H3C S5500-SI Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual(V1.01)

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27-File System Management Configuration
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Chapter 1  File System Management Configuration

When configuring the file system management, go to these sections for information you are interested in:

l           File System Management

l           Configuration File Management

l           Displaying and Maintaining Device Configuration


&  Note:

Throughout this document, a filename can be entered as either of the following:

l      A fully qualified filename with the path included to indicate a file under a specific path. The filename can be 1 to 135 characters in length.

l      A short filename with the path excluded to indicate a file in the current path. The filename can be 1 to 91 characters in length.


1.1  File System Management

This section covers these topics:

l           File System Overview

l           Directory Operations

l           File Operations

l           Storage Device Operations

l           File System Prompt Mode Setting

l           File System Operations

1.1.1  File System Overview

A major function of the file system is to manage storage devices. It allows you to perform operations such as directory create and delete, and file copy and display. If an operation, delete or overwrite for example, may cause problems such as data loss or corruption, the file system will ask you to confirm the operation by default.

Depending on the managed object, file system operations fall into Directory Operations, File Operations, Storage Device Operations, and File System Prompt Mode Setting.

1.1.2  Directory Operations

Directory operations include create, delete, display the current path, display specified directory or file information as shown in the following table:

To do…

Use the command…


Create a directory

mkdir directory


Available in user view

Remove a directory

rmdir directory


Available in user view

Display the current path



Available in user view

Display files or directories

dir [ /all ] [ file-url ]


Available in user view

Change the current path

cd directory


Available in user view


&  Note:

l      The directory to be removed must be empty, meaning before you remove a directory, you must delete all the files and the subdirectory under this directory. For file deletion, refer to the delete command and for subdirectory deletion, refer to the rmdir command.

l      After the execution of the rmdir command, the files in this directory will be automatically deleted for ever.


1.1.3  File Operations

File operations include delete (removing files into the recycle bin), restore the deleted, permanently delete (deleting files from the recycle bin), display, rename, copy, and move files, and display specified directory or file information as shown in the following table:

To do…

Use the command…


Remove a file to the recycle bin or delete it permanently

delete [ /unreserved ] file-url


Available in user view

Restore a file from the recycle bin

undelete file-url


Available in user view

Empty the recycle bin

reset recycle-bin [ /force ]


Available in user view

Display the contents of a file

more file-url


Currently only a .txt file can be displayed.

Available in user view

Rename a file

rename fileurl-source fileurl-dest


Available in user view

Copy a file

copy fileurl-source fileurl-dest


Available in user view

Move a file

move fileurl-source fileurl-dest


Available in user view

Display files or directories

dir [ /all ] [ file-url ]


Available in user view

Enter system view


Execute the batch file

execute filename



&  Note:

You can create a file by copying or downloading or using the save command.



l      Empty the recycle bin timely with the reset recycle-bin command to save memory space.

l      As the delete /unreserved file-url command deletes a file permanently and the action cannot be undone, use it with caution.

l      The execute command cannot ensure the execution of each command. For example, if a certain command is not correctly configured, the system will omit this command and go to the next one. Therefore, each configuration command in a batch file must be a standard configuration command, meaning the valid configuration information which can be displayed with the display current-configuration command after this command is configured successfully; otherwise, this command may not be executed correctly.


1.1.4  Storage Device Operations

I. Naming rules

Naming rules of the storage devices are as follows:

l           If there is only one storage device of the same type on the device, the physical device name of the storage device is the storage device name.

l           If there are multiple storage devices with the same type on the device, the physical device name of the storage device is composed of the storage device type and the serial number of the storage device. The serial number is displayed in English letters such as a, b or c.

l           If storage device partitioning is supported on the device, the name of the partition device is composed of the physical device name and partition number. The serial numbers of partitions are displayed in numbers such as 0, 1 or 2.


&  Note:

Currently, the storage device on an S5500-SI series Ethernet switch is the Flash only, which is named flash:.


