H3C WX5860X Access Controllers Installation Guide-5W102

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1 Troubleshooting

Power supply failure


The device cannot be powered on. The power supply status LED is off, or the system status LED (SYS) is off.


To resolve the issue:

1.     Verify that the power source is as required.

2.     Verify that the power cord is connected securely.

3.     Verify that the power cord is in good condition.

4.     If the issue persists, contact Technical Support.

No display or garbled display on the configuration terminal


The configuration terminal does not have display or have a garbled display when the device is powered on.


To resolve the issue:

1.     Verify that the power system is operation correctly.

2.     Verify that the console cable is connected correctly to the specified serial port on the configuration terminal.

3.     Verify that the following settings are configured for the terminal:

¡     Baud rate—9,600.

¡     Data bits—8.

¡     Parity—none.

¡     Stop bits—1.

¡     Flow control—none.

¡     EmulationVT100.

4.     Verify that the console cable is in good condition.

5.     If the issue persists, contact Technical Support.

Software loading failure


The device fails in software loading.


To resolve the issue:

1.     Verify that the physical ports are connected securely and correctly. If a port is not connected securely, reconnect the port and make sure the connections are correct.

2.     View the software loading process displayed on the HyperTerminal to check for errors. If an error exists, correct the error.

For example, check for the following errors that might occur:

¡     When you use XMODEM to load software, you select a baud rate other than 9600 bps, but you have not reset the baud rate for the HyperTerminal.

¡     When you use TFTP to load software, you entered an incorrect IP address, software name, or TFTP serve path.

¡     When you use FTP to load software, you entered an incorrect IP address, software name, username, or password.

3.     If the issue persists, contact Technical Support.

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