13-High Availability Command Reference

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04-Monitor Link commands
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Monitor Link commands

display monitor-link group

Use display monitor-link group to display information about monitor link groups.


display monitor-link group { group-id | all }


Any view

Predefined user roles




group-id: Specifies a monitor link group by its ID. The value range for this argument is 1 to 16.

all: Specifies all monitor link groups.

Usage guidelines

This command does not display information about ports that belong to a link aggregation group.


# Display information about all monitor link groups.

<Sysname> display monitor-link group all

Monitor link protocol global status: Disabled

Monitor link group 1 information:

  Monitor link protocol status : Disabled

  Group name: group1

  Group status     : N/A

  Downlink up delay: 0(s)

  Last up time     : -

  Last down time   : -

  Up port threshold: 1


  Member                    Role       Status       Weight

  XGE3/1/1                  UPLINK     UP           10

  XGE3/1/2                  DOWNLINK   UP           10

Table 1 Command output



Monitor link protocol global status

Whether Monitor Link is enabled globally:

·     Enabled.

·     Disabled.

Monitor link protocol status

Whether Monitor Link is enabled for a monitor link group:

·     Enabled.

·     Disabled.

Group status

Monitor link group status:

·     DOWN.

·     UP.

·     N/A—Monitor Link is disabled. The monitor link group does not operate.

Downlink up delay

Switchover delay of the downlink interfaces in the monitor link group, in seconds.

Last up time

Last time when the monitor link group came up.

Last down time

Last time when the monitor link group went down.

Up port threshold

Uplink interface threshold for triggering monitor link group state switchover.


Member interfaces of the monitor link group.


Interface role, which can be uplink interface or downlink interface.


Member interface state:

·     DOWN.

·     DOWN (Monitor Link)—The member interface is shut down by Monitor Link.

·     UP.


Weight of a member interface.

If this field displays 0 for a downlink interface, the weight of the downlink interface equals the total weight of all uplink interfaces in the monitor link group.


downlink up-delay

Use downlink up-delay to set the switchover delay for the downlink interfaces in a monitor link group.

Use undo downlink up-delay to restore the default.


downlink up-delay delay

undo downlink up-delay


The switchover delay is 0 seconds. The downlink interfaces come up as soon as an uplink interface in the monitor link group comes up.


Monitor link group view

Predefined user roles



delay: Sets the switchover delay in the range of 0 to 4294967295 seconds.

Usage guidelines

To avoid frequent state changes of downlink interfaces in the event that the uplink interfaces in the monitor link group flap, you can configure a switchover delay. The switchover delay is the time that the downlink interfaces wait before they come up following an uplink interface.


# Set the switchover delay to 50 seconds for the downlink interfaces in monitor link group 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor-link group 1

[Sysname-mtlk-group1] downlink up-delay 50


Use group-name to configure the name of a monitor link group.

Use undo group-name to restore the default.


group-name name

undo group-name


A monitor link group is named groupXX, where XX is the monitor link group ID. For example, monitor link group 1 is named group1 by default.


Monitor link group view

Predefined user roles



name: Specifies a group name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. To contain spaces in a group name, enclose the group name in double quotation marks. For example, to configure the name of a monitor link group as group 1, enter "group 1". A group name cannot contain only spaces.

Usage guidelines

A monitor link group cannot use the default group name of another monitor link group. Different monitor link groups cannot have the same group name.


# Configure the name of monitor link group 1 as first-group.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor-link group 1

[Sysname-mtlk-group1] group-name first-group

monitor-link disable

Use monitor-link disable to disable Monitor Link globally or for a monitor link group.

Use undo monitor-link disable to enable Monitor Link globally or for a monitor link group.


monitor-link disable

undo monitor-link disable


Monitor Link is enabled both globally and for a monitor link group.


System view

Monitor link group view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

A monitor link group can operate only after you enable Monitor Link both globally and for the monitor link group. When you disable Monitor Link globally or for a monitor link group, the monitor link group cannot operate and the downlink interfaces brought down by it resume their original states.


# Disable Monitor Link globally.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor-link disable

monitor-link group

Use monitor-link group to create a monitor link group and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing monitor link group.

Use undo monitor-link group to remove a monitor link group.


monitor-link group group-id

undo monitor-link group group-id


No monitor link groups exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



group-id: Specifies a monitor link group ID. The value range for this argument is 1 to 16.


# Create monitor link group 1 and enter its view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor-link group 1



Use port to assign an interface to a monitor link group.

Use undo port to remove an interface from a monitor link group.


port interface-type { interface-number | interface-number.subnumber } { downlink | uplink } [ weight weight-value ]

undo port interface-type interface-number


No member interfaces exist in a monitor link group.


Monitor link group view

Predefined user roles



interface-type: Specifies an interface by its type.

interface-number: Specifies an interface by its number.

interface-number.subnumber: Specifies a subinterface by its number.

downlink: Specifies a downlink interface.

uplink: Specifies an uplink interface.

weight weight-value: Specifies the interface weight in the range of 1 to 1000. The default weight of an uplink interface is 10. The default weight of a downlink interface is the total weight of all uplink interfaces in the monitor link group.

Usage guidelines

You can assign an interface to only one monitor link group.

You can also assign an interface to a monitor link group by using the port monitor-link group command in interface view.

If you have configured an interface as the downlink interface of a monitor link group, do not configure its subinterfaces as the uplink interfaces of any monitor link group.

Because the state of subinterfaces is associated with the state of the interface, do not add them to the same monitor link group.

If you have configured a Selected port of an aggregation group as the downlink interface of a monitor link group, do not configure an Unselected port of the aggregation group as the uplink interface of the monitor link group.

