09-Security Command Reference

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08-Password control commands
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Password control commands

The device supports the FIPS mode that complies with NIST FIPS 140-2 requirements. Support for features, commands, and parameters might differ in FIPS mode and non-FIPS mode. For more information about FIPS mode, see Security Configuration Guide.

display password-control

Use display password-control to display password control configuration.


display password-control [ super ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




super: Displays the password control information for the super passwords. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays the global password control configuration.


# Display the global password control configuration.

<Sysname> display password-control

 Global password control configurations:

Password control:                     Enabled (device management users)

                                      Enabled (network access users)

 Password aging:                       Enabled (90 days)

 Password length:                      Enabled (10 characters)

 Password composition:                 Enabled (2 types, 1 characters per type)

 Password history:                     Enabled (max history records:4)

 Early notice on password expiration:  7 days

 User authentication timeout:          600 seconds

 Maximum login attempts:               3

 Action for exceeding login attempts:  Lock user for 1 minutes

 Password history was last reset:      0 days ago (device management users)

                                       0 days ago (network access users)

 Minimum interval between two updates: 24 hours

 User account idle time:               90 days

 Logins with aged password:            3 times in 30 days

 Password complexity:                  Disabled (username checking)

                                       Disabled (repeated characters checking)

 Password change:                      Enabled (first login)

                                       Enabled (mandatory weak password change)

 All line:                             Disabled (all line blacklist)

# Display the password control configuration for super passwords.

<Sysname> display password-control super

 Super password control configurations:

 Password aging:                       Enabled (90 days)

 Password length:                      Enabled (10 characters)

 Password composition:                 Enabled (1 types, 1 characters per type)

Table 1 Command output



Password control

Whether the password control feature is enabled for device management or network access users.

Password aging

Whether password expiration is enabled and, if enabled, the aging time.

Password length

Whether the minimum password length restriction feature is enabled and, if enabled, the setting.

Password composition

Whether the password composition restriction feature is enabled and, if enabled, the settings.

Password history

Whether the password history management feature is enabled and, if enabled, the setting.

Early notice on password expiration

Number of days during which the user is notified of the pending password expiration.

User authentication timeout

User authentication timeout time.

Maximum login attempts

Allowed maximum number of consecutive failed login attempts for FTP and VTY users.

Action for exceeding login attempts

Action to be taken after a user fails to log in after the specified number of attempts.

Password history was last reset

Last time when the password history records of the device management or network access users were deleted.

Minimum interval between two updates

Minimum password update interval.

Logins with aged password

Number of times and maximum number of days a user can log in using an expired password.

Password complexity

Whether the following password complexity checking is enabled:

·     username checking—Checks whether a password contains the username or the reverse of the username.

·     repeated characters checking—Checks whether a password contains any character that appears consecutively three or more times.

Password change

Status of the password change at first login feature:

·     Enabled (first login).

·     Disabled (first login).

·     Enabled (mandatory weak password change).

·     Disabled (mandatory weak password change).

All line

Status of the password control blacklist feature for all user line types:

·     Enabled (all line blacklist).

·     Disabled (all line blacklist).


display password-control blacklist

Use display password-control blacklist to display password control blacklist information.


display password-control blacklist [ user-name user-name | ip ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




user-name user-name: Specifies a user by its username, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 55 characters.

ip ipv4-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of a user.

ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of a user.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays information about all users in the password control blacklist.

When the AUX users fail authentication, their user accounts are added to the password control blacklist. When FTP or virtual terminal line (VTY) users fail authentication, their IP addresses and user accounts are added to the password control blacklist. You can use this command to view information about the blacklisted users.


# Display password control blacklist information.

<Sysname> display password-control blacklist

 Blacklist items matched: 3.

Username                     IP address           Login failures   Lock flag

 admin                        -                    1                unlock

 abcd                         169::168:34:1        4                lock

 efgh                        1                unlock

Table 2 Command output



Blacklist items matched

Number of blacklisted users.

IP address

IP address of the user.

Login failures

Number of login failures.

Lock flag

Whether the user account is locked for the user:

·     unlock—Not locked.

·     lock—Locked temporarily or permanently, depending on the password-control login-attempt command.

¡     For a user who has an IP address, both its user account and IP address are locked.