II. Memory space management

You can use the fixdisk command to restore the space of a storage device or the format command to format a specified storage device as shown in the following table:

To do…

Use the command…


Restore the space of a storage device

fixdisk device


Available in user view

Format a storage device

format device


Available in user view


You may use the two commands when some space of a storage device becomes inaccessible due to abnormal operations for example.



When you format a storage device, all the files stored on it are erased and cannot be restored. In particular, if there is a startup configuration file on the storage device, formatting the storage device results in loss of the startup configuration file.


1.1.5  File System Prompt Mode Setting

The file system provides the following two prompt modes:

l           alert: where the system warns you about operations that may bring undesirable consequence such as file corruption or data loss.

l           quiet: where the system does not do that in any cases.

To prevent undesirable consequence resulted from misoperations, the alert mode is preferred.

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Set the operation prompt mode of the file system

file prompt { alert | quiet }


The default is alert.


1.1.6  File System Operations Example

# Display the files and the subdirectory under the current directory.

<Sysname> dir

Directory of flash:/


   0   drw-         -  Feb 16 2006 11:45:36   logfile

   1   -rw-      1218  Feb 16 2006 11:46:19   config.cfg

   2   drw-         -  Feb 16 2006 15:20:27   test

   3   -rw-    184108  Feb 16 2006 15:30:20   aaa.bin


14605 KB total (6890 KB free)

# Create a new folder called mytest under the test directory.

<Sysname> cd test

<Sysname> mkdir mytest

%Created dir flash:/test/mytest.

# Display the current working directory.

<Sysname> pwd


# Display the files and the subdirectory under the test directory.

<Sysname> dir

Directory of flash:/test/


   0   drw-         -  Feb 16 2006 15:28:14   mytest


2540 KB total (2519 KB free)

# Return to the upper directory.

<Sysname> cd ..

# Display the current working directory.

<Sysname> pwd


1.2  Configuration File Management

The device provides the configuration file management function with a user-friendly operating interface for you to manage the configuration files conveniently.

This section covers these topics:

l           Configuration File Overview

l           Saving the Current Configuration

l           Erasing the Startup Configuration File

l           Specifying a Configuration File for Next Startup

l           Backing up/Restoring the Configuration File for Next Startup

1.2.1  Configuration File Overview

A configuration file saves the device configurations in command lines in text format. You can view configuration information conveniently through the configuration files.

I. Types of configuration

The configuration of a device falls into two types:

l           Saved configuration, a configuration file used for initialization. If this file does not exist, the default parameters are used.

l           Current configuration, which refers to the user’s configuration during the operation of a device. This configuration is stored in the flash. It is removed when the device is rebooting.

II. Format of configuration file

Configuration files are saved as text files. They:

l           Save configuration in the form of commands.

l           Save only non-default configuration settings.

l           List commands in sections by view in this view order: system, interface, routing protocol, and so on. Sections are separated with one or multiple blank lines or comment lines that start with a pound sign (#).

l           End with a return.

III. Main/backup attribute of the configuration file

A main configuration file and a backup configuration file can exist simultaneously if the device supports main/backup configuration file attribute. As such, when the main configuration file is missing or damaged, the backup file can be used instead. This increases the safety and reliability of the file system compared with the device that only supports one configuration file. You can configure a file to have both the main and backup attributes, but only one file of either main or backup attribute is allowed on a device.

The following three situations are concerned with the main/backup attribute:

l           When saving the current configuration, you can specify the file to be a main or backup or normal configuration file.

l           When removing a configuration file from a device, you can specify to remove the main or backup configuration file. Or, if it is a file having both the main and backup attributes, you can specify to erase the main or backup attribute of the file.

l           When setting the configuration file for next startup, you can specify the main/backup attribute of the file.

IV. Startup with the configuration file

The following steps are taken during system startup:

1)         If the main configuration file exists, the device initializes with this configuration.

2)         If the main configuration file does not exist but the backup configuration file exists, the device initializes with the backup configuration.

3)         If neither the main nor the backup configuration file exists, the device will:

l           Initialize with the default configuration file if it exists;

l           Or initialize with empty configuration if the default configuration file does not exist.

