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H3C G3&G5服务器 存储控制卡用户指南-6W125

06-第6章 HBA-1000-M2-1

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06-第6章 HBA-1000-M2-1

6 HBA-1000-M2-1


6.1  概述

6.1.1  工作模式


·     HBA模式:系统可直接识别该阵列控制卡对应的所有物理磁盘,并禁用RAID功能。

·     RAID模式:使用多个物理磁盘配置RAID,系统只能识别到RAID。

·     Mixed模式(缺省):物理磁盘和RAID都对系统可见。


·     在系统存在RAID的情况下,HBA-1000-M2-1的工作模式不能切换到HBA模式,必须删除所有的RAID才能切换到HBA模式。工作模式切换后,重启生效。

·     切换存储控制卡工作模式后,请重新启动服务器使新工作模式生效。

·     切换存储控制卡工作模式后,原模式的系统盘可能出现异常,从而导致操作系统无法正常启动,此时可尝试重新安装操作系统,如仍无法解决,请联系技术支持。


6.1.2  支持的RAID级别

HBA-1000-M2-1支持的RAID级别及各RAID级别对应的成员盘数量如表6-1所示。关于RAID级别的说明,请参见“附录B 磁盘阵列和容错方法”。

表6-1 RAID级别与磁盘数量关系












n(n为组成RAID 10的RAID 1的个数)


6.1.3  热备盘



·     Dedicated Spare(专用热备盘)

·     Auto Replace(自动替换热备盘)

6.1.4  RAID配置注意事项

·     建议用户安装没有RAID信息的硬盘。

·     请确保组建同一RAID的所有硬盘类型相同,否则会因硬盘性能不同而造成RAID性能下降或者无法创建RAID。即满足如下两点:

¡     所有硬盘均为SAS或SATA硬盘。

¡     所有硬盘均为HDD或SSD硬盘。

·     建议组建同一RAID的所有硬盘容量相同。当硬盘容量不同时,系统以最小容量的硬盘为准,即将所有硬盘容量都视为最小容量。

·     不建议将一个硬盘用在多个RAID中,该情况会使后期维护变得复杂,并影响RAID的性能。

6.2  UEFI启动模式下配置RAID


6.2.1  初始功能配置

1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面




(1)     服务器上电后,在BIOS启动界面,根据提示按下DeleteEsc(部分产品按DeleteF2)进入如图6-1所示的BIOS Setup界面。请参考界面右下角的按键操作提示,以实现在界面中导航和修改设置。

图6-1 BIOS Setup界面


(2)     如图6-2,选择Advanced页签 > Adaptec Smart IOC 8i,按Enter

图6-2 选择Adaptec Smart IOC 8i


(3)     进入图6-3所示存储控制卡配置界面。

图6-3 存储控制卡配置界面


2. 切换工作模式

(1)     进入图6-4所示存储控制卡配置界面,选择Configure Controller Settings,按Enter

图6-4 存储控制卡配置界面


(2)     进入图6-5所示界面,选择Modify Controller Settings,按Enter

图6-5 Configure Controller Settings界面


(3)     进入图6-6所示界面,在connector(CN0)或connector(CN1)栏,更改存储控制卡的工作模式(当存储控制卡直连背板时,CN0&CN1可以修改成不同模式,当接扩展板背板的时候,修改不同模式不会生效,建议将二者工作模式保持一致),然后选择SUBMIT,按Enter

图6-6 Modify Controller Settings界面





图6-7 Modify Controller Seetings界面


3. 配置RAID

(1)     进入图6-8所示存储控制卡配置界面,选择Array Configuration,按Enter

图6-8 存储控制卡配置界面


(2)     进入图6-9所示界面,选择Create Array,按Enter

图6-9 Array Configuration界面


(3)     进入图6-10所示界面,选择要使用的磁盘(Enabled表示选中),然后选择Proceed to next Form,按Enter

图6-10 选择磁盘


(4)     进入图6-11所示界面,在RAID LEVEL一栏设置RAID级别,然后选择Proceed to next Form,按Enter

图6-11 设置RAID级别


(5)     进入图6-12所示界面,在Logical Drive Label、Strip Size/Full stripe Size、Sectors Per Track、Size、Unit Size、SSD Over Provisioning Optimization和Acceleration Method栏进行相应的设置(参数说明请参见表6-2),然后选择Submit Changes,按Enter

图6-12 设置相关参数


表6-2 参数说明



Logical Drive Label


Stripe Size


Sectors Per Track




Unit Size


Acceleration Method



(6)     RAID创建完成后,在存储控制卡配置界面选择Array Configuration->Manage Arrays,按Enter,进入如图6-13所示界面,选择需要查看的RAID,按Enter

图6-13 选择需要查看的RAID


(7)     进入如图6-14所示界面,选择List Logical Drives,选择需要查看的RAID,按Enter

图6-14 选择List Logical Drives


(8)     进入图6-15所示界面,选择Logical Drive Details,按Enter,即可查看该RAID的详细信息(包括RAID名称、级别,所含磁盘信息等)。

图6-15 选择Logical Drive Details


6.2.2  常用功能配置

1. 配置热备盘

(1)     进入图6-16所示存储控制卡配置界面,选择Array Configuration,按Enter

图6-16 存储控制卡配置界面


(2)     进入图6-17所示界面,选择Manage Arrays,按Enter

图6-17 Array Configuration界面


(3)     进入图6-18所示界面,选择要配置热备盘的阵列,按Enter

图6-18 选择阵列


(4)     进入图6-19所示界面,选择Manage Spare Drives,按Enter

图6-19 选择Manage Spare Drives


(5)     进入图6-20所示界面,选择Assign Dedicated Spare(为指定的阵列配置热备盘)或Assign Auto Replace Spare(自动替换故障磁盘),按Enter

图6-20 选择热备盘类型


(6)     进入图6-21所示界面,选择要使用的磁盘,按Enter

图6-21 选择磁盘


2. 删除RAID





(1)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见6.2.1  1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(2)     进入图6-22所示存储控制卡配置界面,选择Array Configuration,按Enter

图6-22 存储控制卡配置界面


(3)     进入图6-23所示界面,选择Manage Arrays,按Enter

图6-23 Array Configuration界面


(4)     进入图6-24所示界面,选择待删除的RAID,按Enter

图6-24 选择待删除的RAID


(5)     进入图6-25所示界面,选择Delete Array,按Enter

图6-25 选择Delete Array


3. 扫描磁盘

(1)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见6.2.1  1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(2)     进入图6-26所示存储控制卡配置界面,选择Disk Utilities,按Enter。存储控制卡会扫描当前在位磁盘。

图6-26 存储控制卡配置界面


(3)     进入图6-27所示界面,可以看到所有在位磁盘的信息。

图6-27 磁盘信息界面


4. 定位磁盘位置

(1)     上接步骤3. (3),在图6-27所示界面选择需要操作的磁盘,按Enter

(2)     进入图6-28所示界面,选择Identify Device,按Enter。将该磁盘对应槽位的LED指示灯点亮。

图6-28 定位磁盘


5. 查看存储控制卡基本信息

(1)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见6.2.1  1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(2)     进入图6-29所示存储控制卡配置界面,选择Controller Information,按Enter