¡     For a user who has no IP address, only the user account is locked. Users cannot use this user account to log in through an AUX user line.


password-control { aging | composition | history | length } enable

Use password-control { aging | composition | history | length } enable to enable a password restriction feature.

Use undo password-control { aging | composition | history | length } enable to disable a password restriction feature.


password-control { aging | composition | history | length } enable

undo password-control { aging | composition | history | length } enable


The password restriction features are all enabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



aging: Enables the password expiration feature.

composition: Enables the password composition restriction feature.

history: Enables the password history management feature.

length: Enables the minimum password length restriction feature.

Usage guidelines

In non-FIPS mode:

·     In Release 6607:

¡     The composition and length features are enabled by default and can take effect only when the global password control is enabled.

¡     For the aging or history feature to take effect, you must enable both the global password control and the aging or history feature.

·     In Release 6616 and later:

¡     The composition and length features can take effect regardless of whether the global password control is enabled or not.

¡     For the aging or history feature to take effect, you must enable both the global password control and the aging or history feature.

In FIPS mode, for a password restriction feature (the aging, composition, history, or length) to take effect, you must enable both the global password control and the specific password restriction feature.

For device management users, if the password is set in hashed form, the password restriction settings do not take effect even the global password control and the specific restriction are enabled. For more information about password configuration for device management users, see "Configuring AAA."

If the password history management is disabled, the system will not compare the new password with history passwords, but the system will not stop recording history passwords. When the number of history password records of a user reaches the maximum number set by the password-control history command, the newest history record overwrites the earliest one.


# Enable the password control feature globally.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control enable

# Enable the password composition restriction feature.

[Sysname] password-control composition enable

# Enable the password expiration feature.

[Sysname] password-control aging enable

# Enable the minimum password length restriction feature.

[Sysname] password-control length enable

# Enable the password history management feature.

[Sysname] password-control history enable

Related commands

display password-control

password-control enable

password-control aging

Use password-control aging to set the password aging time.

Use undo password-control aging to restore the default.


password-control aging aging-time

undo password-control aging


A password expires after 90 days. The password aging time for a user group equals the global setting. The password aging time for a local user equals that of the user group to which the local user belongs.


System view

User group view

Local user view

Predefined user roles



aging-time: Specifies the password aging time in days, in the range of 1 to 365.

Usage guidelines

The aging time depends on the view:

·     The time in system view has global significance and applies to all user groups.

·     The time in user group view applies to all local users in the user group.

·     The time in local user view applies only to the local user.

A password aging time with a smaller application scope has higher priority. The system prefers to use the password aging time in local user view for a local user.

·     If no password aging time is configured for the local user, the system uses the password aging time for the user group to which the local user belongs.

·     If no password aging time is configured for the user group, the system uses the global password aging time.


# Globally set the passwords to expire after 80 days.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control aging 80

# Set the passwords for user group test to expire after 90 days.

[Sysname] user-group test

[Sysname-ugroup-test] password-control aging 90

[Sysname-ugroup-test] quit

# Set the password for device management user abc to expire after 100 days.

[Sysname] local-user abc class manage

[Sysname-luser-manage-abc] password-control aging 100

Related commands

display local-user

display password-control

display user-group

password-control aging enable

password-control alert-before-expire

Use password-control alert-before-expire to set the number of days before a user's password expires during which the user is notified of the pending password expiration.

Use undo password-control alert-before-expire to restore the default.


password-control alert-before-expire alert-time

undo password-control alert-before-expire


The default is 7 days.


System view

Predefined user roles



alert-time: Specifies the number of days before a user password expires during which the user is notified of the pending password expiration. The value range is 1 to 30.

Usage guidelines

This command is effective only for non-FTP users. FTP users can only have their passwords changed by the administrator.


# Configure the device to notify a user about pending password expiration 10 days before the user's password expires.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control alert-before-expire 10

Related commands

display password-control

password-control authentication-timeout

Use password-control authentication-timeout to set the user authentication timeout time.

Use undo password-control authentication-timeout to restore the default.


password-control authentication-timeout timeout

undo password-control authentication-timeout


The user authentication timeout time is 600 seconds.


System view

Predefined user roles



timeout: Specifies the user authentication timeout time in seconds, in the range of 30 to 600.

Usage guidelines

This command takes effect only on Telnet and terminal users. When the authentication for a user times out, the connection will be terminated.


