H3C S3610[5510] Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual-Release 0001-(V1.02)

HomeSupportSwitchesH3C S3610[S5510] Switch SeriesConfigure & DeployConfiguration GuidesH3C S3610[5510] Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual-Release 0001-(V1.02)
14-802.1x-HABP-MAC Authentication Operation

Chapter 1  802.1x Configuration

The 802.1x protocol was proposed by IEEE802 LAN/WAN committee for security problems on wireless LANs (WLAN). Currently, it is used on Ethernet as a common port access control mechanism.

When configuring 802.1x, use the following table to identify where to go for interested information:

If you need to…

Go to…

Get familiar with the basic concepts involved in 802.1x, its architecture, how it operates, and how it authenticate users

802.1x Overview

Know how to configure 802.1x

Configuring 802.1x

Consult the display commands available for verifying 802.1x configuration

Displaying and Maintaining 802.1x

See how to configure 802.1x in typical scenarios

802.1x Configuration Example


1.1  802.1x Overview

802.1x is a port-based access control protocol. It authenticates and controls accessing devices at the level of port. A device connecting to an 802.1x-enabled port of an access device can access the resources behind only after passing authentication. A user failing the authentication is physically disconnected.

To get more information about 802.1x, go to these topics:

l           Architecture of 802.1x

l           Operation of 802.1x

l           EAP Encapsulation over LANs

l           EAP Encapsulation over RADIUS

l           Authentication Process of 802.1x

l           802.1x Timers

l           Implementation of 802.1x

l           Features Working Together with 802.1x

1.1.1  Architecture of 802.1x

802.1x operates in the typical client/server model and defines three entities: supplicant system, authenticator system, and authentication server system, as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Architecture of 802.1x

l           Supplicant system: A system at one end of the LAN segment, which is authenticated by the system at the other end. A supplicant system is usually a user-end device and initiates 802.1x authentication through 802.1x client software supporting the EAP over LANs (EAPOL) protocol.

l           Authenticator system: A system at one end of the LAN segment, which authenticates the system at the other end. An authenticator system is usually an 802.1x-enabled network device and provides ports (physical or logical) for supplicants to access the LAN.

l           Authentication server system: The system providing authentication, authorization, and accounting services for the authenticator system.

The above systems involve three basic concepts: port access entity (PAE), controlled port, control direction.


PAE refers to the entity on a given port of a device that performs the 802.1x algorithm and protocol operations. The authenticator PAE uses the authentication server to authenticate the supplicant trying to access the LAN and controls the status of the controlled port (authorized or unauthorized) according to the authentication result. The supplicant PAE responds to the authentication request of the authenticator PAE and provides authentication information. The supplicant PAE can also send authentication requests and logoff requests to the authenticator.

II. Controlled port

An authenticator provides ports for supplicants to access the LAN. Each of the ports can be regarded as two virtual ports: a controlled port and an uncontrolled port.

l           The uncontrolled port is always open in both the inbound and outbound directions to allow EAPOL protocol frames to pass, guaranteeing that the supplicant can always send or receive authentication frames.

l           The controlled port is open to allow normal traffic to pass only when it is in the authorized state.

l           The controlled port and uncontrolled port are two parts of the same port. Any frames arriving at the port are visible to both of them.

III. Control direction

In the unauthorized state, the controlled port can be set to deny traffic to and from the supplicant or just the traffic from the supplicant.

l           When the controlled port is set to deny traffic to and from the supplicant, frames can neither be received nor sent.

l           When the controlled port is set to deny only the traffic from supplicants, the frames from supplicants are denied and those intended for supplicants are permitted.


&  Note:

Currently, the H3C S3610&5510 series Ethernet switches can only deny the traffic from supplicants.


1.1.2  Operation of 802.1x

The 802.1x authentication system employs the extensible authentication protocol (EAP) to support authentication information exchange between the supplicant PAE, authenticator PAE, and authentication server.

Figure 1-2 Operation of 802.1x

l           Between the supplicant PAE and authenticator PAE, EAP protocol packets are encapsulated using EAPOL and transferred over LANs.

l           Between the authenticator PAE and authentication server, EAP protocol packets can be encapsulated using the EAP attributes of RADIUS and then relayed to the RADIUS server, or terminated at the authenticator PAE, repackaged in the PAP or CHAP attributes of RADIUS, and then transferred to the RADIUS server.

l           The authentication server is usually a RADIUS server. It maintains information about users, such as the account, password, VLAN to which the user belongs, committed access rate (CAR) parameters, priority level, and ACL.

l           After a user passes the authentication, the authentication server passes information about the user to the authenticator, which controls the status of the controlled port according to the instruction of the authentication server.

