01-Fundamentals Configuration Guide

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01-CLI configuration
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Using the CLI 1

About the CLI 1

Using CLI views· 1

About CLI views· 1

Entering common system view from user view· 2

Entering real-time-mode system view from user view· 2

Entering non-real-time-mode system view from user view· 2

Entering system view for multichassis configuration sync from user view· 3

Specifying the default mode of the system view· 3

Returning to the upper-level view from a view· 4

Returning to user view· 4

Accessing the CLI online help· 4

Using the undo form of a command· 5

Entering a command· 5

Editing a command line· 6

Entering a text or string type value for an argument 7

Entering an interface type· 7

Abbreviating commands· 8

Configuring and using command aliases· 8

Configuring and using hotkeys· 9

Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands· 10

Understanding command-line syntax error messages· 11

Using the command history feature· 11

About command history buffers· 11

Command buffering rules· 12

Managing and using the command history buffers· 12

Repeating commands in the command history buffer for a user line· 13

Controlling the CLI output 13

Pausing between screens of output 13

Numbering each output line from a display command· 14

Filtering the output from a display command· 14

Displaying information for the peer member device· 18

Saving the output from a display command to a file· 19

Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively· 20

Enabling reauthentication for disruptive commands· 21

Entering MMI mode· 21


Using the CLI

About the CLI

At the command-line interface (CLI), you can enter text commands to configure, manage, and monitor the device.

You can use different methods to log in to the CLI. For example, you can log in through the console port or Telnet. For more information about login methods, see "Login overview."

Using CLI views

About CLI views

Commands are grouped in different views by feature. To use a command, you must enter its view.

CLI views are hierarchically organized, as shown in Figure 1. Each view has a unique prompt, from which you can identify where you are and what you can do. For example, the prompt [Sysname-vlan100] shows that you are in VLAN 100 view and can configure attributes for that VLAN.

Figure 1 CLI views

You are placed in user view immediately after you log in to the CLI.

In user view, you can perform the following tasks:

·     Perform basic operations including display, debug, file management, FTP, Telnet, clock setting, and reboot.

·     Enter system view.

In system view, you can perform the following tasks:

·     Configure settings that affect the device as a whole, such as the daylight saving time, banners, and hotkeys.

·     Enter feature views.

For example, you can perform the following tasks:

¡     Enter interface view to configure interface parameters.

¡     Enter VLAN view to add ports to the VLAN.

¡     Enter user line view to configure login user attributes.

A feature view might have child views. For example, NQA operation view has the child view HTTP operation view.

·     Enter probe view by using the probe command.

The probe view provides display, debugging, and maintenance commands, which are mainly used by developers and testers for system fault diagnosis and system operation monitoring.




Use the commands in probe view under the guidance of engineers to avoid system exceptions caused by incorrect operations.

For more information about the commands in probe view, see the probe commands manual for each feature.

To display all commands available in a view, enter a question mark (?) at the view prompt.

Entering common system view (commit command not supported)

Entering common system view from user view

About this task

In common system view and its lower-level views, settings are written to the running configuration and take effect immediately.


To enter common system view from user view, execute the following command:


Entering real-time-mode system view from user view

About this task

In real-time-mode system view and its lower-level views, settings are written to the running configuration and take effect immediately.

Available commands in the system views might vary. For more information, enter a question mark (?) at the system view prompts.

Unless otherwise stated, the term "system view" refers to real-time-mode system view.


To enter real-time-mode system view from user view, execute the following command:

system-view [ immediate ]

Entering non-real-time-mode system view from user view

About this task

For non-real-time-mode system view, you can enter exclusive-mode system view and private-mode system view.

In exclusive-mode system view, private-mode system view, and their lower-level views, settings are saved to the target configuration, which takes effect after being committed by using the commit command. For more information, see "Managing target configuration."

Only one user can enter exclusive-mode system view or its lower-level views.

·     When a user is in an exclusive-mode view, users in private-mode views cannot commit their target configuration command lines.

·     When no user is in an exclusive-mode view, users in private-mode views can commit their respective target configuration command lines. However, only one user in a private-mode view can commit target configuration command lines at a time.