# Set the user authentication timeout time to 40 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control authentication-timeout 40

Related commands

display password-control

password-control blacklist all-line

Use password-control blacklist all-line to enable the password control blacklist feature for all user line types.

Use undo password-control blacklist all-line to disable the password control blacklist feature for all user line types.


password-control blacklist all-line

undo password-control blacklist all-line


The password control blacklist feature is disabled for all user line types.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

By default, the password control blacklist feature is enabled only for FTP, and VTY users when you enable the global password control feature. To enable the password control blacklist feature for login users on both AUX and VTY lines, you must also execute this command. For more information about user lines, see login management configuration in in Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

With this feature enabled, the number of consecutive login failures on the same user account is accumulated for users on AUX lines. If the number reaches the limit for console, AUX, TTY, and USB users, the system adds the user account to the blacklist and takes corresponding action.

Use password-control login-attempt to configure the maximum number of consecutive login failures and the action to be taken when the maximum number is reached.


# Enable the password control blacklist feature for all user line types.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control blacklist all-line

Related commands

display password-control

display password-control blacklist

password-control enable

password-control login-attempt

password-control change-password first-login enable

Use password-control change-password first-login enable to enable the password change at first login feature.

Use undo password-control change-password first-login enable to disable the password change at first login feature.


password-control change-password first-login enable

undo password-control change-password first-login enable


The password change at first login feature is enabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

For the password change at first login feature to take effect, make sure the global password control and password change features are both enabled.

In FIPS mode, the password change at first login feature cannot be disabled.


# Enable password change at first login.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control change-password first-login enable

Related commands

display password-control

password-control enable

password-control change-password weak-password enable

Use password-control change-password weak-password enable to enable mandatory weak password change.

Use undo password-control change-password weak-password enable to disable mandatory weak password change.




This command is supported only in Release 6616 and later.



password-control change-password weak-password enable

undo password-control change-password weak-password enable


The mandatory weak password change feature is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

The system checks for weak login passwords for Telnet, SSH, HTTP, or HTTPS device management users. A password is weak if it does not meet the following requirements:

·     Password composition restriction.

·     Minimum password length restriction.

·     Password complexity checking policy.

By default, the system displays a message about a weak password but does not force the user to change it. To improve the device security, you can enable the mandatory weak password change feature, which forces the users to change the identified weak passwords. The users can log in to the device only after their passwords meet the password requirements.

To view the password control settings, use the display password-control command. To change the password composition restriction, minimum password length, and password complexity checking policy, use the password-control composition, password-control length and password-control complexity commands, respectively.


# Enable the mandatory weak password change feature.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control change-password weak-password enable

Related commands

display password-control

password-control { aging | composition | history | length } enable

password-control complexity

password-control composition

password-control length

password-control enable

password-control complexity

Use password-control complexity to configure the password complexity checking policy.

Use undo password-control complexity to remove a password complexity checking item.


password-control complexity { same-character | user-name } check

undo password-control complexity { same-character | user-name } check


In non-FIPS mode:

·     In Release 6607, the global password complexity checking policy is that both username checking and repeated character checking are disabled. The password complexity checking policy for a user group equals the global setting. The password complexity checking policy for a local user equals that of the user group to which the local user belongs.

·     In Release 6616 and later, the global password complexity checking policy is that username checking is enabled and repeated character checking is disabled. The password complexity checking policy for a user group equals the global setting. The password complexity checking policy for a local user equals that of the user group to which the local user belongs.

In FIPS mode:

·     The global password complexity checking policy is that both username checking and repeated character checking are disabled.

·     The password complexity checking policy for a user group equals the global setting. The password complexity checking policy for a local user equals that of the user group to which the local user belongs.


System view

User group view

Local user view

Predefined user roles



same-character: Refuses a password that contains a minimum of three consecutive identical characters. For example, the password aaabc is not complex enough.

user-name: Refuses a password that contains the username or the reverse of the username. For example, if the username is 123, a password such as abc123 or 321df is not complex enough.

Usage guidelines

The password complexity checking policy depends on the view:

·     The policy in system view has global significance and applies to all user groups.

·     The policy in user group view applies to all local users in the user group.

·     The policy in local user view applies only to the local user.