1.2.2  Saving the Current Configuration

You can modify the configuration on your device at the command line interface (CLI). To use the modified configuration for your subsequent startups, you must save it (using the save command) as a configuration file.

I. Modes in saving the configuration

l           Fast saving mode. This is the mode when you use the save command without the safely keyword. The mode saves the file quicker but is likely to lose the original configuration file if the device reboots or the power fails during the process.

l           Safe mode. This is the mode when you use the save command with the safely keyword. The mode saves the file slower but can retain the configuration file in the device even if the device reboots or the power fails during the process.



Device reboot or the power failure during configuration file saving may result in loss of the configuration file for next startup. In this case, the device should be started with empty configuration and after the device starts, you need to re-specify a configuration file for next startup. Refer to Specifying a Configuration File for Next Startup for details.


II. Attributes of the configuration file when main/backup attribute is supported

l           Main attribute. When you use the save [ safely ] [ main ] command to save the current configuration, the configuration file you get has main attribute. If this configuration file already exists and has backup attribute, the file will have both main and backup attributes after execution of this command. If the filename you entered is different from that existing in the system, this command will erase its main attribute to allow only one main attribute configuration file in the device.

l           Backup attribute. When you use the save [ safely ] backup command to save the current configuration, the configuration file you get has backup attribute. If this configuration file already exists and has main attribute, the file will have both main and backup attributes after execution of this command. If the filename you entered is different from that existing in the system, this command will erase its backup attribute to allow only one backup attribute configuration file in the device.

l           Normal attribute. When you use the save file-name command to save the current configuration, the configuration file you get has normal attribute if it is not an existing file. Otherwise, the attribute is the original attribute of the file.

Follow the step below to save the current configuration:

To do…

Use the command…


Save the current configuration

save [ file-name | [ safely ] [ backup | main ] ]


Available in any view


&  Note:

l      Fast saving mode is suitable for environments where power supply is stable. The safe mode, however, is preferred where stable power supply is unavailable or remote maintenance is involved.

l      The extension name of the configuration file must be .cfg.

l      If you press <Enter> after entering the save command, you can save the configuration file in an interactive way. In this way, you can use the default path or enter a filename to specify a new path, but the suffix of the filename must be “.cfg”.

l      In interactive mode, if you use the non-default path (that is, entering a new filename), the system sets the file as the main configuration file for next startup


1.2.3  Erasing the Startup Configuration File

With the configuration file erased, your device will boot up with the default configuration next time it is powered on.

You may need to erase the configuration file for one of these reasons:

l           After you upgrade software, the original configuration file does not match the new software.

l           The startup configuration file is corrupted or not the one you need.

When main/backup attributes are supported, the following two situations exist:

l           While the reset saved-configuration [ main ] command erases the configuration file with main attribute, it only deletes the main attribute of a configuration file having both main and backup attribute.

l           While the reset saved-configuration backup command erases the configuration file with backup attribute, it only deletes the backup attribute of a configuration file having both main and backup attribute.

Follow the step below to erase the configuration file:

To do…

Use the command…


Erase the startup configuration file from the storage device

reset saved-configuration [ backup | main ]


Available in user view



This command will permanently delete the configuration file from the device. Use it with caution.


1.2.4  Specifying a Configuration File for Next Startup

You can assign main or backup attribute to the configuration file for next startup when main/backup attributes are supported on your device.

I. Assigning main attribute to the configuration file for next startup

l           If you save the current configuration to the main configuration file, the system will automatically set the file as the main startup configuration file.

l           You can also use the startup saved-configuration cfgfile main command to set the file as main startup configuration file.

II. Assigning backup attribute to the configuration file for next startup

l           If you save the current configuration to the backup configuration file, the system will automatically set the file as the backup startup configuration file.

l           You can also use the startup saved-configuration cfgfile backup command to set the file as backup startup configuration file.