Available commands in the system views might vary. For more information, enter a question mark (?) at the system view prompts.

Private-mode views and exclusive-mode views have a leading tilde sign (~) in their prompts as compared to their counterpart real-time-mode views.


To enter non-real-time-mode system view from user view, execute the following command:

system-view { exclusive | private }

Entering system view for multichassis configuration sync from user view

About this task

In a network configured with multichassis configuration synchronization, such as an M-LAG network, some commands must be executed on both member devices. For these commands, you have to execute them separately on the local and peer member devices. This is cumbersome and might cause configuration errors.

To resolve this issue, you can execute the system-view mc-config command to enter system view for multichassis configuration sync. In system view for multichassis configuration sync and its lower-level views, settings on the local member device are synchronized to the peer member device. This ensures configuration consistency on the local and peer member devices and avoids repeated configuration. For more information about multichassis configuration synchronization, see "Configuring multichassis configuration synchronization."


To enter system view for multichassis configuration sync from user view, execute the following command:

system-view mc-config

Specifying the default mode of the system view

About this task

By default, the system enters real-time-mode system view after the system-view command is executed. To configure the settings in non-real-time-mode, you must specify the exclusive or private keyword each time the system enters system view. To simplify the configuration, you can execute the configuration system-view-mode command to specify the default mode of the system view that the system will enter after the system-view command is executed.


To specify the default mode of the system view that the system will enter after the system-view command is executed, execute the following command:

configuration system-view-mode { immediate | private }

By default, the system enters real-time-mode system view after the system-view command is executed.

Returning to the upper-level view from a view

Restrictions and guidelines

Executing the quit command in user view terminates your connection to the device.

To return from public key view to system view, you must use the peer-public-key end command.


To return to the upper-level view from a view, execute the following command:


Returning to user view

About this task

This feature enables you to return to user view from any other view by performing a single operation. You do not need to execute the quit command multiple times.

To return directly to user view, you can execute the abort or return command or press Ctrl+Z.

·     If you execute return or press Ctrl+Z to return from private-mode or exclusive-mode view to user view, the system displays a message to notify you of uncommitted target configuration command lines (if any).

·     If you execute abort to return from private-mode or exclusive-mode view to user view, the system discards uncommitted target configuration command lines (if any) without any prompt.


To return directly to user view from any other view except Tcl configuration view and the Python shell, use one of the following methods:

·     Execute the return command.

·     Press Ctrl+Z.

·     Execute the abort command in any private-mode/exclusive-mode view.

To return to user view from Tcl configuration view, use the tclquit command.

To return to user view from the Python shell, use the exit() command.

Accessing the CLI online help

The CLI online help is context sensitive. Enter a question mark at any prompt or in any position of a command to display all available options.

To access the CLI online help, use one of the following methods:

·     Enter a question mark at a view prompt to display the first keyword of every command available in the view. For example:

<Sysname> ?

User view commands:

  archive             Archive configuration                                    

  arp                 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) module                 

  backup              Backup the startup configuration file to a TFTP server   

  boot-loader         Software image file management


·     Enter a space and a question mark after a command keyword to display all available keywords and arguments.

¡     If the question mark is in the place of a keyword, the CLI displays all possible keywords, each with a brief description. For example:

<Sysname> terminal ?

  debugging  Enable to display debugging logs on the current terminal

  logging    Display logs on the current terminal

  monitor    Enable to display logs on the current terminal

¡     If the question mark is in the place of an argument, the CLI displays the description for the argument. For example:

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface vlan-interface ?

  <1-4094>  Vlan-interface interface number

[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 1 ?


[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 1

<1-4094> is the value range for the argument. <cr> indicates that the command is complete and you can press Enter to execute the command.

·     Enter an incomplete keyword string followed by a question mark to display all keywords starting with that string. The CLI also displays the descriptions for the keywords. For example:

<Sysname> f?

  fdisk    Partition a storage medium

  fixdisk   Check and repair a storage medium

  format    Format a storage medium

  free      Release a connection

  ftp       Open an FTP connection

<Sysname> display ftp?

  ftp         FTP module

  ftp-server  FTP server information

  ftp-user    FTP user information

Using the undo form of a command

Most configuration commands have an undo form for the following tasks:

·     Canceling a configuration.