A password complexity checking policy with a smaller application scope has higher priority. The system prefers to use the password complexity checking policy in local user view for a local user.

·     If no policy is configured for the local user, the system uses the policy for the user group to which the local user belongs.

·     If no policy is configured for the user group, the system uses the global policy.

In non-FIPS mode:

·     In Release 6607, both username checking and repeated character checking are disabled by default and they can take effect only after the global password control is also enabled.

·     In Release 6616 and later, username checking is enabled by default regardless of whether global password control is enabled or not.

In FIPS mode, both username checking and repeated character checking are disabled by default and they can take effect only after the global password control is also enabled.

You can enable both username checking and repeated character checking.


# Configure the password complexity checking policy, refusing any password that contains the username or the reverse of the username.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control complexity user-name check

Related commands

display local-user

display password-control

display user-group

password-control composition

Use password-control composition to configure the password composition policy.

Use undo password-control composition to restore the default.


password-control composition type-number type-number [ type-length type-length ]

undo password-control composition


In non-FIPS mode:

·     In Release 6607, the password using the global composition policy must contain a minimum of one character type and a minimum of one character for each type.

·     In Release 6616 and later, the password using the global composition policy must contain a minimum of two character types and a minimum of one character for each type.

·     The password composition policy for a user group is the same as the global policy. The password composition policy for a local user is the same as that of the user group to which the local user belongs.

In FIPS mode:

·     The password using the global composition policy must contain a minimum of four character types and a minimum of one character for each type.

·     The password composition policy for a user group is the same as the global policy. The password composition policy for a local user is the same as that of the user group to which the local user belongs.


System view

User group view

Local user view

Predefined user roles



type-number type-number: Specifies the minimum number of character types that a password must contain. The value range for the type-number argument is 1 to 4 in non-FIPS mode and fixed at 4 in FIPS mode.

type-length type-length: Specifies the minimum number of characters that are from each type in the password. The value range for the type-length argument is 1 to 63 in non-FIPS mode, and 1 to 15 in FIPS mode.

Usage guidelines

The password composition policy depends on the view:

·     The policy in system view has global significance and applies to all user groups.

·     The policy in user group view applies to all local users in the user group.

·     The policy in local user view applies only to the local user.

A password composition policy with a smaller application scope has higher priority. The system prefers to use the password composition policy in local user view for a local user.

·     If no policy is configured for the local user, the system uses the policy for the user group to which the local user belongs.

·     If no policy is configured for the user group, the system uses the global policy.

The product of the minimum number of character types and minimum number of characters for each type cannot be greater than the maximum length of passwords.


# Specify that all passwords must each contain a minimum of four character types and a minimum of five characters for each type.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control composition type-number 4 type-length 5

# Specify that passwords in user group test must contain a minimum of four character types and a minimum of five characters for each type.

[Sysname] user-group test

[Sysname-ugroup-test] password-control composition type-number 4 type-length 5

[Sysname-ugroup-test] quit

# Specify that the password of device management user abc must contain a minimum of four character types and a minimum of five characters for each type.

[Sysname] local-user abc class manage

[Sysname-luser-manage-abc] password-control composition type-number 4 type-length 5

Related commands

display local-user

display password-control

display user-group

password-control composition enable

password-control enable

Use password-control enable to enable the password control feature globally.

Use undo password-control enable to disable the password control feature globally.


password-control enable [ network-class ]

undo password-control enable [ network-class ]


In non-FIPS mode:

The password control feature is disabled globally for device management and network access users.

In FIPS mode:

The password control feature is enabled globally and cannot be disabled for device management users.

The password control feature is disabled globally for network access users.


System view

Predefined user roles



network-class: Enables global password control for network access users. If you do not specify this keyword, the command enables global password control for device management users.

Usage guidelines

When you enable global password control, the device automatically generates a .dat file and saves the file to the storage media. The file is used to record authentication and login information of local users. Do not manually delete or modify the file.

The password composition policy, minimum password length, and username checking are independent of the global password control feature. Other password control features (such as password expiration and password history management) take effect only after global password control and the specific password control features are enabled.

After the global password control feature is enabled for device management users, you cannot display the password and super password configuration for device management users by using the corresponding display commands.

After the global password control feature is enabled for network access users, you cannot display the password configuration for network access users by using the corresponding display commands.

You can configure all password control features for device management users.

