- Table of Contents
- 11-Network Management and Monitoring Command Reference
- 00-Preface
- 01-System maintenance and debugging commands
- 02-NQA commands
- 03-NTP commands
- 04-PTP commands
- 05-SNMP commands
- 06-RMON commands
- 07-Event MIB commands
- 08-NETCONF commands
- 09-CWMP commands
- 10-EAA commands
- 11-Process monitoring and maintenance commands
- 12-Sampler commands
- 13-Mirroring commands
- 14-NetStream commands
- 15-IPv6 NetStream commands
- 16-sFlow commands
- 17-Information center commands
- 18-GOLD commands
- 19-Packet capture commands
- 20-VCF fabric commands
- 21-iNQA commands
- 22-Packet trace commands
- 23-NetAnalysis commands
- Related Documents
Title | Size | Download |
07-Event MIB commands | 197.83 KB |
display snmp mib event object list
display snmp mib event summary
display snmp mib event trigger
event (trigger-existence view)
object list (action-notification view)
object list (trigger-Boolean view)
object list (trigger-existence view)
object list (trigger-threshold view)
oid (action-notification view)
snmp mib event sample instance maximum
snmp-agent trap enable event-mib
startup (trigger-existence view)
startup (trigger-threshold view)
wildcard context (action-set view)
wildcard context (trigger view)
wildcard oid (action-set view)
Event MIB commands
Use action to set an action for an event.
Use undo action to remove an action.
action { notification | set }
undo action { notification | set }
An event does not have an action.
Event view
Predefined user roles
notification: Specifies the notification action. The system sends a notification to the NMS when the event is triggered.
set: Specifies the set action. The system sets a value for the specified MIB object when the event is triggered.
Usage guidelines
You can set both set and notification actions for an event.
· When you specify the set action, the system automatically creates a set entry and enters action-set view. You can configure the set action in this view. For more information, see the configuration in action-set view.
· When you specify the notification action, the system automatically creates a notification entry and enters action-notification view. You can configure the notification action in this view. For more information, see the configuration in action-notification view.
# Set the notification action for an event and specify notification OID mteEventSetFailure for the action. Set the set action for the event and set the value for the ipForwarding.0 object to 2.
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] action notification
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-notification] oid mteEventSetFailure
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-notification] quit
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] action set
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-set] oid ipForwarding.0
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-set] value 2
Related commands
event enable
snmp mib event
Use comparison to specify a Boolean comparison type for the sampled value and the reference value.
Use undo comparison to restore the default.
comparison { equal | greater | greaterorequal | less | lessorequal | unequal }
undo comparison
The Boolean comparison type is unequal.
Trigger-Boolean view
Predefined user roles
equal: Specifies the Boolean comparison type as equal. When the sampled value equals the reference value, the trigger condition is met.
greater: Specifies the Boolean comparison type as greater than. When the sampled value is greater than the reference value, the trigger condition is met.
greaterorequal: Specifies the Boolean comparison type as greater than or equal to. When the sampled value is greater than or equal to the reference value, the trigger condition is met.
less: Specifies the Boolean comparison type as smaller than. When the sampled value is smaller than the reference value, the trigger condition is met.
lessorequal: Specifies the Boolean comparison type as smaller than or equal to. When the sampled value is smaller than or equal to the reference value, the trigger condition is met.
unequal: Specifies the Boolean comparison type as unequal. When the sampled value is unequal to the reference value, the trigger condition is met.
Usage guidelines
If the sampled value meets the trigger condition at two or more samplings in succession, an event is triggered only at the first sampling.
For an event to be triggered at the first sampling, execute the startup enable command.
# Specify the Boolean comparison type as unequal.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test boolean
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean] comparison unequal
snmp mib event trigger
context (action-set view)
Use context to configure a context for the set-action object.
Use undo context to restore the default.
context context-name
undo context
A set-action object does not have a context.
Action-set view
Predefined user roles
context-name: Specifies a context, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
Usage guidelines
To uniquely identify a set-action object, configure a context for it.
# Configure context contextname1 for the set-action object.
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] action set
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-set] context contextname1
Related commands
snmp mib event owner
wildcard context
context (trigger view)
Use context to configure a context for a monitored object.
Use undo context to restore the default.
context context-name
undo context
A monitored object does not have a context.
Trigger view
Predefined user roles
context-name: Specifies a context, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
Usage guidelines
To uniquely identify a monitored object, configure a context for it.
# Configure context contextname1 for a monitored object.
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] context contextname1
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
wildcard context
delta falling
Use delta falling to set a delta falling threshold and specify a falling event.
Use undo delta falling to restore the default.
delta falling { event owner event-owner name event-name | value integer-value }
undo delta falling { event | value }
The delta falling threshold is 0, and no falling event is specified.
