trunk id to create a smart trunk and enter its view or enter the view of an existing smart trunk.

Use undo s-trunk id to delete a smart trunk.


s-trunk id s-trunk-id

undo s-trunk id s-trunk-id


No smart trunk exists.


System view

Predefined user roles



s-trunk-id: Specifies a smart trunk ID in the range of 1 to 65535.


# Create smart trunk 10 and enter its view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10


s-trunk interval

Use s-trunk interval to set the S-Trunk protocol packet transmission interval.

Use undo s-trunk interval to restore the default.


s-trunk interval interval

undo s-trunk interval


The S-Trunk protocol packet transmission interval is 1000 milliseconds.


Smart trunk view

Predefined user roles



interval: Specifies a value in the range of 5 to 100, in units of 100 milliseconds.

Usage guidelines

For successful S-Trunk system setup, make sure the S-Trunk member devices have the same S-Trunk protocol packet transmission interval.

If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.


# Set the S-Trunk protocol packet transmission interval to 2000 milliseconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10

[Sysname-s-trunk10] s-trunk interval 20

Related commands

s-trunk timeout multiplier

s-trunk ipv6 udp-port

Use s-trunk ipv6 udp-port to set the destination UDP port of IPv6 S-Trunk protocol packets.

Use undo s-trunk ipv6 udp-port to restore the default.


s-trunk ipv6 udp-port port-number

undo s-trunk ipv6 udp-port


The destination UDP port number of IPv6 S-Trunk protocol packets is 1025.


System view

Predefined user roles



port-number: Specifies a UDP port number in the range of 1024 to 65535.

Usage guidelines

S-Trunk member devices transmit S-Trunk protocol packets through UDP. If the destination UDP port of S-Trunk protocol packets conflicts with other protocols, use this command to modify the destination UDP port.

You can use the display udp command to view available UDP ports.

You must configure the same destination UDP port number for S-Trunk protocol packets on the S-Trunk member devices.


# Set the destination UDP port of IPv6 S-Trunk protocol packets to 2048.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk ipv6 udp-port 2048

Related commands

display udp (Layer 3—IP Services Command Reference)

s-trunk maintain enable

Use s-trunk maintain enable to enable maintenance mode for the smart trunk.

Use undo s-trunk maintain enable to disable maintenance mode for the smart trunk.


s-trunk maintain enable

undo s-trunk maintain enable


The maintenance mode is disabled for smart trunks.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

This feature automatically takes effect when the system performs device maintenance or upgrade. That is, the local device in a smart trunk enters maintenance mode. In maintenance mode, the link status of all the smart trunk member interfaces on the local device is set to Down(GIR), and the peer member interfaces changes to Primary after S-Trunk protocol negotiation. Both the local and the peer devices are assigned the primary role to forward traffic in a balanced method, avoiding packet loss caused by traffic switching during device maintenance or upgrade. After the other service modules complete traffic isolation, the local device changes to the secondary role, and the peer to the primary role. When the local device performs maintenance or upgrade, the peer processes traffic to avoid service interruption.

If this feature fails to take effect upon the GIR task, you can manually enable maintenance mode on the local device.

As a best practice, use this command with the link-aggregation lacp isolate command.


# Enable maintenance mode for the smart trunk.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk maintain enable

Related commands

gir system-mode maintenance

link-aggregation lacp isolate (Layer 2—LAN Switching Command Reference)

s-trunk port-role

Use s-trunk port-role to configure the role of an aggregate interface in a smart trunk.

Use undo s-trunk port-role to restore the default.


s-trunk port-role { auto | primary | secondary }

undo s-trunk port-role


The role of a smart trunk member interface is auto.


Layer 2 aggregate interface view

Layer 3 aggregate interface view

Predefined user roles



auto: Automatically sets the interface role.

secondary: Fixes the role of the interface at secondary.

primary: Fixes the role of the interface at primary.

Usage guidelines

For successful configuration, execute this command on an aggregate interface that has been assigned to a smart trunk.

For a member interface with the Auto role in a smart trunk, its actual role is set based on the S-Trunk role of the local device and state of the peer member interface.

·     If the local device is the primary device, the local member interface is assigned the primary role.

·     If the local device is the secondary device, the following rules apply:

¡     If the peer member interface is down, the local member interface is assigned the primary role.

¡     If the peer member interface is up, the local member interface is assigned the secondary role.

A member interface whose role is fixed at primary in a smart trunk retains the role even when it is down.

A member interface whose role is fixed at secondary in a smart trunk retains the role even when the peer member interface is down.


# Assign the primary role to Bridge-Aggregation 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface bridge-aggregation 1

[Sysname-Bridge-Aggregation1] s-trunk port-role primary

s-trunk revert disable

Use s-trunk revert disable to disable reversion to the primary interface for a smart trunk.

Use undo s-trunk revert-delay disable to enable reversion to the primary interface for a smart trunk.


s-trunk revert disable

undo s-trunk revert disable


Reversion to the primary interface is enabled for a smart trunk.


Smart trunk view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

Traffic loss might occur when a smart trunk reverts to the original primary interface on its recovery. To avoid traffic loss, you can disable reversion to the primary interface.