·     Restoring the default.

·     Disabling a feature.

For example, the info-center enable command enables the information center. The undo info-center enable command disables the information center.

Entering a command

When you enter a command, you can perform the following tasks:

·     Use keys or hotkeys to edit the command line.

·     Use abbreviated keywords or keyword aliases.

Editing a command line

To edit a command line, use the keys listed in Table 1 or the hotkeys listed in Table 4. When you are finished, you can press Enter to execute the command. If the command entered by the user cannot be executed in the current view, the system will try to execute the command in the upper level view of the current view. The execution fails until the command cannot be executed in system view.

The command edit buffer can contain a maximum of 511 characters. If the total length of a command line exceeds the limit after you press Tab to complete the last keyword or argument, the system does not complete the keyword.




If the amount of free memory space reaches a free-memory threshold set by the memory-threshold command, the device displays memory usage information every time you execute a command. For more information about the memory-threshold command, see Fundamentals Command Reference.


Table 1 Command line editing keys



Common keys

If the edit buffer is not full, pressing a common key inserts a character at the cursor and moves the cursor to the right. The edit buffer can store up to 511 characters. Unless the buffer is full, all common characters that you enter before pressing Enter are saved in the edit buffer.


Deletes the character to the left of the cursor and moves the cursor back one character.

Left arrow key ()

Moves the cursor one character to the left.

Right arrow key ()

Moves the cursor one character to the right.

Up arrow key ()

Displays the previous command in the command history buffer.

Down arrow key ()

Displays the next command in the command history buffer.


If you press Tab after typing part of a keyword, the system automatically completes the keyword.

·     If a unique match is found, the system displays the complete keyword.

·     If there is more than one match, press Tab multiple times to pick the keyword you want to enter.

·     If there is no match, the system does not modify what you entered but displays it again in the next line.

The device supports the following special commands:

·     #—Used by the system in a configuration file as separators for adjacent sections.

·     version—Used by the system in a configuration file to indicate the software version information. For example, version 7.1. xxx, Release xxx.

These commands are special because of the following reasons:

·     These commands are not intended for you to use at the CLI.

·     You can enter the # command in any view or the version command in system view, or enter any values for them. For example, you can enter # abc or version abc. However, the settings do not take effect.

·     The device does not provide any online help information for these commands.

Entering a text or string type value for an argument

A text type argument value can contain any characters except question marks (?).

A string type argument value can contain any printable characters except question marks (?).

·     To include a quotation mark (") or backward slash (\) in a string type argument value, prefix the character with an escape key (\), for example, \" and \\.

·     To include a blank space in a string type argument value, enclose the value in quotation marks, for example, ''my device''.

A specific argument might have more requirements. For more information, see the relevant command reference.

To enter a printable character, you can enter the character or its ASCII code in the range of 32 to 126.

Entering an interface type

You can enter an interface type in one of the following formats:

·     Full spelling of the interface type.

·     An abbreviation that uniquely identifies the interface type.

·     Acronym of the interface type.

For a command line, all interface types are case insensitive. The following table shows the full spellings and acronyms of interface types.

For example, to use the interface command to enter the view of interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1, you can enter the command line in the following formats:

·     interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

·     interface g 1/0/1

·     interface ge 1/0/1

Spaces between the interface types and interfaces are not required.

Table 2 Full spellings and acronyms of interface types

Full spelling




























Abbreviating commands

You can enter a command line quickly by entering incomplete keywords that uniquely identify the complete command. In user view, for example, commands starting with an s include startup saved-configuration and system-view. To enter the command system-view, you need to type only sy. To enter the command startup saved-configuration, type st s.

You can also press Tab to complete an incomplete keyword.

Configuring and using command aliases

About this task

You can configure one or more aliases for a command or the starting keywords of commands. Then, you can use the aliases to execute the command or commands. If the command or commands have undo forms, you can also use the aliases to execute the undo command or commands.