Trigger-threshold view
Predefined user roles
event owner event-owner name event-name: Specifies an event by its owner and its name. Use the trigger owner as the event owner. The event-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
value integer-value: Specifies a delta falling threshold in the range of –2147483648 to 2147483647. The value must be smaller than or equal to the delta rising threshold.
Usage guidelines
A falling event is triggered if the delta value (difference between the current sampled value and the previous sampled value) is smaller than or equal to the delta falling threshold.
If the delta value crosses the delta falling threshold multiple times in succession, a falling event is triggered only for the first crossing.
# Set the delta falling threshold to 20.
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test threshold
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-threshold] delta falling value 20
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
delta rising
Use delta rising to set a delta rising threshold and specify a rising event.
Use undo delta rising to restore the default.
delta rising { event owner event-owner name event-name | value integer-value }
undo delta rising { event | value }
The delta rising threshold is 0, and no rising event is specified.
Trigger-threshold view
Predefined user roles
event owner event-owner name event-name: Specifies an event by its owner and its name. Use the trigger owner as the event owner. The event-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
value integer-value: Specifies a delta rising threshold in the range of –2147483648 to 2147483647. The value must be greater than or equal to the delta falling threshold.
Usage guidelines
A rising event is triggered if the delta value is greater than or equal to the delta rising threshold.
If the delta value of the monitored object crosses the delta rising threshold multiple times in succession, a rising event is triggered only for the first crossing.
# Set the delta rising threshold to 50, and specify the event identified by owner owner1 and name event1 as the rising event.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test threshold
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-threshold] delta rising value 50
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-threshold] delta rising event owner owner1 name event1
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
description (event view)
Use description to configure a description for an event.
Use undo description to restore the default.
description text
undo description
An event does not have a description.
Event view
Predefined user roles
text: Specifies a description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters.
# Configure a description of EventA is an RMON event for the event identified by owner owner1 and name eventA.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] description EventA is an RMON event
Related commands
snmp mib event owner
description (trigger view)
Use description to configure a description for a trigger.
Use undo description to restore the default.
description text
undo description
A trigger does not have a description.
Trigger view
Predefined user roles
text: Specifies a description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters.
# Configure a description of triggerA is configured for configured for network management events for the trigger identified by owner owner1 and name triggerA.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] description triggerA is configured for network management events
snmp mib event trigger
display snmp mib event
Use display snmp mib event to display Event MIB configuration and statistics.
display snmp mib event
Any view
Predefined user roles
# Display Event MIB configuration and statistics.
<Sysname> display snmp mib event
TriggerFailures : 0
EventFailures : 0
SampleMinimum : 1
SampleInstanceMaximum : 0
SampleInstance : 0
SampleInstancesHigh : 0
SampleInstanceLacks : 0
Trigger entry triggerA owned by owner1:
TriggerComment : triggerA is to monitor the state of the interface
TriggerTest : boolean
TriggerSampleType : absoluteValue
TriggerValueID :<ifAdminStatus.3>
TriggerValueIDWildcard : false
TriggerTargetTag : N/A
TriggerContextName : context1
TriggerContextNameWildcard : true
TriggerFrequency(in seconds): 600
TriggerEnabled : true
Boolean entry:
BoolCmp : unequal
BoolValue : 1
BoolStartUp : true
BoolObjOwner : owner1
BoolObjName : Objects1
BoolEvtOwner : N/A
BoolEvtName : N/A
Event entry eventA owned by owner2:
EvtComment : event is to set ifAdminStatus
EvtAction : notification | set
EvtEnabled : true
Notification entry:
NotifyOID :<mteTriggerFired>
NotifyObjOwner : N/A
NotifyObjName : N/A
Set entry:
SetObj :<ifAdminStatus>
SetObjWildcard : true
SetValue : 2
SetTargetTag : N/A
SetContextName : context1
SetContextNameWildcard : false
Object list objectA owned by owner3:
ObjIndex : 1
ObjID :<ifNumber.0>
ObjIDWildcard : false
Object list objectA owned by owner3:
ObjIndex : 2
ObjID :<ifDescr.0>
ObjIDWildcard : false
For more information about the command output, see Table 1 to Table 4.
Related commands
snmp mib event
snmp mib event object list
snmp mib event trigger
display snmp mib event event
Use display snmp mib event event to display information about an event and the event actions.
display snmp mib event event [ owner event-owner name event-name ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
owner event-owner name event-name: Specifies an event by its owner and name. The event-owner argument must be an existing SNMPv3 user. The event-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. If you do not specify an event, this command displays information about all events and event actions.
