03-Layer 2—LAN Switching Command Reference

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15-Service loopback group commands
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Service loopback group commands

display service-loopback group

Use display service-loopback group to display service loopback group information.


display service-loopback group [ group-id ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




group-id: Specifies a service loopback group ID. The value range for the group-id argument is 1 to 1024. If you do not specify a service loopback group, this command displays information about all service loopback groups.


# Display information about service loopback group 5.

<Sysname> display service-loopback group 5


Service Group ID: 5       Service Type: Tunnel




Table 1 Command output



Service Group ID

Service loopback group ID.

Service Type

Service type of the service loopback group:

·     Multicast-tunnel—Supports multicast tunnel traffic.

·     Tunnel—Supports unicast tunnel traffic.

·     Multiport—Supports multiport ARP traffic.


Member ports of the service loopback group.


port service-loopback group

Use port service-loopback group to assign a port to a service loopback group.

Use undo port service-loopback group to remove a port from a service loopback group.


port service-loopback group group-id

undo port service-loopback group


A port does not belong to a service loopback group.


Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Predefined user roles



group-id: Specifies a service loopback group ID. The value range for the group-id argument is 1 to 1024.

Usage guidelines

When you assign a port to a service loopback group, the system removes the configuration on the port. Make sure you are fully aware of the impact of this command before using it on a live network.

To avoid IRF split, do not assign a port to a service loopback group if that port is the only IRF physical interface of an IRF port.

Before assigning a port to a service loopback group, make sure the port supports the service type of the group.

A port can belong to only one service loopback group. You can assign a maximum of 256 ports to a service loopback group.

For correct traffic processing, make sure a service loopback group has a minimum of one member port when it is being used by a feature.


# Assign HundredGigE 1/0/1 to service loopback group 5.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] port service-loopback group 5

service-loopback group

Use service-loopback group to create a service loopback group and specify its service type.

Use undo service-loopback group to delete a service loopback group.


service-loopback group group-id type { { multicast-tunnel | tunnel } * | multiport}

undo service-loopback group group-id


No service loopback groups exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



group-id: Specifies a service loopback group ID. The value range for the group-id argument is 1 to 1024.

type: Specifies the service type of the service loopback group.

multicast-tunnel: Specifies the multicast tunnel service.

tunnel: Specifies the unicast tunnel service.

multiport: Specifies the multiport ARP service.

Usage guidelines

Service loopback groups must work with other features, such as GRE. A service loopback group can be used by multiple features.

You must create a service loopback group before you can use it with a feature.

You can configure only one service loopback group for a service type. You cannot change the service type of a service loopback group.

To ensure correct traffic processing, do not delete a service loopback group that is being used by a feature.


# Create service loopback group 5 and specify the unicast tunnel service for the group.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] service-loopback group 5 type tunnel

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