1.1.3  EAP Encapsulation over LANs

I. EAPOL frame format

EAPOL, defined by 802.1x, is intended to carry EAP protocol packets between supplicants and authenticators over LANs. Figure 1-3 shows the EAPOL frame format.

Figure 1-3 EAPOL frame format

PAE Ethernet Type: Protocol type. It takes the value 0x888E.

Protocol version: Version of the EAPOL protocol supported by the EAPOL frame sender.

Type: Type of the packet. The following types are defined:

l           EAP-Packet (a value of 0x00), frame for carrying authentication information.

l           EAPOL-Start (a value of 0x01), frame for initiating authentication.

l           EAPOL-Logoff (a value of 0x02), frame for logoff request.

l           EAPOL-Key (a value of 0x03), frame for carrying key information.

l           EAPOL-Encapsulated-ASF-Alert (a value of 0x04), frame for carrying alerting information conforming to Alert Standard Forum (ASF).

Length: Length of the data, that is, length of the Packet body field, in bytes. If the value of this field is 0, no subsequent data field is present.

Packet body: The format of this field varies with the value of the Type field.

A frame with a type of EAPOL-Start, EAPOL-Logoff, or EAPOL-Key exists between a supplicant and an authenticator. A frame with a type of EAP-Packet is repackaged and transferred over RADIUS to get through complex networks to reach the authentication server. A frame with a type of EAPOL-Encapsulated-ASF-Alert encapsulates network management-related information (for example, various warning messages) and is terminated at the authenticator.

II. EAP packet format

An EAPOL frame with a type of EAP-Packet carries an EAP packet in its Packet body field. The structure of the EAP packet is shown in Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4 EAP packet format

Code: Type of the EAP packet, which can be Request, Response, Success, or Failure.

Identifier: Allows matching of responses with requests.

Length: Length of the EAP packet, including the Code, Identifier, Length, and Data fields.

Data: This field is zero or more bytes and its format is determined by the Code field.

An EAP packet of the type of Success or Failure has no Data field, and has a length of 4. An EAP packet of the type of Request or Response is in the format shown in Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5 Format of the data field in an EAP request/response packet

Type: EAP authentication type. A value of 1 represents Identity, indicating that the packet is for querying the identity of the supplicant. A value of 4 represents MD5-Challenge, which corresponds closely to the PPP CHAP protocol.

1.1.4  EAP Encapsulation over RADIUS

Two attributes of RADIUS are intended for supporting EAP authentication: EAP-Message and Message-Authenticator. For information about RADIUS packet format, refer to the RADIUS overview part in AAA&RADIUS&HWTACACS  Operation Manual.

I. EAP-Message

The EAP-Message attribute is used to encapsulate EAP packets. Figure 1-6 shows its encapsulation format. The value of the Type field is 79. The String field can be up to 253 bytes. If the EAP packet is longer than 253 bytes, it can be fragmented and encapsulated into multiple EAP-Message attributes.

Figure 1-6 Encapsulation format of the EAP-Message attribute

II. Message-Authenticator

The Message-Authenticator attribute is used to prevent access requests from being snooped during EAP authentication. It must be included in any packet with the EAP-Message attribute; otherwise, the packet will be considered invalid and get discarded. Figure 1-7 shows the encapsulation format of the Message-Authenticator attribute.

Figure 1-7 Encapsulation format of the Message-Authenticator attribute

1.1.5  Authentication Process of 802.1x

802.1x authentication can be initiated by either a user or the authenticator system. A user initiates authentication by launching the 802.1x client software to send an EAPOL-Start frame to the authenticator system, while the authenticator system sends an EAP-Request/Identity frame to an unauthenticated user when detecting that the user is trying to login. An 802.1x authenticator system communicates with a remotely located RADIUS server in two modes: EAP relay and EAP termination. The following description takes the first case as an example to show the 802.1x authentication process.

I. EAP relay

EAP relay is an IEEE 802.1x standard mode. In this mode, EAP packets are carried in a high layer protocol, such as RADIUS, so that they can go through complex networks and reach the authentication server. Generally, EAP relay requires that the RADIUS server support the EAP attributes of EAP-Message and Message-Authenticator. See Figure 1-8 for the message exchange procedure.

Figure 1-8 Message exchange in EAP relay mode

1)         When a user launches the 802.1x client software and enters the registered username and password, the 802.1x client software generates an EAPOL-Start frame and sends it to the authenticator to initiate an authentication process.