# Display information about the event identified by owner owner2 and name eventA and the event actions.
<Sysname>display snmp mib event event owner owner2 name eventA
Event entry eventA owned by owner2:
EvtComment : event is to set ifAdminStatus
EvtAction : notification | set
EvtEnabled : true
Notification entry:
NotifyOID :<mteTriggerFired>
NotifyObjOwner : N/A
NotifyObjName : N/A
Set entry:
SetObj :<ifAdminStatus>
SetObjWildcard : true
SetValue : 2
SetTargetTag : N/A
SetContextName : context1
SetContextNameWildcard : false
Field |
Description |
Event entry |
EvtComment |
Description for the event. |
EvtAction |
Event actions: · Set action. · Notification action. |
EvtEnabled |
Event status: · Enabled. · Disabled. |
Notification entry |
NotifyOID |
Notification OID. |
NotifyObjOwner |
Owner of the notification-action object. |
NotifyObjName |
Name of the object list to be added to the notification. |
Set entry |
SetObj |
OID of the set-action object. |
SetObjWildcard |
Wildcarding option for the OID: · false—Specifies an object by its OID. · true—Enables a wildcard search for OIDs. |
SetValue |
Value of the set-action object. |
SetTargetTag |
Remote tag for the set-action object. |
SetContextName |
Context for the set-action object. |
SetContextNameWildcard |
Wildcarding option for the context · false—Specifies a context. · true—Enables wildcard search for contexts. |
snmp mib event
display snmp mib event object list
Use display snmp mib event event to display information about object lists.
display snmp mib event object list [ owner group-owner name group-name ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
owner group-owner name group-name: Specifies an object list by its owner and name. The objects -owner argument must be an existing SNMPv3 user. The objects name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. If you do not specify an object list, this command displays information about all object lists.
# Display information about the object list identified by owner owner3 and name objectA.
<Sysname> display snmp mib event object list owner owner3 name objectA
Object list objectA owned by owner3:
ObjIndex : 1
ObjID :<ifNumber.0>
ObjIDWildcard : false
Object list objectA owned by owner3:
ObjIndex : 2
ObjID :<ifDescr.0>
ObjIDWildcard : false
Table 2 Command output
Field |
Description |
ObjIndex |
Index of the object. |
ObjID |
OID of the object. |
ObjIDWildcard |
Wildcarding option for the OID: · false—Specifies the OID. · true—Enables wildcard search for OIDs. |
Related commands
snmp mib event object list
display snmp mib event summary
Use display snmp mib event summary to display Event MIB brief information.
display snmp mib event summary
Any view
Predefined user roles
# Display Event MIB brief information.
<Sysname> display snmp mib event summary
TriggerFailures : 0
EventFailures : 0
SampleMinimum : 1
SampleInstanceMaximum : 0
SampleInstance : 0
SampleInstancesHigh : 0
SampleInstanceLacks : 0
Field |
Description |
TriggerFailures |
Number of trigger test failures. |
EventFailures |
Number of notification or set action failures. |
SampleMinimum |
Minimum sampling interval. |
SampleInstanceMaximum |
Maximum number of sampled instances. |
SampleInstance |
Number of current sampled instances. |
SampleInstancesHigh |
Maximum number of sampled instances. |
SampleInstanceLacks |
Number of sampling failures after the maximum number of sampled instances is reached. |
Related commands
display snmp mib event
display snmp mib event trigger
Use display snmp mib event trigger to display information about a trigger and the trigger tests.
display snmp mib event trigger [ owner trigger-owner name trigger-name ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
owner trigger-owner name trigger name: Specifies a trigger by its owner and name. The trigger-owner argument must be an existing SNMPv3 user. The trigger-name argument is case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. If you do not specify a trigger, this command displays information about all triggers and trigger tests.