图6-29 存储控制卡配置界面


(3)     进入图6-30所示界面,查看存储控制卡的基本信息(具体参数说明请参见表6-3)。

图6-30 存储控制卡基本信息界面


表6-3 参数说明





Device ID


PCI Slot number


PCI Address (Bus:Device:Funcition)


Hardware Revision


Serial Number


Firmware Version


Firmware release date


UEFI Driver Version


UEFI Driver release date


Controller Memory Module Size


Controller Mode



6. 查看/更改存储控制卡配置信息

(1)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见6.2.1  1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(2)     如图6-31所示,选择Configure Controller Settings,按Enter

图6-31 存储控制卡配置界面


(3)     进入图6-32所示界面,选择Modify Controller Seetings,按Enter

图6-32 Configure Controller Settings界面


(4)     进入图6-33所示界面,可以查看和更改存储控制卡的基本配置信息(当系统不存在逻辑磁盘时,则只能修改存储控制卡工作模式)。

图6-33 Modify Controller Seetings界面


7. 清除存储控制卡配置信息

(1)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见6.2.1  1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(2)     如图6-34所示,选择Configure Controller Settings,按Enter

图6-34 存储控制卡配置界面


(3)     进入图6-35所示界面,选择Clear Configuration,按Enter

图6-35 Controller Configuration界面


(4)     进入图6-36所示界面,选择Delete All Array ConfigurationsEnter

图6-36 选择Delete All Array Configurations


(5)     进入图6-37所示界面,选择Submit Changes,按Enter,清除所有RAID信息。

图6-37 选择Submit Changes


8. 在线升级存储控制卡固件




(1)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见6.2.1  1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(2)     如图6-38所示,选择Administration,按Enter

图6-38 存储控制卡配置界面


(3)     进入图6-39所示界面,选择Flash Controller Firmware,按Enter

图6-39 Administration界面


(4)     进入图6-40所示界面,选择Proceed to next Form,按Enter

图6-40 选择Proceed to next Form


(5)     进入图6-41所示界面,选择升级文件所在的目标设备,按Enter

图6-41 选择升级文件所在的设备


(6)     进入图6-42所示界面,找到并选择后缀为.bin升级文件(本例为thor.bin),按Enter

图6-42 找到升级文件


(7)     进入图6-43所示界面,选择PROCEED,按Enter,请等待升级完毕。

图6-43 执行固件升级操作


(8)     升级完成后,重启服务器,使升级配置生效。

9. 磁盘数据擦除

(1)     切换存储控制卡工作模式为RAID模式,具体方法请参见6.2.1  2. 切换工作模式

(2)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见6.2.1  1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(3)     进入图6-44所示存储控制卡配置界面,选择Disk Utilities,按Enter。存储控制卡会扫描当前在位磁盘。

图6-44 存储控制卡配置界面


(4)     进入图6-45所示界面,可以看到所有在位磁盘的信息,选择需要操作的磁盘,按Enter

图6-45 磁盘信息界面


(5)     进入图6-46所示界面,选择Erase Disk,按Enter

图6-46 选择Erase Disk


(6)     进入图6-47所示界面,按Enter跳至下个界面,再按Enter完成磁盘数据擦除并返回Main Menu

图6-47 开始磁盘数据擦除


10. 逻辑磁盘强制上线

当发生离线状态的硬盘数量超出逻辑磁盘容错方法可承受的范围,管理工具界面逻辑磁盘会显示为Failed状态,因此可以使用Force Online功能使逻辑磁盘强制上线。存储控制卡的Force Online功能在UEFI启动模式下名称为Re-Enable。


·     强制上线出现Failed状态的逻辑驱动器,逻辑驱动器上以前存在的数据可能无效或不可恢复,但可以在操作系统上重新格式化并使用该驱动器。

·     由于Force Online操作可能会改变逻辑磁盘中的数据,在执行Force Online前需要进行评估是否执行该操作。


(1)     如图6-48所示,在存储控制卡配置界面选择Array Configuration,按Enter

图6-48 存储控制卡配置界面


(2)     进入图6-49所示界面,选择Manage Arrays,按Enter

图6-49 Array Configuration界面


(3)     进入图6-50所示界面,选择硬盘离线引起失败的Array,按Enter

图6-50 Manage Arrays界面


(4)     进入图6-51所示界面,选择List Logical Drives,按Enter

图6-51 硬盘离线引起失败的Array 界面


(5)     进入如图6-52所示界面,选择处于Failed状态的逻辑磁盘,按Enter

图6-52 List Logical Drives界面


(6)     进入如图6-53界面,选择Re-Enable Logical Drives,按Enter

图6-53 处于Failed状态的逻辑磁盘界面


6.3  Legacy启动模式下配置RAID


6.3.1  初始功能配置

1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面




本节介绍进入Legacy BIOS配置界面的步骤。

(1)     在BIOS启动过程中出现如图6-54所示界面,按Ctrl+A进入存储控制卡配置界面。可以查看RAID基本状态信息和版本信息。

图6-54 按Ctrl+A进入存储控制卡配置界面


(2)     进入图6-55所示的存储控制卡配置界面。

图6-55 存储控制卡配置界面


2. 切换工作模式

(1)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(2)     进入图6-56所示页面,选择Configure Controller Settings,按Enter

图6-56 存储控制卡配置界面


(3)     进入图6-57所示界面,选择Configure Controller Port Mode,按Enter

图6-57 Configure Controller Settings界面


(4)     进入图6-58所示界面,选择Connector CN0Connector CN1,根据需要修改工作模式。

图6-58 Configure Controller Port Mode界面


3. 配置RAID

(1)     进入图6-59所示页面,在存储控制卡配置界面选择Array Configuration,按Enter

图6-59 存储控制卡配置界面


(2)     进入图6-60所示界面,选择Create Array,按Enter

图6-60 Array Configuration界面


(3)     进入图6-61所示界面,选择要使用的磁盘,并按Space选中,然后按Enter

图6-61 选择磁盘


(4)     进入图6-62所示界面,对RAID Level、 Logical Drive Name、 Strip Size、 Build Method、Size 和 Acceleration Method进行相应的设置(具体参数说明请参见表6-4),然后选择Done,按Enter

图6-62 设置相关参数


表6-4 参数说明



RAID Level


Logical Drive Name


Strip Size




Acceleration Method



(5)     如图6-63所示,创建完RAID后,选择Manage Arrays,按Enter

图6-63 选择Manage Arrays


(6)     如图6-64所示,选择需要查看的RAID,按Enter,即可查看该RAID的详细信息(包括RAID名称、级别,所含磁盘信息等)。

图6-64 选择需要查看的RAID


6.3.2  常用功能配置

1. 配置热备盘




(1)     进入图6-65所示存储控制卡配置界面,选择Array Configuration,按Enter

图6-65 存储控制卡配置界面


(2)     进入图6-66所示界面,选择Manage Arrays,按Enter

图6-66 Array Configuration界面


(3)     进入图6-67所示界面,选择要操作的RAID,按Ctrl+S添加热备盘。

图6-67 选择RAID


(4)     进入图6-68所示界面,选择要配置为热备盘的磁盘。

图6-68 选择磁盘


(5)     进入图6-69所示界面,选择热备类型,然后选择Done,按Enter

图6-69 选择热备盘类型


2. 配置启动项

·     设置物理磁盘为第一启动项

(1)     如图6-70所示,在存储控制卡配置界面选择Array Configuration,按Enter

图6-70 存储控制卡配置界面


(2)     进入图6-71所示界面,选择Select Boot Device,按Enter

图6-71 Array Configuration界面


(3)     进入图6-72所示界面,选择要使用的磁盘并按Ctrl+P/Ctrl+S选择,按Enter提交确认。

图6-72 选择要使用的磁盘


·     设置逻辑磁盘为第一启动项:

