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本章节下载 04-H3C_RRPP典型配置举例  (560.55 KB)


H3C RRPP配置举例



























产品版本:Release 7595


Copyright © 2020 新华三技术有限公司 版权所有,保留一切权利。





1  简介

本文档介绍了RRPP(Rapid Ring Protection Protocol,快速环网保护协议)的配置举例。

2  配置前提



3  使用限制

·     请勿将接入RRPP环的端口的缺省VLAN配置为控制VLAN,而且控制VLAN内不能运行QinQ和VLAN映射功能,否则RRPP协议报文将无法正常收发。

·     建议在RRPP端口上不要启用OAM远端环回功能,否则可能引起短时间的广播风暴。

4  RRPP单环配置举例

4.1  组网需求

图1所示,区域A和区域B的用户接入一个环形的汇聚层网络中,在该环网中使用VLAN 100150承载语音业务、VLAN 151200承载视频业务。要求通过配置RRPP和以太网接口连接状态抑制功能,实现如下需求:

·     二层网络的环路预防和链路恢复功能。

·     语音和视频流量走不同的拓扑,以实现链路的负载分担。

·     设置RRPP环上所有以太网端口的物理连接状态抑制时间为0秒,以提高RRPP的拓扑变化收敛速度。

图1 RRPP单环配置组网图


4.2  配置思路

·     为了实现语音和视频流量走不同的拓扑,需要将整个环网划分为两个RRPP域:域1保护承载语音流量的VLAN 100150,主节点为Device A;域2保护承载视频流量的VLAN 151200,主节点为Device B。

·     为了实现语音和视频流量的链路的负载分担,选择Device AHundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口;Device BHundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口。这样,语音流量和视频流量的拓扑如图2所示。

图2 流量拓扑示意图


4.3  配置注意事项

·     配置好RRPP环之后不再允许用户删除或修改控制VLAN。控制VLAN只能通过undo control-vlan命令删除,不能通过undo vlan命令删除。

·     在配置负载分担时,不同RRPP域的保护VLAN必须不同。

4.4  配置步骤

4.4.1  Device A的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceA] stp region-configuration

[DeviceA-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceA-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceA-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceA-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP域1。

[DeviceA] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device A为主环主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceA] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device A为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceA] rrpp enable

4.4.2  Device B的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。

<DeviceB> system-view

[DeviceB] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MST 1VLAN 151200映射到MST 2,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceB] stp region-configuration

[DeviceB-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceB-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceB-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceB-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP域1。

[DeviceB] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device B为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 0

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceB] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device B为主环主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 0

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceB] rrpp enable

4.4.3  Device C的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。

<DeviceC> system-view

[DeviceC] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100~150映射到MSTI 1,VLAN 151~200映射到MSTI 2,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceC] stp region-configuration

[DeviceC-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceC-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceC-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceC-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP域1。

[DeviceC] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device C为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceC] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device C为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceC] rrpp enable

4.4.4  Device D的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。


[DeviceD] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100~150映射到MSTI 1,VLAN 151~200映射到MSTI 2,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceD] stp region-configuration

[DeviceD-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceD-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceD-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceD-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceD] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceD] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP域1。

[DeviceD] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device D为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceD] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device D为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceD] rrpp enable

4.5  验证配置

# 查看Device A的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceA] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

Fast detection status: Disabled

Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device A在RRPP域1中为主节点,且RRPP域1中主环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device A的RRPP域2详细信息,显示Device A在RRPP域2中为传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

[DeviceA] display rrpp verbose domain 2

Domain ID     : 2

Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

Fast detection status: Disabled

Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

# 查看Device B的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceB] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

Fast detection status: Disabled

Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device B在RRPP域1中为传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device B的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceB] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

Fast detection status: Disabled

Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device B在RRPP域2中为主节点,且RRPP域2中主环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device C的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceC] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

Fast detection status: Disabled

Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device C在RRPP域1中为传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device C的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceC] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

Fast detection status: Disabled

Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device C在RRPP域2中为传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