For example, if you configure the shiprt alias for display ip routing-table, you can enter shiprt to execute the display ip routing-table command. If you configure the ship alias for display ip, you can use ship to execute all commands starting with display ip, including:

·     Enter ship routing-table to execute the display ip routing-table command.

·     Enter ship interface to execute the display ip interface command.

The device provides a set of system-defined command aliases, as listed in Table 3.

Table 3 System-defined command aliases

Command alias

Command or command keyword



















Restrictions and guidelines

A command alias can be used only as the first keyword of a command or the second keyword of the undo form of a command.

After you successfully execute a command by using an alias, the system saves the command, instead of the alias, to the running configuration.

The command string can include up to nine parameters. Each parameter starts with the dollar sign ($) and a sequence number in the range of 1 to 9. For example, you can configure the alias shinc for the display ip $1 | include $2 command. Then, to execute the display ip routing-table | include Static command, you need to enter only shinc routing-table Static.

To use an alias for a command that has parameters, you must specify a value for each parameter. If you fail to do so, the system informs you that the command is incomplete and displays the command string represented by the alias.

System-defined command aliases cannot be deleted.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Configure a command alias.

alias alias command

By default, the device has a set of command aliases, as listed in Table 3.

3.     (Optional.) Display command aliases.

display alias [ alias ]

This command is available in any view.

Configuring and using hotkeys

About this task

The device supports a set of hotkeys. Pressing a hotkey executes the command or function assigned to the hotkey. Table 4 shows the hotkeys and their default definitions. You can configure all the hotkeys except Ctrl+].

If a hotkey is also defined by the terminal software you are using to interact with the device, you can reconfigure the hotkey or remove the hotkey.

Restrictions and guidelines

A hotkey can correspond to only one command or function. If you assign multiple commands or functions to the same hotkey, the most recently assigned command or function takes effect.

A command or function can be assigned to multiple hotkeys. You can use any of the hotkeys to execute the command or function.

If a hotkey is also defined by the terminal software you are using to interact with the device, the terminal software definition takes effect.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Assign a command to a hotkey.

hotkey hotkey { command | function function | none }

Table 4 shows the default definitions for the hotkeys.

3.     (Optional.) Display hotkeys.

display hotkey

This command is available in any view.

Table 4 Default definitions for hotkeys


Function or command


move_the_cursor_to_the_beginning_of_the_line: Moves the cursor to the beginning of a line.


move_the_cursor_one_character_to_the_left: Moves the cursor one character to the left.


stop_the_current_command: Stops the current command.


erase_the_character_at_the_cursor: Deletes the character at the cursor.


move_the_cursor_to_the_end_of_the_line: Moves the cursor to the end of a line.


move_the_cursor_one_character_to_the_right: Moves the cursor one character to the right.


display current-configuration: Display the running configuration.


erase_the_character_to_the_left_of_the_cursor: Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.


display ip routing-table: Display the IPv4 routing table information.


display_the_next_command_in_the_history_buffer: Displays the next command in the history buffer. Password configuration commands, if any, are skipped.


undo debugging all: Disable all debugging functions.


display_the_previous_command_in_the_history_buffer: Displays the previous command in the history buffer. Password configuration commands, if any, are skipped.


redisplay_the_current_line: Redisplays the current line.






delete_the_word_to_the_left_of_the_cursor: Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.


delete_all_characters_from_the_beginning_of_the_line_to_the_cursor: Deletes all characters to the left of the cursor.


delete_all_characters_from_the_cursor_to_the_end_of_the_line: Deletes all characters from the cursor to the end of the line.


return_to_the_User_View: Returns to user view.


kill_incoming_connection_or_redirect_connection: Terminates the current connection.


move_the_cursor_back_one_word: Moves the cursor back one word.


delete_all_characters_from_the_cursor_to_the_end_of_the_word: Deletes all characters from the cursor to the end of the word.


move_the_cursor_forward_one_word: Moves the cursor forward one word.

Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands

About this task

Your input might be interrupted by system information output. If redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands is enabled, the system redisplays your input after finishing the output. You can then continue entering the command line.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enable redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands.

info-center synchronous

By default, the system does not redisplay entered-but-not-submitted commands.

For more information about this command, see Network Management and Monitoring Command Reference.