(1)     在存储控制卡配置界面选择Array Configuration,按Enter图6-73所示界面,选择Manage Arrays,按Enter

图6-73 Array Configuration界面


(2)     进入图6-74所示界面,选择要使用的RAID,按Enter

图6-74 选择RAID


(3)     如图6-75所示,按Ctrl+P调整该RAID阵列作为第一启动项。

图6-75 设置启动项


3. 删除RAID

(1)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见6.3.1  1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(2)     如图6-76所示,选择Array Configuration,按Enter

图6-76 存储控制卡配置界面


(3)     进入图6-77所示界面,选择Manage Arrays,按Enter

图6-77 Array Configuration界面


(4)     进入图6-78所示界面,选择待删除的RAID,按Enter,然后按Delete删除RAID。

图6-78 选择RAID并删除


4. 扫描磁盘/查看磁盘信息

(1)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见6.3.1  1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(2)     如图6-79所示,选择Disk Utilities,按Enter,此时存储控制卡会执行一个扫描磁盘的操作。

图6-79 存储控制卡配置界面


(3)     进入图6-80所示界面,可以查看存储控制卡上连接的全部磁盘的信息。

图6-80 查看磁盘信息


5. 定位磁盘位置

(1)     上接步骤4. (3),选择待定位的磁盘,按Enter

(2)     如图6-81所示,在弹出的对话框中执行以下操作之一:

¡     选择Device Information,然后按Enter,查看磁盘信息。

¡     选择Identify Drive,然后按Enter,执行磁盘定位操作,此时该磁盘对应槽位的蓝色指示灯显示为常亮。

图6-81 定位磁盘位置


6. 清除存储控制卡配置信息

(1)     进入存储控制卡配置界面,具体方法请参见6.3.1  1. 进入存储控制卡配置界面

(2)     如图6-82所示,选择Configure Controller Settings,按Enter。

图6-82 存储控制卡配置界面


(3)     进入图6-83所示界面,选择Modify Controller Settings,按Enter

图6-83 Configure Controller Settings界面


(4)     进入图6-84所示界面,可查看存储控制卡的基本配置信息。

图6-84 Modify Controller Settings界面


(5)     按F6将存储控制卡配置信息恢复到缺省配置。




7. 逻辑磁盘强制上线

当发生离线状态的硬盘数量超出逻辑磁盘容错方法可承受的范围,管理工具界面逻辑磁盘会显示为Failed状态,因此可以使用Force Online功能使逻辑磁盘强制上线。


由于Force Online操作可能会改变逻辑磁盘中的数据,在执行Force Online前需要进行评估是否执行该操作。


(1)     如图6-85所示在存储控制卡配置界面,选择Array Configuration,按Enter

图6-85 存储控制卡配置界面


(2)     进入如图6-86所示界面,选择Manage Arrays,按Enter

图6-86 Array Configuration界面


(3)     进入如图6-87所示界面,选择硬盘离线引起失败的Array,按Enter

图6-87 Manage Arrays界面


(4)     进入如图6-88所示界面,选择处于Failed状态的逻辑磁盘,按Enter后按CTRL+F使RAID强制上线。

图6-88 硬盘离线引起失败的Array界面


6.4  下载和安装ARCCONF工具


6.4.1  下载工具

(1)     登录https://www.h3c.com/cn/BizPortal/DownLoadAccessory/DownLoadAccessoryFilt.aspx

(2)     按照提示信息下载对应存储控制卡的固件安装包及版本说明书。

(3)     解压固件安装包后得到适用于不同操作系统的ARCCONF工具包。

6.4.2  安装工具


6.5  常用命令


6.5.1  升级存储控制卡固件



arcconf romupdate controller_id fwfile





# 升级存储控制卡固件

[root@localhost Arcconf]# arcconf romupdate 1 thorc.bin

Controllers found: 1



Are you sure you want to continue?

Press y, then ENTER to continue or press ENTER to abort: y


Updating controller 1 firmware...Succeeded

A new software image has been applied to controller 1.

You must restart the system for firmware updates to take effect.



Command completed successfully.

6.5.2  查询存储控制卡的基本信息



arcconf list controller_id




# 查询ID为1的控制器属性

[root@localhost Arcconf]# arcconf list 1

Controllers found: 1


Controller information


   Controller ID             : Status, Slot, Mode, Name, SerialNumber, WWN


   Controller 1:             : Optimal, Slot 10, Mixed, Adaptec SmartIOC 8i, UNKNOWN, 50123456789ABC00



Array Information


   Array ID                  : Status (Interface, TotalSize MB, FreeSpace MB)


   No arrays configured



Logical device information


   Logical ID                : Status (RAID, Interface, Size MB) Name


   No logical devices configured




Physical Device information


   Physical ID               : State (Interface, BlockSize, SizeMB, Vendor, Model, Type) WWN, [Location]


   Physical 0,17             : Ready (SATA, 512 Bytes, 953869MB, ATA     , ST1000NM0033-9ZM, Hard Drive) 574EAC82CDB88009, [Enclosure 1, Slot 9(Connector 0:CN0)]

   Physical 0,31             : Ready (SATA, 512 Bytes, 1907729MB, ATA     , ST2000NM0125-1YZ, Hard Drive) 574EAC82CDB88017, [Enclosure 1, Slot 23(Connector 0:CN0)]

   Physical 2,0              : Ready (SES2, Not Applicable, Not Applicable, MSCC, SXP 68x12G, Enclosure Services Device) 574EAC82CDB8807F, [Connector 0:CN0, Enclosure 1]

   Physical 2,3              : Ready (SES2, Not Applicable, Not Applicable, ADAPTEC , Virtual SGPIO, Enclosure Services Device) 50123456789ABC00, [Not Applicable]



Command completed successfully.