# Display information about the trigger identified by owner owner1 and name triggerA and the trigger tests.
<Sysname> display snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
Trigger entry triggerA owned by owner1:
TriggerComment : triggerA is to monitor the state of the interface
TriggerTest : existence | boolean | threshold
TriggerSampleType : absoluteValue
TriggerValueID :<ifAdminStatus.3>
TriggerValueIDWildcard : false
TriggerTargetTag : N/A
TriggerContextName : context1
TriggerContextNameWildcard : true
TriggerFrequency(in seconds): 600
TriggerObjOwner : owner1
TriggerObjName : obj1
TriggerEnabled : true
Existence entry:
ExiTest : present | absent
ExiStartUp : present | absent
ExiObjOwner : owner1
ExiObjName : object1
ExiEvtOwner : owner1
ExiEvtName : event1
Boolean entry:
BoolCmp : unequal
BoolValue : 1
BoolStartUp : true
BoolObjOwner : owner1
BoolObjName : Objects1
BoolEvtOwner : N/A
BoolEvtName : N/A
Threshold entry:
ThresStartUp : falling
ThresRising : 40
ThresFalling : 20
ThresDeltaRising : 40
ThresDeltaFalling : 20
ThresObjOwner : N/A
ThresObjName : N/A
ThresRisEvtOwner : owner1
ThresRisEvtName : event1
ThresFalEvtOwner : owner1
ThresFalEvtName : event1
ThresDeltaRisEvtOwner : owner1
ThresDeltaRisEvtName : event1
ThresDeltaFalEvtOwner : owner1
ThresDeltaFalEvtName : event1
Field |
Description |
Trigger entry |
TriggerComment |
Description for the trigger. |
TriggerTest |
Trigger test type: · Existence. · Boolean. · Threshold. |
TriggerSampleType |
Trigger sampling method: · absoluteValue—Absolute sampling. · deltaValue—Delta sampling. |
TriggerValueID |
OID of the monitored object. |
TriggerValueIDWildcard |
Wildcarding option for the object OIDs: · false—Object OIDs are fully specified · true—Object OIDs are wildcarded. |
TriggerTargetTag |
Remote tag for the monitored object. |
TriggerContextName |
Context for an object. |
TriggerContextNameWildcard |
Wildcarding option for the contexts · false—Contexts are fully specified. · true—Contexts are wildcarded. |
TriggerFrequency |
Trigger sampling interval. |
TriggerObjOwner |
Owner of the trigger object. |
TriggerObjName |
Name of the trigger object. |
TriggerEnabled |
Trigger status: · true—The trigger is enabled. · false—The trigger is disabled.. |
Existence entry |
ExiTest |
Type of the existence trigger test: · present. · absent. · changed. |
ExiStartUp |
Type of the existence trigger test for the first sampling: · present. · absent. · changed. |
ExiObjOwner |
Owner of the existence trigger test object. |
ExiObjName |
Name of the existence trigger test object. |
ExiEvtOwner |
Owner of the existence trigger test event. |
ExiEvtName |
Name of the existence trigger test event. |
Boolean entry |
BoolCmp |
Boolean trigger test type: · unequal. · equal. · less. · lessOrEqual. · greater. · greaterOrEqual. |
BoolValue |
Reference value for the Boolean trigger test. |
BoolStartUp |
Whether the event is enabled for the first sampling: · true—The event is enabled for the first sampling. · false—The event is disabled for the first sampling. |
BoolObjOwner |
Owner of the Boolean trigger test object. |
BoolObjName |
Name of the Boolean trigger test object. |
BoolEvtOwner |
Owner of the Boolean event. |
BoolEvtName |
Name of the Boolean event. |
Threshold entry |
ThresStartUp |
Threshold trigger test for the first sampling: · rising. · falling. · risingOrFalling. |
ThresRising |
Rising threshold. |
ThresFalling |
Falling threshold. |
ThresDeltaRising |
Delta rising threshold. |
ThresDeltaFalling |
Delta falling threshold. |
ThresObjOwner |
Owner of the threshold test object. |
ThresObjName |
Name of the threshold test object. |
ThresRisEvtOwner |
Owner of the rising event. |
ThresRisEvtName |
Name of the rising event. |
ThresFalEvtOwner |
Owner of the falling event. |
ThresFalEvtName |
Name of the falling event. |
ThresDeltaRisEvtOwner |
Owner of the Delta rising event. |
ThresDeltaRisEvtName |
Name of the Delta rising event. |
ThresDeltaFalEvtOwner |
Owner of the Delta falling event. |
ThresDeltaFalEvtName |
Name of the Delta falling event. |
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
event (trigger-Boolean view)
Use event to specify an event for a Boolean trigger test.
Use undo event to restore the default.
event owner event-owner name event-name
undo event
No event is specified for a Boolean trigger test.
Trigger-Boolean view
Predefined user roles
owner event-owner: Specifies the owner of an event. Use the trigger owner as the event owner.
name event-name: Specifies the name of an event, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
# Specify an event for a Boolean trigger test.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test boolean
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean] event owner owner1 name event1
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
event (trigger-existence view)
Use event to specify an event for an existence trigger test.
Use undo event to restore the default.
event owner event-owner name event-name
undo event
No event is specified for an existence trigger test.
Trigger-existence view
Predefined user roles
owner event-owner: Specifies the owner of an event. Use the trigger owner as the event owner.
name event-name: Specifies the name of an event, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
# Specify an event for an existence trigger test.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test existence
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-existence] event owner owner1 name event1
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
event enable
Use event enable to enable an event.
Use undo event enable to disable an event.
event enable
undo event enable
An event is disabled.
Event view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
For an event to be triggered when the trigger condition is met, execute the event enable command.
# Enable the event identified by owner owner1 and name EventA.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] event enable
Related commands
snmp mib event
Use falling to set a falling threshold and specify a falling event.
Use undo falling to restore the default.
falling { event owner event-owner name event-name | value integer-value }
undo falling { event | value }
The falling threshold is 0, and no falling event is specified.
Trigger-threshold view
Predefined user roles
event owner event-owner: Specifies the owner of an event. Use the trigger owner as the event owner.
name event-name: Specifies the name of an event, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
value integer-value: Specifies a falling threshold in the range of –2147483648 to 2147483647. The value must be smaller than or equal to the rising threshold.
Usage guidelines
A falling event is triggered if the value of the monitored object is smaller than or equal to the falling threshold.