2)         Upon receiving the EAPOL-Start frame, the authenticator responds with an EAP-Request/Identity packet for the identity of the supplicant.

3)         When the supplicant receives the EAP-Request/Identity packet, it encapsulates the identity information in an EAP-Response/Identity packet and sends the packet to the authenticator.

4)         Upon receiving the EAP-Response/Identity packet, the authenticator relays the packet in a RADIUS Access-Request packet to the authentication server.

5)         When receiving the RADIUS Access-Request packet, the authentication server compares the identify information against its user information table to obtain the corresponding password information. Then, it encrypts the password information using a randomly generated challenge, and sends the challenge information through a RADIUS Access-Challenge packet to the authenticator.

6)         After receiving the RADIUS Access-Challenge packet, the authenticator relays the contained EAP-Request/MD5 Challenge packet to the supplicant.

7)         When receiving the EAP-Request/MD5 Challenge packet, the supplicant uses the offered challenge to encrypt the password part (this process is not reversible), creates an EAP-Response/MD5 Challenge packet, and then sends the packet to the authenticator.

8)         After receiving the EAP-Response/MD5 Challenge packet, the authenticator relays the packet in a RADIUS Access-Request packet to the authentication server.

9)         When receiving the RADIUS Access-Request packet, the authentication server compares the password information encapsulated in the packet with that generated by itself. If the two are identical, the authentication server considers the user valid and sends to the supplicant a RADIUS Access-Accept packet, instructing the authenticator to open the port to permit the access request of the supplicant.

10)     After the supplicant gets online, the authenticator periodically sends EAP-Request/Identity packets to the supplicant to check whether the supplicant is still online. By default, if two consecutive handshake attempts end up with failure, the authenticator concludes that the supplicant has gone offline and performs the necessary operations, guaranteeing that the authenticator always knows when a supplicant goes offline.

11)     The supplicant can also sends an EAPOL-Logoff frame to the authenticator to terminate the authenticated status. In this case, the authenticator changes the status of the port from authorized to unauthorized.

II. EAP termination

In EAP termination mode, EAP packets are terminated at the authenticator and then repackaged into the PAP or CHAP attributes of RADIUS and transferred to the RADIUS server for authentication, authorization, and accounting. See Figure 1-9 for the message exchange procedure.

Figure 1-9 Message exchange in EAP termination mode

Different from the authentication process in EAP relay mode, it is the authenticator that generates the random challenge for encrypting the user password information in EAP termination authentication process. Consequently, the authenticator sends the challenge together with the username and encrypted password information from the supplicant to the authentication server for authentication.

1.1.6  802.1x Timers

Several timers are used in the 802.1x authentication process to guarantee that the accessing users, the authenticators, and the RADIUS server interact with each other in a reasonable manner. The following are the major 802.1x timers:

l           Identity request timeout timer (tx-period): Once an authenticator sends an EAP-Request/Identity frame to a supplicant, it starts this timer. If this timer expires but it receives no response from the supplicant, it retransmits the request.

l           Password request timeout timer (supp-timeout): Once an authenticator sends an EAP-Request/MD5 Challenge frame to a supplicant, it starts this timer. If this timer expires but it receives no response from the supplicant, it retransmits the request.

l           Authentication server timeout timer (server-timeout): Once an authenticator sends a RADIUS Access-Request packet to the authentication server, it starts this timer. If this timer expires but it receives no response from the server, it retransmits the request.

l           Handshake timer (handshake-period): After a supplicant passes authentication, the authenticator sends to the supplicant handshake requests at this interval to check whether the supplicant is online. If the authenticator receives no response after sending the allowed maximum number of handshake requests, it considers that the supplicant is offline.

l           Quiet timer (quiet-period): When a supplicant fails the authentication, the authenticator refuses further authentication requests from the supplicant in this period of time.

1.1.7  Implementation of 802.1x

Devices extend and optimize the mechanism that the 802.1x protocol specifies by:

l           Allowing multiple users to access network services through the same physical port.

l           Supporting two authentication methods: portbased and macbased. With the portbased method, after the first user of a port passes authentication, all other users of the port can access the network without authentication, and when the first user goes offline, all other users get offline at the same time. With the macbased method, each user of a port must be authenticated separately, and when an authenticated user goes offline, no other users are affected.

1.1.8  Features Working Together with 802.1x

I. VLAN assignment

After an 802.1x supplicant passes authentication, the authentication server sends authorization information to the authenticator. If the authorization information contains VLAN authorization information, the authenticator adds the port connecting the supplicant to the assigned VLAN. This neither changes nor affects the configurations of the port. The only result is that the assigned VLAN takes precedence over the manually configured one, that is, the assigned VLAN takes effect.

