H3C WX5860X Access Controllers Installation Guide-5W102

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05-Hardware management and maintenance
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1 Hardware management and maintenance

The command lines and outputs depend on the software version that runs on the device and the numbers of power supplies, expansion modules, and fan trays installed on the device.

Displaying hardware information for the device

Use the display version command to display software and hardware version information about the device. The output includes the following information:

·     Current software version.

·     Current hardware version.

·     Device operating time.

The output depends on the software and hardware version of the device.

<H3C> display version

H3C Comware Software, Version 7.1.064, ESS 5457

Copyright (c) 2004-2022 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

H3C WX5860X uptime is 0 weeks, 0 days, 15 hours, 51 minutes

Last reboot reason : User soft reboot

Boot image: flash:/boot.bin

Boot image version: 7.1.064, ESS 5457

  Compiled Jul 11 2022 16:00:00

System image: flash:/system.bin

System image version: 7.1.064, ESS 5457

  Compiled Jul 11 2022 16:00:00

Slot 1

Uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 15 hour, 51 minutes

with 1 1899MHz Multi-core Processor

47840M bytes SDRAM

7139M bytes Flash

PCB 1 Version is Ver.A

PCB 2 Version is Ver.A

CPLD 1 Version is 003

CPLD 2 Version is 003

CPLD 3 Version is 003

Basic Bootrom Version is 1.03

Extend Bootrom Version is 1.07

[Subslot 0]WX5860X Hardware Version is Ver.A

[Subslot 1]EWPXM1BSTX80 Hardware Version is Ver.A

[Subslot 1]EWPXM1BSTX80 CPLD Version is 002

[Subslot 1]EWPXM1BSTX80 FPGA1 Logic Version 008

[Subslot 1]EWPXM1BSTX80 FPGA2 Logic Version 005

Displaying operational statistics for the device

When you perform routine maintenance or the system fails, you might need to display the operational information of each feature module to locate failures. Typically, you need to run the display commands individually. However, you can use the display diagnostic-information command in any view to display or save the operational statistics of multiple feature modules of the device. This command displays the output of the display clock, display version, display device, and display current-configuration commands.

·     Save the operational statistics for each feature module of the device:

<H3C> display diagnostic-information

Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N]:y

Please input the file name(*.tar.gz)[flash:/diag_H3C_20220713-021712.tar.gz]:

Diagnostic information is outputting to flash:/diag_H3C_20220713-021712.tar.gz.

Please wait...

Save successfully.                       

To view the contents of the default.diag file, execute the more default.diag command in user view, and then press the Page Up and Page Down keys.

·     Display the operational statistics for each feature module of the device. (Details not shown.)

<H3C> display diagnostic-information


  ===============display clock===============

11:11:27 Beijing Tue 09/14/2022

Time Zone : Beijing add 08:00:00


  ===============display version===============

H3C Comware Software, Version 7.1.064, Alpha ESS 5457

Copyright (c) 2004-2022 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

H3C WX5860X uptime is 0 weeks, 0 days, 15 hours, 51 minutes

Last reboot reason : User soft reboot


Boot image: flash:/boot.bin

Boot image version: 7.1.064, ESS 5457

  Compiled Jul 11 2022 16:00:00

System image: flash:/system.bin

System image version: 7.1.064, ESS 5457

  Compiled Jul 11 2022 16:00:00



Slot 1

Uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 15 hours, 51 minutes

with 1 1899MHz Multi-core Processor

47840M bytes SDRAM

7139M bytes Flash


PCB 1 Version is Ver.A

PCB 2 Version is Ver.A

CPLD 1 Version is 003

CPLD 2 Version is 003

CPLD 3 Version is 003

Basic Bootrom Version is 1.03

Extend Bootrom Version is 1.07

[Subslot 0]WX5560X Hardware Version is Ver.A

Displaying information about the device

Use the display device command to display information about the device.

<H3C> display device

Slot No.  Subslot No. Board Type        Status    Max Ports

2         0           WX5860X           Normal    1

2         1           EWPXM1BSTX80      Normal    18

Table1-1 Command output



Board Type

Device type.


Device status:

·     Fault—The device is faulty and cannot start up correctly.

·     Normal—The device is operating correctly.

Max Ports

Maximum number of ports supported.


Displaying the electronic label data for the device

An electronic label is a profile of a device. It contains the permanent configuration, including the serial number, manufacturing date, MAC address, and vendor name.

Use the display device manuinfo command to display the electronic label data for the device.