Follow the step below to specify a configuration file for next startup:

To do…

Use the command…


Specify a configuration file for next startup

startup saved-configuration cfgfile [ backup | main ]


Available in user view



The configuration file must use “.cfg” as its extension name and the startup configuration file must be saved under the root directory of the device.


1.2.5  Backing up/Restoring the Configuration File for Next Startup

I. Backup/restore function overview

The backup/restore function allows you to backup or restore a configuration file for next startup through operations at the CLI. TFTP is used for intercommunication between the device and the server. The backup function enables you to backup a configuration file to the TFTP server, while the restore function enables you to download the configuration file from the TFTP server for next startup.


&  Note:

For H3C S5500-SI series Ethernet swithces, the file to be backed up or restored is the main confiugration file for next startup.


II. Backing up the configuration file for next startup

To do…

Use the command…


Back up the configuration file for next startup

backup startup-configuration to dest-addr [ filename ]


Available in user view


&  Note:

Before backup, you should:

l      Ensure that the server is reachable, the server is enabled with TFTP service, and the client has permission to read and write.

l      Use the display startup command (in user view) to verify if you have set the startup configuration file, and use the dir command to verify if this file exists. If the file is set as NULL or does not exist, the backup will be unsuccessful.


III. Restoring the startup configuration file

To do…

Use the command…


Restore the startup configuration file

restore startup-configuration from src-addr filename


Available in user view


&  Note:

l      Before restoring a configuration file, you should ensure that the server is reachable, the server is enabled with TFTP service, and the client has permission to read and write.

l      After the command is successfully executed, you can use the display startup command (in user view) to verify if the filename of the startup configuration file is the same with the filename argument, and use the dir command to verify if the restored file exists.


1.3  Displaying and Maintaining Device Configuration

To do…

Use the command…


Display the configuration file saved in the storage device

display saved-configuration [ by-linenum ]

Available in any view

Display the configuration file used for this and next startup

display startup

Available in any view

Display the validated configuration in current view

display this [ by-linenum ]

Available in any view

Display current configuration

display current-configuration [ [ configuration [ configuration ] | controller | interface [ interface-type ] [ interface-number ] ] [ by-linenum ] [ | { begin | include | exclude } text ] ]

Available in any view


&  Note:

For detailed description of the display this and display current-configuration commands, refer to the System Maintaining and Debugging Configuration part of the manual.


Chapter 2  FTP Configuration

When configuring FTP, go to these sections for information you are interested in:

l           FTP Overview

l           Configuring the FTP Client

l           Configuring the FTP Server

l           Displaying and Maintaining FTP

2.1  FTP Overview

2.1.1  Introduction to FTP

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is an application layer protocol for sharing files between server and client over a TCP/IP network.

FTP uses TCP ports 20 and 21 for file transfer. Port 20 is used to transmit data, and port 21 to transmit control commands. Refer to RFC 959 for details of FTP basic operation.

FTP transmits files in two modes:

l           Binary mode for program file transmission

l           ASCII mode for text file transmission

2.1.2  Implementation of FTP

FTP adopts the server/client model. Your switch can function either as client or as server (as shown in Figure 2-1). They work in the following way:

l           When the switch serves as the FTP client, a PC user first telnets or connects to the switch through an emulation program, then executes the ftp command to establish the connection to the remote FTP server, and gain access to the files on the server. If the remote FTP server supports anonymous FTP, the device can log onto it directly; if not, the device must obtain FTP username and password first to log onto the remote FTP server.

l           When the switch serves as the FTP server, it must be configured with an IP address so that a user running FTP client program can access it. For the sake of security, the switch does not support anonymous FTP. Therefore, you must use an authenticated username and password. By default, authenticated users can access the root directory of the switch.

Figure 2-1 Network diagram for FTP



l      The FTP function is available when a route exists between the FTP server and the FTP client.

l      When a device serving as the FTP server logs onto the device using IE, some IE functions are not supported because multiple user connections are established, and the device supports only one connection currently.