6.5.3  查询物理硬盘、Array、LD、适配器等相关信息



表6-5 查询存储控制卡信息



arcconf getconfig controller_id AD


arcconf getconfig controller_id LD


arcconf getconfig controller_id LD LD_id


arcconf getconfig controller_id PD


arcconf getconfig controller_id PD channel_id device_id


arcconf getconfig controller_id AR


arcconf getconfig controller_id AR AR_id






channel_id:硬盘的Channel ID。

device_id硬盘的Device ID。



# 查询所有Array的信息。

[root@localhost Arcconf]# arcconf getconfig 1 ar

Controllers found: 1


Array Information


Array Number 0

   Name                                     : A

   Status                                   : Ok

   Interface                                : SATA

   Total Size                               : 1907739 MB

   Unused Size                              : 0 MB

   Block Size                               : 512 Bytes

   Array Utilization                        : 100.00% Used, 0.00% Unused

   Type                                     : Data

   Transformation Status                    : Not Applicable

   Spare Rebuild Mode                       : Dedicated


   Array Logical Device Information


   Logical 0                                : Optimal (1, Data, 953837 MB) LogicalDrv 0


   Array Physical Device Information


   Device 17                                : Present (953869MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:9)             Z1W350Q0

   Device 31                                : Present (1907729MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:23)             ZC23AJES



Array Number 1

   Name                                     : B

   Status                                   : Ok

   Interface                                : SATA

   Total Size                               : 3815447 MB

   Unused Size                              : 0 MB

   Block Size                               : 512 Bytes

   Array Utilization                        : 100.00% Used, 0.00% Unused

   Type                                     : Data

   Transformation Status                    : Not Applicable

   Spare Rebuild Mode                       : Dedicated


   Array Logical Device Information


   Logical 1                                : Optimal (0, Data, 3815415 MB) LogicalDrv 1


   Array Physical Device Information


   Device 22                                : Present (3815447MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:14) K7G3MLEL





Command completed successfully.

[root@localhost ~]#

# 查询所有LD的基本信息。

[root@localhost Arcconf]# arcconf getconfig 1 ld

Controllers found: 1


Logical device information


Logical Device number 0

   Logical Device name                      : LogicalDrv 0

   Disk Name                                : /dev/sdf

   Block Size of member drives              : 512 Bytes

   Array                                    : 0

   RAID level                               : 1

   Status of Logical Device                 : Optimal

   Size                                     : 953837 MB

   Stripe-unit size                         : 256 KB

   Full Stripe Size                         : 256 KB

   Interface Type                           : Serial ATA

   Device Type                              : Data

   Boot Type                                : None

   Heads                                    : 255

   Sectors Per Track                        : 32

   Cylinders                                : 65535

   Mount Points                             : Not Applicable

   LD Acceleration Method                   : None

   Volume Unique Identifier                 : 600508B1001C28680001932567E1D2BA


   Array Physical Device Information


   Device 17                                : Present (953869MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:9)             Z1W350Q0

   Device 31                                : Present (1907729MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:23)             ZC23AJES



Logical Device number 1

   Logical Device name                      : LogicalDrv 1

   Disk Name                                : /dev/sdb

   Block Size of member drives              : 512 Bytes

   Array                                    : 1

   RAID level                               : 0

   Status of Logical Device                 : Optimal

   Size                                     : 3815415 MB

   Stripe-unit size                         : 256 KB

   Full Stripe Size                         : 256 KB

   Interface Type                           : Serial ATA

   Device Type                              : Data

   Boot Type                                : None

   Heads                                    : 255

   Sectors Per Track                        : 32

   Cylinders                                : 65535

   Mount Points                             : Not Applicable

   LD Acceleration Method                   : None

   Volume Unique Identifier                 : 600508B1001C4BFF747B7DB627D45F45


   Array Physical Device Information


   Device 22                                : Present (3815447MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:14) K7G3MLEL





Command completed successfully.

[root@localhost Arcconf]#

# 查询所有PD的基本信息。

[root@localhost Arcconf]# arcconf getconfig 1 pd

Controllers found: 1


Physical Device information


   Channel #0:

      Device #16

         Device is a Hard drive

         State                              : Ready

         Drive has stale RIS data           : False

         Disk Name                          : /dev/sde

         Block Size                         : 512 Bytes

         Physical Block Size                : 4K Bytes

         Transfer Speed                     : SATA 12.0 Gb/s

         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,16(16:0)

         Reported Location                  : Enclosure 1, Slot 8(Connector 0:CN0)

         Vendor                             : ATA

         Model                              : ST6000NM0115-1YZ

         Firmware                           : SN02

         Serial number                      : ZAD00RGV

         World-wide name                    : 574EAC82CDB88008

         Reserved Size                      : 32768 KB

         Used Size                          : 0 MB

         Unused Size                        : 5723134 MB

         Total Size                         : 5723166 MB

         S.M.A.R.T.                         : No

         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0

         SSD                                : No

         NCQ supported                      : Supported

         NCQ status                         : Enabled

         Boot Type                          : None

         Rotational Speed                   : 7200 RPM

         Current Temperature                : 34 deg C

         Maximum Temperature                : 54 deg C

         Threshold Temperature              : 65 deg C

         PHY Count                          : 1

         Drive Configuration Type           : Unassigned

         Mount Point(s)                     : Not Mounted

         Drive Exposed to OS                : True

         Sanitize Erase Support             : False

         Drive Unique ID                    : 3F9CA71BFFFFBF7EFFFF1D3EBF7E6041

         Last Failure Reason                : No Failure


      Device Phy Information


         Phy #0

            Negotiated Physical Link Rate   : 12 Gbps

            Negotiated Logical Link Rate    : 12 Gbps

            Maximum Link Rate               : 6 Gbps



      Device Error Counters


         Aborted Commands                   : 0

         Bad Target Errors                  : 0

         Ecc Recovered Read Errors          : 0

         Failed Read Recovers               : 0

         Failed Write Recovers              : 0

         Format Errors                      : 0

         Hardware Errors                    : 0

         Hard Read Errors                   : 0

         Hard Write Errors                  : 0

         Hot Plug Count                     : 0

         Media Failures                     : 0

         Not Ready Errors                   : 0

         Other Time Out Errors              : 0

         Predictive Failures                : 0

         Retry Recovered Read Errors        : 0

         Retry Recovered Write Errors       : 0

         Scsi Bus Faults                    : 0

         Sectors Reads                      : 8913624

         Sectors Written                    : 0

         Service Hours                      : 0


      Device #17

         Device is a Hard drive

         State                              : Online

         Drive has stale RIS data           : False

         Block Size                         : 512 Bytes

         Physical Block Size                : 512 Bytes

         Transfer Speed                     : SATA 12.0 Gb/s

         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,17(17:0)

         Reported Location                  : Enclosure 1, Slot 9(Connector 0:CN0)