If the value of the monitored object crosses the falling threshold at two or more samplings in succession, the event is triggered only at the first sampling.
# Set the falling threshold to 20.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test threshold
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-threshold] falling value 20
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
Use frequency to set a sampling interval.
Use undo event to restore the default.
frequency interval
undo frequency
The sampling interval is 600 seconds.
Trigger view
Predefined user roles
interval: Specifies a sampling interval in the range of 1 to 4294967295 seconds. The sampling interval must be greater than or equal to the minimum sampling interval.
Usage guidelines
To set the minimum sampling interval, execute the snmp mib event sample minimum command.
To avoid sampling failure, do not set the sampling interval too small when there are a large number of sampled objects.
# Set the sampling interval for a trigger to 360 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] frequency 360
Related commands
snmp mib event sample minimum
snmp mib event trigger
object list (action-notification view)
Use object list to specify an object list for a notification action. The objects in the list will be added to the notification when the notification action is triggered.
Use undo object list to restore the default.
object list owner group-owner name group-name
undo object list
No object list is specified for a notification action.
Action-notification view
Predefined user roles
owner group-owner: Specifies an object list owner. Use the event owner as the object list owner.
name group-name: Specifies an object list name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify an object list for a notification action or the specified object list does not contain objects, no objects will be added to the triggered notification.
For more information, see "object list (trigger view)."
# Specify the object list identified by owner owner1 and name listA for the event identified by owner owner1 and name EventA.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] action notification
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-notification] object list owner owner1 name listA
Related commands
snmp mib event owner
object list (trigger view)
Use object list to specify an object list for a trigger. The objects in the list will be added to the triggered notification.
Use undo object list to restore the default.
object list owner group-owner name group-name
undo object list
No object list is specified for a trigger.
Trigger view
Predefined user roles
owner group-owner: Specifies an object list owner. Use the trigger owner as the object list owner.
name group-name: Specifies an object list name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
Usage guidelines
An object list is identified by its owner and name. After you specify a list of objects for a trigger, the objects in the list are added to the notification when the notification action is triggered.
You can configure the object list command in trigger view, trigger-test view (including trigger-Boolean view, trigger existence view, and trigger threshold view), and action-notification view. If the command is configured in any two of the views or all the three views, the object lists are added to the notification in the sequence: trigger view, trigger-test view, and action-notification view.
# Specify the object list identified by owner owner1 and name objectA for a trigger.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] object list owner owner1 name objectA
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
object list (trigger-Boolean view)
Use object list to specify an object list for a Boolean trigger test. The objects in the list will be added to the notification triggered by the test.
Use undo object list to restore the default.
object list owner group-owner name group-name
undo object list
No object list is specified for a Boolean trigger test.
Trigger-Boolean view
Predefined user roles
owner group-owner: Specifies an object list owner. Use the trigger owner as the object list owner.
name group-name: Specifies an object list name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
Usage guidelines
For more information, see "object list (trigger view)."
# Specify the object list identified by owner owner1 and name objectA for the trigger-Boolean trigger test.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test boolean
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean] object list owner owner1 name objectA
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
object list (trigger-existence view)
Use object list to specify an object list for an existence trigger test. The objects in the list will be added to the notification triggered by the test.
Use undo object list to restore the default.
object list owner group-owner name group-name
undo object list
No object list is specified for an existence trigger test.
Trigger- existence view
Predefined user roles
owner group-owner: Specifies an object list owner. Use the trigger owner as the object list owner
name group-name: Specifies an object list name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
Usage guidelines
For more information, see "object list (trigger view)."
# Specify the object list identified by owner owner1 and name objectA for the existence trigger test.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test existence
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-existence] object list owner owner1 name objectA
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
object list (trigger-threshold view)
Use object list to specify an object list for a trigger-threshold test. The objects in the list will be added to the notification triggered by the test.
Use undo object list to restore the default.
object list owner group-owner name group-name
undo object list
No object list is specified for a trigger-threshold test.
Trigger-threshold view
Predefined user roles
owner group-owner: Specifies an object list owner. Use the trigger owner as the object list owner.
name group-name: Specifies an object list name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
Usage guidelines
For more information, see "object list (trigger view)."
# Specify the object list identified by owner owner1 and name objectA for the trigger-threshold test.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test threshold
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-threshold] object list owner owner1 name objectA
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
oid (action-notification view)
Use oid to specify a notification to be sent when the notification action is triggered.
Use undo oid to restore the default.
oid object-identifier
undo oid
The OID is 0.0. No notification is specified for a notification action.
Action-notification view
Predefined user roles
object-identifier: Specifies a notification by its OID, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters. It must be a trap node.
# Specify the notification identified by OID for the event identified by owner owner1 and name EventA.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] action notification
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-notification] oid
Related commands
snmp mib event owner
oid (action-set view)
Use oid to specify a set-action object.