Do not assign an aggregate interface and member ports of the aggregate group to the same monitor link group.

A monitor link group forces downlink interfaces down if either of the following conditions exists:

·     The number of uplink interfaces in up state in the monitor link group is smaller than the uplink interface threshold. In this case, the monitor link group shuts down all downlink interfaces.

·     The total weight of all uplink interfaces in down state is greater than or equal to the weight of certain downlink interfaces in the monitor link group. In this case, the monitor link group shuts down only these downlink interfaces.

As a best practice, set a downlink interface weight to be smaller than or equal to the total weight of all uplink interfaces in a monitor link group. Without this setting, Monitor Link cannot shut down the downlink interface based on uplink interface state change.

To avoid downlink interface flapping, you must disable Monitor Link before performing the following tasks on a member interface in a monitor link group:

·     Remove the member interface from the monitor link group.

·     Remove and then reinsert the card where the member interface resides.

·     Change the link mode of the member interface to Layer 2 or Layer 3 mode by using the port link-mode command.


# Configure Ten-GigabitEthernet 3/1/1 as an uplink interface and Ten-GigabitEthernet 3/1/2 as a downlink interface for monitor link group 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor-link group 1

[Sysname-mtlk-group1] port ten-gigabitethernet 3/1/1 uplink

[Sysname-mtlk-group1] port ten-gigabitethernet 3/1/2 downlink

Related commands

port monitor-link group

port monitor-link group

Use port monitor-link group to assign an interface to a monitor link group.

Use undo port monitor-link group to remove an interface from a monitor link group.


port monitor-link group group-id { downlink | uplink } [ weight weight-value ]

undo port monitor-link group group-id


An interface is not a monitor link group member.


Layer 2 Ethernet interface view/Layer 3 Ethernet interface view/Layer 3 Ethernet subinterface view

Layer 2 aggregate interface view/Layer 3 aggregate interface view/Layer 3 aggregate subinterface view

Predefined user roles



group-id: Specifies a monitor link group by its ID. The value range for this argument is 1 to 16.

downlink: Specifies a downlink interface.

uplink: Specifies an uplink interface.

weight weight-value: Specifies the interface weight in the range of 1 to 1000. The default weight of an uplink interface is 10. The default weight of a downlink interface is the total weight of all uplink interfaces in the monitor link group.

Usage guidelines

You can assign an interface to only one monitor link group.

You can also assign an interface to a monitor link group by using the port command in monitor link group view.

If you have configured an interface as the downlink interface of a monitor link group, do not configure its subinterfaces as the uplink interfaces of any monitor link group.

Because the state of subinterfaces is associated with the state of the interface, do not add the interface and its subinterfaces to the same monitor link group.

If you have configured a Selected port of an aggregation group as the downlink interface of a monitor link group, do not configure an Unselected port of the aggregation group as the uplink interface of the monitor link group.

Do not assign an aggregate interface and member ports of the aggregate group to the same monitor link group.

A monitor link group forces downlink interfaces down if either of the following conditions exists:

·     The number of uplink interfaces in up state in the monitor link group is smaller than the uplink interface threshold. In this case, the monitor link group shuts down all downlink interfaces.

·     The total weight of all uplink interfaces in down state is greater than or equal to the weight of certain downlink interfaces in the monitor link group. In this case, the monitor link group shuts down only these downlink interfaces.

As a best practice, set a downlink interface weight to be smaller than or equal to the total weight of all uplink interfaces in a monitor link group. Without this setting, Monitor Link cannot shut down the downlink interface based on uplink interface state change.

To avoid downlink interface flapping, you must disable Monitor Link before performing the following tasks on a member interface in a monitor link group:

·     Remove the member interface from the monitor link group.

·     Remove and then reinsert the card where the member interface resides.

·     Change the link mode of the member interface to Layer 2 or Layer 3 mode by using the port link-mode command.


# Configure Ten-GigabitEthernet 3/1/1 as an uplink interface and Ten-GigabitEthernet 3/1/2 as a downlink interface for monitor link group 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor-link group 1

[Sysname-mtlk-group1] quit

[Sysname] interface ten-gigabitethernet 3/1/1

[Sysname-Ten-GigabitEthernet3/1/1] port monitor-link group 1 uplink

[Sysname-Ten-GigabitEthernet3/1/1] quit

[Sysname] interface ten-gigabitethernet 3/1/2

[Sysname-Ten-GigabitEthernet3/1/2] port monitor-link group 1 downlink

Related commands


uplink up-port-threshold

Use uplink up-port-threshold to configure the uplink interface threshold for triggering monitor link group state switchover.

Use undo uplink up-port-threshold to restore the default.


uplink up-port-threshold number-of-port

undo uplink up-port-threshold


The uplink interface threshold for triggering monitor link group state switchover is 1.


Monitor link group view

Predefined user roles



number-of-port: Specifies the uplink interface threshold for triggering monitor link group state switchover, in the range of 1 to 1024.

Usage guidelines

When the number of uplink interfaces in up state in a monitor link group is less than the specified threshold, the monitor link group goes down and shuts down its downlink interfaces. When the number of uplink interfaces in up state reaches the threshold, the monitor link group comes up and brings up all its downlink interfaces.

As a best practice, use the display monitor-link group command to display the total number of uplink interfaces before executing the uplink up-port-threshold command. If you set the threshold to be greater than the total number of uplink interfaces, the monitor link group cannot come up and data will be lost.


# Set the uplink interface threshold for triggering monitor link group state switchover to 5.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor-link group 1

[Sysname-mtlk-group1] uplink up-port-threshold 5


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