         Array                              : 0

         Vendor                             : ATA

         Model                              : ST1000NM0033-9ZM

         Firmware                           : SN04

         Serial number                      : Z1W350Q0

         World-wide name                    : 574EAC82CDB88009

         Reserved Size                      : 32768 KB

         Used Size                          : 953837 MB

         Unused Size                        : 0 MB

         Total Size                         : 953869 MB

         S.M.A.R.T.                         : No

         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0

         SSD                                : No

         NCQ supported                      : Supported

         NCQ status                         : Enabled

         Boot Type                          : None

         Rotational Speed                   : 7200 RPM

         Current Temperature                : 37 deg C

         Maximum Temperature                : 60 deg C

         Threshold Temperature              : 65 deg C

         PHY Count                          : 1

         Drive Configuration Type           : Data

         Drive Exposed to OS                : False

         Sanitize Erase Support             : False

         Drive Unique ID                    : 3F9C41CCFFFF5E97FF4FFC9EFFC89E61

         Last Failure Reason                : No Failure


      Device Phy Information


         Phy #0

            Negotiated Physical Link Rate   : 12 Gbps

            Negotiated Logical Link Rate    : 12 Gbps

            Maximum Link Rate               : 6 Gbps



      Device Error Counters


         Aborted Commands                   : 0

         Bad Target Errors                  : 0

         Ecc Recovered Read Errors          : 0

         Failed Read Recovers               : 0

         Failed Write Recovers              : 0

         Format Errors                      : 0

         Hardware Errors                    : 0

         Hard Read Errors                   : 0

         Hard Write Errors                  : 0

         Hot Plug Count                     : 0

         Media Failures                     : 0

         Not Ready Errors                   : 0

         Other Time Out Errors              : 0

         Predictive Failures                : 0

         Retry Recovered Read Errors        : 0

         Retry Recovered Write Errors       : 0

         Scsi Bus Faults                    : 0

         Sectors Reads                      : 1762289615

         Sectors Written                    : 691117403

         Service Hours                      : 59


      Device #22

         Device is a Hard drive

         State                              : Online

         Drive has stale RIS data           : False

         Block Size                         : 512 Bytes

         Physical Block Size                : 4K Bytes

         Transfer Speed                     : SATA 12.0 Gb/s

         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,22(22:0)

         Reported Location                  : Enclosure 1, Slot 14(Connector 0:CN0)

         Array                              : 1

         Vendor                             : ATA

         Model                              : HGST HUS726040AL

         Firmware                           : APBDTDM0

         Serial number                      : K7G3MLEL

         World-wide name                    : 574EAC82CDB8800E

         Reserved Size                      : 32768 KB

         Used Size                          : 3815415 MB

         Unused Size                        : 0 MB

         Total Size                         : 3815447 MB

         S.M.A.R.T.                         : No

         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0

         SSD                                : No

         NCQ supported                      : Supported

         NCQ status                         : Enabled

         Boot Type                          : None

         Rotational Speed                   : 7200 RPM

         Current Temperature                : 35 deg C

         Maximum Temperature                : 51 deg C

         Threshold Temperature              : 65 deg C

         PHY Count                          : 1

         Drive Configuration Type           : Data

         Drive Exposed to OS                : False

         Sanitize Erase Support             : False

         Drive Unique ID                    : 7F2A2D01FFFFFEE7FFBFF027FF179386

         Last Failure Reason                : No Failure


      Device Phy Information


         Phy #0

            Negotiated Physical Link Rate   : 12 Gbps

            Negotiated Logical Link Rate    : 12 Gbps

            Maximum Link Rate               : 6 Gbps



      Device Error Counters


         Aborted Commands                   : 0

         Bad Target Errors                  : 0

         Ecc Recovered Read Errors          : 0

         Failed Read Recovers               : 0

         Failed Write Recovers              : 0

         Format Errors                      : 0

         Hardware Errors                    : 0

         Hard Read Errors                   : 0

         Hard Write Errors                  : 0

         Hot Plug Count                     : 0

         Media Failures                     : 0

         Not Ready Errors                   : 0

         Other Time Out Errors              : 0

         Predictive Failures                : 0

         Retry Recovered Read Errors        : 0

         Retry Recovered Write Errors       : 0

         Scsi Bus Faults                    : 0

         Sectors Reads                      : 7586875

         Sectors Written                    : 21648

         Service Hours                      : 50


      Device #31

         Device is a Hard drive

         State                              : Online

         Drive has stale RIS data           : False

         Block Size                         : 512 Bytes

         Physical Block Size                : 4K Bytes

         Transfer Speed                     : SATA 12.0 Gb/s

         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,31(31:0)

         Reported Location                  : Enclosure 1, Slot 23(Connector 0:CN0)

         Array                              : 0

         Vendor                             : ATA

         Model                              : ST2000NM0125-1YZ

         Firmware                           : SN05

         Serial number                      : ZC23AJES

         World-wide name                    : 574EAC82CDB88017

         Reserved Size                      : 32768 KB

         Used Size                          : 1907697 MB

         Unused Size                        : 0 MB

         Total Size                         : 1907729 MB

         S.M.A.R.T.                         : No

         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0

         SSD                                : No

         NCQ supported                      : Supported

         NCQ status                         : Enabled

         Boot Type                          : None

         Rotational Speed                   : 7200 RPM

         Current Temperature                : 35 deg C

         Maximum Temperature                : 39 deg C

         Threshold Temperature              : 65 deg C

         PHY Count                          : 1

         Drive Configuration Type           : Data

         Drive Exposed to OS                : False

         Sanitize Erase Support             : False

         Drive Unique ID                    : FF6B29F1FF9F3D5DFF9B8CCCFF032F17

         Last Failure Reason                : No Failure


      Device Phy Information


         Phy #0

            Negotiated Physical Link Rate   : 12 Gbps

            Negotiated Logical Link Rate    : 12 Gbps

            Maximum Link Rate               : 6 Gbps



      Device Error Counters


         Aborted Commands                   : 0

         Bad Target Errors                  : 0

         Ecc Recovered Read Errors          : 0

         Failed Read Recovers               : 0

         Failed Write Recovers              : 0

         Format Errors                      : 0

         Hardware Errors                    : 0

         Hard Read Errors                   : 0

         Hard Write Errors                  : 0

         Hot Plug Count                     : 0

         Media Failures                     : 0

         Not Ready Errors                   : 0

         Other Time Out Errors              : 0

         Predictive Failures                : 0

         Retry Recovered Read Errors        : 0

         Retry Recovered Write Errors       : 0

         Scsi Bus Faults                    : 0

         Sectors Reads                      : 23996

         Sectors Written                    : 19999

         Service Hours                      : 0


   Channel #2:

      Device #0

         Device is an Enclosure Services Device

         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 2,0(0:0)

         Reported Location                  : Connector 0:CN0, Enclosure 1

         Enclosure ID                       : 1

         Enclosure Logical Identifier       : 574EAC82CDB8807E

         Expander ID                        : 0

         Expander SAS Address               : 574EAC82CDB8807F

         SEP device ID                      : 377

         Type                               : SES2

         Vendor                             : MSCC

         Model                              : SXP 68x12G

         Firmware                           : RevB

         Status of Enclosure Services Device

            Fan 1 status                    : 0 rpm (Not Installed)

            Fan 2 status                    : 0 rpm (Optimal)

            Fan 3 status                    : 0 rpm (Optimal)

            Fan 4 status                    : 0 rpm (Optimal)

            Power supply 1 status           : Optimal

            Power supply 2 status           : Optimal

            Temperature Sensor Status 1     : 0 C/ 32 F (Not Installed)

            Temperature Sensor Status 2     : Normal

            Temperature Sensor Status 3     : Normal

            Temperature Sensor Status 4     : Normal

            Speaker status                  : Off

   Channel #2:

      Device #3

         Device is an Enclosure Services Device

         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 2,3(3:0)

         Enclosure ID                       : 0

         Enclosure Logical Identifier       : 50123456789ABC00

         Type                               : SES2

         Vendor                             : ADAPTEC

         Model                              : Virtual SGPIO

         Firmware                           : 4.50

         Status of Enclosure Services Device

            Speaker status                  : Not Available



Command completed successfully.