Device D的查看结果与Device C一致,不再赘述。

4.6  配置文件

·     Device A:


 sysname DeviceA


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

 link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

 link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

ring 1 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device B:


 sysname DeviceB


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

 link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

 link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige3/0/1 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige3/0/1 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device C:


 sysname DeviceC


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

 link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

 link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device D:


 sysname DeviceD


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

 link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

 link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp enable


5  RRPP单子环配置举例

5.1  组网需求

图3所示,某接入层以环网形式接入汇聚层,汇聚层网络也是一个环网。该网络中使用VLAN 100150承载语音业务、VLAN 151200承载视频业务。要求通过配置RRPP和以太网接口连接状态抑制功能,实现如下需求:

·     二层网络的环路预防和链路恢复功能。

·     使语音和视频流量走不同的拓扑,以实现链路的负载分担。

·     设置所有环上以太网端口的物理连接状态抑制时间为0秒,以提高RRPP的拓扑变化收敛速度。

图3 RRPP单子环配置组网图


5.2  配置思路

·     RRPP主环需要透传子环的保护VLAN和控制VLAN内的流量,需要有较强的数据传输能力。本例中选择汇聚层环网作为主环(Ring 1),接入层环网作为子环(Ring 2)。

·     为了实现语音和视频流量走不同的拓扑,需要将整个环网划分为两个RRPP域:域1保护承载语音流量的VLAN 100150,Ring 1主节点为Device A,Ring 2主节点为Device E;域2保护承载视频流量的VLAN 151200,Ring 1主节点为Device B,Ring 2主节点为Device F。

·     为了实现语音和视频流量的链路的负载分担,选择Device AHundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口;Device BHundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口;Device EHundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口;Device FHundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口。这样,语音流量和视频流量的拓扑如图4所示。

图4 流量拓扑示意图


5.3  配置注意事项

·     请按照先边缘节点、后辅助边缘节点的顺序来配置RRPP检测功能。配置边缘节点和辅助边缘节点时,必须先配置主环再配置子环。

·     配置好RRPP环之后不再允许用户删除或修改控制VLAN。控制VLAN只能通过undo control-vlan命令删除,不能通过undo vlan命令删除。

·     在配置负载分担时,不同RRPP域的保护VLAN必须不同。

·     在一台设备上使能子环之前必须先使能主环,而关闭主环之前也必须先关闭所有子环,否则系统将提示出错。

·     如果一台设备处于同一RRPP域的多个RRPP环上,则该设备在子环上的节点角色只能是边缘节点或辅助边缘节点。

·     为避免子环的Hello报文在主环上形成环路,在子环的主节点上使能子环之前,请先在主环的主节点上使能主环。

5.4  配置步骤

5.4.1  Device A的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1上,VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2上,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceA] stp region-configuration

[DeviceA-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceA-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceA-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceA-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceA] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device A为主环主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceA] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device A为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceA] rrpp enable

5.4.2  Device B的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。


[DeviceB] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceB] stp region-configuration

[DeviceB-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceB-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceB-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceB-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceB] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device B为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 0

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceB] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device B为主环主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 0

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceB] rrpp enable

5.4.3  Device C的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。


[DeviceC] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceC] stp region-configuration

[DeviceC-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceC-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceC-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceC-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1~HundredGigE3/0/3上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] undo stp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceC] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device C为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

# 配置Device C为子环的边缘节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/3为边缘端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 node-mode edge edge-port hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 enable

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceC] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device C为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

# 配置Device C为子环的边缘节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/3为边缘端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 node-mode edge edge-port hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 enable

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP

[DeviceC] rrpp enable

5.4.4  Device D的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。


[DeviceD] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceD] stp region-configuration

[DeviceD-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceD-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceD-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceD-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1~HundredGigE3/0/3上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceD] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceD] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

[DeviceD] interface hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] port link-type trunk

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] undo stp enable

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceD] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device D为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

# 配置Device D为子环的辅助边缘节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/3为边缘端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 node-mode assistant-edge edge-port hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 enable

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceD] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device D为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

# 配置Device D为子环的辅助边缘节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/3为边缘端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 node-mode assistant-edge edge-port hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 enable

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceD] rrpp enable

5.4.5  Device E的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。


[DeviceE] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceE] stp region-configuration

[DeviceE-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceE-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceE-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceE-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceE] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceE] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceE] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device E为子环主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 1

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 enable

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceE] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device E为子环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 1