Use undo oid to restore the default.
oid object-identifier
undo oid
The OID is 0.0. No object is specified for a set action.
Action-set view
Predefined user roles
object-identifier: Specifies an object by its OID or name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters. The object can be a table node, conceptual row node, table column node, leaf node, or parent leaf node.
# Specify the object identified by OID for the set action of an event identified by owner owner1 and name EventA.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] action set
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-set] oid
Related commands
snmp mib event owner
wildcard oid (action-set view)
oid (trigger view)
Use oid to specify a MIB object for trigger sampling.
Use undo oid to restore the default.
oid object-identifier
undo oid
The OID is 0.0. No MIB object is specified for trigger sampling.
Trigger view
Predefined user roles
object-identifier: Specifies an object by its OID or name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters. The object can be a table node, conceptual row node, table column node, leaf node, or parent leaf node.
# Specify the object identified by OID for trigger sampling.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] oid
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
Use rising to specify a rising threshold.
Use undo rising to restore the default.
rising { event owner event-owner name event-name | value integer-value }
undo rising { event | value }
The rising threshold is 0, and no rising event is specified.
Trigger-threshold view
Predefined user roles
event owner event-owner: Specifies an event owner. Use the trigger owner as the event owner.
name event-name: Specifies an event name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
value integer-value: Specifies a rising threshold in the range of –2147483648 to 2147483647. The value must be greater than or equal to the falling threshold.
Usage guidelines
If the value of the monitored object crosses the rising threshold at two or more samplings in succession, an event is triggered only at the first sampling.
# Set the rising threshold to 50 and specify the rising event identified by owner owner1 and name event1 for the threshold test.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test threshold
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-threshold] rising value 50
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-threshold] rising event owner owner1 name event1
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
Use sample to specify a sampling method.
Use undo sample to restore the default.
sample { absolute | delta }
undo sample
The sampling method is absolute.
Trigger view
Predefined user roles
absolute: Specifies the absolute sampling method. Use the current sampled value.
delta: Specifies the delta sampling method. Use the difference between the current sampled value and previous sampled value.
Usage guidelines
For delta sampling, obtain the difference between the current sampled value and previous sampled value as follows:
· If the object value is UINT type, use the larger value to subtract the smaller value.
· If the object value is INT type, use the present sampled value to subtract the previous sampled value.
# Specify the absolute sampling method.
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] sample absolute
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
snmp mib event
Use snmp mib event to create an event and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing event.
Use undo snmp mib event to remove an event.
snmp mib event owner event-owner name event-name
undo snmp mib event owner event-owner name event-name
No event exists.
System view
Predefined user roles
event-owner: Specifies an event owner. The event owner must be an existing SNMPv3 user.
event-name: Specifies an event name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
Usage guidelines
An event is identified by its owner and name.
# Create an event identified by owner owner1 and name EventA and enter its view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
Related commands
event enable
snmp mib event
snmp mib event object list
Use snmp mib event object list to configure an Event MIB object list.
Use undo snmp mib event object list to restore the default.
snmp mib event object list owner group-owner name group-name object-index oid object-identifier [ wildcard ]
undo snmp mib event object list owner group-owner name group-name object--index
No Event MIB object list is configured.
System view
Predefined user roles
owner group-owner: Specifies an object list owner. The object list owner must be an existing SNMPv3 user.
name group-name: Specifies an object list name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
object-index argument: Specifies an object list index in the range of 1 to 4294967295.
oid object-identifier: Specifies an object by its OID or name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters. The object can be a table node, a conceptual row node, a table column node, a leaf mode, or a parent leaf node.
wildcard: Enables wildcard search for objects. If you do not specify this keyword, the object is specified.
Usage guidelines
An object list is identified by its owner, name, and index. The specified objects in the object list will be carried in the triggered notification to the NMS.
# Configure an object list identified by owner owner1, name objectA, and index 10. Specify the object identified by OID to be carried in the triggered notification.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event object list owner owner1 name objectA 10 oid
Related commands
snmp mib event
snmp mib event trigger
snmp mib event sample instance maximum
Use snmp mib event sample instance maximum to specify the maximum number of object instances that can be concurrently sampled.
Use undo snmp mib event sample instance maximum to restore the default.
snmp mib event sample instance maximum max-number
undo snmp mib event sample instance maximum
The maximum number of object instances that can be concurrently sampled is limited by the available resources. The value is 0.
System view
Predefined user roles
max-number: Specifies the maximum number of object instances that can be concurrently sampled. The value is in the range of 0 to 4294967295.
Usage guidelines
If you use the wildcard option for an object, Event MIB also samples the wildcarded object instances. Include the wildcarded object instances when you calculate the number of the concurrently sampled instances.
Changing the maximum number of object instances that can be concurrently sampled does not affect the existing instances. If the maximum number of object instances that can be concurrently sampled is changed to a value smaller than the number of existing instances, the existing instances will continue to be sampled.