Understanding command-line syntax error messages

After you press Enter to submit a command, the command line interpreter examines the command syntax.

·     If the command passes syntax check, the CLI executes the command.

·     If the command fails syntax check, the CLI displays an error message.

Table 5 Common command-line syntax error messages

Syntax error message


% Unrecognized command found at '^' position.

The keyword in the marked position is invalid.

% Incomplete command found at '^' position.

One or more required keywords or arguments are missing.

% Ambiguous command found at '^' position.

The entered character sequence matches more than one command.

% Too many parameters found at '^' position.

The entered character sequence contains excessive keywords or arguments.

% Wrong parameter found at '^' position.

The argument in the marked position is invalid.

Using the command history feature

About command history buffers

The system automatically saves commands successfully executed by a login user to the following two command history buffers:

·     Command history buffer for the user line.

·     Command history buffer for all user lines.

Table 6 Comparison between the two types of command history buffers


Command history buffer for a user line

Command history buffer for all user lines

Which commands are saved in the buffer?

Commands successfully executed by the current user of the user line.

Commands successfully executed by all login users.

Can commands in the buffer be displayed?



Can commands in the buffer be recalled?



Are buffered commands cleared when the user logs out?



Is the buffer size adjustable?


No. The buffer size is fixed at 1024.

Command buffering rules

The system follows these rules when buffering commands:

·     If you use incomplete keywords when entering a command, the system buffers the command in the exact form that you used.

·     If you use an alias when entering a command, the system transforms the alias to the represented command or command keywords before buffering the command.

·     If you enter a command in the same format multiple times in succession, the system buffers the command only once. If you enter a command in different formats multiple times, the system buffers each command format. For example, display cu and display current-configuration are buffered as two entries but successive repetitions of display cu create only one entry.

·     To buffer a new command when a buffer is full, the system deletes the oldest command entry in the buffer.

Managing and using the command history buffers

Displaying the commands in command history buffers

To display the commands in command history buffers, execute the following commands in any view:

·     Display the commands in command history buffers for a user line.

display history-command

·     Display the commands in command history buffers for all user lines.

display history-command all

Recalling commands in the command history buffer for a user line



Password configuration commands cannot be recalled.


Use up and down arrow keys to navigate to a command and press Enter.

Setting the size of the command history buffer for a user line

Use the history-command max-size command in user line or user line class view. For more information, see Fundamentals Command Reference.

Repeating commands in the command history buffer for a user line

About this task

You can recall and execute commands in the command history buffer for the current user line multiple times.

Restrictions and guidelines

The repeat command is available in any view. However, to repeat a command, you must first enter the view for the command. To repeat multiple commands, you must first enter the view for the first command.

The repeat command executes commands in the order they were executed.

The system starts a timer and waits for your interaction when it repeats an interactive command. If you do not provide the required information at prompt before the timer expires, the system skips the interactive command.

The system skips all password configuration commands.


To repeat commands in the command history buffer for the current user line, execute the following command:

repeat [ number ] [ count times ] [ delay seconds ]

Controlling the CLI output

This section describes the CLI output control features that help you identify the desired output.

Pausing between screens of output

About this task

The device can automatically pause after displaying a specific number of lines if the output is too long to fit on one screen. At a pause, the device displays ----more----. You can use the keys described in Table 7 to display more information or stop the display.

You can also disable pausing between screens of output for the current session. Then, all output is displayed at one time and the screen is refreshed continuously until the final screen is displayed.

Table 7 Output controlling keys




Displays the next screen.


Displays the next line.


Stops the display and cancels the command execution.


Displays the previous page.


Displays the next page.

Disabling pausing between screens of output

To disable pausing between screens of output, execute the following command in user view:

screen-length disable

The default depends on the settings of the screen-length command in user line view. The following are the default settings for the screen-length command:

·     Pausing between screens of output is enabled.

·     The maximum number of lines to be displayed at a time is 24.

For more information about the screen-length command, see Fundamentals Command Reference.

This command is a one-time command and takes effect only for the current CLI session.

Numbering each output line from a display command

About this task

For easy identification, you can use the | by-linenum option to display a number for each output line from a display command.