2.2  Configuring the FTP Client

2.2.1  Establishing an FTP Connection

To access an FTP server, the FTP client must connect with it. Two ways are available for the connection: using the ftp command to establish the connection directly; using the open command in FTP client view.

Multiple routes may exist for the FTP client to successfully access the FTP server. You can specify one by configuring the source address of the packets of the FTP client to meet the requirement of the security policy of the FTP client. You can configure the source address by configuring the source interface or source IP address. The primary IP address configured on the source interface is the source address of the transmitted packets. The source address of the transmitted packets is selected following these rules:

l           If no source address of the FTP client is specified, a device uses the IP address of the interface determined by the routing protocol as the source IP address to communicate with an FTP server.

l           If the source address is specified with the ftp client source or ftp command, this source address is used to communicate with an FTP server.

l           If the source address is specified with the ftp client source command and then with the ftp command, the address specified with the latter one is used to communicate with an FTP server.

The source address specified with the ftp client source command is valid for all ftp connections and the source address specified with the ftp command is valid only for the current FTP connection.

Follow these steps to establish an FTP connection (In IPv4 networking):

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Configure the source address of the FTP client

ftp client source { interface interface-type interface-number | ip source-ip-address }


A device uses the IP address of the interface determined by the routing protocol as the source IP address to communicate with the FTP server by default.

Exit to system view


Log onto the remote FTP server directly in user view

ftp [ server-address [ service-port ] [ source { interface interface-type interface-number | ip source-ip-address } ] ]

Use either approach.

Available in user view

Log onto the remote FTP server indirectly in FTP client view


open server-address [ service-port ]


&  Note:

l      If no primary IP address is configured on the source interface, the FTP connection fails.

l      If you use the ftp client source command to first configure the source interface and then the source IP address of the transmitted packets, the new source IP address will overwrite the current one, and vice versa.


Follow these steps to establish an FTP connection (In IPv6 networking):

To do…

Use the command…


Log onto the remote FTP server directly in user view

ftp ipv6 [ server-address [ service-port ] [ source ipv6 source-ipv6-address ] [ -i interface-type interface-number ] ]

Use either approach.

Available in user view

Log onto the remote FTP server indirectly in FTP client view

ftp ipv6

open ipv6 server-address [ service-port ] [ -i interface-type interface-number ]


2.2.2  Configuring the FTP Client

After a device serving as the FTP client has established a connection with the FTP server (For establishing FTP connection, refer to Establishing an FTP Connection.), the device can perform the following operations for the authorized directory:

To do…

Use the command…


Display help information of FTP-related commands supported by the remote FTP server

remotehelp [ protocol-command ]


Enable information display in a detailed manner



Enabled by default

Use other username to relog after logging onto the FTP server successfully

user username [ password ]


Enable FTP client debugging



Disabled by default

Set the file transfer mode to ASCII



ASCII by default

Set the file transfer mode to binary



ASCII by default

Change the working path on the remote FTP server

cd pathname


Exit the current directory and enter the upper level directory



Display files/directories information on the FTP server

dir [ remotefile [ localfile ] ]


Check files/directories on the FTP server

ls [ remotefile [ localfile ] ]


Download a file from the FTP server

get remotefile [ localfile ]


Upload a file to the FTP server

put localfile [ remotefile ]


View the working directory of the remote FTP server



Find the working path of the FTP client



Create a directory on the FTP server

mkdir directory


Set the data transfer mode to passive



Passive by default

Delete specified file on the FTP server

delete remotefile


Delete specified directory on the FTP server

rmdir directory


Disconnect with the FTP server without exiting the FTP client view



Equal to the close command

Disconnect with the FTP server without exiting the FTP client view



Equal to the disconnect command

Disconnect with the FTP server and exit to user view



Terminate the connection with the remote FTP server, and exit to user view



Available in FTP client view, equal to the bye command


&  Note:

l      FTP uses two modes for file transfer: ASCII mode and binary mode.

l      The Is command can only display the file/directory name, while the dir command can display more information, such as the size and date of creation of files or directories.