# Set the maximum number to 10 for the object instances that can be concurrently sampled.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event sample instance maximum 10
Related commands
snmp mib event sample minimum
snmp mib event sample minimum
Use snmp mib event sample minimum to specify the minimum sampling interval.
Use undo snmp mib event sample minimum to restore the default.
snmp mib event sample minimum min-number
undo snmp mib event sample minimum
The minimum sampling interval is 1 second.
System view
Predefined user roles
min-number: Specifies the minimum sampling interval in the range of 1 to 2147483647, in seconds.
Usage guidelines
After you configure the minimum sampling interval, make sure the trigger sampling interval is greater than or equal to the minimum sampling interval.
Changing the minimum sampling interval does not affect the existing instances. If the minimum sampling interval is changed to a value smaller than the sampling interval of a trigger, the existing instances of the trigger will continue to be sampled at its interval.
# Set the minimum sampling interval to 50 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event sample minimum 50
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
snmp mib event trigger
Use snmp mib event trigger to create a trigger and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing trigger.
Use undo snmp mib event trigger to remove a trigger.
snmp mib event trigger owner trigger-owner name trigger-name
undo snmp mib event trigger owner trigger-owner name trigger-name
No trigger exists.
System view
Predefined user roles
trigger-owner: Specifies a trigger owner, which must be an existing SNMPv3 user.
trigger-name: Specifies a trigger name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.
Usage guidelines
A trigger is identified by its owner and name. In trigger view, you can specify a monitored object and set an interval for sampling the object. An event is triggered when the sampled object meets the trigger condition.
If the trigger owner has no read access to the monitored object configured in trigger view, sampling on the object cannot be performed. For more information about SNMPv3 user access rights, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.
# Create a trigger identified by owner owner1 and name triggerA.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
snmp-agent trap enable event-mib
Use snmp-agent trap enable event-mib to enable the Event MIB trap feature.
Use undo snmp-agent trap enable event-mib to disable the Event MIB trap feature.
snmp-agent trap enable event-mib
undo snmp-agent trap enable event-mib
The Event MIB trap feature is enabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
After you enable the Event MIB trap feature, traps are generated when object sampling fails or a trigger condition is met and sent to the SNMP module. Traps include trigger trap, rising threshold break trap, falling threshold break trap, trigger-condition detection failure trap, and set-action trigger failure trap.
For the traps to be sent correctly, you must also configure SNMP on the device. For more information about SNMP configuration, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.
# Enable the event MIB trap feature.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable event-mib
startup (trigger-existence view)
Use startup to specify existence trigger test types for the first sampling.
Use undo startup to remove the existence trigger test types for the first sampling.
startup { absent | present }
undo startup { absent | present }
The existence trigger test types for the first sampling are present and absent.
Trigger-existence view
Predefined user roles
absent: Monitors the absence of a MIB object.
present: Monitors the presence of a MIB object.
Usage guidelines
For the first sampling, an event is triggered when the following conditions are met:
· Both the startup and type commands specify the existence test type as present and the state of the monitored object changes to present at the first sampling. If the monitored objects are wildcarded, the event is triggered independently for each wildcarded object.
· Both the startup command and type commands specify the existence trigger test type as absent and the state of the monitored object changes to absent at the first sampling. If the monitored objects are wildcarded, no event is triggered.
# Remove the present test configuration for the first sampling.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test existence
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-existence] undo startup present
Related commands
startup (trigger-threshold view)
Use startup to specify a threshold trap type for the first sampling.
Use undo startup to restore the default.
startup { falling | rising | rising-or-falling }
undo startup
The threshold trap type for the first sampling is rising-or-falling.
Trigger-threshold view
Predefined user roles
falling: Specifies the falling trap.
rising: Specifies the rising trap.
rising-or-falling: Specifies the rising or falling trap.
Usage guidelines
If the trap type for the first sampling is rising or rising-or-falling, a rising trap is triggered when the first sample value is greater than or equal to the rising threshold.
If the trap type for the first sampling is rising or rising-or-falling, a falling trap is triggered when the first sample value is smaller than or equal to the rising threshold.
If the first sampling fails or the monitored object does not exist at the first sampling, the second sampling is considered the first sampling.
# Specify the rising trap for the first sampling.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test threshold
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-threshold] startup rising
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
startup enable
Use startup enable to enable an event to be triggered for the first Boolean sampling.
Use undo startup enable to disable an event to be triggered for the first Boolean sampling.
startup enable
undo startup enable
An event is triggered for the first Boolean sampling.
Trigger-Boolean view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
For an event to be triggered when a trigger condition is met at the first Boolean sampling, execute the startup enable command.
If the first sampling fails or the monitored object does not exist at the first sampling, the second sampling is considered the first sampling.
# Trigger an event for the first Boolean sampling.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test boolean
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean] startup enable
Related commands
Use test to specify a trigger test type and enter its view.