You can configure only the following password control features for network access users:

·     Password complexity checking policy.

·     Password composition policy.

·     Minimum password length.

·     Minimum password update interval.

·     Maximum number of history password records for each user.


# Enable the password control feature globally for device management users.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control enable

# Enable the password control feature globally for network access users.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control enable network-class

Related commands

display password-control

password-control backlist all-line

password-control complexity

password-control { composition | history | length } enable

password-control update-interval

password-control expired-user-login

Use password-control expired-user-login to set the maximum number of days and maximum number of times that a user can log in after the password expires.

Use undo password-control expired-user-login to restore the defaults.


password-control expired-user-login delay delay times times

undo password-control expired-user-login


A user can use an expired password to log in three times within 30 days after the password expires. If all three attempts fail or the user makes a login attempt after 30 days, the system prompts the user to set a new password.


System view

Predefined user roles



delay delay: Specifies the maximum number of days during which a user can log in using an expired password. The value range for the delay argument is 1 to 90.

times times: Specifies the maximum number of times a user can log in after the password expires. The value range is 0 to 10. For a user to set a new password at the system prompt immediately after the password expires, set the value to 0.

Usage guidelines

This command is effective only on non-FTP login users. An FTP user cannot continue to log in after its password expires.


# Allow a user to log in five times within 60 days after the password expires.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control expired-user-login delay 60 times 5

Related commands

display password-control

password-control history

Use password-control history to set the maximum number of history password records for each user.

Use undo password-control history to restore the default.


password-control history max-record-number

undo password-control history


The maximum number of history password records for each user is 4.


System view

Predefined user roles



max-record-number: Specifies the maximum number of history password records for each user. The value range is 2 to 15.

Usage guidelines

The global password control feature enables the system to record history passwords. When the number of history password records of a user reaches the maximum number, the newest history record overwrites the earliest one.

To delete the existing records, use one of the following methods:

·     Use the undo password-control enable command to disable the password control feature globally.

·     Use the reset password-control history-record command to clear the passwords manually.


# Set the maximum number of history password records for each user to 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control history 10

Related commands

display password-control

password-control history enable

reset password-control blacklist

password-control length

Use password-control length to set the minimum password length.

Use undo password-control length to restore the default.


password-control length length

undo password-control length


In non-FIPS mode:

The global minimum password length is 10 characters.

In FIPS mode:

The global minimum password length is 15 characters.

In both non-FIPS and FIPS modes:

The minimum password length for a user group equals the global setting. The minimum password length for a local user equals that of the user group to which the local user belongs.


System view

User group view

Local user view

Predefined user roles



length: Specifies the minimum password length in characters. The value range for this argument is 4 to 32 in non-FIPS mode, and 15 to 32 in FIPS mode.

Usage guidelines

The minimum length setting depends on the view:

·     The setting in system view has global significance and applies to all user groups.

·     The setting in user group view applies to all local users in the user group.

·     The setting in local user view applies only to the local user.

A minimum password length with a smaller application scope has higher priority. The system prefers to use the minimum password length in local user view for a local user.

·     If no minimum password length is configured for the local user, the system uses the minimum password length for the user group to which the local user belongs.

·     If no minimum password length is configured for the user group, the system uses the global minimum password length.


# Set the global minimum password length to 16 characters.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control length 16

# Set the minimum password length to 16 characters for the user group test.

[Sysname] user-group test

[Sysname-ugroup-test] password-control length 16

[Sysname-ugroup-test] quit

# Set the minimum password length to 16 characters for the device management user abc.

[Sysname] local-user abc class manage

[Sysname-luser-manage-abc] password-control length 16

Related commands

display local-user

display password-control

display user-group

password-control length enable

password-control login idle-time

Use password-control login idle-time to set the maximum account idle time.

Use undo password-control login idle-time to restore the default.


password-control login idle-time idle-time

undo password-control login idle-time


The maximum account idle time is 90 days.


System view

Predefined user roles



idle-time: Specifies the maximum account idle time in days. The value range is 0 to 365. 0 means no restriction for account idle time.

Usage guidelines

If a user account is idle for this period of time, the account becomes invalid and can no longer be used to log in to the device.

The account might become invalid if the system time changes after your last successful login. You cannot use an invalid account to log in. To disable the account idle time restriction, set the idle time value to 0.