[root@localhost Arcconf]#

# 查询所有AD的基本信息。

[root@localhost Arcconf]# arcconf getconfig 1 ad

Controllers found: 1


Controller information


   Controller Status                        : Optimal

   Controller Mode                          : Mixed

   Channel description                      : SCSI

   Controller Model                         : Adaptec SmartIOC 8i

   Controller Serial Number                 : Unknown

   Controller World Wide Name               : 50123456789ABC00

   Physical Slot                            : 10

   Temperature                              : 57 C/ 134 F (Normal)

   Host bus type                            : PCIe 3.0

   Host bus speed                           : 7880 MBps

   Host bus link width                      : 8 bit(s)/link(s)

   PCI Address (Bus:Device:Function)        : 0:5e:0:0

   Number of Ports                          : 2

   Internal Port Count                      : 2

   External Port Count                      : 0

   Defunct disk drive count                 : 0

   NCQ status                               : Enabled

   Queue Depth                              : Automatic

   Monitor and Performance Delay            : 60 minutes

   Elevator Sort                            : Enabled

   Degraded Mode Performance Optimization   : Disabled

   Latency                                  : Disabled

   Statistics data collection mode          : Disabled

   Post Prompt Timeout                      : 15 seconds

   Boot Controller                          : False

   Primary Boot Volume                      : 3FDB0D04FF3F2A52FF3F88D9FFBB2AF6

   Secondary Boot Volume                    : None

   Driver Name                              : aacraid

   Driver Supports SSD I/O Bypass           : No

   Manufacturing Part Number                : Not Applicable

   Manufacturing Spare Part Number          : Not Applicable

   Manufacturing Wellness Log               : Not Applicable

   NVRAM Checksum Status                    : Passed


   I2C Settings


   I2C Address                              : 0xDE

   I2C Clock Speed                          : 400 KHZ

   I2C Clock Stretching                     : Enabled

   Global Physical Device Write Cache Policy: Disabled


   RAID Properties


   Logical devices/Failed/Degraded          : 2/0/0

   Automatic Failover                       : Disabled

   Background consistency check             : Idle

   Consistency Check Delay                  : 3 seconds

   Parallel Consistency Check Supported     : Enabled

   Parallel Consistency Check Count         : 1

   Inconsistency Repair Policy              : Disabled

   Consistency Check Inconsistency Notify   : Disabled

   Rebuild Priority                         : High

   Expand Priority                          : Medium


   Controller Version Information


   Firmware                                 : 4.50[0]

   Driver                                   :

   Hardware Revision                        : B


   Temperature Sensors Information


   Sensor ID                                : 0

   Current Value                            : 36 deg C

   Max Value Since Powered On               : 36 deg C

   Location                                 : Inlet Ambient


   Sensor ID                                : 1

   Current Value                            : 57 deg C

   Max Value Since Powered On               : 57 deg C

   Location                                 : ASIC



   Connector information



   Connector #0

      Connector Name                        : CN0

      Functional Mode                       : Mixed

      Connector Location                    : Internal

      SAS Address                           : 50123456789ABC00



   Connector #1

      Connector Name                        : CN1

      Functional Mode                       : Mixed

      Connector Location                    : Internal

      SAS Address                           : 50123456789ABC04





Command completed successfully.

[root@localhost Arcconf]#

6.5.4  设置硬盘定位指示灯



表6-6 点灯相关命令



arcconf identify controller_id device channel_id device_id time time


arcconf identify controller_id device channel_id device_id


arcconf identify controller_id all time time


arcconf identify controller_id all stop


arcconf identify controller_id logicaldrive LD_id time time


arcconf identify controller_id logicaldrive LD_id


arcconf identify controller_id array array_id

time time


arcconf identify controller_id array array_id






channel_id:硬盘的Channel ID。

device_id:硬盘的Device ID。




# 对device 8的硬盘进行点亮指示灯操作。

[root@localhost home]# arcconf identify 1 device 0 8

Controllers found: 1

Only devices managed by an enclosure processor may be identified

The specified device(s) is/are blinking.

Press any key to stop the blinking.

# 设置所有的盘进行点灯60秒。

[root@localhost home]# arcconf identify 1 all time 60

Controllers found: 1

Only devices managed by an enclosure processor may be identified


Command completed successfully.

# 熄灭所有的硬盘指示灯。

[root@localhost home]# arcconf identify 1 all stop

Controllers found: 1


Command completed successfully.

# 对logicaldrive 0 的硬盘进行点亮指示灯操作。

[root@localhost home]# arcconf identify 1 logicaldrive 0

Controllers found: 1

Only devices managed by an enclosure processor may be identified

The specified device(s) is/are blinking.

Press any key to stop the blinking.

6.5.5  设置存储控制卡工作模式



arcconf setcontrollermode controller_id mode




·     2:设置为HBA模式。

·     3:设置为RAID模式。

·     5:设置为Mixed模式。


# 设置存储控制卡工作模式为“RAID”。

[root@localhost Arcconf]# arcconf setcontrollermode 1 3

Controllers found: 1

You must restart the system for new controller mode to take effect.


Command completed successfully.

[root@localhost Arcconf]#

# 查询存储控制卡工作模式。

[root@localhost Arcconf]# arcconf getconfig 1 ad

Controllers found: 1


Controller information


   Controller Status                        : Optimal

   Controller Mode                          : Mixed

   Channel description                      : SCSI

   Controller Model                         : Adaptec SmartIOC 8i

   Controller Serial Number                 : Unknown

   Controller World Wide Name               : 50123456789ABC00

   Physical Slot                            : 10

   Temperature                              : 57 C/ 134 F (Normal)

   Host bus type                            : PCIe 3.0

   Host bus speed                           : 7880 MBps

   Host bus link width                      : 8 bit(s)/link(s)

   PCI Address (Bus:Device:Function)        : 0:5e:0:0

   Number of Ports                          : 2

   Internal Port Count                      : 2

   External Port Count                      : 0

   Defunct disk drive count                 : 0

   NCQ status                               : Enabled

   Queue Depth                              : Automatic

   Monitor and Performance Delay            : 60 minutes

   Elevator Sort                            : Enabled

   Degraded Mode Performance Optimization   : Disabled

   Latency                                  : Disabled

   Post Prompt Timeout                      : 15 seconds

   Boot Controller                          : False

   Primary Boot Volume                      : 3FDB0D04FF3F2A52FF3F88D9FFBB2AF6

   Secondary Boot Volume                    : None

   Driver Name                              : aacraid

   Driver Supports SSD I/O Bypass           : No

   Manufacturing Part Number                : Not Applicable

   Manufacturing Spare Part Number          : Not Applicable

   Manufacturing Wellness Log               : Not Applicable

   NVRAM Checksum Status                    : Passed


   I2C Settings


   I2C Address                              : 0xDE

   I2C Clock Speed                          : 400 KHZ

   I2C Clock Stretching                     : Enabled

   Global Physical Device Write Cache Policy: Disabled


   RAID Properties


   Logical devices/Failed/Degraded          : 0/0/0

   Automatic Failover                       : Disabled

   Background consistency check             : Idle

   Consistency Check Delay                  : 3 seconds

   Parallel Consistency Check Supported     : Enabled

   Parallel Consistency Check Count         : 1

   Inconsistency Repair Policy              : Disabled

   Consistency Check Inconsistency Notify   : Disabled

   Rebuild Priority                         : High

   Expand Priority                          : Medium


   Controller Version Information


   Firmware                                 : 4.50[0]