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 enable

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceE] rrpp enable

5.4.6  Device F的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。


[DeviceF] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2

[DeviceF] stp region-configuration

[DeviceF-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceF-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceF-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceF-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceF] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceF] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceF] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device F为子环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 1

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 enable

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceF] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device F为子环主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 1

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 enable

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceF] rrpp enable

5.5  验证配置

# 查看Device A的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceA] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

Fast detection status: Disabled

Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device A在RRPP域1中为主环主节点,且RRPP域1中主环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device A的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceA] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device A在RRPP域2中为主环传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device B的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceB] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device B在RRPP域1中为主环传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device B的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceB] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device B在RRPP域2中为主环主节点,且RRPP域2中主环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device C的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceC] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/3                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device C在RRPP域1中为主环传输节点和子环边缘节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device C的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceC] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/3                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device C在RRPP域2中为主环传输节点和子环边缘节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device D的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceD] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Assistant-edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/3                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device C在RRPP域1中为主环传输节点和子环辅助边缘节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device D的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceD] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Assistant-edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/3                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device C在RRPP域2中为主环传输节点和子环辅助边缘节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device E的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceE] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device E在RRPP域1中为子环主节点,且RRPP域1中子环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device E的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceE] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device E在RRPP域2中为子环传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device F的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceF] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device F在RRPP域1中为子环传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device F的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceF] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device F在RRPP域2中为子环主节点,且RRPP域2中子环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

5.6  配置文件

·     Device A:


 sysname DeviceA


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

 ring 1 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device B:


 sysname DeviceB


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device C:


 sysname DeviceC


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/3

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

ring 1 enable

ring 2 node-mode edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/3

ring 2 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable

ring 2 node-mode edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/3

 ring 2 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device D:


 sysname DeviceD


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/3

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

ring 1 enable

ring 2 node-mode assistant-edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/3

ring 2 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable

ring 2 node-mode assistant-edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/3

 ring 2 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device E:


 sysname DeviceE


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

 ring 2 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 1

 ring 2 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 2 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 1

 ring 2 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device F:


 sysname DeviceF


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

ring 2 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 1

 ring 2 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 2 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 1

 ring 2 enable


rrpp enable


6  RRPP双归属环+相切环配置举例

6.1  组网需求

图5所示,小区用户通过接入层设备以环网网络的形式接入汇聚层,汇聚层网络也是一个环网。该网络中使用VLAN 100150承载语音业务、VLAN 151200承载视频业务。要求通过配置RRPP和以太网接口连接状态抑制功能,实现如下需求:

·     二层网络的环路预防和链路恢复功能。

·     使语音和视频流量走不同的网络拓扑,以实现链路的负载分担。

·     设置所有环上以太网端口的物理连接状态抑制时间为0秒,以提高RRPP的拓扑变化收敛速度。

·     减少Edge-Hello报文的收发数量。

图5 RRPP多子环配置组网图


6.2  配置思路

·     将整个网络划分成一个双归属环和一个单环。RRPP主环需要透传子环的保护VLAN和控制VLAN内的流量,需要有较强的数据传输能力。本案例选择汇聚层环网作为主环(Ring 1),接入层环网分别作为子环(Ring 2和Ring 3)以及双归属环的相切环(Ring 4)。

·     为了实现语音和视频流量走不同的拓扑,双归属环和单环分别划分为两个RRPP域:双归属环的域1和单环的域4保护承载语音流量的VLAN 100150,Ring 1主节点为Device A,Ring 2主节点为Device E,Ring 3主节点为Device F,Ring 4的主节点为Device H;双归属环的域2和单环的域3保护承载视频流量的VLAN 151200,Ring 1主节点为Device B,Ring 2主节点为Device E,Ring 3主节点为Device F,Ring 4的主节点为Device H。

·     为了实现语音和视频流量的链路的负载分担,选择Device AHundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口;Device BHundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口;Device EHundredGigE3/0/1在域1中为副端口、在域2中为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2在域1中为主端口、在域2中为副端口;Device FHundredGigE3/0/1在域1中为副端口、在域2中为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2在域1中为主端口、在域2中为副端口;Device HHundredGigE3/0/1在域3中为副端口、在域4中为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2在域3中为主端口、在域4中为副端口。这样,语音流量和视频流量的拓扑如图6所示。

