06-Security Configuration Guide

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08-Public Key Configuration
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This chapter includes these sections:

·          Asymmetric key algorithm overview

·          Configuring the local asymmetric key pair

·          Configuring a remote host's public key

·          Displaying and maintaining public keys

·          Public key configuration examples




·      The term "switch" or "device" in this chapter refers to the switching engine on a WX3000E wireless switch.

·      The WX3000E series comprises WX3024E and WX3010E wireless switches.

·      The port numbers in this chapter are for illustration only.


Asymmetric key algorithm overview

Basic concepts

·          Algorithm: A set of transformation rules for encryption and decryption.

·          Plain text: Information without being encrypted.

·          Cipher text: Encrypted information.

·          Key: A string of characters that controls the transformation between plain text and cipher text. It is used in both the encryption and decryption.

Key algorithm types

As shown in Figure 1, the information in plain text is encrypted by an algorithm with the help of a key before being sent. The resulting cipher text is transmitted across the network to the receiver, where it is decrypted by the same algorithm also with the help of a key to obtain the original plain text.

Figure 1 Encryption and decryption


The following types of key algorithms are available, based on whether the keys for encryption and decryption are the same:

·          Symmetric key algorithm—The keys for encryption and decryption are the same. Commonly used symmetric key algorithms include Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption Standard (DES).

·          Asymmetric key algorithm—The keys for encryption and decryption are different, one is the public key, and the other is the private key. The information encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key, and vice versa. The private key is kept secret, and the public key may be distributed widely. The private key cannot be practically derived from the public key.

Asymmetric key algorithm applications

Asymmetric key algorithms can be used for encryption/decryption and digital signature.

·          Encryption/decryptionthe sender uses the public key of the intended receiver to encrypt the information to be sent. Only the intended receiver, the holder of the paired private key, can decrypt the information. This mechanism ensures confidentiality.

·          Digital signature—the sender "signs" the information to be sent by encrypting the information with its own private key. A receiver decrypts the information with the sender's public key and, based on whether the information can be decrypted, determines the authenticity of the information.

The Revest-Shamir-Adleman Algorithm (RSA) and the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) are asymmetric key algorithms. RSA can be used for data encryption/decryption and signature, whereas DSA is used for signature only.




Symmetric key algorithms are often used to encrypt/decrypt data for security. Asymmetric key algorithms are usually used in digital signature applications for peer identity authentication because they involve complex calculations and are time-consuming. In digital signature applications, only the digests, which are relatively short, are encrypted.


Configuring the local asymmetric key pair

You can create and destroy a local asymmetric key pair, and export the host public key of a local asymmetric key pair.

Creating an asymmetric key pair

Follow these steps to create an asymmetric key pair:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Create a local DSA key pair, or RSA key pairs

public-key local create { dsa | rsa }


By default, no key pair is created.


The public-key local create rsa command generates two key pairs: one server key pair and one host key pair. Each key pair comprises a public key and a private key. The public-key local create dsa command generates only one key pair, the host key pair.

After you enter the command, you are asked to specify the modulus length. The length of an RAS or DSA key modulus ranges from 512 to 2048 bits. To achieve higher security, specify a modulus at least 768 bits.




Key pairs created with the public-key local create command are saved automatically and can survive system reboots.


Displaying or exporting the local RSA or DSA host public key

Display the local RSA or DSA host public key on the screen or export it to a specified file. Then, you can configure the local RSA or DSA host public key on the remote end so that the remote end can use the host public key to authenticate the local end through digital signature.

Follow these steps to display or export the local RSA or DSA host public key:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Display the local RSA host public key on the screen in a specified format, or export it to a specified file

public-key local export rsa { openssh | ssh1 | ssh2 } [ filename ]

Select a command according to the type of the key to be exported.

Display the local DSA host public key on the screen in a specified format or export it to a specified file

public-key local export dsa { openssh | ssh2 } [ filename ]


Destroying an asymmetric key pair

You may need to destroy an asymmetric key pair and generate a new pair when an intrusion event has occurred, the storage media of the device is replaced, the asymmetric key has been used for a long time, or the certificate from the Certificate Authority (CA) expires. To check the certificate status, use the display pki certificate command. For more information about the CA and certificate, see the chapter “PKI configuration.”

Follow these steps to destroy an asymmetric key pair:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Destroy an asymmetric key pair

public-key local destroy { dsa | rsa }



Configuring a remote host's public key

To enable your local host to authenticate a remote host, configure the remote host's RSA or DSA public key on the local host. The following methods are available:

·          Import it from a public key file—Obtain a copy of the remote host's public key file through FTP or TFTP (in binary mode) first, and then import the public key from the file. During the import process, the system automatically converts the public key to a string in PKCS (Public Key Cryptography Standards) format. H3C recommends that you follow this method to configure the remote host's public key.

·          Configure it manually—If the remote host is an H3C device, you can use the display public-key local public command to view and record its public key. On the local host, input or copy the key data in public key code view. A public key displayed by other methods may not in the PKCS format, and the system cannot save the format-incompliant key.




The device supports up to 20 pubic keys of remote hosts.


