本章节下载: 07-ISATAP和6to4相结合使用的典型配置举例 (237.41 KB)
目 录
· 通过配置6to4隧道使各6to4网络分支机构与总部中的主机能够互通。
· Device A提供ISATAP接入服务使一些IPv4网络中的双协议栈主机可以访问总部。
IP地址 |
IP地址 |
Device A |
Vlan-int10 | |
Device B |
Vlan-int10 | |
Vlan-int20 |
2002:0201:0101:1::1/64 |
Vlan-int20 |
2002:0301:0101:1::1/64 |
Vlan-int30 |
2002:0201:0101:2::1/64 |
Vlan-int30 |
2002:0301:0101:2::1/64 |
Tunnel 1 |
3001::1/64 |
Tunnel 1 |
3001::2/64 |
Tunnel 2 |
2001::5EFE:0201:0101/64 |
· 组网中的6to4网络可以表示为2002:IPv4地址::/64,其中内嵌在IPv6地址中的IPv4地址作为6to4隧道中封装后的IPv4报文头中的目的IP地址。
· 组网中的ISATAP主机地址的IPv6前缀可通过向ISATAP路由器发送请求得到,IPv4地址作为接口ID,其格式为:Prefix:0:5EFE:IPv4-destination-address。该IPv4地址可以作为ISATAP隧道的目的端地址。
· 为保证同一网络中的主机使用相同的地址前缀,在Device A和Device B上取消对RA消息发布的抑制,使得网络中的主机可以通过Device A和Device B发布的RA消息获取地址前缀等信息。
产品 |
软件版本 |
S6805系列 |
Release 6710Pxx版本,Release 6715及以上版本 |
S6825系列 |
Release 6710Pxx版本,Release 6715及以上版本 |
S6850系列 |
Release 6710Pxx版本,Release 6715及以上版本 |
S9850系列 |
Release 6710Pxx版本,Release 6715及以上版本 |
S9820-64H |
Release 6710Pxx版本,Release 6715及以上版本 |
S9820-8C |
Release 6710Pxx版本,Release 6715及以上版本 |
S6800系列 |
Release 6710Pxx版本,Release 6715及以上版本 |
S6860系列 |
Release 6710Pxx版本,Release 6715及以上版本 |
S6826系列 |
不支持 |
S9826系列 |
不支持 |
# 配置接口Vlan-interface10的IP地址。
<DeviceA> system-view
[DeviceA] vlan 10
[DeviceA-vlan10] port Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1
[DeviceA-vlan10] quit
[DeviceA] interface vlan-interface 10
[DeviceA-Vlan-interface10] ip address 24
[DeviceA-Vlan-interface10] quit
# 请参考以上方法配置图1中Device A其它接口的IP地址,配置步骤这里省略。
# 创建业务环回组1,并配置服务类型为tunnel。
[DeviceA] service-loopback group 1 type tunnel
# 将接口Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/4加入业务环回组1。
[DeviceA] interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/4
[DeviceA-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] port service-loopback group 1
[DeviceA-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] quit
# 创建模式为6to4隧道的接口Tunnel1。
[DeviceA] interface tunnel 1 mode ipv6-ipv4 6to4
# 配置Tunnel1接口的IPv6地址。
[DeviceA-Tunnel1] ipv6 address 3001::1/64
# 配置Tunnel1接口的源接口为Vlan-interface10(封装后的IPv4报文头中的源IP地址为配置的源接口的IP地址)。
[DeviceA-Tunnel1] source vlan-interface 10
# 配置到目的地址2002:0301:0101::/48,下一跳为Tunnel1接口的静态路由。
[DeviceA] ipv6 route-static 2002:0301:0101:: 48 tunnel 1
# 创建模式为ISATAP隧道的接口Tunnel2。
[DeviceA] interface tunnel 2 mode ipv6-ipv4 isatap
# 配置Tunnel2接口的IPv6地址。
[DeviceA-Tunnel2] ipv6 address 2001::5EFE:0201:0101 64
# 配置Tunnel2接口的源接口为Vlan-interface10(封装后的IPv4报文头中的源IP地址为配置的源接口的IP地址)。
[DeviceA-Tunnel2] source vlan-interface 10
[DeviceA-Tunnel2] quit
# 配置到目的地址2001::/16,下一跳为Tunnel2接口的静态路由。
[DeviceA] ipv6 route-static 2001:: 16 tunnel 2
# 取消对RA消息发布的抑制,使主机可以通过交换机发布的RA消息获取地址前缀等信息。
[DeviceA] interface Tunnel 2
[DeviceA-Tunnel2] undo ipv6 nd ra halt
[DeviceA-Tunnel2] quit‘
[DeviceA] interface vlan-interface 20
[DeviceA-Vlan-interface20] undo ipv6 nd ra halt
[DeviceA-Vlan-interface20] quit
[DeviceA] interface vlan-interface 30
[DeviceA-Vlan-interface30] undo ipv6 nd ra halt
[DeviceA-Vlan-interface30] quit
# 配置接口Vlan-interface10的IP地址。
<DeviceB> system-view
[DeviceB] vlan 10
[DeviceB-vlan10] port Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1
[DeviceB-vlan10] quit
[DeviceB] interface vlan-interface 10
[DeviceB-Vlan-interface10] ip address 24
[DeviceB-Vlan-interface10] quit
# 请参考以上方法配置图1中Device B其它接口的IP地址,配置步骤这里省略。
# 创建业务环回组1,并配置服务类型为tunnel。
[DeviceB] service-loopback group 1 type tunnel
# 将接口Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/4加入业务环回组1。
[DeviceB] interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/4
[DeviceB-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] port service-loopback group 1
[DeviceB-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/4] quit
# 创建模式为6to4隧道的接口Tunnel1。
[DeviceB] interface tunnel 1 mode ipv6-ipv4 6to4
# 配置Tunnel1接口的IPv6地址。
[DeviceB-Tunnel1] ipv6 address 3001::2/64
# 配置Tunnel1接口的源接口为Vlan-interface10(封装后的IPv4报文头中的源IP地址为配置的源接口的IP地址)。
[DeviceB-Tunnel1] source vlan-interface 10
[DeviceB-Tunnel1] quit
# 配置到目的地址2002:0201:0101::/48,下一跳为Tunnel1接口的静态路由。
[DeviceB] ipv6 route-static 2002:0201:0101:: 48 tunnel 1