·     为了减少Edge-Hello报文的收发数量,用户可以采用环组机制,即将具有相同边缘节点/辅助边缘节点的一组子环加入环组。本例中将域1和域2的两个子环(Ring 2和Ring 3)分别都加入环组。

图6 流量拓扑示意图


6.3  配置注意事项

·     在双归属环组网中,为避免主环故障时出现临时环路,应确保子环主节点与主环主节点上的Fail定时器取值之差大于子环主节点上Hello定时器取值的2倍。

·     请按照先边缘节点、后辅助边缘节点的顺序来配置RRPP检测功能。配置边缘节点和辅助边缘节点时,必须先配置主环再配置子环。

·     配置好RRPP环之后不再允许用户删除或修改控制VLAN。控制VLAN只能通过undo control-vlan命令删除,不能通过undo vlan命令删除。

·     在配置负载分担时,不同RRPP域的保护VLAN必须不同。

·     在一台设备上使能子环之前必须先使能主环,而关闭主环之前也必须先关闭所有子环,否则系统将提示出错。

·     如果一台设备处于同一RRPP域的多个RRPP环上,则该设备在子环上的节点角色只能是边缘节点或辅助边缘节点。

·     为避免子环的Hello报文在主环上形成环路,在子环的主节点上使能子环之前,请先在主环的主节点上使能主环。

·     同一环组中的子环所对应主环的链路必须相同,并且一个子环只能属于一个环组,配置在边缘节点和辅助边缘节点上的环组中所包含的子环必须相同,否则环组不能正常工作。

·     边缘节点环组及其对应的辅助边缘节点环组的配置和激活状态必须相同。

6.4  配置步骤

6.4.1  Device A的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2

[DeviceA] stp region-configuration

[DeviceA-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceA-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceA-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceA-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceA] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceA-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceA] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device A为主环主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceA] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device A为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

[DeviceA-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceA] rrpp enable

6.4.2  Device B的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。


[DeviceB] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2

[DeviceB] stp region-configuration

[DeviceB-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceB-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceB-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceB-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceB] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceB-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceB] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device B为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 0

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceB] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device B为主环主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 0

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

[DeviceB-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceB] rrpp enable

6.4.3  Device C的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。


[DeviceC] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2

[DeviceC] stp region-configuration

[DeviceC-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceC-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceC-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceC-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1~HundredGigE3/0/4上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] undo stp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/3] quit

[DeviceC] interface hundredgige 3/0/4

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/4] port link-type trunk

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/4] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/4] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/4] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/4] undo stp enable

[DeviceC-HundredGigE3/0/4] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceC] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device C为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

# 配置Device C为子环(Ring 2)的边缘节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/3为边缘端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 node-mode edge edge-port hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 enable

# 配置Device C为子环(Ring 3)的边缘节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/4为边缘端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 3 node-mode edge edge-port hundredgige 3/0/4

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] ring 3 enable

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceC] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device C为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

# 配置Device C为子环(Ring 2)的边缘节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/3为边缘端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 node-mode edge edge-port hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 enable

# 配置Device C为子环(Ring 3)的边缘节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/4为边缘端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 3 node-mode edge edge-port hundredgige 3/0/4

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] ring 3 enable

[DeviceC-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 配置环组,将域1和域2的两个子环都加入环组。

[DeviceC] rrpp ring-group 1

[DeviceC-ring-group1] domain 1 ring 2 3

[DeviceC-ring-group1] domain 2 ring 2 3

[DeviceC-ring-group1] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceC] rrpp enable

6.4.4  Device D的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200

<DeviceD> system-view

[DeviceD] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2

[DeviceD] stp region-configuration

[DeviceD-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceD-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceD-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceD-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1~HundredGigE3/0/4上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceD] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceD] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

[DeviceD] interface hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] port link-type trunk

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] undo stp enable

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/3] quit

[DeviceD] interface hundredgige 3/0/4

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/4] port link-type trunk

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/4] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/4] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/4] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/4] undo stp enable

[DeviceD-HundredGigE3/0/4] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceD] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device D为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 1 enable

# 配置Device D为子环(Ring 2)的辅助边缘节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/3为边缘端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 node-mode assistant-edge edge-port hundredgige 3/0/3

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 enable

# 配置Device D为子环(Ring 3)的辅助边缘节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/4为边缘端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 3 node-mode assistant-edge edge-port hundredgige 3/0/4