# Set the maximum account idle time to 30 days.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control login idle-time 30

Related commands

display password-control

password-control login-attempt

Use password-control login-attempt to configure the login attempt limit. The settings include the maximum number of consecutive login failures and the action to be taken when the maximum number is reached.

Use undo password-control login-attempt to restore the default.


password-control login-attempt login-times [ exceed { lock | lock-time time | unlock } ]

undo password-control login-attempt


The global login-attempt settings:

·     The maximum number of consecutive login failures is 3.

·     The locking period is 1 minute.

The login-attempt settings for a user group equal the global settings.

The login-attempt settings for a local user equal those for the user group to which the local user belongs.


System view

User group view

Local user view

Predefined user roles



login-times: Specifies the maximum number of consecutive login failures. The value range is 2 to 10.

exceed: Specifies an action if the user fails the maximum number of consecutive login attempts.

·     lock: Locks the user permanently.

¡     For FTP or VTY users, the user account and the user's IP address are both locked. No one can use this user account to log in from this locked IP address.

¡     For AUX users, the user account is locked. A user cannot use this user account to log in through an AUX user line.

·     lock-time time: Locks the user for a period of time. The value range for the time argument is 1 to 360 minutes.

¡     When the locking timer expires, the FTP or VTY user can use this user account to log in from the IP address again.

¡     When the locking timer expires, the AUX user can use this user account to log in again.

·     unlock: Does not lock the user account.

¡     The FTP or VTY user can continue using this user account to make login attempts from the current IP address.

¡     The AUX user can continue using this user account to make login attempts.

Usage guidelines

The login-attempt policy depends on the view:

·     The policy in system view has global significance and applies to all user groups.

·     The policy in user group view applies to all local users in the user group.

·     The policy in local user view applies only to the local user.

A login-attempt policy with a smaller application scope has higher priority. The system prefers to use the login-attempt policy in local user view for a local user.

·     If no policy is configured for the local user, the system uses the policy for the user group to which the local user belongs.

·     If no policy is configured for the user group, the system uses the global policy.

If an FTP or VTY user fails to log in, the system adds the user account and the user's IP address to the password control blacklist. If an AUX user fails to log in, the system adds the user account to the password control blacklist. When the maximum number of consecutive login failures is reached, the login attempt limit feature is triggered.

Whether a blacklisted user and user account are locked depends on the locking setting:

·     If a user account is permanently locked for a user, the user cannot use this account unless this account is removed from the password control blacklist. To remove the user account, use the reset password-control blacklist command.

·     To use a temporarily locked user account, the user can perform either of the following tasks:

¡     Wait until the locking timer expires.

¡     Remove the user account from the password control blacklist.

·     If the user account and the user are blacklisted but not locked, the user can continue using this account to log in. The account and the user's IP address are removed from the password control blacklist when the user uses the account to successfully log in to the device.



This account is locked only for the user at the locked IP address. A user from an unlocked IP address can still use this account, and the user at the locked IP address can use other unlocked user accounts.

The password-control login-attempt command takes effect immediately after being executed, and can affect the users already in the password control blacklist.


# Allow a maximum of four consecutive login failures on a user account, and lock the user account and the user's IP address permanently if the limit is reached.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control login-attempt 4 exceed lock

# Use the user account test to log in to the device, and enter incorrect password for four times.

# Display the password control blacklist. The output shows that the user account is on the blacklist, and its status is lock.

[Sysname] display password-control blacklist

 Username                     IP address           Login failures   Lock flag

 test                        4                lock

# Verify that the user at cannot use this user account to log in.

# Allow a maximum of two consecutive login failures on a user account, and lock the account for 3 minutes if the limit is reached.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control login-attempt 2 exceed lock-time 3

# Use the user account test to log in to the device, and enter incorrect password for two attempts.

# Display the password control blacklist. The output shows that the user account is on the blacklist and its status is lock.

[Sysname] display password-control blacklist

 Username                     IP address           Login failures   Lock flag

 test                        2                lock

# Verify that after 3 minutes, the user account is removed from the password control blacklist and the user at can use this account.

Related commands

display local-user

display password-control

display password-control blacklist

display user-group

password-control backlist all-line

reset password-control blacklist

password-control super aging

Use password-control super aging to set the aging time for super passwords.