For information on how to configure CAMS or Windows 2000 Server for VLAN assignment, refer to the configuration guides for CAMS or Windows 2000 server.


&  Note:

For H3C S3610&5510 series Ethernet switches, currently the VLAN assignment function is available only for the ports whose link type is ACCESS.


II. GuestVlan

If you fail to pass authentication for reasons such as there is no proprietary authentication Client or the version of the Client is too low, your ports will be added to GuestVlan. GuestVlan is a VLAN where you can access specific network resources without being authenticated. In this VLAN, you can perform the operations such as downloading and upgrading the client. After installing and upgrading the authentication Client in this VLAN, you can carry out the normal authentication procedure so as to access the other network resources.

After 802.1x is enabled and GuestVlan is configured correctly, the switch sends authentication-triggering packet (EAP-Request/identity) through a port. The port will be added in GuestVlan when the switch sends authentication-triggering packet (EAP-Request/Identity) beyond the maximum times before it receives no response packet from the client.

At this point, you initiate an authentication. If you fail to pass the authentication, the port is still in GuestVlan. If you pass the authentication, there are two following cases:

l           The authentication server delivers a VLAN. In this case, the port leaves from GuestVlan and joins the delivered VLAN. After you disconnect the Internet, the port first returns back to the configured VLAN (the one where the port locates before it joins GuestVlan, i.e. “original VLAN”).

l           The authentication server does not deliver a VLAN. In this case, the port leaves from GuestVLan and joins the configured VLAN. After you disconnect the Internet, the port is still in the configured VLAN.

1.2  Configuring 802.1x

Except the configuration of enabling 802.1x globally or on ports, other configurations of 802.1 x are optional. You can perform these configurations as required. For specific parameters and parameter meanings, see 802.1x-HABP-MAC Authentication Command Manual.

1.2.1  Configuration Prerequisites

802.1x provides a user identity authentication scheme. However, 802.1x cannot implement the authentication scheme solely by itself. RADIUS or local authentication must be configured to work with 802.1x:

l           For remote RADIUS authentication, the username and password information must be configured on the RADIUS server and the relevant configurations must be performed on the authenticator.

l           For local authentication, the username and password information must be configured on the authenticator and the service type must be set to lan-access.

For details about these configuration tasks, refer to AAA&RADIUS&HWTACAC+  Operation Manual.

1.2.2  Configuration Procedure

Follow these steps to configure 802.1x:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Enable 802.1x globally



Disabled by default

Enable 802.1x for specified ports

dot1x interface interface-list


Disabled by default

In Ethernet port view,

interface interface-type interface-number



Set the port access control mode for specified or all ports

dot1x port-control { authorized-force | unauthorized-force | auto } [ interface interface-list ]


auto by default

Set the port access control method for specified or all ports

dot1x port-method { macbased | portbased } [ interface interface-list ]


macbased by default

Enable detection and control against the users logging in through proxies

dot1x supp-proxy-check { logoff | trap } [ interface interface-list ]


Disabled by default

Set the maximum number of users a port can accommodate

dot1x max-user user-number [ interface interface-list ]


256 per port by default

Set the 802.1x authentication method

dot1x authentication-method { chap | pap | eap }


CHAP by default

Set the maximum number of attempts for sending authentication requests to the supplicant

dot1x retry max-retry-value


2 by default

Set timers

dot1x timer { handshake-period handshake-period-value | quiet-period quiet-period-value | tx-period tx-period-value | supp-timeout supp-timeout-value | server-timeout server-timeout-value }


The defaults are as follows:

15 seconds for the handshake timer,

60 seconds for the quiet timer,

30 seconds for the identity request timeout timer,

30 seconds for the password request timeout timer,

100 seconds for the authentication server timeout timer.