   Driver                                   :

   Hardware Revision                        : B


   Temperature Sensors Information


   Sensor ID                                : 0

   Current Value                            : 36 deg C

   Max Value Since Powered On               : 36 deg C

   Location                                 : Inlet Ambient


   Sensor ID                                : 1

   Current Value                            : 57 deg C

   Max Value Since Powered On               : 57 deg C

   Location                                 : ASIC



   Connector information



   Connector #0

      Connector Name                        : CN0

      Functional Mode                       : RAID (Hide RAW)

      Connector Location                    : Internal

      SAS Address                           : 50123456789ABC00



   Connector #1

      Connector Name                        : CN1

      Functional Mode                       : RAID (Hide RAW)

      Connector Location                    : Internal

      SAS Address                           : 50123456789ABC04





Command completed successfully.

6.5.6  创建和删除RAID



arcconf create controller_id logicaldrive option size level channel_id device_id channel_id device_id……

arcconf delete controller_id logicaldrive ld_id noprompt




·     Stripesize:LD的条带大小。

·     Legs:LD的NPG,只在创建RAID 50和RAID 60时可设置。

·     Name:LD的名称。

·     Method:LD的初始化的方式,包含build和default。

·     Wcache:即IO Bypass,只在创建maxCache时可设置。

·     LDcache:即Controller Cache。

·     SSDOverProvisioningOptimization:SSD的特性。只有当RAID组由SSD组成时,才能设置该属性,可选enable和disable。该选项设置为“Enable”后,会在数据写入SSD之前重新分配所有使用的块来优化SSD,可以加快初始化的速度。

·     DataLD:被加速的逻辑盘的ID。



channel_id:硬盘的Channel ID。

device_id:硬盘的Device ID。


# 创建RAID 0。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf create 1 logicaldrive stripesize 512 name R0 max 0 0 22 0 31

Controllers found: 1

Space will be wasted as devices specified are of different sizes.


Do you want to add a logical device to the configuration?

Press y, then ENTER to continue or press ENTER to abort: y


Creating logical device: R0


Command completed successfully.

# 删除ID为0的虚拟磁盘。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf delete 1 logicaldrive 0 noprompt

Controllers found: 1


WARNING: Deleting this logical device will automatically delete array 0 because it is the only logical device present on that array.

All data in logical device 0 will be lost.

Deleting: logical device 0 ("R0")


Command completed successfully.

6.5.7  通过增加成员盘可用容量扩容RAID

在Virtual Drives未占用成员硬盘全部容量时,可通过调整Virtual Drives的可用空间,扩大Virtual Drives容量。


arcconf modify controller_id from LD_id to LD_size LD_level channel_id device_id channel_id device_id






 channel_id:硬盘的Channel ID。

device_id:硬盘的Device ID。


·     为准确进行扩容,执行该命令前,请提前确认并正确输入RAID级别以及成员盘的physical ID。

·     扩容时需要保证所增加的容量不大于当前LD所在Array剩余容量。


# 将LD的容量扩展为204800MB。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf modify 1 from 0 to  204800 1 0 0 0 1
Controllers found: 1
Reconfiguration of a logical device is a long process.  Are you sure you want to continue?
Press y, then ENTER to continue or press ENTER to abort: y
Reconfiguring logical device: LogicalDrv 0
Command completed successfully.

6.5.8  逻辑盘迁移



arcconf modify controller_id logicaldrive LD_id movearray array_id

arcconf modify controller_id logicaldrive LD_id newarray channel_id device_id




array_id将迁移array ID

channel_id硬盘的Channel ID。

device_id硬盘的Device ID。




# 查询LD ID和array ID信息。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf getconfig 1 ld

Controllers found: 1


Logical device information


Logical Device number 0

   Logical Device name                      : LogicalDrv 0

   Disk Name                                : /dev/sdb

   Block Size of member drives              : 512 Bytes

   Array                                    : 0

   RAID level                               : 1

   Status of Logical Device                 : Optimal

   Size                                     : 99999 MB

   Stripe-unit size                         : 256 KB

   Full Stripe Size                         : 256 KB

   Interface Type                           : Serial ATA

   Device Type                              : Data

   Boot Type                                : None

   Heads                                    : 255

   Sectors Per Track                        : 32

   Cylinders                                : 25098

   Mount Points                             : Not Applicable

   LD Acceleration Method                   : None

   Volume Unique Identifier                 : 600508B1001CF58A921025DAF5EE6C06


   Array Physical Device Information


   Device 22                                : Present (3815447MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:14) K7G3MLEL

   Device 31                                : Present (1907729MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:23)             ZC23AJES



Logical Device number 1

   Logical Device name                      : LogicalDrv 1

   Disk Name                                : /dev/sdc

   Block Size of member drives              : 512 Bytes

   Array                                    : 1

   RAID level                               : 0

   Status of Logical Device                 : Optimal

   Size                                     : 199999 MB

   Stripe-unit size                         : 256 KB

   Full Stripe Size                         : 512 KB

   Interface Type                           : Serial ATA

   Device Type                              : Data

   Boot Type                                : None

   Heads                                    : 255

   Sectors Per Track                        : 32

   Cylinders                                : 50196

   Mount Points                             : Not Applicable

   LD Acceleration Method                   : None

   Volume Unique Identifier                 : 600508B1001C5A923B019EC51A15769A


   Array Physical Device Information


   Device 16                                : Present (13351936MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:8) 9RGA17JC

   Device 18                                : Present (13351936MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:10)             ZHZ0VZZ2





Command completed successfully.

#将logicaldrive 0迁移至已存在的array 1。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf modify 1 logicaldrive 0 movearray 1

Controllers found: 1

WARNING: Moving this logical device will automatically delete array 0 because it is the only logical device present on that array.

The physical devices of the array 0 will be in a transient state and unavailable for use till the move operation completes.

This operation will move the logical device. Are you sure you want to continue?

Press y, then ENTER to continue or press ENTER to abort: y


Moving logical device: 0


Command completed successfully.



#将logicaldrive 0迁移至新盘。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf getconfig 1 ar

Controllers found: 1


Array Information


Array Number 0

   Name                                     : A

   Status                                   : Ok

   Interface                                : SATA

   Total Size                               : 3815458 MB

   Unused Size                              : 3615394 MB

   Block Size                               : 512 Bytes

   Array Utilization                        : 5.24% Used, 94.76% Unused

   Type                                     : Data

   Transformation Status                    : Not Applicable

   Spare Rebuild Mode                       : Dedicated


   Array Logical Device Information


   Logical 0                                : Optimal (1, Data, 99999 MB) LogicalDrv 0


   Array Physical Device Information


   Device 22                                : Present (3815447MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:14) K7G3MLEL

   Device 31                                : Present (1907729MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:23)             ZC23AJES





Command completed successfully.