2.2.3  FTP Client Configuration Example

I. Network requirements

l           Use your device as an FTP client to download a startup file from the FTP server.

l           The IP address of the FTP server is

l           On the FTP server, an FTP user account has been created for the FTP client, with the username being abc and the password being pwd.

l           The PC performs operations on the device through Console port.

II. Network diagram

Figure 2-2 Network diagram for FTPing an image file from an FTP server

III. Configuration procedure

# Check files on your device. Remove those redundant to ensure adequate space for the startup file to be downloaded.

<Sysname> dir

Directory of flash:/


   0   drw-         -  Dec 07 2005 10:00:57   filename

   1   drw-         -  Jan 02 2006 14:27:51   logfile

   2   -rw-      1216  Jan 02 2006 14:28:59   config.cfg

   3   -rw-      1216  Jan 02 2006 16:27:26   backup.cfg


14605 KB total (6890 KB free)

<Sysname> delete /unreserved flash:/backup.cfg

# Download the startup file from the server.

<Sysname> ftp


Press CTRL+K to abort

Connected to

220 FTP service ready


331 Give me your password, please


331 Password required for abc.


230 User logged in.

[ftp] binary

200 Type set to I.

[ftp] get aaa.bin bbb.bin


227 Entering Passive Mode (,4,1).

125 BINARY mode data connection already open, transfer starting for aaa.bin.

.....226 Transfer complete.

FTP: 5805100 byte(s) received in 19.898 second(s) 291.74Kbyte(s)/sec.

[ftp] bye

# You can use the boot-loader command to specify the downloaded file as the main startup file for next startup. Then restart the device and the startup file of the device is updated.

<Sysname> boot-loader file bbb.bin main

<Sysname> reboot



Startup files for next startup must be saved under the root directory. You can copy or move a file to change the path of it to the root directory. For description of the corresponding command, refer to the System Maintaining and Debugging part of the manual.


2.3  Configuring the FTP Server

2.3.1  Configuring FTP Server Operating Parameters

The FTP server uses two modes to update files when you upload files (use the put command) to the FTP server:

l           In fast mode, the FTP server starts writing data to the Flash after file transfer completes. This protects the files intended to be overwritten on the device from being corrupted in the event that anomalies, power failure for example, occur during a file transfer.

l           In normal mode, the FTP server writes data to the Flash during file transfer. This means that any anomaly, power failure for example, during file transfer might result in file corruption on the router. This mode, however, consumes less memory space than the fast mode.

Follow these steps to configure the FTP server:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Enable the FTP server

ftp server enable


Disabled by default.

Configure the idle-timeout timer

ftp timeout minutes


30 minutes by default.

In idle-timeout time, if there is no information interaction between the FTP server and client, the connection between them is terminated.

Set the file update mode in FTP

ftp update { fast | normal }


Normal update is used by default.


2.3.2  Configuring Authentication and Authorization for Accessing FTP Server

To allow an FTP user to access certain directories on the FTP server, you need to create an account for the user, authorizing access to the directories and associating the username and password with the account.

Follow these steps to configure authentication and authorization for FTP server:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Create a local user and enter its view

local-user user-name


No local user exists by default, and the system does not support FTP anonymous user access.

Assign a password to the user

password { simple | cipher } password


Assign the FTP service to the user

service-type ftp


By default, the system does not support anonymous FTP access, and does not assign any service. If the FTP service is assigned, the root directory of the device is used by default.

Specify the directory an FTP user can access

work-directory directory-name


By default, the FTP/SFTP users can access the root directory of the device.

Set the priority level of the FTP user

level level


0 by default

To upload files to an FTP server, you need to set the FTP user level to 3.


&  Note:

If FTP server performs authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) policy on FTP client, AAA related parameters should be configured on the FTP server. For more information about the local-user, password, service-type ftp, work-directory,and level commands and the AAA related configuration, refer to the AAA-RADIUS-HWTACACS Configuration part of the manual.