Enable the quiet timer

dot1x quiet-period


Disabled by default

Enter Ethernet port view

interface interface-type interface-num

Enable online user handshake

dot1x handshake


Enabled by default

Enable detection and control against users logging in through proxies for the port

dot1x supp-proxy-check { logoff | trap }


Disabled by default

This function takes effect on a port only when it is enabled both globally and on the port.



l      The following configurations can be performed in either system view or Ethernet port view: enabling 802.1x for a port, setting the access control mode for a port, setting the access control method for a port, setting the maximum number of users a port can accommodate.

l      Configurations performed in system view with the port not specified apply to all the ports. Configurations performed in Ethernet port view apply to the current Ethernet port only. In this case, the interface-list argument is not required.

l      802.1x configuration takes effect on a port only when 802.1x is enabled both globally and for the port.

l      With 802.1x enabled on a port, you cannot configure the maximum number of MAC addresses that the port can learn (by using the mac-address max-mac-count command), and vice versa.

l      Multiple timers are triggered to keep proper and ordered interactions between supplicants, authenticators, and authentication servers. Normally, the default timer settings are recommended. You can consider adjusting the timers (by using the dot1x timer command) only in some special or extreme network environments.

l      The proxy check function of 802.1x depends on the online user handshake function. So, make sure that the online user handshake function is enabled before enabling the proxy check function, and make sure that the proxy check function is disabled before disabling the online user handshake function,

l      The proxy check function takes effect on a port only when you enable it both globally and on the port.

l      If EAP authentication is used for 802.1x users, the contents you enter on the client will be directly sent to the server after encapsulation. In this case, the configuration with the user-name-format command is invalid.

l      If version number included is configured on the client or you enter a username with a blank character included, you cannot search or release user connections by username. However, you can search or release user connections in other ways, such as using IP addresses or connection indexes.

l      If 802.1x is enabled on a port, the port cannot be added in an aggregation group. If a port is added into an aggregation group, you cannot enable 802.1x on the port.

l      802.1x cannot block cluster handshake packets.


1.3  Configuring GuestVlan

1.3.1  Configuration Prerequisites

l           Enable 802.1x.

l           Configure the way of access control on the port as portbased.

l           Configure the mode of access control on the port as auto.

l           Configure the link type of the port as access.

l           A VLAN is already created, which will be configured as GuestVlan.

1.3.2  Configuring GuestVlan

Follow these steps to configure GuestVlan




Enter system view


Configure GuestVlan of the specified port

dot1x guest-vlan vlan-id [ interface interface-list ]


By default, GuestVlan is not configured on the port.

Or in Ethernet port view:

interface interface-type interface-number

dot1x guest-vlan vlan-id


&  Note:

l      The GuestVLAN function applies to access ports only.

l      The configuration configured in system view takes effect on all the ports, while the configuration configured in Ethernet port view takes effect only on the current port.


1.4  Displaying and Maintaining 802.1x

To do…

Use the command…


Display 802.1x session information, statistics, or configuration information of specified or all ports

display dot1x [ sessions | statistics ] [ interface interface-list ]

Available in any view

Clear 802.1x statistics

reset dot1x statistics [ interface interface-list ]

Available in user view


1.5  802.1x Configuration Example

I. Network requirements

l           As shown in Figure 1-10, a host is connected to Ethernet1/0/1 on the switch.

l           The access control method of macbased is required on the port to control accessing users.

l           All AAA accessing users belong to default domain aabbcc.net, which can accommodate up to 30 users. For authentication, RADIUS authentication is performed at first, and then local authentication when no response from the RADIUS server is received. For accounting, get a user offline if the RADIUS accounting fails. Whenever a user remains idle for over 20 minutes, tear down the connection.

l           A server group with two RADIUS servers is connected to the switch. The IP addresses of the servers are and respectively. Use the former as the primary authentication/secondary accounting server, and the latter as the secondary authentication/primary accounting server.

l           Set the shared key for the device to exchange packets with the authentication server as name, and that for the device to exchange packets with the accounting server as money.

l           Specify the device to try up to five times at an interval of 5 seconds in transmitting a packet to the RADIUS server until it receives a response from the server, and to send real time accounting packets to the accounting server every 15 minutes.

l           Specify the device to remove the domain name from the username before passing the username to the RADIUS server.

l           Set the username of the 802.1x user as localuser and the password as localpass and specify to use clear text mode. Enable the idle cut function.

II. Network diagram

Figure 1-10 Network diagram for 802.1x configuration

III. Configuration procedure


&  Note:

The following configuration procedure covers most AAA/RADIUS configuration commands for the authenticator, while configuration on the supplicant and RADIUS server are omitted.

For information about AAA/RADIUS configuration commands, refer to AAA&RADIUS& HWTACACS  Operation Manual.