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] ring 3 enable

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceD] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device D为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain2] ring 1 enable

# 创建RRPP域3。

[DeviceD] rrpp domain 3

# 配置域3的控制VLAN 500,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain3] control-vlan 500

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain3] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device D为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE4/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE4/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain3] ring 4 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 4/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 4/0/2 level 0

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain3] ring 4 enable

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain3] quit

# 创建RRPP域4。

[DeviceD] rrpp domain 4

# 配置域4的控制VLAN 1500,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain4] control-vlan 1500

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain4] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device D为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE4/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE4/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain4] ring 4 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 4/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 4/0/2 level 0

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain4] ring 4 enable

[DeviceD-rrpp-domain4] quit

# 配置环组,将域1和域2的两个子环都加入环组。

[DeviceD] rrpp ring 1

[DeviceD-ring-group1] domain 1 ring 2 3

[DeviceD-ring-group1] domain 2 ring 2 3

[DeviceD-ring-group1] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceD] rrpp enable

6.4.5  Device E的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。

<DeviceE> system-view

[DeviceE] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2

[DeviceE] stp region-configuration

[DeviceE-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceE-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceE-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceE-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceE] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceE] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceE-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceE] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device E为子环2的主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 1

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain1] ring 2 enable

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceE] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device E为子环2的主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 1

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain2] ring 2 enable

[DeviceE-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceE] rrpp enable

6.4.6  Device F的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。

<DeviceF> system-view

[DeviceF] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2

[DeviceF] stp region-configuration

[DeviceF-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceF-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceF-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceF-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceF] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceF] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceF-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP1

[DeviceF] rrpp domain 1

# 配置域1的控制VLAN 1000,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 1000

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device F为子环3的主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain1] ring 3 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 1

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain1] ring 3 enable

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域2。

[DeviceF] rrpp domain 2

# 配置域2的控制VLAN 2000,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain2] control-vlan 2000

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain2] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device F为子环3的主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能子环。

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain2] ring 3 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 1

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain2] ring 3 enable

[DeviceF-rrpp-domain2] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceF] rrpp enable

6.4.7  Device G的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。

<DeviceG> system-view

[DeviceG] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MST 1VLAN 151200映射到MST 2,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceG] stp region-configuration

[DeviceG-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceG-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceG-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceG-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceG] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceG] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceG-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP域3。

[DeviceG] rrpp domain 3

# 配置域3的控制VLAN 500,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceG-rrpp-domain3] control-vlan 500

[DeviceG-rrpp-domain3] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device G为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceG-rrpp-domain1] ring 4 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 0

[DeviceG-rrpp-domain1] ring 4 enable

[DeviceG-rrpp-domain1] quit

# 创建RRPP域4。

[DeviceG] rrpp domain 4

# 配置域4的控制VLAN 1500,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceG-rrpp-domain4] control-vlan 1500

[DeviceG-rrpp-domain4] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device G为主环传输节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceG-rrpp-domain4] ring 4 node-mode transit primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 0

[DeviceG-rrpp-domain4] ring 4 enable

[DeviceG-rrpp-domain4] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceG] rrpp enable

6.4.8  Device H的配置

(1)     配置VLAN、MSTP实例和端口

# 创建VLAN 100~VLAN 200。

<DeviceH> system-view

[DeviceH] vlan 100 to 200

# VLAN 100150映射到MSTI 1VLAN 151200映射到MSTI 2,并激活MST域的配置。

[DeviceH] stp region-configuration

[DeviceH-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

[DeviceH-mst-region] instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

[DeviceH-mst-region] active region-configuration

[DeviceH-mst-region] quit

# 将端口配置为Trunk端口且允许VLAN 100200通过,不允许VLAN 1通过,分别在端口HundredGigE3/0/1HundredGigE3/0/2上配置物理连接状态up/down抑制时间为0秒(即不抑制),并关闭生成树协议。

[DeviceH] interface hundredgige 3/0/1

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/1] port link-type trunk

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/1] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/1] undo stp enable

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/1] quit

[DeviceH] interface hundredgige 3/0/2

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/2] port link-type trunk

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo port trunk permit vlan 1

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/2] link-delay 0 mode updown