Use undo password-control super aging to restore the default.


password-control super aging aging-time

undo password-control super aging


A super password expires after 90 days.


System view

Predefined user roles



aging-time: Specifies the super password aging time in days, in the range of 1 to 365.


# Set the super passwords to expire after 10 days.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control super aging 10

Related commands

display password-control

password-control aging

password-control super composition

Use password-control super composition to configure the composition policy for super passwords.

Use undo password-control super composition to restore the default.


password-control super composition type-number type-number [ type-length type-length ]

undo password-control super composition


In non-FIPS mode:

·     In Release 6607, a super password must contain a minimum of one character type and a minimum of one character for each type.

·     In Release 6616 and later, a super password must contain a minimum of two character types and a minimum of one character for each type.

In FIPS mode:

A super password must contain a minimum of four character types and a minimum of one character for each type.


System view

Predefined user roles



type-number type-number: Specifies the minimum number of character types that a super password must contain. The value range for the type-number argument is 1 to 4 in non-FIPS mode and fixed at 4 in FIPS mode.

type-length type-length: Specifies the minimum number of characters that are from each character type. The value range for the type-length argument is 1 to 63 in non-FIPS mode, and 1 to 15 in FIPS mode.

Usage guidelines

The product of the minimum number of character types and minimum number of characters for each type cannot be greater than the maximum length of the super password.


# Specify that a super password must contain a minimum of four character types and a minimum of five characters for each type.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control super composition type-number 4 type-length 5

Related commands

display password-control

password-control composition

password-control super length

Use password-control super length to set the minimum length for super passwords.

Use undo password-control super length to restore the default.


password-control super length length

undo password-control super length


In non-FIPS mode:

The minimum super password length is 10 characters.

In FIPS mode:

The minimum super password length is 15 characters.


System view

Predefined user roles



length: Specifies the minimum length of super passwords in characters. The value range for this argument is 4 to 63 in non-FIPS mode, and 15 to 63 in FIPS mode.


# Set the minimum length of super passwords to 16 characters.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control super length 16

Related commands

display password-control

password-control length

password-control update-interval

Use password-control update-interval to set the minimum password update interval, which is the minimum interval at which users can change their passwords.

Use undo password-control update-interval to restore the default.


password-control update-interval interval

undo password-control update-interval


The minimum password update interval is 24 hours.


System view

Predefined user roles



interval: Specifies the minimum password update interval in hours, in the range of 0 to 168. 0 means no requirements for password update interval.

Usage guidelines

The set minimum interval is not effective on a device management user who is prompted to change the password at the first login or after the password expires.


# Set the minimum password update interval to 36 hours.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] password-control update-interval 36

Related commands

display password-control

reset password-control blacklist

Use reset password-control blacklist to remove blacklisted users.


reset password-control blacklist [ user-name user-name ]


User view

Predefined user roles



user-name user-name: Specifies the username of a user account to be removed from the password control blacklist. The username is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 55 characters.

Usage guidelines

You can use this command to remove a user account that is blacklisted due to excessive login failures.


# Remove the user account named test from the password control blacklist.

<Sysname> reset password-control blacklist user-name test

Are you sure to delete the specified user in blacklist? [Y/N]:

Related commands

display password-control blacklist

password-control backlist all-line

reset password-control history-record

Use reset password-control history-record to delete history password records.


reset password-control history-record [ super [ role role-name ] | user-name user-name | network-class [ user-name user-name ] ]


User view

Predefined user roles



super: Deletes the history records of the specified super password or all super passwords.

role role name: Specifies a user role name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 63 characters. If you do not specify this option, the command deletes the history records of all super passwords.

network-class: Deletes the history password records of network access users. If you do not specify this keyword, the command deletes the history password records of device management users.

user-name user-name: Specifies the username of the user whose password records are to be deleted. The user-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 55 characters. If you do not specify this option, the command deletes all history password records of the specified user type.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify any parameters, this command deletes the history password records of all local users.


# Delete the history password records of all device management users.

<Sysname> reset password-control history-record

Are you sure you want to delete all device management users' history records? [Y/N]:y

# Delete the history password records of all network access users.

<Sysname> reset password-control history-record network-class

Are you sure you want to delete all network access users' history records? [Y/N]:y

Related commands

password-control history

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