2.3.3  FTP Server Configuration Example

I. Network requirements

l           Use your device as an FTP server. Create a user account for an FTP user on it, setting the username to abc and the password to pwd.

l           The IP address of the Ethernet interface is

l           The PC serves as the FTP client.

II. Network diagram

Figure 2-3 Smooth upgrading using the FTP server

III. Configuration procedure

1)         Configure Device (FTP Server)

# Create an FTP user account abc, setting its password to pwd.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] local-user abc

[Sysname-luser-abc] password simple pwd

# Specify abc to use FTP, and authorize its access to certain directory.

[Sysname-luser-abc] service-type ftp

[Sysname-luser-abc] work-directory flash:/

[Sysname-luser-abc] quit

# Enable FTP server.

[Sysname] ftp server enable

[Sysname] quit

# Check files on your device. Remove those redundant to ensure adequate space for the startup file to be uploaded.

<Sysname> dir

Directory of flash:/


   0   drw-         -  Dec 07 2005 10:00:57   filename

   1   drw-         -  Jan 02 2006 14:27:51   logfile

   2   -rw-      1216  Jan 02 2006 14:28:59   config.cfg

   3   -rw-      1216  Jan 02 2006 16:27:26   back.cfg

   4   drw-         -  Jan 02 2006 15:20:21   ftp


2540 KB total (2511 KB free)

<Sysname> delete /unreserved flash:/back.cfg

2)         Configure the PC (FTP Client)

# Upload the startup file to the FTP server and save it under the root directory of the FTP server.

c:\> ftp

Connected to

220 FTP service ready.


331 Password required for abc.


230 User logged in.

ftp> put aaa.bin bbb.bin


&  Note:

l      When upgrading the configuration file with FTP, put the new file under the root directory.

l      After you finish upgrading the Boot ROM program through FTP, you must execute the bootrom upgrade command to refresh the system configuration.


# You can use the boot-loader command to specify the uploaded file as the main startup file for next startup. Then restart the device and the startup file of the device is updated.

<Sysname> boot-loader file bbb.bin main

<Sysname> reboot



Startup files for next startup must be saved under the root directory. You can copy or move a file to change the path of it to the root directory. For description of the corresponding command, refer to the System Maintaining and Debugging part of the manual.


2.4  Displaying and Maintaining FTP

To do…

Use the command…


Display the configuration of the FTP client

display ftp client configuration

Available in any view

Display the configuration of the FTP server

display ftp-server

Available in any view

Display detailed information about logged-in FTP users

display ftp-user

Available in any view


Chapter 3  TFTP Configuration

When configuring TFTP, go to these sections for information you are interested in:

l           TFTP Overview

l           Configuring the TFTP Client

l           Displaying and Maintaining the TFTP Client

l           TFTP Client Configuration Example

3.1  TFTP Overview

3.1.1  Introduction to TFTP

The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) provides functions similar to those provided by FTP, but it is not as complex as FTP in interactive access interface and authentication. Therefore, it is more suitable where complex interaction is not needed between client and server.

TFTP uses the UDP port 69 for data transmission. For TFTP basic operation, refer to RFC 1350.

In TFTP, file transfer is initiated by the client.

l           In a normal file downloading process, the client sends a read request to the TFTP server, receives data from the server, and then sends the acknowledgement to the server.

l           In a normal file uploading process, the client sends a write request to the TFTP server, sends data to the server, and receives the acknowledgement from the server.

TFTP transfers files in two modes:

l           Binary for program files

l           ASCII for text files.

3.1.2  Implementation of TFTP


&  Note:

Only the TFTP client service is available with your device at present.


Figure 3-1 TFTP configuration diagram

Before using TFTP, the administrator needs to configure IP addresses for the TFTP client and server, and make sure that there is a route between the TFTP client and server.