# Add local access user localuser, Enable the idle cut function and set the idle interval.

[Sysname] local-user localuser

[Sysname-luser-localuser] service-type lan-access

[Sysname-luser-localuser] password simple localpass

[Sysname-luser-localuser] attribute idle-cut 20

# Create RADIUS scheme radius1 and enter its view.

[Sysname] radius scheme radius1

# Configure the IP addresses of the primary authentication and accounting RADIUS servers.

[Sysname-radius-radius1] primary authentication

[Sysname-radius-radius1] primary accounting

# Configure the IP addresses of the secondary authentication and accounting RADIUS servers.

[Sysname-radius-radius1] secondary authentication

[Sysname-radius-radius1] secondary accounting

# Specify the shared key for the device to exchange packets with the authentication server.

[Sysname-radius-radius1] key authentication name

# Specify the shared key for the device to exchange packets with the accounting server.

[Sysname-radius-radius1] key accounting money

# Set the interval for the device to retransmit packets to the RADIUS server and the maximum number of transmission attempts.

[Sysname-radius-radius1] timer response-timeout 5

[Sysname-radius-radius1] retry 5

# Set the interval for the device to send real time accounting packets to the RADIUS server.

[Sysname-radius-radius1] timer realtime-accounting 15

# Specify the device to remove the domain name of any username before passing the username to the RADIUS server.

[Sysname-radius-radius1] user-name-format without-domain

[Sysname-radius-radius1] quit

# Create default user domain aabbcc.net and enter its view.

[Sysname] domain aabbcc.net

[Sysname-isp-aabbcc.net] quit

[Sysname] domain default enable aabbcc.net

[Sysname] domain aabbcc.net

# Set radius1 as the RADIUS scheme for users of the domain and specify to use local authentication as the secondary scheme.

[Sysname-isp-aabbcc.net] authentication default radius-scheme radius1 local

[Sysname-isp-aabbcc.net] authorization default radius-scheme radius1 local

[Sysname-isp-aabbcc.net] accounting default radius-scheme radius1 local

# Set the maximum number of users for the domain as 30.

[Sysname-isp-aabbcc.net] access-limit enable 30

# Enable the idle cut function and set the idle interval.

[Sysname-isp-aabbcc.net] idle-cut enable 20

[Sysname-isp-aabbcc.net] quit

# Enable 802.1x globally.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] dot1x

# Enable 802.1x for Ethernet1/0/1.

[Sysname] dot1x interface Ethernet 1/0/1

# Set the port access control method. (Optional. The default answers the requirement.)

[Sysname] dot1x port-method macbased interface Ethernet 1/0/1

1.6  Typical GuestVlan Configuration Example

I.  Network requirement

As shown in Figure 1-11, a PC connects to the network through 802.1x authentication. The authentication server is radius server. Ethernet1/0/3 of the Supplicant access switch belongs to VLAN 1; Authentication Server belongs to VLAN 2; Update Server belongs to VLAN 10 which is used for Client download and upgrade; Ethernet1/0/8 through which the switch accesses the Internet belongs to VLAN 5.

Figure 1-11 Typical network diagram

As shown in Figure 1-12, enable 802.1x and GuestVlan 10 on Ethernet1/0/3. When the switch transmits authentication-triggering packet (EAP-Request/Identity) through the port beyond the maximum times before it receives any response packet, Ethernet1/0/3 is added in GuestVlan 10. In this case, Supplicant and Update Server belong to VLAN 10. So Supplicant can access Update Server and download 1x Client.

Figure 1-12 Enable GuestVlan

As shown in Figure 1-13, Authentication Server delivers Vlan 5 after you pass authentication and access the Internet. In this case, Supplicant and Ethernet1/0/8 belong to VLAN 5. Supplicant can access the Internet.

Figure 1-13 User online and VLAN delivery

II. Configuration procedure

# Configure a Radius Scheme.

[Sysname] radius scheme 2000

[Sysname-radius-2000] primary authentication 1812

[Sysname-radius-2000] primary accounting 1813

[Sysname-radius-2000] key authorcation nec

[Sysname-radius-2000] key accouting  nec

[Sysname-radius-2000] user-name-format without-domain

[Sysname-radius-2000] quit

# Configure a domain which uses the just configured Radius Scheme.

[Sysname] domain system

[Sysname-isp-system] authentication default radius-scheme 2000

[Sysname-isp-system] authorization  default radius-scheme 2000

[Sysname-isp-system] accounting default radius-scheme 2000

# Enable 802.1x globally.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] dot1x

# Enable 802.1x on the specified port. .

[Sysname] interface e 1/0/3

[Sysname-ethernet1/0/3] dot1x

# Configure the way of access control on the port as portbased.

[Sysname-ethernet1/0/3] dot1x port-method portbased

# Configure the mode of access control on the port as auto.

[Sysname-ethernet1/0/3] dot1x port-control auto

# Configure the link type of the port as access.

[Sysname-ethernet1/0/3] port link-type access

[Sysname-ethernet1/0/3] quit

# Create VLAN 10.

[Sysname] vlan 10

[Sysname-vlan10] quit

# Configure GuestVlan of the specified port.

[Sysname] dot1x guest-vlan 10 interface ethernet1/0/3

Use the display current-configuration or display interface ethernet1/0/3 command to display GuestVlan configuration. In some cases such as you disconnect the Internet or fail to pass authentication, when the switch transmits authentication-triggering packet (EAP-Request/Identity) beyond the maximum times you set, Ethernet 1/0/3 is added to the GuestVLAN (that is, VLAN 10).