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/2] undo stp enable

[DeviceH-HundredGigE3/0/2] quit

(2)     配置RRPP

# 创建RRPP域3。

[DeviceH] rrpp domain 3

# 配置域3的控制VLAN 500,并将MSTI 1所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceH-rrpp-domain3] control-vlan 500

[DeviceH-rrpp-domain3] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

# 配置Device H为主环主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/1为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/2为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceH-rrpp-domain3] ring 4 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 level 0

[DeviceH-rrpp-domain3] ring 4 enable

[DeviceH-rrpp-domain3] quit

# 创建RRPP域4。

[DeviceH] rrpp domain 4

# 配置域4的控制VLAN 1500,并将MSTI 2所映射的VLAN配置为该域的保护VLAN。

[DeviceH-rrpp-domain4] control-vlan 1500

[DeviceH-rrpp-domain4] protected-vlan reference-instance 2

# 配置Device H为主环主节点,端口HundredGigE3/0/2为主端口,HundredGigE3/0/1为副端口,并使能主环。

[DeviceH-rrpp-domain4] ring 4 node-mode master primary-port hundredgige 3/0/2 secondary-port hundredgige 3/0/1 level 0

[DeviceH-rrpp-domain4] ring 4 enable

[DeviceH-rrpp-domain4] quit

# 全局使能RRPP。

[DeviceH] rrpp enable

6.5  验证配置

# 查看Device A的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceA] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                   Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                   Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device A在RRPP域1中为主环主节点,且RRPP域1中主环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device A的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceA] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                   Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                   Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device A在RRPP域2中为主环传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device B的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceB] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                   Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                   Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device B在RRPP域1中为主环传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device B的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceB] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                   Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                   Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device B在RRPP域2中为主环主节点,且RRPP域2中主环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device C的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceC] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/3                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 3

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/4                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device C在RRPP域1中为主环传输节点和子环(Ring 2和Ring 3)边缘节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device C的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceC] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/3                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 3

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/4                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device C在RRPP域2中为主环传输节点和子环(Ring 2和Ring 3)边缘节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device C的边缘节点和辅助边缘节点上的环组信息。

<DeviceC> display rrpp ring-group 1

Ring Group 1:

Domain 1 Ring 2 to 3

Domain 2 Ring 2 to 3

# 查看Device D的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceD] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Assistant-edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/3                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 3

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Assistant-edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/4                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device D在RRPP域1中为主环传输节点和子环(Ring 2和Ring 3)辅助边缘节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device D的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceD] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Assistant-edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/3                    Port status: UP


Ring ID       : 3

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Assistant-edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Common port   : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

                HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Edge port     : HGE3/0/4                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device D在RRPP域2中为主环传输节点和子环(Ring 2和Ring 3)辅助边缘节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device D的RRPP域3详细信息。

[DeviceD] display rrpp verbose domain 3

 Domain ID     : 3

 Control VLAN  : Primary 500, Secondary 501

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 4

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device D在RRPP域3中为主环传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device D的RRPP域4详细信息。

[DeviceD] display rrpp verbose domain 4

 Domain ID     : 4

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1500, Secondary 1501

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 4

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device D在RRPP域4中为主环传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device D边缘节点和辅助边缘节点上的环组信息。

<DeviceD> display rrpp ring-group 1

Ring Group 1:

Domain 1 Ring 2 to 3

Domain 2 Ring 2 to 3

# 查看Device E的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceE] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device E在RRPP域1中为子环(Ring 2)主节点,且RRPP域1中子环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device E的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceE] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device E在RRPP域2中为子环(Ring 2)主节点,且RRPP域2中子环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device F的RRPP域1详细信息。

[DeviceF] display rrpp verbose domain 1

 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1000, Secondary 1001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 3

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device F在RRPP域1中为子环(Ring 3)主节点,且RRPP域1中子环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device F的RRPP域2详细信息。

[DeviceF] display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 2000, Secondary 2001

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 3

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device F在RRPP域2中为子环(Ring 3)主节点,且RRPP域2中子环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device H的RRPP域3详细信息。

[DeviceH] display rrpp verbose domain 3

 Domain ID     : 3

 Control VLAN  : Primary 500, Secondary 501

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 4

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/2                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device H在RRPP域3中为主环(Ring 4)主节点,且RRPP域3中主环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device H的RRPP域4详细信息。