3.2  Configuring the TFTP Client

When a device acts as a TFTP client, you can upload files on the device to a TFTP server and download files from the TFTP server to the local device. You can use either of the following ways to download files:

l           Normal download: The device writes the obtained files to the storage device directly. In this way, the original system file will be overwritten and if file download fails (for example, due to network disconnection), the device cannot start up normally because the original system file has been deleted.

l           Secure download: The device saves the obtained files to its memory and does not write them to the storage device until all user files are obtained. In this way, if file download fails (for example, due to network disconnection), the device can still start up because the original system file is not overwritten. This mode is securer but consumes more memory.

You are recommended to use the latter mode or use a filename not existing in the current directory as the target filename when downloading startup file or configuration file.

Multiple routes may exist for a TFTP client to successfully access the TFTP server. You can specify one by configuring the source address of the packets from the TFTP client to meet the requirement of the security policy of the TFTP client. You can configure the source address by configuring the source interface or source IP address. The primary IP address configured on the source interface is the source address of the transmitted packets. The source address of the transmitted packets is selected following these rules:

l           If no source address of the TFTP client is specified, a device uses the IP address of the interface determined by the routing protocol as the source IP address to communicate with a TFTP server.

l           If the source address is specified with the tftp client source or tftp command, this source address is adopted.

l           If the source address is specified with the tftp client source command and then with the tftp command, the source address configured with the latter one is used to communicate with a TFTP server.

The source address specified with the tftp client source command is valid for all tftp connections and the source address specified with the tftp command is valid only for the current tftp connection.

Follow these steps to configure the TFTP client:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Reference an access control list (ACL) to the TFTP server

tftp-server [ ipv6 ] acl acl-number


Configure the source address of the TFTP client

tftp client source { interface interface-type interface-number | ip source-ip-address }


A device uses the source address determined by the routing protocol to communicate with the TFTP server by default.

Return to user view


Download or upload a file in IPv4 network

tftp server-address { get | put | sget } source-filename [ destination-filename ] [ source { interface interface-type interface-number | ip source-ip-address } ]


Download or upload a file in IPv6 network

tftp ipv6 tftp-ipv6-server [ -i interface-type interface-number ] { get | put } source-file [ destination-file ]



&  Note:

l      If no primary IP address is configured on the source interface, TFTP connection fails.

l      If you use the ftp client source command to first configure the source interface and then the source IP address of the packets of the TFTP client, the new source IP address will overwrite the current one, and vice versa.


3.3  Displaying and Maintaining the TFTP Client

To do…

Use the command…


Display the configuration of the TFTP client

display tftp client configuration

Available in any view


3.4  TFTP Client Configuration Example

I. Network requirements

l           Use a PC as the TFTP server and your device as the TFTP client.

l           PC uses IP address and a TFTP working directory has been defined for the client.

l           On your device, VLAN-interface 1 is assigned an IP address Make sure that the port connected to PC belongs to the same VLAN.

l           TFTP a startup file from PC for upgrading and a configuration file config.cfg to PC for backup.

II. Network diagram

Figure 3-2 Smooth upgrading using the TFTP client function

III. Configuration procedure

1)         Configure PC (TFTP Server), the configuration procedure omitted.

l           On the PC, enable TFTP server

l           Configure a TFTP working directory

2)         Configure the device (TFTP Client)



If the free memory space of the device is not big enough, you should delete the existing programs before downloading new ones.


# Enter system view.

<Sysname> system-view

# Assign VLAN-interface 1 an IP address, making sure that the port connected to PC belongs to the same VLAN.

[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 1

[Sysname-Vlan-interface1] ip address

[Sysname-Vlan-interface1] return

# Download an application file aaa.bin from the TFTP server. (Before that, make sure that adequate memory is available.)

<Sysname> tftp get aaa.bin bbb.bin

# Upload a configuration file config.cfg to the TFTP server.

<Sysname> tftp put config.cfg configback.cfg

# You can use the boot-loader command to specify the uploaded file as the main startup file for next startup. Then restart the device and the startup file of the device is updated.

<Sysname> boot-loader file bbb.bin main

<Sysname> reboot



Startup files for next startup must be saved under the root directory. You can copy or move a file to change the path of it to the root directory. For description of the corresponding command, refer to the System Maintaining and Debugging part of the manual.


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