Follow these steps to import a remote host's host public key from the public key file:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Import the host public key of a remote host from the public key file

public-key peer keyname import sshkey filename



Follow these steps to configure a remote host's public key manually:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Specify a name for a remote host's public key and enter public key view

public-key peer keyname


Enter public key code view

public-key-code begin

Configure the server or host public key of the remote host

Type or copy the key


Spaces and carriage returns are allowed between characters.

Return to public key view

public-key-code end


When you exit public key code view, the system automatically saves the public key.

Return to system view

peer-public-key end




Do not configure an RSA server public key of the remote host for identity authentication in SSH applications. Authentication in SSH applications uses the RSA host public key. For more information about SSH, see the chapter “SSH2.0 configuration.


Displaying and maintaining public keys

To do…

Use the command…


Display the public keys of the local key pairs

display public-key local { dsa | rsa } public [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Available in any view

Display the public keys of the remote hosts

display public-key peer [ brief | name publickey-name ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Public key configuration examples

Configuring a remote host's public key manually

Network requirements

As shown in Figure 2, to prevent illegal access, Device B authenticates Device A through a digital signature. Before configuring authentication parameters on Device B, configure the public key of Device A on Device B.

·          Configure Device B to use the asymmetric key algorithm of RSA for identity authentication of Device A.

·          Manually configure the host public key of Device A on Device B.

Figure 2 Network diagram for manually configuring a remote host's public key


Configuration procedure

1.        Configure Device A

# Create RSA key pairs on Device A.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] public-key local create rsa

The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).

NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,

It will take a few minutes.

Press CTRL+C to abort.

Input the bits of the modulus[default = 1024]:

Generating Keys...





# Display the public keys of the created RSA key pairs.

[DeviceA] display public-key local rsa public



Time of Key pair created: 09:50:06  2007/08/07

Key name: HOST_KEY

Key type: RSA Encryption Key


Key code:




Time of Key pair created: 09:50:07  2007/08/07

Key name: SERVER_KEY

Key type: RSA Encryption Key


Key code:


2.        Configure Device B

# Configure the host public key of Device A on Device B. In public key code view, input the host public key of Device A. The host public key is the content of HOST_KEY displayed on Device A using the display public-key local dsa public command.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] public-key peer devicea

Public key view: return to System View with "peer-public-key end".

[DeviceB-pkey-public-key] public-key-code begin

Public key code view: return to last view with "public-key-code end".


[DeviceB-pkey-key-code] public-key-code end

[DeviceB-pkey-public-key] peer-public-key end

# Display the host public key of Device A saved on Device B.

[DeviceB] display public-key peer name devicea



  Key Name  : devicea

  Key Type  : RSA

  Key Module: 1024


Key Code:


Importing a remote host's public key from a public key file

Network requirements

As shown in Figure 3, to prevent illegal access, Device B authenticates Device A through a digital signature. Before configuring authentication parameters on Device B, configure the public key of Device A on Device B.

·          Configure Device B to use the asymmetric key algorithm of RSA for identity authentication of Device A.

·          Import the host public key of Device A from the public key file to Device B.

Figure 3 Network diagram for importing a remote host's public key from a public key file


Configuration procedure

1.        Create key pairs on Device A and export the host public key

# Create RSA key pairs on Device A.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] public-key local create rsa

The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).

NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,

It will take a few minutes.

Press CTRL+C to abort.

Input the bits of the modulus[default = 1024]:

Generating Keys...





# Display the public keys of the created RSA key pairs.

[DeviceA] display public-key local rsa public



Time of Key pair created: 09:50:06  2007/08/07

Key name: HOST_KEY

Key type: RSA Encryption Key


Key code:




Time of Key pair created: 09:50:07  2007/08/07

Key name: SERVER_KEY

Key type: RSA Encryption Key


Key code:


# Export the RSA host public key to a file named devicea.pub.

[DeviceA] public-key local export rsa ssh2 devicea.pub

[DeviceA] quit

2.        Enable the FTP server function on Device B

# Enable the FTP server function, create an FTP user with the username ftp, password 123, and user level 3.

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] ftp server enable

[DeviceB] local-user ftp

[DeviceB-luser-ftp] password simple 123

[DeviceB-luser-ftp] service-type ftp

[DeviceB-luser-ftp] authorization-attribute level 3

[DeviceB-luser-ftp] quit

3.        Upload the public key file of Device A to Device B

# FTP the public key file devicea.pub to Device B with the file transfer mode of binary.

<DeviceA> ftp

Trying ...

Press CTRL+K to abort

Connected to

220 FTP service ready.


331 Password required for ftp.


230 User logged in.

[ftp] binary

200 Type set to I.

[ftp] put devicea.pub

227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,1,2,5,148).

125 BINARY mode data connection already open, transfer starting for /devicea.pub.

226 Transfer complete.

FTP: 299 byte(s) sent in 0.189 second(s), 1.00Kbyte(s)/sec.

4.        Import the host public key of Device A to Device B

# Import the host public key of Device A from the key file devicea.pub to Device B.

[DeviceB] public-key peer devicea import sshkey devicea.pub

# Display the host public key of Device A saved on Device B.

[DeviceB] display public-key peer name devicea



  Key Name  : devicea

  Key Type  : RSA

  Key Module: 1024


Key Code:



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