You can use the display vlan 10 command to view whether the GuestVLAN configured on the specified port takes effect.


Chapter 2  HABP Configuration

2.1  Introduction to HABP

With 802.1x (or MAC authentication) enabled, a switch authenticates 802.1x-enabled (or MAC authentication-enabled) ports. Packets can be forwarded only by authorized ports. If ports connected to the switch are not authenticated, their received packets will be filtered.

This means that users can no longer manage the attached switches. To address this problem, Huawei authentication bypass protocol (HABP) has been developed.

An HABP packet carries the MAC addresses of the attached switches with it. It can bypass the 802.1x authentications or MAC authentications when traveling between HABP-enabled switches, through which management devices can obtain the MAC addresses of the attached switches and thus the management of the attached switches is feasible.

HABP is implemented by HABP server and HABP client. Normally, an HABP server sends HABP request packets regularly to HABP clients to collect the MAC addresses of the attached switches. HABP clients respond to the HABP request packets and forward the HABP request packets to lower-level switches. HABP servers usually reside on management devices and HABP clients usually on attached switches.


&  Note:

To enable both cluster and 802.1x authentication (or MAC address authentication) for a device at the same time, make sure that HABP is enabled on the device. Otherwise, the management device will fail to manage the devices attached to it.


2.2  Configuring HABP

2.2.1  HABP Server Configuration

With the HABP server launched, a management device sends HABP request packets regularly to the attached switches to collect their MAC addresses. You need also to configure the interval on the management device for an HABP server to send HABP request packets.

Table 2-1 Configure an HABP server




Enter system view


Enable HABP

habp enable


HABP is enabled by default.

Configure the current switch to be an HABP server

habp server vlan vlan-id


By default, a switch operates as an HABP client after you enable HABP on the switch.

Configure the interval to send HABP request packets.

habp timer interval-time


The default interval for an HABP server to send HABP request packets is 20 seconds.


2.2.2  HABP Client Configuration

HABP clients reside on switches attached to the HABP servers. By default, after you enable HABP for a switch, the switch operates as an HABP client.

Table 2-2 Configure an HABP client




Enter system view


Enable HABP

habp enable


HABP is enabled by default. And a switch operates as an HABP client after you enable HABP for it.

Set the current switch to be an HABP Client

undo hapb server


By default. And a switch operates as an HABP client


2.3  Displaying HABP

After performing the above configuration, you can display and verify your HABP-related configuration by execute the display command in any view.

Table 2-3 Display HABP




Display HABP configuration and status information

display habp

You can execute the display command in any view

Display the MAC address table maintained by HABP

display habp table

Display statistics on HABP traffic

display habp traffic


Chapter 3  MAC Authentication Configuration

MAC authentication is a method for authenticating users based on port and MAC address.

When configuring MAC authentication, use the following table to identify where to go for interested information:

If you need to…

Go to…

Get an overall idea of MAC authentication

MAC Authentication Overview

Know the normal procedure to configure MAC authentication

Configuring MAC Authentication

Learn how to display and maintain MAC authentication

Displaying and Maintaining MAC Authentication

See an example of how to configure MAC authentication

MAC Authentication Configuration Example


3.1  MAC Authentication Overview

MAC authentication controls user network access based on port and MAC address. It does not require users to have any supplicant system software installed. The MAC address of the host is used as the user name and password for authentication. Once a switch detects a MAC address, it initiates the authentication process.

Ethernet switches support remote RADIUS authentication and local authentication. For related information, refer to AAA-RADIUS-HWTACACS Operation.

l           With RADIUS authentication, the switch serves as a RADIUS client. It forwards a detected user MAC address to the RADIUS server as the user name and password for authentication and, if a user passes the authentication, permits the user to access the network.

l           With local authentication, MAC addresses of users must be manually configured on the switch to be used as user names and passwords for authentication.