# 取消对RA消息发布的抑制,使主机可以通过交换机发布的RA消息获取地址前缀等信息。
[DeviceB] interface vlan-interface 20
[DeviceB-Vlan-interface20] undo ipv6 nd ra halt
[DeviceB-Vlan-interface20] quit
[DeviceB] interface vlan-interface 30
[DeviceB-Vlan-interface30] undo ipv6 nd ra halt
[DeviceB-Vlan-interface30] quit
(3) 配置ISATAP主机
ISATAP主机上的具体配置与主机的操作系统有关,下面仅以Windows XP操作系统为例进行说明。
# 在主机上安装IPv6协议。
# 配置ISATAP隧道。
C:\>netsh interface ipv6 isatap set router
# 完成上述配置后,查看ISATAP接口的信息。
Interface 2: Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
Guid {48FCE3FC-EC30-E50E-F1A7-71172AEEE3AE}
does not use Neighbor Discovery
uses Router Discovery
routing preference 1
EUI-64 embedded IPv4 address:
router link-layer address:
preferred global 2001::5efe:, life 29d23h59m46s/6d23h59m46s (public)
preferred link-local fe80::5efe:, life infinite
link MTU 1500 (true link MTU 65515)
current hop limit 255
reachable time 42500ms (base 30000ms)
retransmission interval 1000ms
DAD transmits 0
default site prefix length 48
我们可以看到主机获取了2001::/64的前缀,自动生成全球单播地址2001::5efe:,同时还有一行信息“uses Router Discovery”表明主机启用了路由器发现。
# 查看主机上的IPv6路由信息。
2001::/64 -> 2 pref 1if+8=9 life 29d23h59m43s (autoconf)
::/0 -> 2/fe80::5efe: pref 1if+256=257 life 29m43s (autoconf)
# 完成以上配置之后,Host A与Host B可以互相Ping通。
D:\>ping6 -s 2002:0201:0101:1::2 2002:0301:0101:1::2
Pinging 2002:0301:0101:1::2
from 2002:0201:0101:1::2 with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 2002:0301:0101:1::2: bytes=32 time=13ms
Reply from 2002:0301:0101:1::2: bytes=32 time=1ms
Reply from 2002:0301:0101:1::2: bytes=32 time=1ms
Reply from 2002:0301:0101:1::2: bytes=32 time<1ms
Ping statistics for 2002:0301:0101:1::2:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 13ms, Average = 3ms
# 在ISATAP主机上Ping Host A的地址,可以Ping通。
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>pingv6 2002:0201:0101:1::2
Pinging 2002:0201:0101:1::2 with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 2002:0201:0101:1::2: time=33ms
Reply from 2002:0201:0101:1::2: time=32ms
Reply from 2002:0201:0101:1::2: time=32ms
Reply from 2002:0201:0101:1::2: time=33ms
Ping statistics for 2002:0201:0101:1::2:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 32ms, Maximum = 33ms, Average = 32ms
· Device A
service-loopback group 1 type tunnel
vlan 10
vlan 20
vlan 30
interface Vlan-interface10
ip address
interface Vlan-interface20
ipv6 address 2002:201:101:1::1/64
undo ipv6 nd ra halt
interface Vlan-interface30
ipv6 address 2002:201:101:2::1/64
undo ipv6 nd ra halt
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1
port link-mode bridge
port access vlan 10
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/2
port link-mode bridge
port access vlan 20
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/3
port link-mode bridge
port access vlan 30
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/4
port link-mode bridge
port service-loopback group 1
interface Tunnel1 mode ipv6-ipv4 6to4
source Vlan-interface10
ipv6 address 3001::1/64
interface Tunnel2 mode ipv6-ipv4 isatap
source Vlan-interface10
ipv6 address 2001::5EFE:201:101/64
undo ipv6 nd ra halt
ipv6 route-static 2001:: 16 Tunnel2
ipv6 route-static 2002:301:101:: 48 Tunnel1
· Device B
service-loopback group 1 type tunnel
vlan 10
vlan 20
vlan 30
interface Vlan-interface10
ip address
interface Vlan-interface20
ipv6 address 2002:301:101:1::1/64
undo ipv6 nd ra halt
interface Vlan-interface30
ipv6 address 2002:301:101:2::1/64
undo ipv6 nd ra halt
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1
port link-mode bridge
port access vlan 10
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/2
port link-mode bridge
port access vlan 20
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/3
port link-mode bridge
port access vlan 30
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/4
port link-mode bridge
port service-loopback group 1
interface Tunnel1 mode ipv6-ipv4 6to4
source Vlan-interface10
ipv6 address 3001::2/64
ipv6 route-static 2002:201:101:: 48 Tunnel1
· 二层技术-以太网交换配置指导
· 三层技术-IP业务配置指导
· 三层技术-IP路由配置指导
· 二层技术-以太网交换命令参考
· 三层技术-IP业务命令参考
· 三层技术-IP路由命令参考
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