03-Interface Command Reference

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01-Bulk interface commands
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Bulk interface configuration commands

display interface range

Use display interface range to display information about the interface ranges created by using the interface range name command.


display interface range [ name name ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




name name: Specifies an interface range by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. If you do not specify an interface range name, the command displays information about all existing interface ranges.


# Display information about the interface ranges created by using the interface range name command.

<Sysname> display interface range

Interface range name t2 ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/1 ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/2

Interface range name test ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/11 ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/12

The output shows the following:

·     Interfaces Ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/1 and Ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/2 are added to interface range named t2.

·     Interfaces Ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/11 and Ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/12 are added to interface range named test.

Related commands

interface range name

interface range

Use interface range to create an interface range and enter the interface range view.


interface range interface-list


System view

Predefined user roles



interface-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to 24 interface items. Each item specifies an interface by its type and number or a range of interfaces in the form of interface-type interface-number1 to interface-type interface-number2. When you specify the to keyword, the last-tier value of interface-number1 must not be greater than interface-number2. The values of the other tiers of interface-number1 must be the same as interface-number2.

Usage guidelines

Use the command to enter interface range view to bulk configure multiple interfaces with the same feature instead of configuring them one by one. For example, run the shutdown command in interface range view to shut down a range of interfaces.

In interface range view, only the commands supported by the first interface are available. The first interface is specified with the interface range command. To view the commands supported by the first interface in the interface range, enter the interface range view and enter a question mark (?) at the interface range prompt.

After a command is executed in interface range view, one of the following situations might occur:

·     The system displays an error message and stays in interface range view. It means that the execution failed on member interfaces in the interface range.

¡     If the execution failed on the first member interface in the interface range, the command is not executed on any member interfaces.

¡     If the execution failed on non-first member interfaces, the command takes effect on the other member interfaces.

·     The system returns to system view. It means that:

¡     The command is supported in both system view and interface view.

¡     The execution failed on a member interface in interface range view and succeeded in system view.

¡     The command is not executed on the subsequent member interfaces.

You can use the display this command to verify the configuration in interface view of each member interface. In addition, if the configuration in system view is not needed, use the undo form of the command to remove the configuration.

To verify the configuration of the first interface in the interface range, execute the display this command in interface range view.

When you bulk configure interfaces, follow these guidelines:

·     You cannot enter the view of some interfaces by using the interface interface-type interface-number command. Do not configure any of these interfaces as the first interface in the interface range.

·     Do not assign both an aggregate interface and any of its member interfaces to an interface range. Some commands, after being executed on both an aggregate interface and its member interfaces, can break up the aggregation.

·     No limit is set on the maximum number of interfaces in an interface range. The more interfaces in an interface range, the longer the command execution time.


# Shut down interfaces Ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/1 through Ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/24, and VLAN-interface 2.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface range ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/1 to ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/24 vlan-interface 2

[Sysname-if-range] shutdown

interface range name

Use interface range name name interface interface-list to create an interface range, configure a name for the interface range, and enter the interface range view.

Use interface range name name without the interface keyword to enter the view of an interface range with the specified name.

Use undo interface range name to delete the interface range with the specified name.


interface range name name [ interface interface-list ]

undo interface range name name


System view

Predefined user roles



name: Specifies an interface range name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

interface-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to 24 interface items. Each item specifies an interface by its type and number or a range of interfaces in the form of interface-type interface-number1 to interface-type interface-number2. When you specify the to keyword, the last-tier value of interface-number1 must not be greater than interface-number2. The values of the other tiers of interface-number1 must be the same as interface-number2.

Usage guidelines

You can use the command to assign a name to an interface range. Then, you can specify this name rather than the interface range to enter the interface range view.

In interface range view, only the commands supported by the first interface are available. The first interface is specified with the interface range command. To view the commands supported by the first interface in the interface range, enter the interface range view and enter a question mark (?) at the interface range prompt.

After a command is executed in interface range view, one of the following situations might occur:

·     The system displays an error message and stays in interface range view. It means that the execution failed on member interfaces in the interface range.

¡     If the execution failed on the first member interface in the interface range, the command is not executed on any member interfaces.

¡     If the execution failed on non-first member interfaces, the command takes effect on the other member interfaces.

·     The system returns to system view. It means that:

¡     The command is supported in both system view and interface view.

¡     The execution failed on a member interface in interface range view and succeeded in system view.

¡     The command is not executed on the subsequent member interfaces.

You can use the display this command to verify the configuration in interface view of each member interface. In addition, if the configuration in system view is not needed, use the undo form of the command to remove the configuration.

To verify the configuration of the first interface in the interface range, execute the display this command in interface range view.

To view the member interfaces of an interface range, use the display interface range command.

When you bulk configure interfaces, follow these guidelines:

·     You cannot enter the view of some interfaces by using the interface interface-type interface-number command. Do not configure any of these interfaces as the first interface in the interface range.

·     Do not assign both an aggregate interface and any of its member interfaces to an interface range. Some commands, after being executed on both an aggregate interface and its member interfaces, can break up the aggregation.

·     No limit is set on the maximum number of interfaces in an interface range. The more interfaces in an interface range, the longer the command execution time.

·     The maximum number of interface range names is limited only by the system resources. As a best practice to guarantee bulk interface configuration performance, configure fewer than 1000 interface range names.


# Add Ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/1 through Ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/12 to interface range named myEthPort, and enter the interface range view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface range name myEthPort interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/1 to ten-gigabitethernet 1/1/12


# Enter the view of interface range named myEthPort.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface range name myEthPort


Related commands

display interface range

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