Wireless Product License Compatibility Info Finder
By Product Model/Product Code
By Product Series & Model
AC Basic Info
Series |
Model |
Product Code |
License Compatibility Info
Permanent AP license pre-installed in the device. Pre-installed permanent licenses cannot be uninstalled or transferred.
30-day AP licenses that come with the device. Pre-installed licenses do not require installation and cannot be uninstalled or migrated.
Maximum Supported AP Licenses |
Default Supported AP Licenses
Pre-Installed AP Licenses |
License Step Size |
Maximum Managed APs
Common indoor APs and outdoor APs. Each common AP requires one AP license.
APs that can be installed over an 86mm × 86mm wall-jack box. The name of a wall-jack AP typically has a suffix of -H. Some wall-jack APs require fewer AP licenses than common APs.
Wireless terminal units in a WT network. Every WTU requires 0.25 of an AP license.
Common AP |
Wall-jack AP |
Local Forwarding Lite Mode |
Compatible Licenses
License Code |
Managed Common APs |
Description |
Compatible APs
1. This field displays only the earliest compatible AC version. ACs using a later version also support AP management.
2. An empty field indicates that the earliest compatible version was released more than one year ago. You can use the license with all AC versions released in the past year and later.
3. For unified wired and wireless access controllers, the earliest supported version of the supporting AP does not show the switch software version. For more information about the mapping relations between switch software and WLAN feature package, see the hardware and software compatibility matrix in the release notes for the switch.
AP Model |
Required Licenses Per AP |
Earliest Supported AC Version