Each line number is displayed as a 5-character string and might be followed by a colon (:) or hyphen (-). If you specify both | by-linenum and | begin regular-expression for a display command, a hyphen is displayed for all lines that do not match the regular expression.


To number each output line from a display command, execute the following command in any view:

display command | by-linenum


# Display information about VLAN 999, numbering each output line.

<Sysname> display vlan 999 | by-linenum

    1:  VLAN ID: 999

    2:  VLAN type: Static

    3:  Route interface: Configured

    4:  IPv4 address:

    5:  IPv4 subnet mask:

    6:  Description: For LAN Access

    7:  Name: VLAN 0999

    8:  Tagged ports:   None

    9:  Untagged ports: None

Filtering the output from a display command

About this task

You can use the [ | { count | [ by-linenum ] { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression } ]&<1-128> option to filter the output from a display command.

·     You can use the option to specify a maximum of 128 filter conditions. The system displays only output lines that meet all the conditions.

·     count—Displays the number of lines that match the specified regular expressions.

·     by-linenum—Displays a number before each output line. You need to specify this keyword in only one filter condition.

·     begin—Displays the first line matching the specified regular expression and all subsequent lines.

·     exclude—Displays all lines not matching the specified regular expression.

·     include—Displays all lines matching the specified regular expression.

·     regular-expression—A case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters, which can contain the special characters described in Table 8.

Table 8 Special characters supported in a regular expression





Matches the beginning of a line.

"^u" matches all lines beginning with "u". A line beginning with "Au" is not matched.


Matches the end of a line.

"u$" matches all lines ending with "u". A line ending with "uA" is not matched.

. (period)

Matches any single character.

".s" matches "as" and "bs".


Matches the preceding character or string zero, one, or multiple times.

"zo*" matches "z" and "zoo", and "(zo)*" matches "zo" and "zozo".


Matches the preceding character or string one or multiple times.

"zo+" matches "zo" and "zoo", but not "z".


Matches the preceding or succeeding string.

"def|int" matches a line containing "def" or "int".

( )

Matches the string in the parentheses, usually used together with the plus sign (+) or asterisk sign (*).

"(123A)" matches "123A".

"408(12)+" matches "40812" and "408121212", but not "408".


Matches the preceding strings in parentheses, with the Nth string repeated once.

"(string)\1" matches a string containing "stringstring".

"(string1)(string2)\2" matches a string containing "string1string2string2".

"(string1)(string2)\1\2" matches a string containing " string1string2string1string2".

[ ]

Matches a single character in the brackets.

"[16A]" matches a string containing 1, 6, or A; "[1-36A]" matches a string containing 1, 2, 3, 6, or A (- is a hyphen).

To match the character "]", put it immediately after "[", for example, []abc]. There is no such limit on "[".


Matches a single character that is not in the brackets.

"[^16A]" matches a string that contains one or more characters except for 1, 6, or A, such as "abc". A match can also contain 1, 6, or A (such as "m16"), but it cannot contain these three characters only (such as 1, 16, or 16A).


Matches the preceding character n times. The number n must be a nonnegative integer.

"o{2}" matches "food", but not "Bob".


Matches the preceding character n times or more. The number n must be a nonnegative integer.

"o{2,}" matches "foooood", but not "Bob".


Matches the preceding character n to m times or more. The numbers n and m must be nonnegative integers and n cannot be greater than m.

" o{1,3}" matches "fod", "food", and "foooood", but not "fd".


Matches a string that starts with the pattern following \<. A string that contains the pattern is also a match if the characters preceding the pattern are not digits, letters, or underscores.

"\<do" matches "domain" and "doa".


Matches a string that ends with the pattern preceding \>. A string that contains the pattern is also a match if the characters following the pattern are not digits, letters, or underscores.

"do\>" matches "undo" and "cdo".


Matches a word that starts with the pattern following \b or ends with the pattern preceding \b.

"er\b" matches "never", but not "verb" or "erase".

"\ber" matches "erase", but not "verb" or "never".


Matches a word that contains the pattern but does not start or end with the pattern.

"er\B" matches "verb", but not "never" or "erase".