Use undo test to remove a trigger test type.
test { boolean | existence | threshold }
undo test { boolean | existence | threshold }
No test type is specified for a trigger.
Trigger view
Predefined user roles
boolean: Specifies a Boolean trigger test. This test compares the value of the monitored object with the reference value.
existence: Specifies an existence trigger test. This test monitors the absence, presence, and change of the monitored object.
threshold: Specifies a threshold test. This test compares the value of the monitored object with the specified thresholds, such as rising threshold and falling threshold.
Usage guidelines
For more information about the trigger tests, see the commands in the trigger-Boolean view, trigger-existence view, and trigger-threshold view .
# Specify the existence test for a trigger.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test existence
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
trigger enable
Use trigger enable to enable a trigger.
Use undo trigger enable to disable a trigger.
trigger enable
undo trigger enable
A trigger is disabled.
Trigger view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
Before you enable a trigger, make sure the trigger meets the following conditions:
· A monitored object is specified for the trigger.
· The trigger sampling interval is greater than or equal to the minimum sampling interval.
# Create and enable a trigger.
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] oid
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] frequency 360
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] trigger enable
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
Use type to specify existence trigger test types.
Use undo type to remove the existence trigger test types.
type { absent | changed | present }
undo type { absent | changed | present }
The existence trigger test types are present and absent.
Trigger-existence view
Predefined user roles
absent: Monitors the absence of an object.
changed: Monitors the change of the value of an object. If the last sampling does not obtain a value, the event is not triggered.
present: Monitors the presence of an object.
Usage guidelines
For the first sampling, see "startup (trigger-existence view)".
The existence trigger tests also apply to the wildcarded instances of the monitor object.
# Specify the existence trigger test type as present.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test existence
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-existence] type present
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
value (action-set view)
Use value to set a value for a set-action object.
Use undo value to restore the default.
value integer-value
undo value
The value of a set-action object is 0.
Action-set view
Predefined user roles
integer-value: Specifies a value for a set-action object. The value is in the range of –2147483648 to +2147483647.
# Set the value to 2 for the set-action object identified by OID
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] action set
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-set] oid
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-set] value 2
Related commands
mib event owner
value (trigger-Boolean view)
Use value to set a reference value for a Boolean trigger test.
Use undo value to restore the default.
value integer-value
undo value
The reference value is 0.
Trigger-Boolean view
Predefined user roles
integer-value: Specifies a reference value in the range of –2147483648 to +2147483647.
Usage guidelines
A Boolean trigger test compares the sampled value with the reference value.
# Set the reference value to 5 for the Boolean trigger test.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test boolean
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean] value 5
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
wildcard context (action-set view)
Use wildcard context to enable wildcard search for the contexts of a set-action object.
Use undo wildcard context to restore the default.
wildcard context
undo wildcard context
The context of a set-action object is fully specified.
Action-set view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
This command must be used with the context command. A wildcarded context has two parts: the context specified by the context command and the wildcarded part.
# Specify the context for the set-action object as contextname1 and enable wildcard search for the contexts.
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] action set
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-set] context contextname1
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-set] wildcard context
Related commands
action set
snmp mib event owner
wildcard context (trigger view)
Use wildcard context to enable wildcard search for the contexts of a monitored object.
Use undo wildcard context to restore the default.
wildcard context
undo wildcard context
The context of a monitored object is fully specified.
Trigger view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
This command must be used with the context command. A wildcarded context has two parts: the context specified by the context command and the wildcarded part.
# Specify the contexts for the monitored object as contextname and enable wildcard search for the contexts.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] context contextname
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] wildcard context
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger
wildcard oid (action-set view)
Use wildcard oid to enable wildcard search for the set-action object OIDs.
Use undo wildcard oid to restore the default.
wildcard oid
undo wildcard oid
The set-action object OID is fully specified.
Action-set view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
This command must be used in conjunction with the oid command. A wildcarded OID has two parts: the OID specified by the oid command and the wildcarded part.
# Specify the set-action object by its OID for the event identified by owner owner1 and name EventA. Enable wildcard search for the sec-action object OIDs.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] action set
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-set] oid
[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-set] wildcard oid
Related commands
action set
snmp mib event owner
wildcard oid (trigger view)
Use wildcard oid to enable wildcard search for the monitored object OIDs.
Use undo wildcard oid to restore the default.
wildcard oid
undo wildcard oid
A monitored object OID is fully specified.
Trigger view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
This command must be used in conjunction with the oid command.
A wildcarded OID has two parts: the OID specified by the oid command and the wildcarded part.
For example, to specify interface description nodes of all interfaces, execute the oid ifDescr and wildcard oid commands.
# Specify the sampled object by its OID for a trigger and enable wildcard search for the monitored object OIDs.
[Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] oid
[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] wildcard oid
Related commands
snmp mib event trigger