# Disable reversion to the primary interface for smart trunk 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10

[Sysname-s-trunk10] s-trunk revert disable

s-trunk revert-delay

Use s-trunk revert-delay to set the reversion delay for a smart trunk.

Use undo s-trunk revert-delay to restore the default.


s-trunk revert-delay delay-value

undo s-trunk revert-delay


The reversion delay is 120 seconds.


Smart trunk view

Predefined user roles



delay-value: Specifies a delay value in the range of 0 to 3600 seconds.

Usage guidelines

When the primary device recovers from failure in an S-Trunk system configured with MPLS L2VPN, its smart trunk member interface recovers earlier than a PW. In this situation, immediate reversion to the primary interface causes service interruption. To avoid traffic loss and frequent reversions, set the reversion delay.


# Set the reversion delay to 30 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10

[Sysname-s-trunk10] s-trunk revert-delay 30

s-trunk role priority

Use s-trunk role priority to set the role priority of the device in a smart trunk.

Use undo s-trunk role priority to restore the default.


s-trunk role priority priority

undo s-trunk role priority


The role priority of the device in a smart trunk is 32768.


Smart trunk view

Predefined user roles



priority: Specifies a role priority in the range of 0 to 65535. The smaller the value, the higher the priority.

Usage guidelines

An S-Trunk member device is assigned the primary or secondary role based on its role priority. If the S-Trunk member devices use the same role priority, the device with a lower bridge MAC address is assigned the primary role.

As a best practice to avoid network flapping, do not modify the role priority of the S-Trunk member devices after the S-Trunk system is established.


# Set the role priority of the device to 1024 in smart trunk 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10

[Sysname-s-trunk10] s-trunk role priority 1024

s-trunk sequence enable

Use s-trunk sequence enable to enable sequence number check for a smart trunk.

Use undo s-trunk sequence enable to disable sequence number check for a smart trunk.


s-trunk sequence enable

undo s-trunk sequence enable


Sequence number check is disabled for a smart trunk.


Smart trunk view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

When an S-Trunk member device is rebooted, the sequence numbers in the S-Trunk protocol packets sent and received by it are cleared. In this condition, if the other S-Trunk member device is operating correctly, the S-Trunk system might split for sequence number check failure. For the S-Trunk system to reunite, disable sequence number check and then re-enable it on the device that does not reboot.

When BFD detects a link failure or the S-Trunk protocol packet timeout expires on an S-Trunk member device, the sequence numbers in the S-Trunk protocol packets received by the device are cleared. In this condition, if the other S-Trunk member device is operating correctly, the S-Trunk system can provide services correctly.

After one S-Trunk member device reboots, the other S-Trunk member device might receive and accept the packets that are intercepted by an attacker before the reboot. As a best practice, change the  authentication key after an S-Trunk member device reboots.


# Enable sequence number check for smart trunk 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10

[Sysname-s-trunk10] s-trunk sequence enable

s-trunk timeout multiplier

Use s-trunk timeout multiplier to set the multiplier for calculating the S-Trunk protocol packet timeout.

Use undo s-trunk timeout multiplier to restore the default.


s-trunk timeout multiplier multiplier

undo s-trunk timeout multiplier


The multiplier for calculating the S-Trunk protocol packet timeout is 20.


Smart trunk view

Predefined user roles



multiplier: Specifies a multiplier in the range of 3 to 300.

Usage guidelines

The local device determines that the peer member interface of a smart trunk is down if it does not receive any S-Trunk protocol packets of the smart trunk within the S-Trunk protocol packet timeout. If the local smart trunk member interface is the secondary interface, it takes over the primary role when the S-Trunk protocol packet timeout expires.

An S-Trunk member device uses the S-Trunk protocol packet timeout in the S-Trunk protocol packets sent by the peer S-Trunk member device. The S-Trunk protocol packet timeout equals the S-Trunk protocol packet transmission interval multiplied by the multiplier set by using this command.

To avoid S-Trunk protocol flapping, make sure the S-Trunk protocol packet timeout is longer than the number of smart trunks multiplied by 200 milliseconds.

If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.


# Set the multiplier for calculating the S-Trunk protocol packet timeout to 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk id 10

[Sysname-s-trunk10] s-trunk timeout multiplier 10

Related commands

s-trunk interval

s-trunk udp-port

Use s-trunk udp-port to set the destination UDP port of IPv4 S-Trunk protocol packets.

Use undo s-trunk udp-port to restore the default.


s-trunk udp-port port-number

undo s-trunk udp-port


The destination UDP port number of IPv4 S-Trunk protocol packets is 1025.


System view

Predefined user roles



port-number: Specifies a UDP port number in the range of 1024 to 65535.

Usage guidelines

S-Trunk member devices transmit S-Trunk protocol packets through UDP. If the destination UDP port of S-Trunk protocol packets conflicts with other protocols, use this command to modify the destination UDP port.

You can use the display udp command to view available UDP ports.

You must configure the same destination UDP port number for S-Trunk protocol packets on the S-Trunk member devices.


# Set the destination UDP port of IPv4 S-Trunk protocol packets to 2048.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] s-trunk udp-port 2048

Related commands

display udp (Layer 3—IP Services Command Reference)

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