Same as [A-Za-z0-9_], matches a digit, letter, or underscore.

"v\w" matches "vlan" and "service".


Same as [^A-Za-z0-9_], matches a character that is not a digit, letter, or underscore.

"\Wa" matches "-a", but not "2a" or "ba".


Escape character. If a special character listed in this table follows \, the specific meaning of the character is removed.

"\\" matches a string containing "\", "\^" matches a string containing "^", and "\\b" matches a string containing "\b".

Restrictions and guidelines

The required filtering time increases with the complexity of the regular expression. To abort the filtering process, press Ctrl+C.

If a regular expression contains spaces, you can select whether to enclose the regular expression with double quotation marks, for example, display current-configuration | include interface A or display current-configuration | include "interface A".

The following rules apply when you specify regular expressions with or without double quotation marks:

·     If a regular expression has double quotation marks, the string enclosed by double quotation marks is the filter condition.

·     If a regular expression does not have double quotation marks, the string from the first non-space character to the last non-space character is the filter condition. The device uses this string as a filter condition for exact match of strings in the command output from a display command.

For example, regular-expression="interface A  " and regular-expression=interface A are different filter conditions.

If a regular expression contains >, >, or > |, enclose the regular expression with double quotation marks (") in case the device mistake these special characters as keywords.

Strings with single quotation marks (') are not supported.

If you specify multiple filter conditions, the system displays the output lines that meet all the conditions.


# Display the running configuration, starting from the first configuration line that contains line. (The output depends on the device model and the current configuration.)

<Sysname> display current-configuration | begin line

line class console

 user-role network-admin


line class vty

 user-role network-operator


line con 0

 user-role network-admin


line vty 0 63

 authentication-mode none

 user-role network-admin

 user-role network-operator



# Display brief information about interfaces in up state.

<Sysname> display interface brief | exclude DOWN

Brief information on interfaces in route mode:

Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby

Protocol: (s) - spoofing

Interface            Link Protocol Primary IP      Description

InLoop0              UP   UP(s)    --

NULL0                UP   UP(s)    --

Vlan1                UP   UP


Brief information on interfaces in bridge mode:

Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby

Speed: (a) - auto

Duplex: (a)/A - auto; H - half; F - full

Type: A - access; T - trunk; H - hybrid

Interface            Link Speed    Duplex Type PVID Description

GE1/0/1              UP   1G(a) F(a)  A    1

# Display SNMP-related running configuration lines.

<Sysname> display current-configuration | include snmp


 snmp-agent community write private

 snmp-agent community read public

 snmp-agent sys-info version all

 snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname public

# Display log entries in the log buffer that contain both SHELL and VTY.

<Sysname> display logbuffer | include SHELL | include VTY

%Sep  6 10:38:12:320 2018 Sysname SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: VTY logged in from

%Sep  6 10:52:32:576 2018 Sysname SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGOUT: VTY logged out from

%Sep  6 16:03:27:100 2018 Sysname SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: VTY logged in from

%Sep  6 16:44:18:113 2018 Sysname SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGOUT: VTY logged out from

Displaying information for the peer member device

About this task

In a network configured with multichassis configuration synchronization, perform this task on the local member device to view information for the peer member device as follows:

·     To view information for only the peer member device, execute the display command peer-device command on the local device. This facilitates device management and maintenance.

·     To view information for both member devices at the same time, execute the display command with-peer-device command. This is convenient for comparison between two member devices.

For more information about multichassis configuration synchronization, see "Configuring multichassis configuration synchronization."


To view information for only the peer member device or information for both local and peer member devices, execute the following command in any view:

display { peer-device | with-peer-device }

Configuration examples

# Display the running configuration in user view on both the local and peer member devices.

<Sysname> display this with-peer-device


sysname sysname


system-working-mode standard

xbar load-single

password-recovery enable

lpu-type f-series


scheduler logfile size 16


domain default enable system


security-enhanced level 2



------------------------  peer information  -------------------------


sysname sysname


system-working-mode standard

xbar load-single

password-recovery enable

lpu-type f-series


scheduler logfile size 16


domain default enable system


security-enhanced level 2



Saving the output from a display command to a file

About this task

A display command shows certain configuration and operation information for the device. Its output might vary over time or with user configuration or operation. You can save the output to a file for future retrieval or troubleshooting.