<H3C> display device manuinfo

 Slot 2 CPU 0:






Subslot 1:




VENDOR_NAME          :H3C

Fan 1:




VENDOR_NAME          :H3C

Fan 2:




VENDOR_NAME          :H3C

Power 4:

DEVICE_NAME          :LSVM1AC650



VENDOR_NAME          :H3C

Table1-2 Command output




Device model.


Serial number of the device.


MAC address of the device.


Manufacturing data of the device.


Vendor name.


Displaying the CPU usage of the device

Use the display cpu-usage command to display the CPU usage statistics for the device.

<H3C> display cpu-usage

Slot 2 CPU 0 CPU usage:

      0% in last 5 seconds

      1% in last 1 minute

      1% in last 5 minutes

Table1-3 Command output



Slot 2 CPU 0 CPU usage

CPU usage information.

0% in last 5 seconds

Average CPU usage in the last 5 seconds (after the device boots, the device calculates and records the average CPU usage at the interval of 5 seconds).

1% in last 1 minute

Average CPU usage in the last minute (after the device boots, the device calculates and records the average CPU usage at the interval of 1 minute).

1% in last 5 minutes

Average CPU usage in the last 5 minutes (after the device boots, the device calculates and records the average CPU usage at the interval of 5 minutes).


Displaying the memory usage of the device

Use the display memory command to display the memory usage statistics for the device.

<H3C> display memory

Memory statistics are measured in KB:

Slot 2:

             Total      Used      Free    Shared   Buffers    Cached   FreeRatio

Mem:      48988860   8127136  40861724         0     2740   233348       83.5%

-/+ Buffers/Cache:   7891048  41097812

Swap:           0         0         0

Table1-4 Command output



Slot x

IRF member device ID of the device.


Memory usage information.


Total size of the physical memory space that can be allocated.


Used physical memory.


Free physical memory.


Physical memory shared by processes.


Physical memory used for buffers.


Used physical memory for cache.


Free memory ratio.

–/+ Buffers/Cache

·     -/+ Buffers/Cache:used = Mem:Used – Mem:Buffers – Mem:Cached, which indicates the physical memory used by applications.

·     -/+ Buffers/Cache:free = Mem:Free + Mem:Buffers + Mem:Cached, which indicates the physical memory available for applications.


Swap memory.


Displaying the operational status of the built-in fans

Use the display fan command to display the operating states of fans.

<H3C> display fan

Fan 1 State: Normal

Fan 2 State: Normal

Table1-5 Command output



Fan n

Fan No..


Fan state:

·     Normal—The fan is operating correctly.

·     Absent—The fan is not in position.

·     Fault—The fan has failed.


Displaying the operating state of power supplies

Use the display power command to display the operating state of power supplies.

<H3C> display power

Power 1 State: Normal

Power 2 State: Normal

Power 3 State: Normal

Power 4 State: Normal

Table1-6 Command output



Power 1, 2, 3, 4

Power supply No..


Power supply state:

·     Normal—The power supply is operating correctly.

·     Absent—The power supply is not in position.

·     Fault—The power supply has failed.


Rebooting the device

To reboot the device, use one of the following methods:

·     Reboot the device at the CLI. You can remotely reboot the device in either of the following ways:

¡     Reboot the device immediately by using the reboot command.

¡     Schedule a reboot to occur at a specific time or date or after a delay by using the schedule reboot command.

·     Power off and power on the device. This method cuts off the power of the device forcibly, which might cause data loss. It is the least-preferred method.

Restrictions and guidelines

·     Before you reboot the device, perform the following tasks:

¡     Use the save command to save the running configuration. For more information about the save command, see configuration file management commands in the command references.

¡     Use the display startup and display boot-loader commands to verify that you have specified the correct next-startup configuration files and startup software images. If the main startup software image is corrupt or does not exist, a reboot failure will occur. To avoid a reboot failure, use the boot-loader file command to specify a new startup software image. For more information about the display startup and display boot-loader commands, see software upgrade commands in the command references.

·     The device will not reboot if a file is being accessed.

Configuration procedure

Rebooting the device immediately




Reboot the device immediately.

reboot [ force ]

Available in user view.


Scheduling a reboot for the device




Schedule a reboot.

·     Schedule a reboot to occur at a specific time or date:
schedule reboot at time [ date ]

·     Schedule a reboot to occur after a delay:
schedule reboot delay time

Use either command.

By default, no reboot date or time or reboot delay time is specified.

Available in user view.

The most recent configuration takes effect if you execute the scheduler reboot at or scheduler reboot delay command multiple times.



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