3.2  Related Concepts

3.2.1  MAC Authentication Timers

MAC address authentication is controlled by the following timers:

l           Offline-detect timer: Sets the interval to check whether a user has gone offline. If offline, the device will notify the RADIUS server immediately to stop accounting that user.

l           Quite timer: When a user fails the MAC authentication, the device stays quiet for a period specified by the quiet timer before initializing another authentication on the user.

l           Server-timeout timer: Sets the server timeout period. During authentication of a user, if the device receives no response from the RADIUS server in this period, it assumes that its connection to the RADIUS server has timed out and forbids the user from accessing the network.

3.2.2  Quiet MAC Address

When a MAC address authentication fails, this MAC address is treated as a quiet MAC address. During the quiet period, the device drops all the packets from the address. The quiet MAC address function is designed to prevent an invalid MAC address from being authenticated repeatedly during a short period.



The quiet function gets invalid if a quite MAC is the same as a static MAC configured or an authentication-passed MAC.


3.3  Configuring MAC Authentication

3.3.1  Configuration Prerequisites

l           Create and configure the ISP domain.

l           For local authentication, create a local user and configure the password.

l           For RADIUS authentication, ensure that the switch and the RADIUS server can reach each other. On the other hand, configure the user name and password on the RADIUS server, and then carry out the corresponding setting for the device serving as a RADIUS client.



For local authentication:

l      The MAC address to be used as the user name and password of a local user must be in the format of HHH.

l      The service type of the local user must be configured as lan-access.


3.3.2  Configuration Procedure

Follow these steps to configure MAC authentication:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view


Enable MAC authentication globally



Disabled by default

Enable MAC authentication for specified ports

mac-authentication interface interface-list


Disabled by default

Specify the ISP domain for MAC authentication

mac-authentication domain isp-name


The default ISP domain is used by default

Set the offline-detect timer

mac-authentication timer offline-detect offline-detect-value


300 seconds by default

Set the quiet timer

mac-authentication timer quiet quiet-value


1 minute by default

Set the server timeout timer

mac-authentication timer server-timeout server-timeout-value


100 seconds by default



l      You can enable MAC authentication for specified ports or set MAC authentication parameters before enabling MAC authentication globally. However, your configuration takes effect only after you enable MAC authentication globally.

l      MAC authentication is mutually exclusive with 802.1x authentication on the same port.

l      If MAC authentication is enabled on a port, you cannot configure the maximum number of MAC addresses to be learned on the port. You can use the mac-address max-mac-count command to configure the maximum number of MAC addresses to be learned on the port. If the maximum number of MAC addresses to be learned is configured on a port, you cannot enable MAC authentication on the port.

l      Ports with MAC address authentication enabled cannot be added to a link aggregation group. Conversely, MAC address authentication is unavailable to ports belonging to a link aggregation group.


3.4  Displaying and Maintaining MAC Authentication

To do…

Use the command…


Display the global MAC authentication information or the MAC authentication information about specified interfaces

display mac-authentication [ interface interface-list ]

Available in any view


3.5  MAC Authentication Configuration Example


&  Note:

The main features of MAC address authentication are:

l      A user MAC address serves as both the user name and password.

l      You need to configure the MAC address of a user as both the user name and the password on the RADIUS server.


I. Network requirements

As illustrated in Figure 3-1, a user is connected to the switch through port GigabitEthernet 1/1/1.

l           MAC authentication is required on every port to control user access to the Internet.

l           All users belong to domain aabbcc.net.

l           Set the offline-detect timer to 180 seconds and the quiet timer to 3 minutes.

l           Configure the switch to perform local authentication.

II. Network diagram

Figure 3-1 Network diagram for MAC authentication

III. Configuration procedure

# Add a local user.


[Sysname] local-user 000fe2010101

[Sysname-luser-000fe2010101] password simple 000fe2010101

[Sysname-luser-000fe2010101] service-type lan-access

[Sysname-luser-000fe2010101] quit

# Configure the ISP domain as aabbcc.net, and specify to perform local authentication.

[Sysname] domain aabbcc.net

[Sysname-isp-aabbcc.net] authentication lan-access local

[Sysname-isp-aabbcc.net] quit

# Enable MAC authentication globally.

[Sysname] mac-authentication

# Enable MAC authentication on GigabitEthernet 1/1/1.

[Sysname] mac-authentication interface GigabitEthernet 1/1/1

# Specify the ISP domain for centralized MAC authentication.

[Sysname] mac-authentication domain aabbcc.net

# Set the MAC authentication timers.

[Sysname] mac-authentication timer offline-detect 180

[Sysname] mac-authentication timer quiet 3


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