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf modify 1 logicaldrive 0 newarray 0 16 0 18

Controllers found: 1

WARNING: Moving this logical device will automatically delete array 0 because it is the only logical device present on that array.

The physical devices of the array 0 will be in a transient state and unavailable for use till the move operation completes.

This operation will move the logical device. Are you sure you want to continue?

Press y, then ENTER to continue or press ENTER to abort: y


Moving logical device: 0


Command completed successfully.


# 查询LD 0迁移进程。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf getconfig 1 ld 0

Controllers found: 1


Logical device information


Logical Device number 0

   Logical Device name                      : LogicalDrv 0

   Disk Name                                : /dev/sdb

   Block Size of member drives              : 512 Bytes

   Array                                    : 0

   RAID level                               : 1

   Status of Logical Device                 : Logical device Reconfiguring(Expanding : 0 %)

   Size                                     : 99999 MB

   Stripe-unit size                         : 256 KB

   Full Stripe Size                         : 256 KB

   Interface Type                           : Serial ATA

   Device Type                              : Data

   Boot Type                                : None

   Heads                                    : 255

   Sectors Per Track                        : 32

   Cylinders                                : 25098

   Mount Points                             : Not Applicable

   LD Acceleration Method                   : None

   Volume Unique Identifier                 : 600508B1001CF58A921025DAF5EE6C06


   Array Physical Device Information


   Device 16                                : Present (13351936MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:8) 9RGA17JC

   Device 18                                : Present (13351936MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:10)             ZHZ0VZZ2





Command completed successfully.

6.5.9  array迁移



arcconf modify controller_id  array array_id move channel_id device_id



array_id将迁移array ID

channel_id硬盘的Channel ID。

device_id硬盘的Device ID。




# 查询LD ID和array ID信息。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf getconfig 1 ar

Controllers found: 1


Array Information


Array Number 0

   Name                                     : A

   Status                                   : Ok

   Interface                                : SATA

   Total Size                               : 3815458 MB

   Unused Size                              : 3615394 MB

   Block Size                               : 512 Bytes

   Array Utilization                        : 5.24% Used, 94.76% Unused

   Type                                     : Data

   Transformation Status                    : Not Applicable

   Spare Rebuild Mode                       : Dedicated


   Array Logical Device Information


   Logical 0                                : Optimal (1, Data, 99999 MB) LogicalDrv 0


   Array Physical Device Information


   Device 22                                : Present (3815447MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:14) K7G3MLEL

   Device 31                                : Present (1907729MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:23)             ZC23AJES





Command completed successfully.

#将array 0迁移至新盘。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf modify 1 array 0 move 0 16 0 18

Controllers found: 1

This will modify the array 0.


Are you sure you want to continue?

Press y, then ENTER to continue or press ENTER to abort: y


Modifying array: 0


Command completed successfully.

# 查询LD 0迁移进程。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf getconfig 1 ld 0

Controllers found: 1


Logical device information


Logical Device number 0

   Logical Device name                      : LogicalDrv 0

   Disk Name                                : /dev/sdb

   Block Size of member drives              : 512 Bytes

   Array                                    : 0

   RAID level                               : 1

   Status of Logical Device                 : Logical device Reconfiguring(Expanding : 0 %)

   Size                                     : 99999 MB

   Stripe-unit size                         : 256 KB

   Full Stripe Size                         : 256 KB

   Interface Type                           : Serial ATA

   Device Type                              : Data

   Boot Type                                : None

   Heads                                    : 255

   Sectors Per Track                        : 32

   Cylinders                                : 25098

   Mount Points                             : Not Applicable

   LD Acceleration Method                   : None

   Volume Unique Identifier                 : 600508B1001C111E4266F6F931AC10B0


   Array Physical Device Information


   Device 16                                : Present (13351936MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:8) 9RGA17JC

   Device 18                                : Present (13351936MB, SATA, HDD, Connector:CN0, Enclosure:1, Slot:10)             ZHZ0VZZ2





Command completed successfully.

6.5.10  为LD设置热备盘以及删除



arcconf setstate controller_id device channel_id  device_id  hsp array array_id sparetype type

arcconf setstate controller_id device channel_id  device_id rdy



channel_id硬盘的Channel ID。

device_id:硬盘的Device ID。



·     1:Dedicated

·     2Autoreplace


# 为LD设置Autoreplace热备盘。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf setstate 1 device 0 18 hsp array 0 sparetype 2

Controllers found: 1


Any existing hot-spare drives of a different sparetype will be removed.

The physical drive used for this operation is connected to Mixed Mode(Smart HBA) connector. Using it will not allow operating system to use the drive contents.


Are you sure you want to continue?

Press y, then ENTER to continue or press ENTER to abort: y



Command completed successfully.

[root@localhost ~]#

# 删去device_id为18的热备盘。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf setstate 1 device 0 18 rdy

Controllers found: 1


Command completed successfully.

6.5.11  设置热备盘模式



arcconf setarrayparam controller_id  array_id sparetype mode





·     1:Dedicated

·     2Autoreplace


# 设置Array的热备盘模式为:Dedicated。

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf setarrayparam 1 0 sparetype 1
Controllers found: 1
Command completed successfully.

6.5.12  收集日志



arcconf savesupportarchive path




# 收集存储控制卡日志,放到home目录下

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf savesupportarchive /home

Controllers found: 1


Collecting uart logs may take few seconds...

The logs are saved in relevant folders in /home/Support


Command completed successfully.

6.5.13  强制下线物理盘



arcconf setstate controller_id device channel_id  device_id  DDD



channel_id:硬盘的Channel ID。

device_id:硬盘的Device ID。


# 强制下线device_id 16物理盘

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf setstate 1 device 0 16 DDD

Controllers found: 1

Change state from Online to Failed may be destroy configuration of array or logicaldrive


Are you sure you want to continue?

Press y, then ENTER to continue or press ENTER to abort: Y



Command completed successfully.

6.5.14  开启并设置一致性检查参数



arcconf consistencycheck controller_id mode

arcconf consistencycheck controller_id  parallelcount parallelcount_number




·     on:开启。

·     off:关闭。



# 开启一致性检查并设置检查并行个数为4

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf consistencycheck 1 on
Controllers found: 1
Command completed successfully.

[root@localhost ~]# arcconf consistencycheck 1 parallelcount 4
Controllers found: 1
Command completed successfully.

6.6  故障处理

关于存储控制卡的故障信息收集、故障诊断定位和故障解决方法的详细说明,请参见《H3C服务器 故障处理手册》。

6.7  兼容性


6.8  驱动下载和安装



不同款型规格的资料略有差异, 详细信息请向具体销售和400咨询。H3C保留在没有任何通知或提示的情况下对资料内容进行修改的权利!