Use one of the following methods to save the output from a display command:

·     Save the output to a separate file. Use this method if you want to use one file for a single display command.

·     Append the output to the end of a file. Use this method if you want to use one file for multiple display commands.


To save the output from a display command to a file, use one of the following commands in any view:

·     Save the output from a display command to a separate file.

display command > filename

·     Append the output from a display command to the end of a file.

display command >> filename


# Save the VLAN 1 settings to a separate file named vlan.txt.

<Sysname> display vlan 1 > vlan.txt

# Verify that the VLAN 1 settings are saved to the file vlan.txt.

<Sysname> more vlan.txt


 VLAN type: Static

 Route interface: Not configured

 Description: VLAN 0001

 Name: VLAN 0001

 Tagged ports:   None

 Untagged ports: None

# Append the VLAN 999 settings to the end of the file vlan.txt.

<Sysname> display vlan 999 >> vlan.txt

# Verify that the VLAN 999 settings are appended to the end of the file vlan.txt.

<Sysname> more vlan.txt


 VLAN type: Static

 Route interface: Not configured

 Description: VLAN 0001

 Name: VLAN 0001

 Tagged ports:   None

 Untagged ports: None

 VLAN ID: 999

 VLAN type: Static

 Route interface: Configured

 IP address:

 Subnet mask:

 Description: For LAN Access

 Name: VLAN 0999

 Tagged ports:   None

 Untagged ports: None

Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively

You can use the following methods in combination to filter and manage the output from a display command:

·     Numbering each output line from a display command

·     Filtering the output from a display command

·     Saving the output from a display command to a file


To use multiple measures to view and manage the output from a display command effectively, execute the following command in any view:

display command [ | [ by-linenum ] { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]&<1-128> [ > filename | >> filename ]


# Save the running configuration to a separate file named test.txt, with each line numbered.

<Sysname> display current-configuration | by-linenum > test.txt

# Append lines including snmp in the running configuration to the file test.txt.

<Sysname> display current-configuration | include snmp >> test.txt

# Display the first line that begins with user-group in the running configuration and all the following lines.

<Sysname> display current-configuration | by-linenum begin user-group

  114:  user-group system

  115-  #

  116-  return

// The colon (:) following a line number indicates that the line contains the string user-group. The hyphen (-) following a line number indicates that the line does not contain the string user-group.

Enabling reauthentication for disruptive commands

About this task

Disruptive commands might power off or restart the device, interrupt services, cause service anomaly, delete key files, clear configuration, cause user login failure, or make users go offline, for example, the reboot command. Only the qualified professionals can execute disruptive commands.

As a best practice to avoid service failure due to misoperation, enable reauthentication for disruptive commands.

Restrictions and guidelines

The following rules apply if you enable reauthentication for disruptive commands:

·     For a user that can log in to the device without authentication, reauthentication is not required when the user execute disruptive commands.

·     For a user that log in to the device after authentication, the user must enter the login password for authentication before disruptive commands are executed.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enable reauthentication for disruptive commands.

configuration reauthentication enable

By default, reauthentication for disruptive commands is disabled.

Entering MMI mode

About this task

In machine-machine interaction (MMI) mode, interactive commands that require confirmation by pressing Y/N, Y/N/C, or Enter in human-machine interaction mode do not require any confirmation. For example, when the reboot command is executed in human-machine interaction mode, you must press Y/N to proceed with the reboot operation. In MMI mode, the reboot operation is completed without requiring any confirmation after you execute the reboot command.

Restrictions and guidelines

If pausing between screens of output for the current CLI session has been enabled before you enter MMI mode, all output is displayed at a time and the screen is refreshed continuously until the final screen is displayed.

After you configure the configuration reauthentication enable command, disruptive commands that require reauthentication do not need to be confirmed again.

Commands that require strings to be input for execution still require manual input and confirmation.


Execute the following command in user view.

terminal mmi-mode enable

By default, the user is in human-machine interaction mode.


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