[DeviceH] display rrpp verbose domain 4

 Domain ID     : 4

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1500, Secondary 1501

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 4

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: BLOCK

显示信息表示Device H在RRPP域4中为主环(Ring 4)主节点,且RRPP域4中主环状态为complete,主端口up,副端口block。

# 查看Device G的RRPP域3详细信息。

[DeviceG] display rrpp verbose domain 3

 Domain ID     : 3

 Control VLAN  : Primary 500, Secondary 501

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 1

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 4

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device G在RRPP域3中为主环传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

# 查看Device G的RRPP域4详细信息。

[DeviceG] display rrpp verbose domain 4

 Domain ID     : 4

 Control VLAN  : Primary 1500, Secondary 1501

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 2

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

 Fast detection status: Disabled

 Fast-Hello timer: 20 ms, Fast-Fail timer: 60 ms

 Fast-Edge-Hello timer: 10 ms, Fast-Edge-Fail timer: 30 ms


Ring ID       : 4

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Transit

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : HGE3/0/2                    Port status: UP

Secondary port: HGE3/0/1                    Port status: UP

显示信息表示Device G在RRPP域4中为主环传输节点,RRPP端口状态均为up。

6.6  配置文件

·     Device A:


 sysname DeviceA


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

 ring 1 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device B:


 sysname DeviceB


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device C:


 sysname DeviceC


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/3

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/4

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

ring 1 enable

ring 2 node-mode edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/3

ring 2 enable

ring 3 node-mode edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/4

ring 3 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable

ring 2 node-mode edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/3

 ring 2 enable

 ring 3 node-mode edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/4

 ring 3 enable


rrpp ring-group 1

 domain 1 ring 2 to 3

 domain 2 ring 2 to 3


rrpp enable


·     Device D:


 sysname DeviceD


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/3

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/4

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

ring 1 enable

ring 2 node-mode assistant-edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/3

ring 2 enable

ring 3 node-mode assistant-edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/4

ring 3 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

 ring 1 enable


rrpp domain 3

 control-vlan 500

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

 ring 4 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 0

 ring 4 enable


rrpp domain 4

 control-vlan 1500

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

ring 2 node-mode assistant-edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/3

ring 2 enable

ring 3 node-mode assistant-edge edge-port HundredGigE 3/0/4

ring 3 enable

 ring 4 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 0

ring 4 enable


rrpp ring-group 1

 domain 1 ring 2 to 3

 domain 2 ring 2 to 3


rrpp enable


·     Device E:


 sysname DeviceE


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

 ring 2 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 1

 ring 2 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

ring 2 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 1

 ring 2 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device F:


 sysname DeviceF


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 1

 control-vlan 1000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

ring 3 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 1

 ring 3 enable


rrpp domain 2

 control-vlan 2000

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

ring 3 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 1

 ring 3 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device G:


 sysname DeviceG


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 3

 control-vlan 500

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

 ring 4 node-mode transit primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 0

 ring 4 enable


rrpp domain 4

 control-vlan 1500

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

ring 4 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 0

 ring 4 enable


rrpp enable


·     Device H:


 sysname DeviceH


vlan 1


vlan 100 to 200


stp region-configuration

 instance 1 vlan 100 to 150

 instance 2 vlan 151 to 200

 active region-configuration


interface HundredGigE3/0/1

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


interface HundredGigE3/0/2

port link-mode bridge

 port link-type trunk

 undo port trunk permit vlan 1

 port trunk permit vlan 100 to 200

link-delay 0 mode updown

 undo stp enable


rrpp domain 3

 control-vlan 500

 protected-vlan reference-instance 1

 ring 4 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 level 0

 ring 4 enable


rrpp domain 4

 control-vlan 1500

 protected-vlan reference-instance 2

ring 4 node-mode master primary-port HundredGigE3/0/2 secondary-port HundredGigE3/0/1 level 0

 ring 4 enable


rrpp enable


7  相关资料

·     H3C S10500X系列交换机 二层技术-以太网交换配置指导-R759X

·     H3C S10500X系列交换机 二层技术-以太网交换命令参考-R759X

·     H3C S10500X系列交换机 可靠性配置指导-R759X

·     H3C S10500X系列交换机 可靠性命令参考-R759X


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